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Botouislocated250kilometerssouthofBeijinginHebeiProvince.TheGrandCanalrunsthroughthecity.andrailroadsandexpresswayshavealsobeenconstructedtoimprovetransportation.Thecitycovers1,006squarekilometersoflandandhasapopulationof530,000.Besidespear,dateandgrainproduction,thecityhaslongbeenknownforitscastingindustry.ItisstilloneofChina;sthreemaincastingcenters,withannualcapacityof300,000tonsand30,000peopleemployedTherearenowmachinery,chemical,textile,fashionandlightindustriesinthecity.The6,000enter…  相似文献   

AS the Chinese saying goes, "In heaven there is paradise; on earth are Suzhou and Hangzhou." Chinese people and foreigners alike first hear of Suzhou from this maxim. In ancient times, Suzhou was a center of economic prosperity and cultural abundance. Even after the passage of time, and the dramatic changes that have taken place in the world, people still speak of and remember Suzhou in all its timeless charm.  相似文献   

CHINA'Sclassicalgardensaredividedintotwosystems:thenorthandthesouth.ThenorthernsystemisrepresentedbytheimperialgardensinBeijingwhilethesouthernsystemhasthreeschools:southoftheYangtzeRiver,southoftheFiveRidgesandCentralSichuan.ThemostrepresentativeamongthegardenssouthoftheYangtzeRiverareSuzhou'sprivategardens.Therearemorethan1,000Suzhougardensrecordedinthehistorybooks.PinangGardenintheEasternJinDynasty(317-420)istheearliestrecordedprivategarden.Nowadays,Suzhouhasdozensofwellpreservedga…  相似文献   

NINGBO is a tranquil coastal city, its 500-km coastline forming a scenic seascape. The HemuduCulture of 7,000 years ago records the lives of ancient ancestors that inhabited the region, and the Sun and the Moon Lakes,dug in the seventh century. are a particularly beautiful sight. The peopleof Ningbo have throughout their history had a deep affinity for the ocean. Two thousand years ago. XU Fu, a necromancer of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.). led a fleet from here. thus becoming the firs…  相似文献   

在梳理城市的发展历程和城市现代化研究的相关理论的基础上,根据城市现代化的本质内涵,通过对现有的现代化评价体系与指标的修订,提出并建立新的评价标准,构建了一个评价城市现代化的综合指标体系,并对广州的现代化进程进行测定.  相似文献   

正THE ancient city of Wuzhou is regarded as the cradle of two provinces.Emperor Taizong(993-997)of the Song Dynasty(960-1279)demarcated the area to the east of Wuzhou as Guangdong,and the western area as Guangxi.Today the city is known for its elegant natural scenery and industry as well as its antique culture.It has been recognized as a National Forest City,a world capital of artificial gemstones and a national model for recycling and green energy.Liang Yusheng,a famous Kung Fu novelist,set one of his stories among the spectacular natural wonders of Wuzhou.Wuzhou is a city built around rivers,and waterways are at the heart of city life.The Xunjiang and the Guijiang  相似文献   

一城市文学,望文生义,就是以城市生活为题材的文学作品.从这个角度来说,这个概念与跟它相对的乡村文学一样,属于一种从文学的题材来对文学加以分类的方法,而不是从写作手法,如现实主义、浪漫主义,或者是意识流、黑色幽默等角度来对文学加以分类的方法.各种各样的主义,虽然包含了对文学本身性质的根本看法,但同时也是一整套写作技法的集合.由此看来,城市文学的概念属于一种初级的文学分类方法,而不是比较高级的文学分类方法,因为它涉及的主要是表象,而不是深层次的东西.  相似文献   

盐城地处苏北平原中部,东临黄海,西襟准扬,地域条件得天独厚.这里物产丰饶,鹤舞鹿鸣,人与自然和谐共生;这里历史悠久,民风淳朴,人文荟萃,文化底蕴丰厚;这里被人们称为金滩银荡,鱼米之乡,有湿地之都、东方湿地之美誉.伴随着改革开放,盐城从一个建制小镇建市,以市建城,规模越来越大,城市越来越美,城市的发展,社会的进步,催生了城市管理队伍,城管事业也随着城市化进程的加快得到了快速发展.  相似文献   

ON April 12, 2002, at the Yuda World Trade Building, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, a signing ceremony for the first group of developers to enter Zhengdong New District was in progress. Government officials announced, "In the years to come, Zhengdong New District will be a government focus.  相似文献   

超越还原论:现代城市管理之路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、复杂性科学与城市管理 钱学森先生关于开放的复杂巨系统(Open Complex Giant System)的理论,将系统分为简单系统、简单巨系统、复杂巨系统,并提出还原论(reductionism)这类传统方法不能处理开放的复杂巨系统,从定性到定量的综合集成法(meta-synthesis)是处理这类系统的唯一正确的方法论.开放的复杂巨系统理论开辟了一个科学新领域,复杂性科学(Complexity Science)研究的新进展也引起了国内外科学界的高度重视.如何从复杂性科学的视角研究城市、管理城市也逐渐引起学术界、城市管理实际工作者的高度关注.  相似文献   

ON January 4, 2011, the De-velopment Plan of ShandongPeninsula Blue EconomicZone was officially approvedby the central government. This is thefirst development strategy approved inthe first year of the 12th Five-year Planperiod, and also the first regional strat-egy to focus on ocean economy. It signalsChina’s engagement in developing a ma-rine economy, rather than focusing solelyon traditional land economy.  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在全党深入学习实践科学发展观活动动员大会暨省部级主要领导干部专题研讨班上的讲话中指出:实现科学发展,必然要求我们以解放思想为先导、以改革创新为动力,在新的思想高度上形成深化改革开放的共识、找到解决问题的突破口,在发展理念、发展思路、发展方式、发展体制上都来一个深刻转变.  相似文献   

THE women of Hangzhou have long held the title of comeli-est in all of China. Marco Polo, on a visit to the city during the 13th century, called Hangzhou "the finest and most splendid city in the world," no doubt drawing comparisons with another city on the water, Venice. Capital city  相似文献   

TOGETHER with Dalian and 'Chengdu, the city of Nanjing is a major producer of computer software in China.People may wonder what in the world has made Nanjing, a city known for its cultural and historical heritage, a leader in China's software industry. And how did this seem to happen overnight? In spite of its relatively low profile, Nanjing has a few tricks up its sleeve the other cities don't.  相似文献   

City of Oil     
THE terrain of Dongying is relentlessly flat, and on the vast plain that surrounds it nodding pump jacks are ubiquitous. They have become a symbol of the city, hence Dongying's nickname, "City of Oil." This place was settled by people who consider themselves "oil pioneers." Shengli Oilfield is located here, in the Yellow River Delta of northern Shandong Province, arid covers an area of over 2,500 square kilometers.  相似文献   

TIANJIN has a subtle charmthat is perhaps overshad-owed by the nearby capital,Beijing,just 120 kmawny. It has few skyscrapers,itsbuildings mainly low and close  相似文献   

未来城市交通管理的核心技术--ATMS研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应经济发展和道路交通建设新形势,依靠科技提高工作效能正成为各地交通管理的必然趋势.研究ATMS能为我国大中城市提供交通管理解决方案,在现有交通设施的基础上,提高通行效率,缓解交通堵塞,改善交通秩序,减少事故,提高行车安全.  相似文献   

DAQING has been the pride of China's oilindustry, of China's industry as a whole andof the Chinese people. The discovery andexploration of the Daqing Oilfield put theChinese petroleum industry squarely on the road todevelopment.Born in the WildernessForty-two years ago, Daqing could not be foundon any map. On September 26, 1959, the eve of thegrand celebration of the 10th anniversary of thePeople's Republic of China, the first flow of oilgushed forth from Songji well No. 3, in the wild…  相似文献   

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