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This paper reexamines the effect of the introduction of the British Road Safety Act of 1967. We construct a dynamic model relating monthly road casualties to road traffic, rainfall, and alcohol consumption, standardizing for the seasonality in the data. An intervention variable captures the effect of the Road Safety Act. The findings confirm Ross's earlier conclusion that the Road Safety Act significantly reduces casualties. However, we find that the Road Safety Act only accounts for 2.7 percent of the variance in road casualties, while miles-driven and rainfall account for 48.8 percent, and alcohol consumption explains 4.2 percent. Our model forecasts accurately for 24 months beyond December, 1972, the last month used for estimation.  相似文献   

无论是传统意义上还是一般社会民众的心理上,法律的制裁是惩治腐败的第一要素,尤其是刑事法律高压手段是惩治腐败的最为有力的工具。人们衡量国家惩治腐败的力度,控制腐败的标准,往往是某一阶段我国检察机关所查办的职务犯罪案件的数量。正是基于此,近十年来,人们对不断增长的职务犯罪案件的数量和腐败行为所破坏的社会公平机制,颇有微词。人们往往将惩治腐败不力的原因,较多地自然归为承担查办职务犯罪案件重要职责的检察机关的打击力度不够,或党和国家惩治腐败的决心不  相似文献   

刘强  胡峰 《行政与法》2007,(3):107-109
体育产业化要求利用知识产权保护体育运动参与者的经济利益。体育动作的不断革新要求对引入专利保护进行研究。通过分析专利制度法律规定和体育动作的特性发现,体育动作具有受到专利保护的可能性。但是,通过专利保护体育动作仍然需要克服许多困难,只有体育产业和法律制度能够良好的协调和互动,才能通过体育动作的专利保护促进体育运动的进步和体育产业的健康发展。  相似文献   


The Children's Television Act of 1990 (CTA) represents the culmination of more than 25 years of controversy and debate about the public policies needed to insure that broadcasters provide adequate service to the child audience, consistent with their public interest obligations. In approving the Act, the Congress expected to accomplish significant increases in the educational and informational programming available to children on broadcast television. How well has this law worked to achieve that goal? This study seeks to answer that question by examining the children's programming reports contained in recent license renewal files submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  相似文献   

Some years ago the doctor was seen as the one who "knows better", and it was absolutely unconceivable that the patient could refuse the suggested treatment or even ask any questions about it. Differently, nowadays doctors face demands to keep their patients informed and can even be sued when they act without patient knowledge and consent. On the patient's side this new paradigm does not necessarily legitimate euthanasia--still criminally forbidden in most parts of the world--but allows some kind of personal power over body, health and life, materialized in advance directives. On the doctor's side, it entails a change in the list of good medical practices, imposing the doctrine of informed consent and the prohibition of dysthanasia.  相似文献   

国籍是自然人隶属于一个国家的法律资格与身份,也是国际法学领域中一个重要且复杂的问题。在全球化时代背景下,越来越多的国家开始承认或容许双重国籍,但笔者基于国情,从多方面论证後认为中国仍应坚持“一人一籍”原则;只有在此原则指导下,改革并完善现行的出入境管理法律制度,才能满足新时代华人华侨的要求,切实维护国家和公民的合法利益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to qualitatively examine how Christian women from Zimbabwe perceived the effectiveness of the Domestic Violence Act in preventing and responding to domestic violence. The study also aims to understand the unique social, cultural, and religious context of the participants that affect their attitudes and beliefs about this legislation. The findings of the study are based on an analysis of qualitative interviews. The women were recruited from the Roman Catholic Church (RCC); Reformed Church in Zimbabwe (RCZ); Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ); Zimbabwe Assembly of God Africa (ZAOGA), and Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) in the Masvingo urban area. Most of the participants expressed confidence in the Act, saying that it goes a long way in curbing domestic violence. The participants who indicated lack of confidence in the Act argued that it is contrary to the teachings of their Christian denominations. The study also revealed that lack of confidence in the Act is due to lack of knowledge about the legislation. In particular, many were unaware of the fact that physical, psychological, and emotional abuse constitutes justification for a protection order that can remain in force when a protected person is living with the perpetrator. The article discusses these findings in relation to domestic violence in other cultures and countries and recommends raising awareness of the importance of this useful piece of legislation.  相似文献   

论妨害经营侵权行为及其责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业侵权是现代侵权行为法发展起来的一种特殊侵权行为,这类侵权行为主要发生在商业领域,妨害经营侵权行为是商业侵权中较典型的一种。本文主要围绕妨害经营侵权行为的特征、构成要件及法律救济展开论述。  相似文献   

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