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Papersnakesareatraditionalfolktoywhichcanbeswungabout,stretchedoutorcontractedintovariousshapes.TheChinesehovemanystoriesaboutdragons,alegendarybeastcombiningthefeaturesofnineanimals,Includingtheheadofacamel,theneckofasnakeandthehornsofdeer.Generallyadragonlookslikeasnake.Later,thestatusofadragonwaselevateduntilifbecameasymboloftheChinesenation.ButthefateofthesnakeIsnotsofortunate.Sometimesitislistedasoneofthe"fivepolsonouscreatures"(togetherwiththelizare,thescorpion,thefoadandthecentipede).…  相似文献   

“”字的金文初文为上下结构,尚无后出形体中的部件“心”。“”字的金文初文为会意字,其字形义为观察用于执行法令的锐器之状。《说文》“,敏也”的解释非“”的本义所在,而“从心目,害省声”的形体分析亦不确。  相似文献   

COMPARED to other reformist calligraphers, Xu Futong is successful. He has established his own genre - modernist calligraphy, and has held an exhibition of his works at the prestigious China Art Gallery. In Japan, his calligraphy has generated widespread acclaim, and he always receives a warm reception in Paris and Vienna.Xu Futong's calligraphy does not stray far from the traditional style, his main departure being that he imbues his work with elements of painting. This nevertheless pr…  相似文献   

作为现代新儒学大师的徐复观,何以在艺术思想上独钟情于庄子并称之为中国的“纯艺术精神”呢?时人对此多有争议。本文从徐复观生活的文化背景和时代背景入手,结合徐复观本人的性格、遭遇以及儒道思想的特点,从台湾的历史文化传承、现实专制政治的压迫、儒道思想的相通与相异、徐复观的内心情感四个方面来探讨影响徐复观归向庄子精神的几个因素。从庄子精神的视角去发掘和把握中国艺术精神,这体现了他对中国艺术精神的独到理解。  相似文献   

IN only six years, Xu Chengjian has forged a nationwide marketing network and put his brand name "Spider King" in the ranks of "China's shoe kings." According to Xu, his success does not lie in his wisdom, nor in his diligence, but in his courage.  相似文献   

XU Beihong (1895-1953), noted painter and educator in the fine arts, played an important role in the development of Chinese art in the 20th century. Today, his work is still highly venerated, and in October this year his 1936 painting The Eagle and Pine fetched HK $21.275 million, about US $2.75 million, at an auction held by China Guardian in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

INhisprefacetoDictionaryofTranslationinChina.notedBeijingUniversityProfessorJiXianlinwritesthatagoodtranslationalwaysgoesunnoticed.Unnoticedornot,numerousworksintranslationhavehadgreatinfluenceinChina.AmongChinesetranslators,themostoutstandingis77-year-oldXuYuanchong,whousuallyworksunderapenname.MaybeforthatreasonnooneseemstonoticethathetranslatesfrombothEnglishandFrenchintoChinese,andfromChineseintoboththoselanguages.XuYuanchong'svisitingcardhastwolinesofChinesecharactersreading"with4…  相似文献   

台湾每个现代派诗人都有独特的追求,风格千姿百态。倡导“纯诗”的纪弦,诗却都源于现实人生,常用平淡明朗的语言传达情思,充满激情和高度私人化的象征;郑愁予善于把握浪子意识和乡愁题材,诗风天然精巧,刚柔并济,豪婉谐和;余光中的诗歌理论主张驳杂,风格变化多端,但都有浓郁的古典气息,工于发端巧于结尾;洛夫对人生负面因素感受深刻,诗经历了从明朗到艰涩再到明朗的过程,始终探索人类生存之谜和生命价值真谛,常于平凡现实中获取诗情,想象力与语言奇诡;痖弦的诗表现为一副苦味儿相,悲戚忧郁,戏剧化倾向明显,语言外壳有一股甜味儿,尺短意丰。  相似文献   

The year 2001 is the Year of Xinsi in the Chinese calendar - the Year of theSnake. The She Postal Bureau has issued a set of two stamps commemorating theYear of Xinsi.The snake is famed as a miniature dragon in China, inspiring great awe andbeing a subject of worship for Chinese ancestors. The snake's tremendous supple-ness and agility has made it the symbol of flexibility and auspiciousness.The system of 12 symbolic animals, created 3,000 years ago by Chineseancients, is an easy method …  相似文献   

What northern scenery: Hundreds of miles are locked in ice; Thousands of miles of snow flies. Behold! On both sides of the Great Wall, Everything is pure white; All along the Yellow River, Endless torrents are lost to sight. Mounts are like silver snakes dancing, And highlands wax elephants running; All trying to compete with the sky for height. Wait till the day is fine, You 'll see all clad in red Presenting a charming sight.  相似文献   

徐世昌在任东三省总督期间,积极推进东北政治改革。他建立并逐步完善了一套新的政治制度,采取了包括改革政治体制、融化旗汉及加强蒙务、注重民政工作等一系列措施,从根本上改变了清代东北地区延续200多年的特殊政治体系。进而给东北的社会进步、经济发展带来一线生机。徐所主持的政治改革在东北近代历史发展中,具有一定的导向性。  相似文献   

KNOWN in the West as china, porcelain has long been coveted as one of the highest forms of ceramics. The art was pioneered in its namesake country, and the most iconic examples of Chinese ceramics are fine works of white porcelain decorated with a blue pigment, whose major constituent is cobalt oxide, under a clear glaze.  相似文献   

泉州德化地区广泛流传着一种吴公真仙信仰,其起源、发展与传播历程,与德化地区独特的社会风气、地理环境以及海洋移民息息相关.吴公真仙信仰作为众多德化人的祖籍神随着德化先贤播迁至马来西亚,其所承载的闽南地域文化,在扎根当地以后得到了继承与发扬,推动了海外华人社区的发展、增强了海外华人的凝聚力.马来西亚各地的吴公真仙宫庙不仅肩负着延续华人传统文化与维系身份认同的职责,并且对于密切华侨华人与祖籍国的联系,具有十分积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

蛇王节·闽越文化·稻作习俗--浅谈闽北樟湖的蛇王节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何彬 《思想战线》2001,27(3):112-115
闽北樟湖蛇王节的民俗事象,其文化内涵显示了蛇信仰的文化遗存.再深入一层,从稻作农业结构的文化氛围入手,可以得知,此种活蛇崇拜起源于稻作习俗中的祈年祭和祈雨行为.  相似文献   

Salaried professionals are facing greater pressure and growing anxieties Updated criteria for identifying workers labeled "white collar" have been widely discussed among netizens in China in the past few months.Drafted as of early 2012,  相似文献   

正Will new pledges to protect office worker rights make a difference?Li Meiling,who works at a privatesector public relations company in Beijing,has to work until 8-9 p.m.and also at weekends for half the year.Things were much worse at her previous com-  相似文献   

第二次鸦片战争期间,咸丰帝在抵制列强侵略过程中采取了一系列"制夷"方略:抚剿兼施、用民剿夷和以夷制夷。由于阶级局限,加之国势衰颓,"制夷"方略终难奏效。  相似文献   

The Chinese state has continued to promote a public morality based on self‐sacrifice even as it has advocated a market economic system which tolerates self‐interest. This paper looks at the Xu Honggang campaign of 1994 and argues that the state has been unable to prevent the leakage of market sensibilities into public morality. Despite its ostensible encouragement of crime intervention, the Xu Honggang campaign failed to provide models of citizen action and diluted selflessness by commoditizing it.  相似文献   

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