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Fei-Ling Wang 《当代中国》2005,14(45):669-694
This article describes the motives behind the making of the current status-quo and risk-averse Chinese foreign policy. It identifies a three-P incentive structure that is based on the political preservation of the CCP regime, China's economic prosperity, and Beijing's pursuit of power and prestige. These three motives are stable and overlapping, featuring Taiwan and the relationship with the United States as the key issues. Beijing is expected to be motivated by these peculiar motives over the next two decades; but new internal and external developments may greatly change these motives and generate new impetus for China's foreign policy. Although the official line in Beijing is still the mild ‘peaceful development’, after a fling with the more majestic idea of ‘peaceful rise’, the rise of nationalist emotions and demands in the PRC continues.  相似文献   

Qiang Xin 《当代中国》2010,19(65):525-539
Facing the ever-growing interdependence across the Taiwan Strait, Mainland China's strategy towards Taiwan is undergoing a profound change, that is, transcending the staunch realpolitik mentality and turning to an institutional arrangement in policy making. Especially since President Hu Jintao took up his position, the Mainland has endeavored to improve cross-Strait relations through the institutionalization of a series of sensitive issues, such as the proposals and signatures of some long-term accords aiming to advocate economic cooperation, promote social exchanges, weaken political opposition and foster mutual trust. By taking the Mainland's national development strategy shift, Taiwan's domestic reality and ‘institution deficit’ in cross-Strait relations into consideration, this paper analyzes the reasons, efforts and features of the Mainland's recent institutional-orientated policy transition.  相似文献   

Gang Tian 《当代中国》1997,6(14):61-78
This article examines the effects of China's uneven regional development policy, especially in relation to Shanghai. It analyses the evolving role of Shanghai and the constraints that it has operated under during the reform period. Discussion will be particularly devoted to the areas such as the fiscal transfer, central investment in the municipality, the tax and other incentive program allowed to increase the inflows of foreign direct investment by adopting a series of comparisons with Guangdong province. The article argues that it is not economically efficient for China to ‘open its door’ by creating new cities in its southern area while neglecting to improve existing facilities in Shanghai and other advanced cities. This article also suggests that social‐economic institutional change is the same important source of Shanghai's difficulty in keeping pace with Guangdong as the preferential treatment given to Guangdong by the central government in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Robert Sutter 《当代中国》2004,13(41):717-731
Chinese leaders in recent years have been following a coherent policy toward Asia that emphasizes moderation and accommodation while preserving core PRC interests. China's prevailing ‘good neighbor’ policy approach—backed by improvement in US–China relations—provides important opportunities and challenges for Taiwan. It clearly inclines the PRC leaders to avoid more aggressive or harder‐line tactics in the mix of carrots and sticks that makes up China's recent approach toward Taiwan. To follow a more disruptive course would undermine the influence and advantage Beijing has been seeking with its ongoing moderate approach toward the United States and other Asian powers. The main challenge for Taiwan is how to deal with the current balance of carrots and sticks in China's policy. Much depends on the ability of Taiwan's leaders and populace to turn the prevailing balance in PRC policy to Taiwan's advantage. This presumably will involve reviving their economy, promoting effective governance and prudent defense, while consolidating relations with the United States and managing tensions in cross‐Strait relations to the advantage of Taiwan's future security and development. Unfortunately, there is no political consensus on Taiwan to mobilize domestic resources and opinion in a concerted effort to protect Taiwan's future as an entity independent of PRC control. Those outsiders who have followed with positive interest Taiwan's remarkable development over the past decades hope that Taiwan makes good use of the opportunities posed by China's good neighbor policy to adopt prudent and concrete measures beneficial to Taiwan's long range prospects.  相似文献   

This paper studies China's response to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in 2003. It first assesses the current nature, structure and development of the Chinese infectious disease system, and then evaluates the state response to infectious disease epidemics. Turning to the role of non-state actors, it discusses their contributions to the state's efforts. Following a case study of Shaanxi province, it concludes that the SARS outbreak reveals the state's capacity to re-centralize power in the face of high-priority events. However, it also concludes that this government capacity alone, while necessary, is not sufficient to overcome SARS.  相似文献   

ALEX CHAN 《当代中国》2007,16(53):547-559
Guidance of public opinion (yulun daoxiang) became the buzzword of the Chinese government's media policy from the 1990s. I illustrate this idea through borrowing the concept of agenda-setting from media studies. Partly, its introduction was a response to the crisis of the propaganda model in the mid-1980s. Recognizing its declining ability to control what people think, the party state shifted its focus from political ideology to social agenda. The guidance of public opinion is indirect, flexible and subtle in nature. It allows the state-controlled media to address people's daily concerns. Also, it realizes that responsiveness to public opinion is the key to guiding that opinion effectively. The media need to guide public opinion ‘correctly’, so as to promote political unity, social stability, and boost morale. An argument is advanced that the party state seeks to accomplish attention management through agenda-setting.  相似文献   

网络伦理:问题、原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑洁 《桂海论丛》2009,25(2):80-84
网络社会作为一种新生的社会组织形式,使人们的生活空间从物理世界拓展到虚拟世界,在带给人们极大自由与便利的同时,也带来了现实道德难以应付的难题,使得建构网络伦理显得日趋迫切与必要.探讨网络发展所带来的伦理问题并分析原因,进而提出治理措施,有利于保证网络社会的健康发展.  相似文献   

不合理收入分配:表现、原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为缩小收入分配差距,应从调节不合理工资性收入为切入点,依照我国现行对公务员、事业单位职员、企业职工、城镇低收入群体和农民五种行政管理体制,从完善收入分配制度,规范收入分配秩序入手,以建立劳动力市场价位的岗位工资体系为目标,解决不合理工资性收入分配,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

面对日益复杂的治安环境,大量公安民警因工作任务繁重、身体负荷过大等产生“角色超载”现象,这是一个亟须关注的重要研究课题。根据角色超载理论逻辑,警察角色超载产生的最直接诱因是可能导致其损耗大量资源的工作环境。此外,来自警察个体方面因素也会导致其出现生理和心理亚健康状态,进而产生角色超载问题。因此,改善警察资源损耗外部环境和提升警察个体业务能力,可适当缓解警察角色超载的状况。  相似文献   

地方政府债务:现状、成因与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章对我国地方政府债务历程进行了回顾,分析了地方政府债务成因的发展变化,探讨了地方负债的融资行为风险对财政、金融、社会带来的不良后果,最后提出解决我国地方政府债务的根本出路在于地方政府举债债券化,应采用总体部署、阶段实施的解决方案,最终使地方政府债务走向透明化、法制化、市场化、规范化的道路。  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业难,是多种因素共同作用造成的。随着高等教育规模的持续扩大,以及我国经济体制与结构的转型,大学毕业生供需失衡,导致总量性失业;高等学校人才培养在一定程度上与社会需求脱节,导致结构性失业;大学毕业生就业市场不健全,劳动力市场信息不完备,导致摩擦性失业;城乡二元劳动力市场的分割和城市内部主要市场和次要市场的分割,导致自愿性失业。要解决大学毕业生待就业问题,当务之急是要从就业政策、就业岗位、就业服务以及失业保障等方面构建待就业大学毕业生就业援助制度,并付诸实施。  相似文献   

国内有关青少年吸毒问题的研究较少,且多从原因分析着手,强调宏观教育预防工作。就陕西省而言,基于相关问卷调查与统计分析,可以发现吸毒青少年呈现出受社会环境影响较大、经济状况较差、初始吸毒低龄化以及强制隔离戒毒青少年中农村户籍的比例较高、使用新型毒品的比例相对较高、复吸率高、戒治难度较大等特点。青少年吸毒的主要原因是对毒品缺乏判断力、自控力以及交友不慎。预防青少年吸毒,做好毒品预防教育工作至关重要。要提高毒品预防教育的针对性,需要完善四级毒品预防体系。  相似文献   

作为一种弹性的人事管理手段,无薪休假制度早已在我国实践中出现,但我国劳动立法尚未对无薪休假制度作出明确规定,现行劳动立法只规定了带薪休假制度。因此,有必要基于我国无薪休假制度的现状,探讨其存在的问题,并从将集体合同作为劳资合意的基础、建立薪资补贴机制分担工资风险以及加强劳动监察等三个方面,着力寻找我国无薪休假制度的应对机制。  相似文献   

近年来,中国各级法院不断完善数据平台,通过司法大数据输出大量司法建议,辅助法院审判执行,改变法院工作模式,减少司法歧视及司法偏差。但目前中国司法大数据面临着四方面的问题:预测裁判可能冲击司法公信及司法权威,类案推送作用有限,数据质量有待优化,司法大数据发展边界还需进一步讨论研究。对此,未来中国司法大数据应当构建数据规则体系,加强技术与法律的融合,提升数据安全保障,完善相关理论研究。  相似文献   

Stephen Thomas  Ji Chen 《当代中国》2011,20(70):467-478
China has established two of the world's newer large sovereign wealth funds (SWFs): the official China Investment Corporation (CIC), and the non-official and less transparent State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) Investment Company (SIC). Both provide alternative investment opportunities for China's exploding foreign exchange reserves, at US$2.4 trillion at the end of 2009, the largest in world history. This paper will address how China has accumulated its huge and growing foreign exchange reserves, and what roles these reserves, until 2007 managed only by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), have played in the establishment and development of China's two new SWFs. We will look specifically at why China's foreign exchange reserves have developed, and how the new SWFs are a part of broader efforts to provide investment alternatives for China's ballooning foreign exchange surpluses, particularly in light of the inflow of ‘hot’ foreign speculative funds. We will then point out some of the difficulties for China's financial officials of SWFs as they try to pursue multiple and sometimes competing goals, set by boards of directors representing different bureaucratic and economic interests, all within the context of a general lack of transparency and a rapidly growing economy. Finally, we will present our conclusions about the future roles of the two SWFs as well as of the policies being developed to decentralize foreign exchange reserve holdings while at the same time not slowing the growth of China's foreign trade surpluses, nor its foreign direct investments, nor its overall economic growth. We will also examine the effects of US-promoted Chinese currency appreciation on the future of China's foreign exchange reserves and its sovereign wealth funds.  相似文献   

非警务活动有积极和消极之分。消极非警务活动是指既超越职权界限 ,又给国家、社会 ,特别是群众带来危害的活动。消极非警务活动的表现形式多种多样 ,但都阻碍小康目标的实现。消极非警务活动产生的根本原因在于现行管理体制的缺陷、弊端 ,因此遏制它就必须改革现行管理体制 ,重新划分和设定管理指挥权限。  相似文献   

精神障碍者暴力犯罪防控是一项系统性工程。精神障碍者暴力犯罪的原因,在社会治理层面,存在着社会矛盾复杂、邻里纠纷激化、精神障碍者监管不到位等问题;在家庭层面,存在着婚姻家庭关系和亲子关系紧张等问题;在教育层面,存在着法治教育与心理教育不完善等问题。构建精神障碍者暴力犯罪防控机制,可以探索将精神障碍者犯罪防控问题纳入社会治理体系,加强婚姻及亲子专项法律宣传与心理辅导,从学校与社会视角展开法治与心理健康教育,同时搭建司法数据对接机制。  相似文献   

在全面反腐的背景下,民营企业成为重要的反腐领域之一。由于相关政策和司法实践对民营企业的平等保护不足,刑法理念和具体规定滞后于社会发展,加上监督机制的不完善和无实效,在民营企业逐利性的驱动下,民营企业内部腐败,尤其是管理层腐败犯罪高发,严重侵害了民营企业的财产权。必须从政策和理念的高度强化对民营企业的平等保护;协调配置相关罪名和刑罚,倡导二元化的刑事责任模式并引入企业合规计划,主动预防腐败犯罪;完善外部监督和内部制约机制,强化反腐成果。  相似文献   

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