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Building upon the experience of the Convention for the elaboration of the Charter of fundamental rights and upon the suggestions of the White Paper on European Governance, this article puts forward proposals for a better involvement of the 'civil society' in the system of the European Union. It offers a general diagnosis of the misunderstandings surrounding the notion of 'civil society' and the relationship of representative democracy to participatory democracy. It then draws some lessons from the experiment in deliberative democracy which led to the drafting of the Charter of fundamental rights. Finally, it focuses on the contribution the organisations of the civil society can make to good governance in the European Union. Altogether, the proposals presented tend to encourage a better structuration of the actors of the civil society. Such a structuration, the article concludes, although it is usually considered with suspicion even by those whom it would most benefit, must be seen instead as a condition for the effective exercise of whichever participatory rights might be granted to the organisations of the civil society.  相似文献   

Member states of the Eurasian Economic Union face many common problems in the field of environmental protection inherited from the Soviet Union. These problems gained momentum in early XXI century. This article is devoted to the analysis of modern environmental problems in member states of the Eurasian Economic Union as well as to search for ways to resolve them. Effective environmental management in the Eurasian Economic Union requires cooperation with the European Union using its experience in the field of environmental activities and implementing its international policies. EurAsEC needs to develop its own programs aimed at saving the environment, modernization of environmental legislation, promotion of activities aimed at environmental preservation in addition to relevant prohibitions and sanctions. Special attention should be given to utilization of industrial and consumption waste, since it jeopardizes the environment. The authors of this study summarized the information regarding environmental issues in member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, the EU experience in addressing environmental issues and the international legislation related to the environmental activities. In addition, the study provides practical recommendations, which in the case of their practical application will promote environmental restoration in the Eurasian Economic Union. However, this activity will have positive effect beyond the Union.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of this article is to review the main challenges to the principle of free movement of persons in theory and practice in an enlarged European Union. The right to move freely represents one of the fundamental freedoms of the internal market as well as an essential political element of the package of rights linked to the very status of EU citizenship. The scope ratione personae and the current state of the principle of free movement of persons is assessed by looking at the most recent case law of the Court of Justice and the recently adopted Directive on the rights of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States. But what are the hidden and visible obstacles to free movement of persons in Europe? How can these barriers be overcome to make free movement and residence rights more inclusive? This article addresses these issues along with the following questions: Who are the beneficiaries of the free movement of persons in an enlarged Europe? What is the impact of the recent legal developments in the freedom of movement dimension, such as the European Court of Justice case law and the new Directive? And to what extent are pro‐security policies such as the Schengen Information System II and an enhanced interoperability between European databases fully compatible with the freedom of movement paradigm?  相似文献   

Abstract: The European Union is finalising negotiations in respect of a constitution that will define its identity and future. The draft constitution begins with a quote from Thucydides ‘Our constitution . . . is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the greatest number’. 1 In this article I look at the proposed constitutional framework of the European Union from the perspective of the gradual realisation of measures in criminal law capable of affecting the lives of individuals. The central question is to what extent the Union is providing itself with the tools to achieve democratic exercise of the power to maintain order and to punish individuals within a single area of freedom, security, and justice. Within the draft constitution an ambiguity arises as regards the principles which underlie this part of the project: mutual recognition and approximation. Mutual recognition of national decisions maintains power within the borders of the state, approximation leads towards a consolidation of power. The extent to which the constitution pulls in two rather different directions and the consequences for the individual are examined here.  相似文献   

党竹琴 《行政与法》2006,(6):109-112
我国继承法一方面在某些方面体现了中国大陆的特色,同时我们也能感到,在某些方面,比如我国继承法在设计法定继承制度时,受到前苏联继承法的影响,以及当时中国特殊国情的影响,在一定程度上使继承制度人为地具有了社会保障的功能。这在一定程度上导致了对死者意志的不够尊重。随着我国公民财产数量不断增多,财产表现形式日趋丰富,加之中国内外部环境发生了日新月异的发展,且大陆地区社会保障制度也在逐步健全,这就需要我们重新审视我国的财产法定继承制度。本文试图立足于法定继承应该尽可能充分表达被继承人的意愿,从而在意思自治的基点上讨论法定继承制度的相关问题。  相似文献   

A recent development in European law, less heralded, but no less path‐breaking than the Treaty of Lisbon, was the ratification by the EU of its first human rights treaty—the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Concluded as a mixed agreement, the CRPD's pioneering monitoring mechanisms demand a high level of cooperation from both the Union and its Member States. It, thus, provides an opportunity for the Union to further develop a distinctly European notion of federalism by the use of new, innovative governance mechanisms. This article looks at the Union as a federalist project through the prism of the mixed agreement, and specifically the ways that federalism may be balanced within it, using the CRPD as an example. Although the Union has an existing Code of Conduct under the Convention, it lacks true engagement with these issues, and this article proposes changes to that end.  相似文献   

为了保障共同市场中服务、人员和资本等要素的自由流动,欧盟禁止成员国所得税法采取基于国籍的歧视措施,也禁止成员国税法限制本国国民在共同市场内行使自由流动的权利。欧盟的实践拓展了双边税收协定中的非歧视待遇,是所得税区域性协调的尝试。但是,欧盟现行机制制约了税收非歧视待遇的进一步发展。  相似文献   

A current perspective of workplace drug testing in the USA is presented covering three major issue areas: (1) epidemiology, (2) new technology and (3) initiatives to reach out and assist small business. First, national illegal drug-use self-reported survey data is compared with national laboratory drug testing results, illustrating a number of inconsistencies. During the 17-year period (1988-2004) the number of laboratory positive test results has decreased by 66% while during the same period self-reported drug-use has increased by 30%. The lack of concurrence between lab results and self-report surveys are examined in light of the typical panel of drugs being tested in U.S. laboratories, the increased specificity of immunoassay screening tests, and the critical issues of adulteration and substitution. Second, a brief review of the state-of-the-science in rapid point-of-collection (POCT) oral fluid drug-testing devices is presented along with some device evaluation findings. In general the window of drug detection in oral fluid is measured in hours. Most of the available oral fluid POCT devices can detect methamphetamine and amphetamines and opiates very well. The ability to detect cocaine appears to vary significantly across devices, while the ability to detect cannabis use is generally poor across all devices. Finally, efforts to reach out and assist small businesses in the development of workplace anti-drug programs are discussed in the context of increasing workplace programs in the European Union.  相似文献   

The author discusses the emergence of an immigration policy for the European Union as a whole, the need for which is demonstrated by the high number of individuals desiring to migrate to its constituent countries. He notes that the Union has been slow to develop such a policy, and suggests that the price of abolishing internal controls might be the establishment of external controls. He suggests that the Schengen Convention may serve as a model for the development of a suitable policy, which will have to take into account human rights issues. It will also need to be coordinated with other international bodies concerned with migration issues in Europe.  相似文献   

The concept of 'civil society' has been rediscovered in contemporary discourses concerning the relationship between democracy and governance. This paper analyses this rediscovery in the more specific context of the European Commission's 2001 White Paper on European Governance. However, processes of transnationalisation, governmentalisation and autonomisation may compromise much of the potential of 'European civil society' as an intermediating sphere of social action. By reinforcing these processes, the White Paper undermines the normative claims made for a civil society premised upon the voluntary nature of its associative forms and its distinctive open, communicative and deliberative rationality.  相似文献   

Many European countries have introduced laws and policies which proscribe religious clothing in public educational institutions. The European Convention on Human Rights has been deployed to uphold such actions, the European Court of Human Rights recognising that States should be able to limit the manifestation of religious beliefs. National courts considering the matter in terms of religious freedom (as opposed to discrimination) have reached similar conclusions. Most affected States are members of the European Union as well as the Council of Europe. This article will argue that it is more likely that European Union law could be engaged by an aggrieved teacher to challenge national law.  相似文献   

This study considers the scope of the injunction a court may issue against an intermediary service provider with a view to preventing or terminating an infringement, particularly of an intellectual property right. The matter is studied in the light of the aim shared by the European Union and the Council of Europe to promote freedom of expression via communication networks. Despite technological progress and the emergence of software that are increasingly precise and ever better controlled in terms of their effects, implementation of a filtering measure appears difficult to reconcile with the right to freedom of expression. Consequently, the problematic comes down to this question: how do we do enough without doing too much?  相似文献   

My objectives in this paper are to try and identify the range of challenges that now confront critical criminologists who work in, and are attentive to, the “new Europe” whose construction was so clearly signalled by the Maastricht Treaty (the Treaty on European Union) of 1993. I want to concentrate here on two issues — firstly, the challenge of situating the work of criminology in relation to the process of political union (and enlargement) of the European Union, and, secondly, the articulation of an agenda of work for critical criminology, that derives, from an understanding of this broader context. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract.  European constitutional traditions share a commitment to freedom of conscience and religion, but differ on their interpretation of whether such freedoms do or do not require a clear cut separation of state and church. Weiler has advocated that the writing of a Constitution for the European Union is a very apt moment to reconsider the conceptualization of freedom of conscience and religion. On constitutional and historical grounds, he has advocated that a reference to Christian values should be made in the preamble of the European fundamental law, and that this will be the alternative most respectful to the pluralistic national solutions, ranging from republican non-confessionality to the establishment of an official church. But contrary to what Weiler argues, the drafting of the constitution of the European Union is not bound by the present shape of European constitutional traditions; moreover, it is hard to conclude that the present common constitutional traditions require an explicit reference to Christianity to be included in the text. Furthermore, the claim that the individual and collective identities of Europeans are unavoidably shaped by Christian values is only tenable if we uphold a rather simplistic relation between history, memory, and identity. Finally, once one moves from law and history to practical reasoning, one finds that there are good substantive reasons why our collective identity should not contain reference to Christian values.  相似文献   

论网络隐私权的立法保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在日新月异的高科技发展过程中,弘扬人的主体性,保障人格尊严、生活自由、个人权利之不可侵犯,是民法学与时俱进的使命。网络信息技术的飞速发展和广泛应用,在带给人们方便、快捷的生活方式和巨大商业利益的同时,也给人们隐私权的保护带来了新的挑战。实践中网上侵权事件,尤其是侵害网络隐私权的事件频繁发生,使得网络隐私权的立法保护成为理论和实践中的一个热点问题。本文通过研究以美国和欧盟为代表的两大立法模式以及目前我国在网络隐私权方面的立法状况,对构建我国网络隐私权立法保护体系提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

One way to tackle triad societies is through effective legislation. The present article first describes and reviews the legislation dealing with triad activities in Hong Kong – The Societies Ordinance – and highlights the main issues and problems. Four issues are discussed, namely ambiguity in the definition of triad membership, doubtful neutrality of triad experts, outdated triad-related literature cited in the court, and the contradiction with human rights and freedom of expression. The article further examines the effect of the ordinance in suppressing triad activities and argues that the law is not very effective in penalizing senior triad members, thus justifying the need for a new legislation to contain the growth of triad activities and organized crime.  相似文献   

Both adult and juvenile justice agencies seek to offer quality programs, but implementing a new program can be a difficult and daunting task. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the issues and concerns faced by one jurisdiction as a result of attempting to implement a new curfew check program. The goal is to share specific issues with general underlying solutions that may be utilized in other jurisdictions. An examination of the records of 79 juvenile offenders assigned to the program provides the information for this discussion. Results indicate that some basic assumptions of the program designers were incorrect, and that constant monitoring and the centralization of tasks were keys to program sustainability.  相似文献   

《欧盟研究、技术开发及示范活动第七框架计划》是迄今欧盟投资最多、内容最丰富、市场目的最明确的全欧洲性中长期重大科研与技术开发计划。该计划所资助的项目几乎都是针对国际科技发展最前沿的课题或者是具有基础性、前瞻性、预竞争性的科技难点。在计划实施过程中,欧盟在项目遴选程序,研发资金的筹集、拨付,风险共担融资工具(RSFF)的引入,财务报告审计以及科技项目最终成果的双重评估机制等诸多方面进行了创新,取得了非常显著的效果。欧盟在框架计划执行中取得的经验及制度成果对于我国创新型国家建设中的制度建设,无疑具有重要的参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The development of the European Union is as much an opportunity as a threat to national parliaments. Our case study of the French Parliament suggests that as the process of integration has quickened in pace and broadened in scope, parliament has on successive occasions used the opportunity to strengthen its constitutional position with the introduction of Article 88‐4 and improve its capacity to scrutinise government through the adoption of a series of laws. Parliament now has the power to delay if not block the adoption of measures at European Union level by refusing to lift its scrutiny reserve. It is difficult to determine if parliament has significantly increased its influence over the government on European affairs, but it is now able to adopt potentially politically significant resolutions on all European Union issues which the government takes into account when negotiating in Union institutions. European integration has been a significant factor in the rehabilitation of the French Parliament.  相似文献   

The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) in the case of Google Spain SL v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) 2 [“the Google decision”] to require Google to enforce a right to be forgotten has caused a furore and sets a dangerous precedent in internet regulation. 3 It is setting up the search engine as a form of Internet Government and fracturing the balance between privacy and freedom of information in the connected world. In a world where we have become attuned to full exposure by routinely signing over access to information, privacy is no longer the issue – the real concern is control. This paper seeks to address the issues of whether we have a right to privacy anymore, who should be making decisions about what is available and where and how a global convention on access to information might be achieved.  相似文献   

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