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In a response to Professor Liang's earlier article expressing concern regarding the Joint Commission's Sentinel Event Policy ("SEP"), the General Counsel of the Joint Commission disagreed with the criticisms of the SEP. In this Comment, Professor Liang replies to the Commission's position, indicates that resources devoted to legal issues created by the SEP are not available for patient safety, and that the goal of patient safety may be better served by focusing on near misses rather than sentinel events. Finally, he concludes that the Joint Commission and its critics have the same ultimate goal, and that a cooperative approach which includes federal legislation to protect safety information is essential.  相似文献   

Liberalism is widely regarded as a modern intellectual tradition that defends the rights and freedoms of autonomous individuals. Yet, in both colonial and postcolonial contexts, liberal theorists and lawmakers have struggled to defend the rights and freedoms of political subjects whom they regard as “primitive,” “backward,” or “indigenous.” Liberalism thus recurrently encounters its primitive other, a face‐off that gives rise to a peculiar set of dilemmas and contradictions for political theory and law. In what ways can postcolonial law rid itself of its colonial baggage? How can the ideal of universal liberal citizenship overcome paternalistic notions of protection? How might “primitive” subjects become full and equal citizens in postcolonial societies? To explore these dilemmas and contradictions, I study the intellectual trajectory of “primitivism” in India from the construction of so‐called tribal areas in the 1870s to legal debates and official reports on tribal rights in contemporary India. Through a close reading of these legal provisions for tribal peoples and places, I explore the continuing tension between the constitutional ideal of liberal citizenship and the disturbing reality of tribal subjecthood produced by colonial and postcolonial Indian states.  相似文献   

周代策命是周天子策封赏赐诸侯或臣下的仪式上使用的实用文体,一般在太庙举行策命仪式时颁布,见证者为傧者,宣读者多为内史,有时是尹氏或其他史官。周代策命形成稳定的体制,通常包括封赏的原因、具体的赏赐及教导与勉励三部分。周代策命语言诚挚恳切,语气温润亲切,典雅舒缓,成为后世策命文体模仿的典范。  相似文献   

This article considers the position of religion in schools in England and Wales in light of the recent decision in The Queen on the application of SB v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School. This held that the refusal to allow a pupil to wear the jilbab was a breach of her rights under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 and the Human Rights Act 1998. It contrasts approaches based on human rights principles with those based on discrimination law principles, highlighting overlap and inconsistency between both the definitions applicable to different forms of discrimination and the position of teachers and pupils. It concludes that the law is in urgent need of rationalisation to provide consistency.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):199-222

This paper examines two important strategies of community crime prevention in contemporary Chinese society: bang-jiao and tiao-jie. Bang-jiao refers to community efforts to reintegrate offenders into the community. Tiao-jie refers to community groups designed to resolve disputes among neighbors and family members, and in doing so, to reduce crime. We describe these strategies, discuss their philosophical underpinnings, and identify the features of Chinese society that support their implementation. We also explore their effectiveness with survey data from a sample of offenders in Tianjin, China. Our empirical analyses suggest that bang-jiao and tiao-jie may indeed be important structural mechanisms for crime control in a communitarian society.  相似文献   

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