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HE "Tibet Issue" was conceived at a time when Western imperialists were determined to invade and carve up China. They wooed and promoted separatist forces in Tibet from among the serf-owning class, which likewise wished to split Tibet from China with the support of imperialists. Between them, the two sides colluded and fabricated the "Tibet Issue."  相似文献   

More than 30 stunninglybeautiful photos of Ti-bet were on display for a wholeweek at the premises of theMalta China Freindship Societyat 62 Christopher Street,Valletta, Malta. Liu Zhengxiu,Chinese ambassador to Malta,and Reno Calleja, president ofthe Malta China FriendshipSociety, opened the exhibitionon February 10. More than150 people from all walks oflife from Malta attended theopening.This selection of beautifulphotos is part of thousands ofphotos that were taken last yearby one hu…  相似文献   

On 18-28 September, 2003, Mr. Lomanov Alexandre, deputy director of international desk of the Vremya Novostej (News Times) of Russia, was invited to visit Tibet, China. Following is the article written by him and published in the Vremya Novostej (News Times) of Russia on October 13, 2003.  相似文献   

TIBET has been an integral part of China since the 13th century, when the Mongols unified the country and established the Yuan Dynasty (1271- 1368). The central government placed the Tibetan region under its direct jurisdiction and set up three Offices of the Pacification Commission and the Chief Military Command to exercise control over Tibetan-inhabited regions.  相似文献   

Vl. Environmental Protection and Ecological Improvement
Tibet serves as an important ecological safety barrier in China. Over the past few decades the central and regional governments have upheld scientific development, struck a balance between socio- economic development and environmental protection, and given priority to ecological conservation and environmental protection in China' s modernization drive. Vigorous efforts are being made to promote local ecological progress and build a beautiful Tibet. Being one of the areas with the best environmental quality in the world, most parts of the region have maintained their original natural states.  相似文献   

In September 2004, two Americans, Katy Walden and Jon Moggio, made their first trip to Tibet filmed as the documentary Tibet Diary, co-made by U.S Rainbow Network and China Intercontinental Communication Center (CICC). With the consent of CICC, we publish in this issue segments of the two Americans'accounts of their adventure on the plateau.  相似文献   

THE Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation comesto the PRC every year,and its members havebeen all over China .They thus witness China’sdevelopment,and pass on their observations tothe American people,promoting mutual understand—ing and friendship.This year.the China Society for  相似文献   

RAGYA DHONDUP 《人权》2012,(4):36-39
In eras of revolution and development, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has scored notable achievements, including in ethnic affairs, one aspect of the Party’s work. as one of China’s three fundamental political systems and an important part of the Party’s ethnic affairs policy, the system of regional ethnic autonomy is the Party’s great creation that integrates Marxist-Leninist theory with China’s national conditions. it has been conducive to promoting the development of different ethnic groups and fostering harmony among them, which displays its superiority and vitality. This  相似文献   

A meeting marking the 40thanniversary of Tibet demo-cratic reform was held in NewDelhi on the evening of April 18.It was jointly sponsored by theIndia Association for Peace andFriendship with China (IAPFC)and Pandit Sunderlal Institute ofAsian Studies. The participantsspoke highly of the great achieve-ments Tibet has scored in the past40 years since the democraticreform and emphasized that Ti-betan compatriots are importantmembers of the Chinese nation  相似文献   

Legal assistance is still new in China. It came just a few years ago as an institutional practice to ensure legal protection for citi-zens in need of justice but unable to bear the cost of bringing their cases to court or to a mediation or arbitration committee. This is certainly true to Tibet, still an  相似文献   

FERNANDO GARCIA 《人权》2006,5(6):32-33
EDITOR'S NOTE: From August 11 through 21, 2005, Fernando Garcia, a reporter of Spain's ABC newspaper, undertook a reporting tour of Tibet at the invitation of China. After he returned home, Interviu, a Spanish magazine, carried his story titled Viejo Tibet, Nuevos Tibetanos. Following is his story translated from its Chinese version.  相似文献   

China is determined to maintain social stability and order in Tibet despite recent rioting in Lhasa March 17 was a normal workday for Deyang,Principal of the Jipenggang Primary School in Lhasa,capital of Tibet Autonomous Region. Seeing all 100 teachers and most of the 1,500 students,accompanied by their parents,  相似文献   

THE Guge Kingdom in Ngari. Tibet, is discussed within archeological circles in similarly reverential tones as the Mayan Civilization and Pompeii. The three have in common that they were abruptly destroyed at their peak and obscured from the world for centuries. Also that when ex-  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of Tibet Autonomous Region. China Today has closely followed Tibet's development, from peaceful liberation to its currently prospering economy, since 1952 when the magazine was established. Israel Epstein, late editor-in-chief emeritus of China Today, made four trips to Tibet and wrote his work Tibet Transformed - the first objec- tive account by a Western writer published in China of the dramatic changes that have taken place in Tibet …  相似文献   

September 2005 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region. In anticipation of the event, our August issue carries a series of reports on the region and its people. Tibet's unique natural and cultural environment is a source of fascination to people both inside and outside of China. As overseas Ti-hetan scholar Jambyang Norbu observes, the fondly perceived image of the "Roof of the World" is that it is the Shangri-La of nature, culture and Tibetan Buddhism.  相似文献   

THISmonth'sissuefocusesonTibet.Todayitisdifficulttoimaginethemiseryandoppressionfeudalserfdommeantforsomanyhumanbeings.Thateraseemsfarfromourdailylives.ButthelandsomeconsiderShangri-La--Tibet--wasafeudalsocietyuntil1959.Photographsareeleganttestimonytothefateofserfsundertheoldsystem.Reviewingarchivesforthisissue,wecameacrossoneshowingaTibetanserfwhoseskinhadbeenliterallypeeledoffhisbody.TheimagewasbandchilLlugandrenderedusspeechless.Itwasalsodeemedtoohorribletopublishinthisissue.LiZuomin…  相似文献   

SHANGRI-LA,mythicalkingdom synonymous withUtopia,was the brainchildof American novelistJames Hilton in his 1933 bestsellerLost Horizon.Hilton’s inspirationcame not from any personal travelexperience in Tibet,but from arti-cles by American botanist JosephRock,who lived in the Khamsregion(the area flanking the pre-sent-day border between Tibet andSichuan Province)from 1922 to1949.  相似文献   

I'm a graphic designer from San Francisco. I'd never been to Tibet before and had only seen a handful of pictures of it. I have a friend who's been here a couple of times, and whenever he talks about it, he gets a dreamy, faraway, happy look. Based on that, I was pretty sure I was in for a really special experience. The little I knew about the Tibetan political situation before the trip was that it seemed to be a mess: that China  相似文献   

For a long time, prisons and inmates in Tibet have been a focal point in the Dalai clique and its western supporters' attack on China. To give a true picture of the situation in Tibet's prisons, three correspondents of Xinhua News Agency, Duoqiong, Cui Feng and Zha Xin, went to the prisons in Tibet and obtained lots of untold stories. Following is their report.  相似文献   

LIN TIAN 《人权》2009,(4):30-33
After riots that occurred on March 14, 2008 in Lhasa, Tibet, the China Central Television Station broadcast a documentary film titled Tibet's Past shot years ago by the Central Newsreel & Documentary Film Studio about the miserable life of serfs under Tibet's feudal serf system before a democratic reform was carried out in the region. The documentary stunned many people. It helps people see through the reactionary and corrupt nature of the Dalai clique.  相似文献   

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