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犯罪心理测试技术,是运用犯罪心理学、实验心理学、神经生物学及生物电子学等学科的研究成果,利用专用心理测试系统,通过微机同时同步记录人的多项心理生物反应参数,以此推断被测人心理上与案件事实相关对应的记忆痕迹,进而判明被测人是否“无辜”或为犯罪嫌疑人。这项技术是通过犯罪心理痕迹的动态描绘,编制测试题目,经过测前访谈、实际操作测试和图谱评判,探查把握被测人情绪记忆心理痕迹的相关程度,以此准确地将无辜者和涉案人员区分开来。我局自购置了SPS型心理测试仪以来,不断地将这项高科技手段运用于侦查破案,相继破获…  相似文献   

对60耳感音神经性聋的ABR反应阈和纯音语频听阈均值(PTA)进行相关分析和回归分析。结果表明,应用回归方程可客观准确地判定语频听阈。同时,首次应用ABR波V潜伏期斜率和ABR反应阈综合预估纯音听力图型进行了研究,发现该方法预估准确率高。其研究成果可应用于法医学鉴定。  相似文献   

目的通过对受检者听性稳态反应(auditory steady-state response,ASSR)与40Hz听觉相关电位(auditory event related potential,AERP)测试结果的比较分析,探讨ASSR与AERP评估听阈的准确性及其在法医临床鉴定中的应用。方法对受检的37耳分别进行纯音测听(pure tone audiometry,PTA)、ASSR和40HzAERP测试。ASSR和40HzAERP测试均在清醒状态下进行。结果ASSR和40HzAERP反应阈均与纯音听阈具有良好的相关性,且阈值均高于纯音听阈;ASSR与40HzAERP反应阈对纯音听阈的评估差异无统计学意义。结论确定合理的校正值后,ASSR可以用于行为听阈的客观评估。  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试技术是在甄别嫌疑人过程中使用的测谎方法.但由于测试中的原理机制等问题,反测试手段可以以多种方式对测过程和测试结果进行干扰.加强犯罪心理测试中的监控并提高反测试识别技术,可以较好地应对测试中出现的反测试.反测试的出现本身就是逃避测试的表现,一旦发现被测人存在反测试行为或心理,则应重点对其进行调查.随着新技术的发展,脑电测试结合测谎范式进行检测有了一定的研究基础,为今后的测谎方式提供了更多的选择.  相似文献   

陈兴乐 《政法学刊》2006,23(3):101-104
原理是测试方法的理论基础和科学依据。心理测试(测谎)技术是通过测量人体生理变化参数来确定人对相关问题回答是否诚实进而判断他与所调查案件是否相关的一门技术。其基本原理是:心理刺激触发生理反应,生理反应反映心理变化;刺激强度与反应大小正相关;相同问题刺激不同反应。  相似文献   

1引言 心理测试技术作为一种有效的侦查手段已经被广泛应用于案件办理过程中,发挥着重要而独特的作用。目前在工作中,主要使用的测试方法有准绳问题测试(CQT,Comparison Question Test)和隐蔽信息测试(CIT,Concealed Informationtest)两大类,二者各有所长。  相似文献   

76例113耳的耳蜗电图及听性脑干反应的法医学鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用NicoletSpirit诱发电位测试系统,结合纳音测听等对76例耳部和头领受伤者113耳进行检测。受试者分为两类:一是鼓膜穿孔32耳,分为小穿孔、中穿孔及大穿孔;二是鼓膜无穿孔81耳,分为轻度聋、中度聋、重度聋、严重聋及极度聋。分别进行耳蜗电图(EcochG)和听性脑干反应(ABR)测试,将鼓膜小穿孔、中穿孔和鼓膜无穿孔的轻度聋、中度聋与正常对照组的相关反应波潜伏期分别进行统计学分析表明,在方差分析和60项双项比较的Q检验中得出有显著差异者(P<0.05)达76.7%,其中极显著差异者(P<0.01)达70%。  相似文献   

反窃电工作中法律问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田浩 《法制与社会》2011,(13):81-83
本文通过阐述反窃电工作中所涉及的法律相关问题的探讨,分析了窃电行为及其法律界定,指出我国司法在规制窃电行为过程中存在的问题,通过相关对策分析指出反窃电是一项长期性、复杂性的任务,将反窃电工作纳入法制化的轨道重中之重  相似文献   

2002年2月26日至3月19日,日本东京举行了国际反伪造货币研修班。现将有关情况概述如下:1研修班概况国际反伪造货币研修班每年举行一次,是日本国际协力事业团(JICA)常设的培训项目。日本国际协力事业团(JICA)是日本政府为促进发展中国家的经济发展,提高其居民的生活水平而常设的机构,其主要职能是对发展中国家在某一些领域提供无偿的援助。参加本届研修班的人员,分别来自厄立特里亚、毛里塔尼亚、斐济、巴拿马和中国的警察技术鉴定部门和银行反伪造货币组织。国际反伪造货币研修班的目的是通过学习和交流提高学习人…  相似文献   

一、恐怖主义与社会稳定基本概念辨析 (一)恐怖主义的基本概念 恐怖主义已成国际社会公害,国际社会制定了许多与反恐怖主义有关的国际公约。综合地看,恐怖主义是指组织、集团或个人,在恐怖主义理念支配下,通过秘密策划和实施,使用或威胁使用暴力手段,旨在追求恐怖效应,以达到某种特定政治目的的极端犯罪行为。其有几个基本标准:  相似文献   

NaOH treatment to neutralize inhibitors of Taq polymerase.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The introduction of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) into the forensic field has greatly extended the ability to analyze DNA from small or degraded samples. However, one significant problem with PCR analysis is the sensitivity of Taq Polymerase to inhibitors found in many substrates commonly encountered with evidentiary materials. We hypothesize that the most problematic of these compounds intercalate into double stranded DNA (dsDNA) and have significantly less affinity for single stranded DNA (ssDNA). This study presents a comprehensive analysis of a novel method for the neutralization of Taq inhibitors by denaturation and washing with NaOH in Microcon-100 filtration units. The data show that DNA recovered following NaOH repurification routinely amplifies when other inhibitor neutralization techniques are unsuccessful. Genetic profiles have been obtained with both AmpliType PM + DQA1 and D1S80 systems. However, the NaOH protocol is not advised when the quantity of DNA is limited since the treatment results in significant loss of DNA.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscopy in the detection of early myocardial infarction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluorescent microscopy is amongst the many techniques devised for the post-mortem detection of early myocardial infarction. The method has the advantage of sensitivity, speed and simplicity, compared with more complex techniques such as enzyme histochemistry and electron microscopy. Disadvantages include the difficulty of permanent preservation of the sections and lack of sharp differentiation between normal and very early infarction--though the latter problem is common to most other methods, except enzyme histochemistry. There are two main techniques in fluorescent microscopy: The examination of sections specifically stained by fluorochrome dyes; The re-examination of haematoxylin-eosin sections for 'autofluorescence'.  相似文献   

The classification of file fragments is an important problem in digital forensics. The literature does not include comprehensive work on applying machine learning techniques to this problem. In this work, we explore the use of techniques from natural language processing to classify file fragments. We take a supervised learning approach, based on the use of support vector machines combined with the bag-of-words model, where text documents are represented as unordered bags of words. This technique has been repeatedly shown to be effective and robust in classifying text documents (e.g., in distinguishing positive movie reviews from negative ones).In our approach, we represent file fragments as “bags of bytes” with feature vectors consisting of unigram and bigram counts, as well as other statistical measurements (including entropy and others). We made use of the publicly available Garfinkel data corpus to generate file fragments for training and testing. We ran a series of experiments, and found that this approach is effective in this domain as well.  相似文献   

In extension of earlier Scanning Electron Microscopical findings on local vital reaction, we initially tried conventional microscopic histology. By standard staining methods--generally used in demonstrating fibrins (Ladew IG, PTAH, PAS etc.) fresh fibrinous mashing was hardly demonstrable. Tryptophan reaction as per Adams brought positive results. By modifying Scanning Electron Microscopic preparation techniques, the surface transverse striation could be shown. For dissolution of the complex morphological structural patterns on the wound surface, Transmission Electron Microscopy was used. Identification of fibrinous filaments was done by their interior transverse striation. Mashing of shaped structure components of the blood in vital and post mortal injuries should be more closely analyzed. Advantages and disadvantages of Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopic techniques are discussed in view of forensic problems and a tentative judgement passed.  相似文献   

The last several decades have seen a proliferation of specialized courts, including within the family court system, that deviate from the adversarial model, and that rely on therapeutic jurisprudence and other problem‐solving techniques. Whether and how traditional family courts can incorporate the best practices of these specialized courts is a largely understudied area. Drawing from ethnographic observations of a traditional urban family court, this study finds that some judges are able to transform nontherapeutic courtrooms into therapeutic ones despite obstacles. These “against the grain” actors, who act contrary to the institution's dominant norms and practices, demonstrate how therapeutic jurisprudence and other problem‐solving techniques can be utilized in traditional courtrooms.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以后出现的行为(认知-行为)治疗范式致力于治疗方法与技术的创新和改进,旨在提高人们对环境的适应性,但却忽略了对社会和社会文化的考察;人本主义治疗范式把关注的焦点放在社会和社会文化上,以探索适合人的全面发展的社会和文化条件,可是没能在治疗的技术和方法上有所建树.20世纪末,受后现代思潮影响而出现的叙事治疗范式创造性地提出了"外化问题"的技术,并在此基础上整合了微观和宏观的治疗取向,把治疗实践和反思主流文化成功地结合在一起,从而为心理治疗领域注入了新的活力.  相似文献   

违法性认识问题的提出,根源于绝对的知法推定的动摇。知法的推动动摇后,传统的法律错误处理规则与责任主义的冲突随之而来。笔者认为,有必要从责任主义的角度,重新审视不知法不免责的准则,并对法律错误的处理还原为刑事责任的一般问题。围绕违法性认识所引发的纷争,折射的是责任主义刑法在风险社会所遭遇的困境。各国通过对法律技术或制度的选择性运用,来求取刑法规制与责任主义之间的平衡。对我国刑法而言,问题的关键不在于违法性认识在犯罪论体系中的位置,而是构建或完善能够维护个体正义的制度技术。  相似文献   

The estimation of total population size for various phenomena of crime is an important factor critical for criminal justice policy formulation and criminological theory development. In this paper, methods are discussed for estimating the size of a criminal population from police records. Capture-recapture analysis techniques, borrowed from the biological sciences, are used to predict the size of population for migrating (or fleeing) fugitives and for street prostitutes. Heterogeneity and behavioral responses to previous police encounters are identified as major complicating factors. The basic problem is that the police records are virtually unaffected by a potentially large pool of cryptic criminals. It is shown how independently collected auxiliary data can address this problem.  相似文献   

The problem of differential diagnostics and forensic medical expertise of various forms of craniocerebral injuries is discussed. It is concluded that clinical and laboratory studies are insufficient to objectively estimate the results of the examination. The authors emphasize the importance of searching for new and more informative diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

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