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中国政府与非政府组织间关系着重体现在政府对非政府组织的管理与规制、双方的合作与竞争以及非政府组织对政府的监督和批评等三个方面.双方良好关系的建立应当遵循下述基本原则,即,政府主导原则、职责明确原则以及循序渐进原则.具体途径选择则主要包括加强政府与非政府组织的项目合作力度、政府部门给予非政府组织以平等的地位、加强政府与非政府组织间的互信建设以及改变中国非政府组织领域中存在的行政化倾向等.  相似文献   

社会科学研究要发展、要创新,必须以马克思主义和邓小平理论为指导;社会科学的“科学”属性,决定着社会科学研究是一种高层次的精神生产和引导经济社会发展的巨大力量;社会科学研究要适应时代和实践的新要求,“社会化”是必然的路径与选择。  相似文献   

中央部委是国务院系统的重要组成部分,依法履行职责和承担任务分工。从整体性治理来讲,部分之间良性协作则总体繁荣,内耗不断会引发国家衰败;中央部委之间的管辖边界和职责交叉难以厘清,部门间争议由此产生。京津冀协同发展给中央部委带来机遇与挑战,要积极应对首都行政功能疏解,建构起行政机构间的跨部门跨区域协同机制,其途径是:立法明晰法律关系,尊重中央部委的主体地位;明确各部委边界,打破部门主义和超越级别,协调部委间关系和整合各方利益;顺畅机构改革,建构行政部门间伙伴关系,在彼此监督和协作配合中互惠互利;分析部委在推动区域发展中的作用,增强部门政策延续性和部委间的衔接,重归政府整体协同服务民众的本质。  相似文献   

公共政策的制定者在决策过程中往往通过某种方式来参考其它国家的决策者在相似情况下的做法,包括正面经验和负面教训。这种政策转移(Policy Transfer)现象是公共政策制定和制度创新在现实中的一种主要途径和方式。论述分三个部分:首先,简述了政策转移的概念化过程,辨别了和其它相近概念的异同;其次,勾勒了本课题研究的多学科、多方法和多层次的态势,列举和介绍了一些代表性的研究实例;最后,探讨了相关的理论生成的问题。通过对有关政策转移问题研究的回顾、分析和总结,强调了我国政策转移中大量转移实践和理论研究缺失之间的矛盾现象;提出了开展我国政策转移研究的必要性和关注点;旨在引起我国公共政策的制定者和学者对这一课题的重视,为公共政策有关的决策实践和理论研究提供一个观察、分析和决策的角度。  相似文献   

唯物史观的形成一直是马克思主义研究的重要问题之一.而<1844年经济学哲学手稿>手稿中蕴涵的有关唯物史观的基本原理,对于从马克思历史的角度认清唯物史观的形成过程,从整体上定位唯物史观在马克思整个理论体系,具有重大的理论意义.  相似文献   

地方法治建设对地方性法规的内容、形式、结构和体系提出了新要求,需要对已有的地方性法规实行继中国因加入世界贸易组织而清理地方性法规后再一次清理。选项机制的确定是地方性法规清理的关键,法律、行政法规和执法实践是地方性法规清理的主要依据。在清理启动过程中,要建立长效机制,做好有关机构的职责分工,定期清理并注重公众参与。  相似文献   

郝涛 《学理论》2014,(9):1-2
罗尔斯是著名的政治哲学家和伦理学家,在哲学界享有很高的声誉。曾就读于普林斯顿大学,并获得哲学博士学位,后任教于美国著名学府哈佛大学。一生著述颇丰,代表作有《正义论》、《政治自由主义》,以及《万民法》。《万民法》是由哈佛大学出版社于1999年出版。这个版本的《万民法》收录了"公共理性再探"一文,由此构成了罗尔斯国际政治思想的整体架构,也同时标志着罗尔斯从道德哲学领域迈入了国际政治理论领域。  相似文献   

原桃 《学理论》2011,(14):63-64
由于消费社会兴起,越来越多的女明星通过整容实现对美的追求。男权制社会对女性身体的规训,是其根本原因。大众传播媒介对女性身体美化的引诱,演艺圈男性凝视力量的存在,是其影响因素。即使社会承认整容手术有风险,也并没有给予足够的重视。众多女明星整容反映出了演艺圈内的性别不平等问题。强调女明星整容的本质,来召唤一种新型的,通过意识崛起,实现可以超越个人行动或集体行动,甚至是全球性的抗击模式。  相似文献   

从某种意义上讲政治思想就是研究国家与政府的学说。但是国家是由人民所构成的,国家的权利来源于社会的契约。而让人们产生这种签订契约的行动的动力是人性,通过对人性的研究与国家功能上的研究,探索人性与国家间的关系,权利的来源与目的,从而更为科学的解决社会发展中产生的社会问题。  相似文献   

潘阳 《学理论》2008,(18):81-82
在魏晋南北朝士人的审美主体精神结构中,山水审美意识占有重要的位置。山水审美意识的进一步自觉和成熟。其文化内涵的进一步扩展,是魏晋以来的社会审美文化活动和审美主体精神发展与审美风尚演变过程中的一个突出现象,其不但积极地推动了当时的文艺创作之发展,对丰富魏晋南北朝文学、美学思想起到了异常突出的作用,而且对后世山水审美文化的发展更是产生了积极而深刻的影响。本文具体分析了魏晋南北朝时期自然审美观达到了登峰造极之势、炉火纯青之境的原因和表现形态。  相似文献   

The recent financial and debt crisis has resuscitated the debate about European federalism – a theme that seemed not to have survived the painful constitutional adventure that ended with the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. With the adoption of significant policy and institutional measures for tightening macroeconomic and budgetary coordination (including a constitutionally enshrined debt brake), the reforms of the monetary union have undisputedly brought the European Union further on the path towards an ever closer union. In an era where EU integration has been increasingly politicised, and Euroscepticism has been on the rise and exploited by anti‐system parties, national leaders have to face a political hiatus and respond to increased needs for symbolic and discursive legitimation of further federalisation. This is all the more crucial for French and German leaders who have brokered the main decisions during the crisis of the eurozone. Against this background, the purpose of this article is not to assess whether, or to what extent, the recent reforms of economic and monetary union have made the EU more federal. Rather, the purpose is to tackle the following puzzle: How have EU leaders legitimised the deepening of federal integration in a context where support for more European federalism is at its lowest? To elucidate this, a lexicographic discourse analysis is conducted based on all speeches held by the German Chancellor Merkel and the two French Presidents Sarkozy and Hollande, previous to, or after European summits from early 2010 until the spring of 2013. The findings indicate that federalism is both taboo and pervasive in French and German leaders' discourse. The paradox is barely apparent, though. While the ‘F‐word’ is rarely spoken aloud, two distinctive visions co‐exist in the French and German discourse. The coming of age of a political union through constitutional federalism is pictured as ineluctable, yet as a distant mirage out of reach of today's decision makers. At the same time, the deepening of functional federalism in order to cope with economic interdependence is a ubiquitous imperative that justifies further integration. The persisting gap between the constitutional and the functional vision of European federalism has crucial implications. Insofar as the Union is held responsible for not delivering successful economic policy, political leaders will fail to legitimise both functional and constitutional federalism.  相似文献   

目的:了解小学生网络成瘾的发生率与抑郁水平情况,探讨小学生网络成瘾与抑郁的关系。方法:采用网络成瘾损害量表、儿童抑郁量表对小学生进行问卷调查。结果:小学生网络成瘾与抑郁总分及各维度均呈显著正相关。网络成瘾可以正向预测小学生的抑郁水平。结论:小学生网络成瘾程度越严重,抑郁水平越高  相似文献   

The departmental elections of March 2015 redrew the French political landscape, setting the new terms of electoral competition in advance of the regional elections of December 2015 and, more critically, the presidential election of April–May 2017. These elections saw the far-right National Front (FN) come top in both rounds only to be outmanoeuvred by the mainstream parties and prevented from winning a single department. As a case study in vote–seat distortion, the elections highlighted a voting system effective in keeping the FN out of executive power but deficient in terms of democratic representation and inadequate as a response to the new tripartite realities of France's changing political landscape.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gender distribution of the benefits of economic growth in several Asian economies from 1970–90. Using Borda rank ordering, we compare the progress made in these countries towards closing the gender gap in well-being. In addition to commonly-used indicators, trends in the ratio of females to males in the population are examined. We explore determinants of changes in this ratio, using regression analysis. The results indicate that gender equity in quality-of-life ratings is highest in those Asian economies that grew the slowest over the period in question. Further, the data indicate that economic growth does not have a significant effect on the female-to-male population ratios for this set of countries. Variables that affect women's bargaining power do, however, have a positive effect on relative female life chances, as does spending on public education.  相似文献   

以利益相关者理论为基础,分析了城市景观河道污染治理的利益相关者及各利益相关者应有的权利和义务。结合目前城市景观河道污染治理模式存在的治理部门多、漏洞大、社会参与度低等问题,提出了城市景观河道污染共同治理模式,由政府部门、社会机构、公民代表组成共同的治理及监督机构,旨在促进河道治理从一元到多元的转变,赋予各利益相关者相应的权利同时也界定了其必须承担的责任,使各方形成有效的合作机制及制约关系,充分调动利益相关者参与的积极性,提高治理绩效。  相似文献   

Quantitative research has been the dominant methodological approach used to study voting behaviour. There is an emerging recognition, however, that there are alternative ways of attempting to understand how voters decide. The academic preoccupation with measurement, reliability, validity and generalisability may obscure some of the findings that are uncovered by practitioners using qualitative research. Practitioners of politics, both in the USA and the UK, tend to utilise both methods when formulating policy and exploring voter attitudes towards these policies. This paper will review the arguments for each tradition and examine the apparent divergence of practitioner and academic political research. Finally, it will look at how both positivist and interpretivist methods can be utilised to complement each other when attempting to build a picture of voting behaviour. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Using a longitudinal ethnographic study of the linguistic landscape (LL) in Observatory's business corridor of Lower Main Road, the paper explores changes brought about by the influx of immigrant Africans, their artefacts and language practices. The paper uses the changes in the LL over time and the development of an “African Corner” within Lower Main Road, to illustrate the appropriation of space and the unpredictability, which comes along with highly mobile, technological and multicultural citizens. It is argued that changes in the LL are part of the act of claiming and appropriating space wherein space becomes summarily recontexualized and hence reinvented and “owned” by new actors. It is also argued that space ownership can be concealed through what we have called “brand anonymity” strategies in which the identity of the owner is deliberately concealed behind global brands. We conclude that space is pliable and mobile, and that, it is the people within space who carve out new social practices in their appropriated space.  相似文献   


As part of ongoing work to lay a foundation for social studies of high-frequency trading (HFT), this paper introduces the culture(s) of HFT as a sociological problem relating to knowledge and practice. HFT is often discussed as a purely technological development, where all that matters is the speed of allocating, processing and transmitting data. Indeed, the speed at which trades are executed and data transmitted is accelerating, and it is fair to say that algorithms are now the primary interacting agents operating in the financial markets. However, we contend that HFT is first and foremost a cultural phenomenon. More specifically, both individuals and collective agents – such as algorithms – might be considered cultural entities, charged with very different ways of processing information, making sense of it and turning it into knowledge and practice. This raises issues relating to situated knowledge, distributed cognition and action, the assignment of responsibility when regulating high-speed algorithms, their history, organizational structure and, perhaps more fundamentally, their representation.  相似文献   

Comparison is a very important method in social science and human science research. This text thinks that comparison should be pondered and illustrated more deeply, which will help us to understand it more clearly for improving the performance and advance of the research in politics and it's theory system.  相似文献   

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