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Conclusion To paraphrase marjorie Kornhauser’s famed observation, a taxcollection system for revenue only is a chimera. If, for the American woman, tax collection were only, and only ever, about revenue, then they would have constantly and consitently collect it from us. When we did not have what they say we should have, then they would penalise us. The fact of the matter is, that when they do collect it from us, it is, more often than not, because they have been successful in their efforts to help us sustain ourselves in an image which they have created. One problem with self-assessment is that exemplary penalties are allowed; indeed, arede rigeur. The latest example of a feminine image which spurrerd the American tax collector to action is the Leona Helmsley equation of consumption—plus—feminine equals “ off with her head”. If only for this reason, self assessment demands to be, as Handelman and Green might argue, politicised with the feminine voice. With thanks to Peter Alldridge.  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):269-290

It is impossible to make global generalisations about children and youth from a phenomenological inquiry into the experiences of such a limited number of participants in just one city, Limerick, Ireland, and one case, St. Augustine's. The goal of phenomenological research is, however, not to seek generalisations but to expose the individual case, so I have endeavoured to use a symptomatic rather than representative approach to risk biographies, in so far as we assume all biographies are composed of the partial perspectives of knowledges that are insider and situated. Truths are contingent on differences of time, space, age, gender, class, sexual preference, and other aspects of culture and context. Nonetheless, I am reminded towards the conclusion of this book of a comment made by well-known Irish economist, T. K. Whittaker (1997), who observed: “If we think about it, save for the vagaries of birth, errant biology, class and status, or simply circumstance, we are all but a half step away from the 'other' families we describe as in need of service, or 'at risk.' In the final analysis, it is not 'us' and 'them.' It is all of us. Together” (p. 138).  相似文献   

下岗与失业双轨制在实践过程中出现了诸多问题 ,完善和统一失业保险制度是实现下岗和失业并轨的关键所在。要做到这一点 ,必须完善失业保险制度 ,确立筹集失业保险金的制度化渠道 ,强化失业保险金扩面征缴 ,提高失业保险的保障功能 ,以解决现时“三三”制难以保障失业保险基金足额到位的问题。为此 ,工会在实行厂务公开、参与社会保险基金征缴与发放等方面应积极维护职工权益。  相似文献   

The methodology of both psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, which is that of introspection and empathy, is simply not the same as that of chemistry and physics. We are part of the system and we cannot observe without participation. Although this is a fact that we all are quite aware of, usually we treat it as an unfortunate contaminant and this then leads us to try to ignore its theoretical import. Classical psychoanalysis would do away with or minimize it by interpretation; the viewpoint of Kohut would replace it by transmuting internalizations as well as interpretations; but in psychotherapy we have an added task of assessing just how much we must work on the need for the elimination of the functional role of the therapist. To be sure, one must differentiate and clarify the so-called transference reactions related to the incestuous objects of childhood from those directed to self objects. In truth, this is an easier job in analysis, where the focus of the neurosis is enhanced and encouraged. In therapy, such clarity often is lacking or confused. The psychology of the self best allows us to determine how and when we are utilized by our patients, and to test how well they can handle our absence. The major advantage given to us by this perspective is that of being aware of the mirroring and idealizing aspects of self development.Presented as the Judith Baskin Offer Memorial Lecture. From the Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training of the Michael Reese Medical Center, Chicago, October 31, 1976.also is in private practice. Received his M.D. from the University of Illinois. Main interest is psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

Why have feminists been silent about competition among women? Most of us feel a personal distress and a political confusion when we acknowledge such rivalry. Is competition antithetical to feminism? Competition among women writers is a highly charged topic because literature is a peculiarly public project from a particularly private endeavor. This paper is written to open the issue for discussion within the larger feminist forum.Here I suggest that women cannot win by competing in an androcentric system. To clearly understand competition, we will want to distinguish between competitive feelings and the process or competition, between suffering and virtue, between criticism and conflict and between competition for patriarchal fame and status and an internal competition for artistic excellence. I suggest that many of us get caught in envy or our own fears of ambition or our skewed ideas about literary criticism. In addition, the essay criticizes the notion of art as magic. I discuss writing as labor, suggesting that writers confront publishers about wages and working conditions rather than compete with each other for limited resources.Having examined competitiveness within the androcentric system more clearly, can we find any ways for competition to serve us? Is it possible to go back to the Latin root of compete (to meet, to strive together) and develop a ‘feminist competition’ which allows for both individual and collective progress?  相似文献   


In this paper I argue that there is a notion of autonomy which can be extrapolated from Wollstonecraft’s work: central to this notion is the need for us all to adopt a disposition to non-domination.Thus, an individual is autonomous when she is not dominated but also, how she behaves towards others is significant, for she is only truly autonomous if she does not dominate others. I argue that such a disposition can be read in Wollstonecraft as something which cuts across the public/private divide. It is based on the notion that individuals are always capable of being rational in both of these spheres. There must be a disposition to non-domination because Wollstonecraft demonstrates how domination is corrupting, and when this disposition is lost we find ourselves faced with myriad concerns from slavery to multiple forms of social oppression. Domination creates relations of dependency. It is arbitrary and contingent and makes us relate to each other with a marked lack of compassion. Instead, Wollstonecraft stresses we have a duty to treat others as equals and key to this duty is the need to not dominate others. Finally, I highlight how Wollstonecraft suggests such a disposition is to be gained through education.  相似文献   

通过抓先进典型 ,调动职工群众的积极性 ,是各级工会组织的一项经常性任务。总结宣传先进典型 ,只有坚持实事求是的原则 ,才能真正发挥指导、示范作用。  相似文献   

If you want to break [our engagement], and do not like to for fear it would be wronging me, then let the trouble be settled at once. Of course I do admit that it would be wronging me—yes, it would be taking away my love, my life—my whole existence. But I would sacrifice all that if such a proceeding would rid you of all these trials and troubles, and make you happy once again.  相似文献   

When the life of every creature on this planet is in danger, as it is today, we all have a vested interest in peace research. But peace research tends to be male-biased and does not take into account the experiences and interests of women. Because it is skewed, it is weakened. Feminist research offers a badly needed corrective, and a transformative vision. Data on violence against women, on the links between violence against women and male violence in general, on the nature and experience of power and powerlessness, on mothering, and moral development, have significant implications for peace research. A feminist peace researvh would reground discussions of war and violence in the lived experiences of women, men and children. It would speak about and to all of us.  相似文献   

To survive in the capitalist system (which we are still part of), we have to deal with money, and in order to keep our projects going we have to make profit. The cold principles that rule the market will often clash with our feminist ideas of humane collectivity, but I will argue that we better face these conflicts and integrate them in our work structures, because the system sneaks in anyway and finds us unprepared and fighting with each other.  相似文献   

Why does #RepealedThe8th matter for feminist legal studies? The answers seem obvious in one sense. Feminism has long constituted itself through the struggle for sexual and reproductive justice, and Irish feminism has contributed a significant ‘legal win’ with the landslide vote of approval for lifting abortion restrictions in the referendum on the 25th May 2018. That win comes at a global moment when populist legal engagement is doing significant damage in countries that regard themselves as world leaders, and beyond. #RepealedThe8th offers Ireland, and the world, the actuality that the popular vote, and everything that contributes to it, could be something else. Repeal shows how legal tools like the vote may be made into an expression of care for reproductive lives. This expression is important in recognizing pregnant people as knowing agents who are best placed to decide, and in seeking to do justice to those who contribute to everyday reproductive life. But repeal, like the many who brought it into being, has multiple meanings. #RepealedThe8th matters because it is a moving process of socio-legal translation, which draws on a collective energy, ‘repeal energy’, to turn the travesty that was the Eighth Amendment and all it represents into a search for the rest of reproductive life. In opening up the meaning of the vote, much like feminists elsewhere have opened up the meaning of the strike, Irish feminists have turned public mourning over past mistreatment into a series of reproductive connections. This is not a strategy that can be rolled out. Figuring out #RepealedThe8th will take many tellings. Rather we need to give repeal, and repealers, room to breathe and rest. We need to feel our way through repeal’s production of legal change so that this success is not reduced to some generic transferable set of legal instructions. I begin by reflecting on repeal as a process of feminist socio-legal translation, which shows us how legal change comes about through the motivation of collective joy, the mourning of damaged and lost lives, the sharing of legal knowledge, and the claiming of the rest of reproductive life.  相似文献   

Picking up the question of what FLaK might be, this editorial considers the relationship between openness and closure in feminist legal studies. How do we draw on feminist struggles for openness in common resources, from security to knowledge, as we inhabit a compromised space in commercial publishing? We think about this first in relation to the content of this issue: on image-based abuse continuums, asylum struggles, trials of protestors, customary justice, and not-so-timely reparations. Our thoughts take us through the different ways that openness and closure work in struggles against violence, cruel welcomes, and re-arrangements of code and custom. Secondly, we share some reflections on methodological openness and closure as the roundtable conversation on asylum, and the interview with Riles, remind us of #FLaK2016 and its method of scattering sources as we think about how best to mix knowledges. Thirdly, prompted by the FLaK kitchen table conversations on openness, publishing and ‘getting the word out’, we respond to Kember’s call to ‘open up open access’. We explain the different current arrangements for opening up FLS content and how green open access, the sharedit initiative, author request and publisher discretion present alternatives to gold open access. Finally drawing on Franklin and Spade, we show how there are a range of ‘wench tactics’—adapting gifts, stalling and resting—which we deploy as academic editors who are trying to have an impact on the access, use and circulation of our journal, even though we do not own the journal we edit. These wench tactics are alternatives to the more obvious or reported tactic of resignation, or withdrawing academic labour from editing and reviewing altogether. They help us think about brewing editorial time, what ambivalence over our 25th birthday might mean, and how to inhabit painful places. In this, we respond in our own impure, compromised way to da Silva’s call not to forget the native and slave as we do FLaK, and repurpose shrapnel, in our common commitments.  相似文献   

This essay looks at recent historical approaches to tribal societies in India and examines their political implications. Building on this criticism, it synthesizes a range of secondary literature in history and anthropology, in an attempt to formulate an alternative approach that locates tribal societies within the wider framework of south Asian history and is capable, at the same time, of marking changing patterns for different periods of the past. Finally it examines the way the word peasant is used in historical writing in order to show that the special history of tribal societies and their conversion into peasants in the colonial period is fundamental to an understanding of contemporary Indian society.  相似文献   

主创品牌和产业群聚互动中的晋江制鞋业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
产业群聚是制造业发展过程中的一个重要现象。在产业群聚的发展过程中,必须重视主创品牌的作用。在主创品牌和产业群聚的互动中,要处理好两者之间的关系,要"以人为本",把全部管理工作的出发点和落脚点真正转到以人为中心的轨道上来,这是企业持续发展的不竭动力。  相似文献   

Our Black bodies have had colonial histories inscribed on them. This colonial project of inscribing Black bodies with colonial knowledge has fragmented our Black knowledge to the point of making us doubt our Blackness. In my effort to leave my Black children a road map for living a whole and healthy life as proud Black people, I engage my experience of being fathered in colonial Africa through a letter to my own Baba (father). This letter embodies the African orality structure of engaging, and reflects on how colonialism has fragmented Black families and traumatized our children as part of the colonial project. To expose this colonial trickery through dialogue is my way of beginning to re-establish my Black familial bonds. I also share this story to our diverse global community because our Blackness is a part of our common humanity. So in our global human diversity we center our relational humanity through storytelling. This means how we matter to each other is in the stories that we tell. I hope my story connects us so that we matter to each other without undermining the intersections of race, gender, disability, colonialism, class structures, poverty, and ageism. My story highlights the power of dialogue in healing fractured relationships, giving witness to colonial oppression and being a tool for engaging social justice.  相似文献   

Large-scale investments in farmland have been criticized, chiefly, because of questions about the capacity of the countries targeted by these land deals to effectively manage these investments in order to ensure that they contribute to rural development and poverty alleviation. This article questions the idea that this is the only or even the main problem raised by such investments. If weak governance were the only problem, then appropriate regulation—and incentives to manage such investments correctly—would indeed be a solution. However the real concern behind the development of large-scale investments in farmland is that giving land away to investors, having better access to capital to ‘develop’, implies huge opportunity costs, as it will result in a type of farming that will have much less powerful poverty-reducing impacts, than if access to land and water were improved for the local farming communities; that it directs agriculture towards crops for export markets, increasing the vulnerability to price shocks of the target countries; and that even where titling schemes seek to protect land users from eviction, it accelerates the development of a market for land rights with potentially destructive effects on the livelihoods, both of the current land users that will face increased commercial pressure on land, and of groups depending on the commons—grazing and fishing grounds, and forests. The article maps these various levels of critiques. It concludes that we need to do more than impose a discipline on land-grabbing: we need a real alternative to this kind of investment in land.  相似文献   

国有企业内部各不同职工群体的行为取向具有差异性。工人工作状态的“饱满性”特征高于管理人员和技术人员 ,其原因主要是前者受制度和岗位规章的刚性约束较多 ,而后者的工作弹性化特征较为明显。管理人员工作状态的饱满性则随职务的提高而提高。在以正式方式对待不公正待遇方面 ,工人选择更多的是“找领导”或“依靠企业工会” ,管理人员和技术人员到企业之外寻求解决问题的多于工人。在以非正式方式对待不公正待遇方面 ,选择“忍耐、接受现实”的 ,在各层级人员中均占首位 ,相比之下 ,管理人员善于“找领导恳谈” ,技术人员则惯于“另谋高就”。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to elaborate two concerns: those of maternal ethics, and notions of making things public. I attempt to bring these two concerns together and think them alongside one another, in hopefully productive ways. I want, in other words, to think about the ethics of what mothers ‘make public’, whether this is understood in its most rudimentary form, of enabling a child to express something, to make public an affective state, for instance, even if it is only the mother who is there to witness or receive it, through to more overt and material forms of ‘publication’ glimpsed when mothers parent in spaces we call ‘public’. This paper focuses on what happens to us all when we encounter ‘mothering’ – not in the enclosed, private, secluded spaces where we imagine mothering to take place, but in what Marc Augé has termed the ‘non-places of supermodernity’, where much of the day-to-day material practices of mothering in Western late-modern urban contexts actually occurs. As is often the case, it is when experience is dislodged from the contexts in which we expect to find it that its contours are shown up in relief, and we are called on to re-configure our understandings of experiences in ways that also shift our understandings of the contexts in which they occur. In this sense, mothering, that I am claiming ‘makes things public’, as well as occurring frequently and importantly ‘in public’, not only shows up something we may overlook about the maternal, but also deforms and reforms our understandings of ‘the public’ itself.  相似文献   

If, as history indicates, the directions of poetry are determined by its inheritance – that is, its perception of its past – in looking at literary records such as poems, reviews and other critical texts, it is possible to anticipate how twentieth-century women's poetry will come to be defined and the extent to which it will have value and authority. This in its turn will formulate the nature and status of women's poetry in the twenty-first century. In surveying twentieth-century poetry in Britain, the signs are that just as the label ‘poetess’ was a handicap to the self-perception of a woman at the beginning of this century, so the label ‘woman poet’ will shackle her in the next, largely because her end-of-the-twentieth-century predecessors will have become mythologized as a literary underclass, undermined and overlooked. One reason for the pattern of the last three hundred years, where women publish and then slip from literary histories, is that they do not receive proper attention from male-dominated literary criticism. Although women now seem to be sufficiently published to make segregation unnecessary, there is still a case for positive discrimination or their names will disappear from the records. Positive discrimination in the form of gendered segregation is, however, opposed by poets because of their uneasy relationship with one another. Women poets need an alternative line of development to the ‘masculinity complex’ whereby they unsuccessfully seek recognition within the male traditions, or the ‘female affiliation complex’ which prevents them from identifying themselves with one another. It will be argued that there is an emerging tendency in recent poets to plunder and appropriate the associations of the male tradition and that feminist critics need to theorize this aesthetic and make connections between poets so that they become positive role models for poets of the future.  相似文献   

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