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无效行政行为制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王太高 《河北法学》2002,20(2):69-74
无效行政行为有广义和狭义之别。狭义无效行政行为的基本含义为 :不具有公定力 ;不具有约束力 ;申请、宣告或确认其无效不受时效限制。在国外立法上 ,狭义的无效行政行为分为两种 :一是绝对无效行政行为 ,即由立法明确加以列举 ,司法实践中只需对号入座 ;二是相对无效行政行为 ,即由立法确定一个一般标准 ,符合该标准的即为无效行政行为。我国虽没有建立无效行政行为制度 ,但在相关立法中已经开始涉及。从现代行政法监督行政权保护相对人合法权益的价值取向看 ,必须尽快建立我国无效行政行为制度。  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - Acts of international organizations often reflect developments in international law. Therefore, they could contribute to the evolutive interpretation of...  相似文献   

In the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) a procurator is given quite broad powers to eliminate violations of legality. The laws on the procuracy of the majority of member countries of the CIS clearly regulate the forms of procuracy reaction in special sections (chapters).  相似文献   

行为人在受到他人强迫的情况下,实施了符合法益优越原则的侵害行为,是应当按照被迫行为还是紧急避险来加以处理,这突显出被迫行为与紧急避险之间的关系问题在刑法理论及实践上之重要性。对此,通过从刑事立法、理论及司法实务等多维视角对被迫行为与紧急避险的关系加以探讨,应当承认被迫行为属于以期待可能性理论为基础之免责或责任减轻事由,无论其是否符合法益优越原则,均应与紧急避险在本质上加以区别。  相似文献   

The question of legal legitimacy, liberally understood, is that of whether anyone has a morally justified complaint about impressment into compliance with a particular law or set of laws. A good constitution may possibly contribute towards a liberally legitimate practice of national politics. This essay is concerned with one way in which a constitution, no matter how excellent, cannot thus contribute. We cannot use judgments regarding constitutionality to bridge the gap that must always exist between judgments regarding the validity of controversial laws and judgments regarding their legitimacy. We cannot hope to solve in that 'contractual' or 'procedural' way the riddle of government by consent in modern social conditions of deep ethical plurality and conflict, because we cannot successfully combine a proceduralist idea of constitutional legitimacy with a content-based conception of the binding virtue for constitutions.[O]ur exercise of political power is proper and hence justifiable only when it is exercised in accordance with a constitution the essentials of which all citizens may reasonably be expected to endorse in the light of principles and ideals acceptable to them as reasonable and rational. This is the liberal principle of legitimacy. 1  相似文献   

Citizens of the USSR enjoy a broad range of socio-economic, political, and personal rights. State organs, social organizations, and officials have the function of protecting those rights and respecting persons. The idea of strengthening the legal foundation of state and social life is clearly expressed in the USSR Constitution: "The Soviet state and all its bodies function on the basis of socialist law, ensure the maintenance of law and order, and safeguard the interests of society and the rights and freedoms of citizens" (Article 4, Paragraph 1).  相似文献   

The Human Tissue Acts of the various States and Territories that were enacted following the 1977 Report of the Australian Law Reform Commission on Human Tissue Transplants are in need of an overhaul as a result of rapid advances in medical science and biotechnology, as well as growing public expectations regarding the ethical use of tissues and organs obtained from autopsies and other sources. The author argues that the time is ripe for a comprehensive review and revision of the Acts throughout the country in order to maintain a consistent approach.  相似文献   

方乐 《法律科学》2007,25(5):17-31
转型司法中的中国法官,其司法行为不仅会受当下中国特定的社会--文化情境的影响,而且还更多地要受到一种"清官文化"的因素制约;也即在公共的法律生活中,其任何司法行为的做出,除了回应特定的社会--文化情境系统的要求之外,也更反映出了法官对自身名誉的特别爱惜以及对社会评价的特别注意,同时也是为了尽可能好地完成司法任务并尽可能少的给自己惹麻烦.正是在"清官文化"这一文化容器中,不仅社会--文化的情境性因素作用到了法官的身上,而且,也正是在这一文化的信仰网络里,达致了纠纷中的民众以及其他社会力量对于法官角色期待的均衡.  相似文献   

The increased role of the courts and enlarged judicial protection of citizens' rights enunciated in the USSR Constitution constitute a further development of Soviet socialist democracy. As we know, the notion of appealing to courts the acts of administrators was propounded by the founders of Marxism-Leninism themselves. (1) In the USSR, the foundations of the institution of judicial supervision of the functioning of the executive were established in the earliest years of Soviet power and were developed in the decree of the Central Executive Committee (TsIK) and Council of People's Commissars of April 11, 1937 - establishing judicial supervision over the activities of financial bodies in recovering from citizens arrears of federal and local taxes and levies, compulsory salary insurance, and local-option taxation - and in the Statute on Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR affirmed by decree of the USSR TsIK of July 9, 1937, granting citizens the right to appeal to courts decisions of executive committees of soviets on refusal to make corrections in lists of voters. (2) This institution was subsequently developed in the Principles of Civil Procedure of the USSR and Union Republics and the corresponding codes of the union republics establishing procedural rules for trial by courts of cases arising out of relationships at administrative law.  相似文献   

公民对行政违法行为的藐视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民能否对行政违法行为直接采取抵制行动,是法治秩序建构中一个不能绕开而又不易解开的问题。渊源于大陆法学理的无效行政行为理论,没有为公民拒绝权提供一个完全对应的分析框架,不应把两者简单对接。英美法重在关注是否容许当事人在事后诉讼中对行政违法行为提出间接抗辩,更有实践意义。中国的立法和司法对公民拒绝权给予了相当广泛的承认,其设定的标准有别于"重大明显违法"这一通常所理解的无效行政行为构成要件。原则上,行政行为严重违法侵犯公民实体权利,公民在不能获得及时、充分救济的情况下,采取适当方式予以抵制,都应当允许。承认公民的拒绝权是对公民行政法主体地位的尊重,也是对良好行政和实质法治的追寻。  相似文献   

对于有关知识产权的几部法律而言,《反不正当竞争法》也许是其中最为粗线条,也是在实践中遇到问题最多的一部法律.  相似文献   

试论行政行为的成立   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
行政行为的不成立不同于违法行政行为 ,行政行为的成立与生效的关系也有别于民事行为成立与生效的关系 ,一般而言 ,行政行为成立即生效。行政行为的成立要件包括主体要件、主观方面要件、客观方面要件和法律效果要件。  相似文献   

行政行为说明理由制度提高了行政机关的政治责任,强化了对行政权的司法审查,使得司法审查从对行政权结果的审查扩展到对整个行政过程的审查。同时,该制度的实践也对传统行政法学理论形成挑战。在我国《行政程序法》制定过程中、在我国行政诉讼法修改过程中有必要对此进行深入研究,以构建我国合理的行政行为说明理由制度。  相似文献   

行政相对人的抵抗权利,即行政抵抗权,是行政相对人个体对行政行为所设置的义务进行抵制和不服从的权利。本文首先对行政抵抗权进行了界定,其次又对我国行政抵抗权的立法现状进行了评论,并在此基础上提出了自己的完善建议。  相似文献   

Kassoti  Eva 《荷兰国际法评论》2022,69(2):295-326

The article explores the question of interpretation of unilateral acts in international law both from the perspective of ascertaining their binding force (law determination) and from the perspective of ascertaining their content (content determination). It argues that the objective intention of the author to be bound is what distinguishes binding commitments of unilateral origin from non-binding ones. In turn, this involves the interpretation of a unilateral act in accordance with its content and the circumstances surrounding its making. In practice, the use of clear and specific wording in conjunction with a set of contextual indicators are indicia of the intention to create a binding unilateral commitment. Against this backdrop, the article continues by addressing the question of interpretation of unilateral acts from the standpoint of ascertaining their content. It shows that the text of the act is the primary consideration in determining its content—and that its context as well as the circumstances surrounding its making are also interpretative elements that need to be taken into account. Due to the unilateral origin of these acts the interpretative rule applicable to international agreements can only be used as a point of reference when it comes to interpreting the content of these acts. In this light, the article concludes that more practice is needed in order to elucidate the exact role and weight that should be ascribed to non-textual elements in the context of interpreting unilateral acts. At the same time, the article argues in favour of adopting a broader approach to the concept of ‘interpretation’ in international law. Viewing interpretation not merely as content determination but also as law ascertainment allows us to better assess the persuasive value of arguments in favour or against certain interpretative rules when practice is scant—as is the case with unilateral acts.


处分原则下的当事人诉讼行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张家慧 《现代法学》2005,27(3):62-73
处分原则和辩论原则为民事诉讼的两大基石,而民事诉讼则是法院审判行为与当事人诉讼行为合力的结果,因此在处分原则的框架内对实体层面上的当事人诉讼行为进行研究,对于保障当事人处分权和规制其诉讼行为,并在此基础上更合理和科学地构筑整个民事诉讼制度无疑将具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

反垄断法的域外适用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许光耀 《时代法学》2004,2(3):99-107
许多学者主张 ,我国应以效果原则为依据 ,建立反垄断法的域外适用制度。但美国反垄断法的历史表明 ,效果原则有许多弊端。美、德、欧洲法院、欧共体委员会的实践表明 ,需要采用多种方法对效果原则进行限制 ,并应借鉴冲突法的方法 ,尽可能采用能体现真实联系的连结因素 ,而以效果原则作为补充 ,从而避免单纯的效果原则所产生的扩大本国反垄断法适用的倾向。  相似文献   

论行政诉讼的司法变更权   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
行政诉讼法第54条第4项规定:“行政处罚显失公正的,可以判决变更。”这为司法变更权的行使提供了法律依据。但是司法变更权从开始设定到实施,学界和实务部门一直存在分歧和争论。本文从司法变更权的理论基础出发,界定司法变更权的内涵,分析现行法律规定的不足,从理论和实践上突破现行法律的框架,完善司法变更权介入行政诉讼的广度和深度,力求确立一个完善行政诉讼司法变更权的开放性思路。  相似文献   

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