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赵中颉 《现代法学》2003,25(1):117-119
本文概述了新闻法制的现实社会背景,在此基础上,就新闻立法进行了一定深度的思考,既肯定现行新闻法规对新闻传播活动有一定的规范作用,但同时指出现行新闻法规不能完全有效地适应当代新闻传播活动,强调建立和完善新闻法制的条件已经成熟,呼吁尽快完善社会主义新闻法制。  相似文献   

法律义务冲突初论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律义务冲突概括的是这种情况:同一法律义务人同时承担两种或两种以上不相容(具体表现为两种或者两种以上的义务不能得到同时履行)的法律义务,履行其中一个法律义务,就必然要违反其他的法律义务进而可能承担责任的义务抵触状态。法律义务冲突具有法律性、客观性、冲突性和身分性等特征。同时,法律规则之间、法律规则与法律原则之间以及法律原则之间冲突的解决方法为解决法律义务冲突提供了可参考的途径。  相似文献   

哈特以社会规则理论为核心阐释法律的概念,使规则区别于习惯,并将法律视为初级规则与次级规则的结合。同时,社会规则理论也具有一定的限度,这集中表现在,根据哈特的理论,在法体系之下,作为法律规则的初级规则的成立并不以其具有社会规则这一身份为必要条件。被制定出来的法律规则能够经由通过法体系效力判准的检验而在其被真正实践之前就成立,因此,有些法律规则不是社会规则,社会规则理论不能适用于所有的法律规则。  相似文献   

Legislatures have made numerous attempts to reduce medical malpractice costs by changing the legal rules governing malpractice suits. Additional changes through physician discipline are also under consideration. This paper - tests whether these changes have had the desired effects, using cross-state data. The empirical findings are that the results of changes in the legal rules are generally as expected, but that physician discipline seems to have little impact on either insurer costs or insurance rates, even after the discipline rules have been in effect for up to four years.  相似文献   

法律原则理论主要包括法律原则规范属性理论、法律原则区分理论以及法律原则适用理论三个部分。法律原则在规范评价与事实描述两个层面上均作为有效的规范类型存在,它与法律规则作为两大构成要素并存于法律规范之中,它们之间的差异是逻辑性的而不是程度上的,但两者的关键区分在于法律原则无法像法律规则那样被承认规则所鉴别。法律原则不可以直接适用于具体个案,只能在符合形式限定与实质限定的条件下发挥其规范作用。对于我国许多学者基于实用主义偏好而热衷的法律原则适用理论,我们需要保持一种前提性的反思,有意识地进行语境置换,以便更好地把握法律原则的意涵。  相似文献   

事例是清朝廷处理各类政务的临时性规定.清代盐法事例适应盐政事务不断变化的情势,调整纷繁复杂的盐政事务,如平抑盐价、调整盐课、确定完课、减课及奏销时限、改定奏销方式、打击私盐及盐务管理等.通过朝廷职官或地方官员奏准、皇帝上谕等形式“著为定例”,以解决盐法实施中的具体实际问题.盐法事例较之律条、条例灵活变通,能适应频繁变动的盐政事务,可以补律条、条例之不足.事例是优于律、条例解决这些实际问题的法律形式.虽在制度上没有明文规定,但资料显示在具体实施中具有法律效用。  相似文献   

Abstract . According to the common thinking of continental European lawyers, a rule is invalid each and every time either it was not produced in accordance with the metarules which govern the production of rules in the system, or it is inconsistent with a "superior" (higher-ranked) rule belonging to the same system. Thus, a better understanding of the concept of invalidity demands a careful inquiry into the various kinds of meta-rules which govern the production of rules as well as into the various kinds of normative hierarchies. The paper is mainly devoted to such an analysis. Five different grounds for invalidity are distinguished. The analysis further shows that invalidity can affect rules as well as legal provisions and legal sources. Further, invalidity should be sharply distinguished from non-existence (existence being a sufficient condition for rules to be applied). In most legal systems, invalid rules too are susceptible of judicial application: At least, until their invalidity is "declared" (in a constitutive way) by a competent organ (namely, a constitutional court, as far as statutory rules are concerned).  相似文献   

陈金钊 《北方法学》2014,(1):107-122
法律解释方法的核心是法律解释规则,即各种理解、解释和运用法律的规则。几乎所有关于法律解释方法的理论,其目标都是探寻法律解释规则的构建与运用。为了证成这一判断,梳理与不同意识形态相匹配的具体法律方法很有必要。这种概括不是对法律方法纯粹历史的考察,重心在于说明法律解释规则的实践意义。我国的法律方法论研究即将进入第二个发展阶段,即在关注一般理论研究的基础上,开始法律解释规则及其运用研究。这是展现法学理论和法律方法论实用品格的开始。对法律解释规则的认识可以从多个角度展开,重点从法治意识形态、法律方法的进化以及与相近概念的比较三个方面进行诠释。  相似文献   

Using Swedish rape statistics as a focus, this article aims to empirically describe the way in which different factors affect official crime statistics produced at the national level. It is argued that cross-national comparisons of crime levels are extremely hazardous when based on official crime statistics, since the construction rules vary widely. International comparisons of crime levels should as a rule be confined to findings of international victim surveys. The example of rape statistics in Sweden - about three times higher when compared to other countries in the European Sourcebook - is used to explain what factors can influence statistics. Statistical, legal and substansive factors are to be taken into account. The author shows that changes in statistical routines, the legal definition of rape and changes over time all influence the statistics in a substansive way. This article indicates the great extent to which crime statistics are a construct, whose appearance is very sensitive to the rules applied in the process of construction. In order to employ statistics appropriately, a thorough knowledge of the principles guiding this process is therefore essential.  相似文献   

士是指产生于春秋战国时期并在中国传统社会中一直存在的、以"弘道救世"为己任的、其社会群体(或阶层)在各自社会起到中流砥柱作用的人。士制度主要包括士主体规范、士行为规范、士之特权与使命规范等。骑士是指形成并存在于中世纪欧洲的以追求与维护个人及社会荣誉为己任的、对其相关社会起重要作用的骑兵阶层中的人。骑士制度也可以从骑士主体规范、骑士行为规范及骑士权利义务规范三个方面来概括。士与骑士制度具有同样重要的法律文化地位,但二者从经济、法理、思想基础,到具体内容与各自之特点都存在巨大差异,从而塑造了中西传统法律文化之不同内容、特征与命运。  相似文献   

European Journal of Law and Economics - Epstein (Simple rules for a complex world, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1995) defended the superiority of simple legal rules over complex,...  相似文献   

The modern lawyer operates within a conception of law as a bodyof rules. To confront the law of contract, of torts, or of property,is to familiarize oneself with an intricate set of rules. Suchfamiliarity is not yet legal scholarship, much less legal practice.For in order to use the rules as lawyers use them, the rulesmust be contemplated and considered, and the relationship betweenthe different rules must be understood. Because the intellectualprocesses involved in handling the rules exhibit a high degreeof sophistication, those intellectual processes may themselvesbecome the subject matter of philosophical argument. Thus wemay regard jurisprudential theories as embodying differing understandingsof the processes of handling legal rules; and we may conceiveof legal theory as the attempt to grasp the moral significanceof rules as a foundation for social order. This essay shalloffer some thoughts on the relationship between the rule oflaw, considered as a moral ideal, and the notion of rules asthe principal means by which legal order is manifested.  相似文献   

传媒对诉讼案件的不规范报道在很大程度上干预了独立审判 ,而现代法制国家关于报道诉讼案件应遵循的规则早已成为系统的法律规定。我国应借鉴域外的调整规则 ,根据中国国情 ,应对传媒采访报道诉讼案件的时间、方式、范围以及对录音录像等设备的使用进行规范 ,设置传媒采访报道诉讼案件的相应规则 ,并运用现有的法律规定 ,最大限度地消除传媒报道对审判的负面影响 ,确保审判不受其干扰。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - This article deals with some phenomena of the Hungarian legal language from a historical point...  相似文献   

The article is concerned with the question of how legal institutions are structured with the use of constitutive, institutive, consequential, and terminative rules. To that end, the regulation of international treaties as laid down in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 is analysed. This leads to the discovery of two additional categories of rules: content rules and invalidating rules. Finally, the special status of unique legal institutions is investigated. Unique legal institutions – for example, heads of state, parliaments, and supreme courts – enjoy validity in a legal system to the exclusion of the validity of any other legal institution of the same category in that system.  相似文献   

张书友 《北方法学》2013,7(5):18-29
在现代法律理论中,规范性既意味着法律对行为的影响,也用以表达有别于事实的另一世界。有关法律规范性的争议可分解为三个相互关联的理论难题:制裁与义务是否具有同样的规范作用?是否只有一般性的法律规则才具有规范性?哲学实证主义与法律实证主义对规范性的理解是否相同?通过思考这些难题可以得出结论:规范问题不同于价值问题,法律实证主义能够在探讨规范问题时坚持价值无涉的立场;法律的规范性不能化约为唯一一种规范作用,对此有必要进行更加精致的研究。  相似文献   

张武举 《河北法学》2004,22(4):73-75
我国刑法上的时效,是指刑事法律所规定的、对已过法律规定期限的犯罪行为人不得追诉的一项法律制度。从该制度设置的目的和意义出发,"法定最高刑"应理解为"应当适用的条或款的法定最高刑",并主张将"法定最高刑"明确修改为"应当适用的条或款的法定最高刑"。不受追诉期限的限制的"逃避侦察或者审判",应以当事人"明知"自己已经受到司法机关追究为前提。  相似文献   

哲学诠释学的诞生是西方社会经历了科学理性与规则理性的洗礼后重拾人文价值的产物,它对传统解释学中的技术与规则崇拜、主客体截然对立、解释结论唯一正确性等命题提出的反思意见为我们提供了一种开放的法意识形态和法解释观,它为内涵着建构科学理性与重铸人文价值双重使命的中国法学开辟了思想的入径,也为法律由抽象而具体、由静止而行动、由符号而意义化构建了开放性的平台。中国法治唯有在主客一体传统中植入规则之质料方能达致主客二元理性,方能拥获自己的理念根据、制度实体和生存质感。  相似文献   

合同概念的历史变迁及其解释   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐涤宇 《法学研究》2004,26(2):57-70
对合同的概念,在不同的历史阶段和法律文化背景下,存在着各殊的构想模式。古典罗马法以形式主义和类型法定为契约概念的特质,构建了债一契约的制度模式;中世纪注释法学家遵循这一模式,以原因理论重构了合同的概念,这一传统为法国法系继受,使原因理论成为破译其合同概念及相关制度设计的密码;在德国,自然法理论、理性法学和历史法学结亲,以法律行为理论重组合同的要素,使其含义在历史上再一次发生根本性断裂;20世纪以后,制度的变迁又催生了新的合同说明模式。  相似文献   

Abstract. The author discusses Hart's concept of legal obligation, especially his contention that there is an obligation to obey the law which is peculiarly legal, i.e., non-moral. This view is held to be mistaken. What is denied is that legal rules, merely by their being issued, offer a justification for the use of coercion to ensure compliance with them. Although moral and other social (customary) rules are considered self-justifying, that is not the case of legal rules. Any analogy between these two types of rules in justifying their implementation by force is deemed wrong.**  相似文献   

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