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Stephen Riley 《Ratio juris》2019,32(4):439-454
This paper argues that human dignity is a sui generis status principle whose function lies in unifying our normative orders. More fully, human dignity denotes a basic status to be preserved in any institution or process; it is a principle demanding determination in different contexts; and it has its most characteristic application where the legal, moral, and political place competing obligations on individuals. The implication of this account is that we should not seek to reduce human dignity to either a legal norm or a legal principle.  相似文献   

In this article, we use case‐to‐case citation networks to explore the force of precedent in EU law. We introduce a novel methodology to analyse the extent to which references to past decisions act as reasons for decisions in subsequent cases and illustrate the approach on the European citizenship case‐law citation network. We conclude that the cohesive pull of precedent in EU citizenship case‐law is too weak to generate a coherent judicial doctrine, thereby confirming qualitative research on the subject. However, the incursions into competences of the Member States in areas, found only tangential to EU citizenship, form a more consistent underlying story.  相似文献   

由于著作权法无法保护数据库的"收集材料"过程,从而无法保障数据库的发展,因此,国际上出现了一种特殊权利保护模式(suigeneris right protection),1对数据库的"收集"予以保护.  相似文献   

数据库特殊权利滥用的反垄断法规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般认为,以维护公平自由竞争为己任法,是发展现代市场经济所必不可少的制度因场经济的基石。鉴于反垄断法的重要性,反垄方国家往往被视为“经济宪法”、“自由企业的反垄断法规制的一般是各种各样的限制或阻状态或行为,诸如卡特尔协议,滥用市场支配地要对竞争有实质性损害的行为,都在反垄断法之内。知识产权则是人们就其知识财产所享有利。知识产权作为一种合法垄断权,一般都作法的适用例外,但是,为了维护竞争,制止权利国反垄断法又普遍规定,如果权利人滥用其知就有可能受到反垄断法制裁。这说明知识产权法之间存在矛盾,数据库特殊权利的出…  相似文献   

1996年3月11日,欧盟通过《欧洲议会和理事会关于数据库法律保护的指令96/9/EC》1(以下简称“指令”)。该指令为电子的和非电子的数据库创设了一种特别的双重保护机制(two-tierprotectionscheme),要求各成员国以智力创作给予数据库版权保护,同时,引入一种  相似文献   


Literacy today means developing a technical skill on an electronic machine. (French 1990)  相似文献   

张先昌 《法学研究》2009,(3):178-191
皇权与法律的关系在常态下,表现为皇权支配法律,法律又限制皇权;法律维护皇权,皇权又尊重法律,二者相互制约又相互协调。中国传统社会有着较为完善的限制皇权的制度,也有着严格的立法和司法程序。隋代前期的历史典型地反映了这个特征。那种认为在中央集权君主专制条件下君主言出法随,任意赏罚,其权力不受法律约束的观点是不正确的。  相似文献   

对“对等”这一长期被作为一条理所当然的翻译原则和翻译批评标准的范畴,德国译论家卡塔雷拉.莱斯首创的目的论对此进行了独特的界定。这一界定为翻译原则的建立和翻译批评提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

郭晶英 《法学杂志》2007,28(5):157-160
法庭通译是实现法律平等的重要工具和确保控辩双方公平竞争的语言手段,中国就法庭通译已有相关立法,但是尚未出台具体实践操作的规章制度,法庭通译还未引起足够重视.本文首先概述法庭通译方法,进而分析各国的法庭通译制度以及中国法庭通译现状,借此希望对中国法庭通译的建设工作有所启示.  相似文献   

不同文化之间的交流有着漫长的历史,跨文化交往是这一发展过程的最高形式.受历史、社会、文化等因素的影响,跨文化交往形成了多种模式.不同文化的价值观对这种多元化模式的形成起到了至关重要的作用,这些模式也反映了各自的价值观.跨文化交往既要推进本文化的发展,维护本文化的价值观,同时还应该在交往过程中努力创造新的、为所有交往参与者所共同接受的价值观,即普世性价值观.这种价值观应该以维护、促进不同文化之间的交往为目的,以和平、平等、协商为主要内容.  相似文献   


Translational criminology is a decision-making perspective that emphasizes the dynamic coproduction of evidence by researchers and practitioners, focusing on obstacles to and facilitators of evidence generation and utilization. It incorporates several other data-driven decision-making models, including evidence-based policy making. This review suggests that the availability of empirical research is no longer the most significant impediment to evidence-based policing. Rather, translating and implementing knowledge about ‘what works‘ in policing has arisen as the field’s primary barrier to securing the effectiveness and efficiency improvements of research and data utilization. This article orients readers to translational criminology’s various components and explores their applications. Focusing on four central considerations, this review explores the roles of researcher practitioner partnerships, policy, technology, and government in developing and sustaining translational efforts in policing. The review concludes by acknowledging challenges to fostering a translational perspective in policing, and offers examples of where it has been applied with success.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3-4):446-453
Editor's Note: This essay is an excellent example of why we should be reading and analyzing the public messages of our opponents. Too often we dismiss the statements of Bin Laden and other criminal-soldiers as pure rhetoric and propaganda. In our struggle against Al-Qaeda and other criminal-state entities it is imperative that we know and understand the leadership of ‘thine enemy’ in order to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately defeat them.

This essay discusses the rationale behind Usama Bin Laden's January 2006 tape, released by the Al-Qaeda leader after a 13 month hiatus. The essay puts forward theories behind the timing of the release of the tape and highlights Bin Laden's changes in strategic thought in response to changes in the political landscape of the Middle East. Bin Laden has also been carefully monitoring the anti-war movement and, for the first time, urges Americans to read an American author as a means of understanding his geo-political desires for the Muslim world. Readers will also be able to place Bin Laden's January 2006 tape in the context of recent statements by Ayman Al-Zawhairi and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.  相似文献   

LEGAL CONTEXT: The decisions of the ECJ in William Hill and Fixtures Marketingconstitute setbacks for rightholders seeking to protect thecontent of databases from unauthorised use by others. This developmentis keenly felt in Ireland and the UK because of the absenceof any overlapping protection in the form of unfair competitionrelief against parasitical activities by competitors. Ironically,post-Feist US copyright law, in the form of the Montgomery CountyRealtor case (1995), when contrasted with the recent Dutch ZAHdecision (2006), shows that US copyright law affords a greaterlevel of protection than is available in the EU under the DatabaseDirective. The ZAH decision also builds upon earlier Germancase law, virtually eliminating liability for linking to websitematerial made available to the public. KEY POINTS: In ZAH, the Dutch Court's interpretation of the Directive andcriteria to be met before content may be copyright protectedwas very restrictive, in stark contrast to the approach of mostCommon Law judges. The result is a very different one to thatintended by the drafters of the Directive, a point reinforcedby the European Commission's own 2005 assessment of the Directive. PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Directive has been a disaster from every perspective. Lawmakersin the UK and Ireland may feel that the time is right to consideradopting national measures to produce a more balanced protectivemeasure in respect of commercial databases and an effectivemeans of stimulating investment by following unfair competitionprinciples, rather than the quasi-copyright model of the suigeneris right. ZAH demonstrates that until the European Commissiontackles the critical issue of a common originality standard(which is very unlikely) national differences will be inevitablewithin EU copyright law.  相似文献   

通过以巫觋的活动为中心的考察可以发现,在隋代民众的信仰生活中,除了佛教道教之外,对巫觋和巫术的崇拜也占有重要的地位。隋时巫觋处于国家职官体系内,参与国家祭祀与医疗活动。在民间的巫觋则以鬼神代言人的身份活跃,掌控着民众鬼神信仰,并凭借通神视鬼之能主持各种巫术活动,行使医疗的职能,深得民众信赖。  相似文献   

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