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语言哲学与法律语言规范化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为从对世界的本体认识转向对语言本身认识的语言哲学,在语言和世界的关系之宏观层面的认识论上,在理想语言设计之中观层面的方法论上,其对法律语言规范化研究具有无可替代的重大意义.特别是其语言意义的理论和学说,在微观层面的操作上,可以直接指导法律语言规范化对具体语言问题的研究.不过,中外任何学科的学者之所以没有探讨过语言哲学和法律语言之问的关系,主要应该归因于这个课题的复杂性和跨越性.  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - The article deals with the problem of coining terms and nomenclature signs with proper names...  相似文献   

敖双红 《法学杂志》2013,34(5):69-76
交通标识主要有指示性、警告性和禁令性标识三类。指示性标识与警告性标识对人的效果一般属于行政事实行为,但指示性标识与警告性标识致人损害的救济则视起诉人的权利义务与该特定物关系的紧密程度而定,可能分别产生一般行政诉讼与行政公益诉讼。禁令性标识是对公物的使用规则的确定,属于一般性具体行政行为,当然能够实施行政救济,但设置合理与否以及法律效力产生的时间不同,救济后果也有区别。  相似文献   

植物新品种权法律保护:比较与启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴越  杜芸  胡晓红 《时代法学》2005,3(2):59-64
品种权是一种新型的知识产权,需要通过完备的法律予以保护。通过比较TRIPs协定、UPOV条约、欧美、日本等法律,结合实践需要,提出了修订我国《植物新品种保护条例》的思路,为实践中解决品种权侵权纠纷提供理论依据。  相似文献   

ANDREI MARMOR 《Ratio juris》2008,21(4):423-452
The purpose of this essay is to explore some of the main pragmatic aspects of communication within the legal context. It will be argued that in some crucial respects, the pragmatics of legal language is unique, involving considerations that are not typically present in ordinary conversational contexts. In particular, certain normative considerations that are typically settled in a regular conversational context are unresolved and potentially contentious in the legal case. On the other hand, the essay also argues that a careful distinction between various pragmatic aspects of language use enables us to offer some generalizations about types of pragmatic enrichment that could be taken to form, or not to form, part of what is actually determined by legal expressions.  相似文献   

Legal terms have a special status at the interface between language and law. Adopting the general framework developed by Jackendoff and the concepts competence and performance as developed by Chomsky, it is shown that legal terms cannot be fully accounted for unless we set up a category of abstract objects. This idea corresponds largely to the classical view of terminology, which has been confronted with some challenges recently. It is shown that for legal terms, arguments against abstract objects are not pertinent. As abstract objects are not natural, it is important to consider their creation. Two types of creation are distinguished and illustrated, one for new concepts and one for terms corresponding to existing general language concepts. In the latter case, it is important for the abstract object to remain close enough to the intuitive prototype. At the same time, legal terms as abstract objects are shown to have a natural place in relation to legal theory.  相似文献   

日本的法律用语与德语——关于“行为”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言 今年5月号的连载"德语"登载了石田先生为本系列专栏撰写的有关探讨日本法律学与德语之间密切关系的论文.现代日本的法律及法律学起始于明治维新之后,从欧洲引进法律体系之时.日本法律用语中的大部分就是在这一过程中通过把德语或法语等的法律用语译成汉字而形成的,学习法律的人当中,或许会有一些人对法律用语感到有些束手无策.但是也常常遇到这样一种情况,表面上看似难解的法律用语,只要把它还原于德语或法语的原词,就变得易懂了.这是由于欧洲的许多语言中的大部分法律用语决不是法律家所独享的专门术语,而是任何人谁都会经常使用的日常用语的缘故.  相似文献   

语言具有原生的多样性和平等性,其维系着公共生活的有序运作,同时又对于个体具有身份构建和文化认同的意义。近代以来,政治权力介入语言领域,语言权利是民族国家共同语的政治构建与反构建过程的副产品。国家对官方语言的选择和对少数民族语言地位的安排是语言权利研究的重点。由此,在不同的时期也引发了关于个体语言权利与集体语言权利、自由主义与认同政治、语言公正与语言生态等相关问题的讨论和争议。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - The issue of untranslatability of legal terms, particularly between originally unrelated...  相似文献   

追求精确的目标使法律发展出了一套专门语言,这种语言在许多方面与日常语言不同。法律的科学化带来了法律语言的技术化,法律语言作为专家语言日益与日常语言分离,伴随这种分离的是生活世界与系统的分离。语言是存在的家,生活世界存在于日常语言中,技术语言泛化带来生活世界的殖民化。法的现代性问题源于语言的分裂。交往行动与日常语言密不可分,只有实现技术语言与日常语言的有机融合,才能实现沟通理性对工具理性的治理。  相似文献   

In my paper I will discuss both the processes of interlingual and intralingual translation of laws. The objective is to establish how the intralingual and the interlingual translation process influence or even shape a particular language of the law affecting thus the laws and the communication in a given legal system. In order to achieve this, I will initially research into the historical process that produced a series of intralingual translations of major laws in Greece and both interlingual and intralingual translations of laws in Cyprus, investigate the main principles used in interlingual and intralingual translation, examine how the languages of the law in Greece and Cyprus were affected by these translations, and show how intralingual and interlingual translation influenced the law both in Greece and Cyprus.  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique -  相似文献   

This research compared 40 adults with mild developmental disabilities (DD) and 40 nondelayed adults (ND) in terms of knowledge of legal terms and court proceedings. For all of the 34 terms studied, with the exception of police officer there were significant differences between the DD and ND groups with respect to degree of conceptual understanding of terms. Results indicate that all but 6 terms assessed (adjourn, allegation, crown attorney, defendant, prosecute, and court reporter) were well-defined by 85% or more of ND participants. In contrast, only 8 of the terms (police officer, lawyer, jail, court, lie, truth, judge, and witness) were reasonably conceptually understood by at least 75% of DD participants. Reported familiarity with terms in DD participants is not a reliable indicator of actual familiarity with terms. Results are discussed with respect to the need for education of DD individuals and legal professionals to support participation and fair treatment of DD individuals in legal situations.  相似文献   

德语世界的法哲学可以追溯到非常久远的年代,然而,其中最具决定性影响的时期是德国的"黄金时代",也就是从七年战争(1756-1763)的末期到1870年普法战争之间的百余年时光.这个时期,一如莫扎特、贝多芬之于音乐,歌德、席勒之于文学,辛克尔、卡斯帕之于艺术,高斯之于数学以及亚历山大·洪堡之于自然科学,康德与黑格尔也先后在哲学上开启了不朽的历史.  相似文献   

Can there be a non-reductivist, source-based explanation of the use of normative language in statements describing the law and legal situations? This problem was formulated by Joseph Raz, who also claimed to have solved it. According to his well-known doctrine of ‘detached’ statements, normative legal statements can be informatively made by speakers who merely adopt, without necessarily sharing, the point of view of someone who accepts that legal norms are justified and ought to be followed. In this paper I defend two theses. I argue, first, that the notion of a detached statement cannot be made to work, and that Raz’s problem is thus not thereby solved. But the problem itself, I also suggest, is a false one.  相似文献   

近年来,商业标识共存已经成为解决我国商业标识权利冲突的有效路径,其可分为商业标识协议共存与商业标识法定共存两种类型.从成因上看,商业标识共存既是商业发展的结果,也是基于现有商业标识多头立法下的无奈选择,亦是实用主义哲学在法律上适用的结果.考虑到商业标识形态下符号表达的有限性,以及保护财产利益的客观要求,法律应当准予商业标识间的共存,商业标识共存具有正当性.商业标识共存之认定应从四个方面入手,在不造成相关公众混淆的情况下,法院应尊重商业标识使用所形成的市场格局,允许经过善意、规范性使用的商业标识共存.  相似文献   

协调性是竞争法律体系的根本属性,对于衡量竞争立法的科学性和竞争执法的有效性具有重要价值。研究竞争法律体系的协调性,可以有效防止和化解竞争法律冲突。竞争法律体系的协调性是由竞争法律调整目标的协调性、竞争法律原则的协调性、调整对象的协调性、法律责任的协调性以及执法体制的协调性所构成的。从应然角度分析,中国竞争法律体系协调化应当具备形式、内容和价值三个要件。  相似文献   


The cyber domain is one of the newest and most rapidly evolving fields of knowledge which has led to the development of a new area of law—cyber law, that regulates the use of the Internet and activities performed over the Internet and other networks. The cyber domain is particularly dynamic: new concepts are constantly developed and need new terminological designations, which in turn need new counterparts in other languages. Formation of these designations and their counterparts often raises terminological issues that are important to deal with in order to develop a coherent system of the cyber domain terms. The given paper focuses on the terminology that includes the lexical item cyber which may be considered as the main signifier of the cyber domain indicating its specific nature. The aim of the paper is threefold: to analyse the origin and development of the lexical item cyber, to investigate conceptual categories of the EU legislation terminology that includes the lexical item cyber and to establish the Lithuanian counterparts that are used for translation of the lexical item cyber in the Lithuanian equivalents of the English terms. For the purposes of the study, the ad hoc English and Lithuanian corpora of the EU legislative documents were compiled. Corpus-driven methodology was used to extract and investigate the terminology used in the corpora. The results of the research are believed to provide useful information to learners and teachers of the legal language and legal translation, as well as drafters of legislative and administrative documents and other professionals engaged in cybersecurity matters.


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