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正Foreign companies get involved in the fight against poverty The village of Nanyu in Baoding City,Hebei Province in north China is only two hours'drive from capital Beijing.Yet in 201 5,the distance seemed to be overwhelming,especially in terms of income.The average annual income of the villagers was about 2,000 yuan ($285) that year.Nearly 26 percent of the families were impoverished and more than 100 people lived  相似文献   

The village of Nanyu in Baoding City,Hebei Province in north China is only two hours'drive from capital Beijing.Yet in 2015,the distance seemed to be overwhelming,especially in terms of income.The average annual income of the villagers was about 2,000 yuan($285)that year.Nearly 26 percent of the families were impoverished and more than 100 people lived below the national poverty line.In sharp contrast,the per-capita annual income for rural residents in China was 10,772 yuan($1,536)in the same year.  相似文献   

Lending a Hand     
As the conventional September- October “golden” season of property sales approaches, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) has again bro u gh t the performance of the property market into the spotlight with its latest measure. In a statement on August 25, the central bank announced that China will link the personal mortgage loan rate to a new lending rate reference starting on October 8 to make the rate more flexible and market-driven.  相似文献   

Lending a Hand     
Since late July, Pakistan has been bat-tered by svere floods. As numerous stonns pushed throughout the coun-try, water flowed over riverbanks.  相似文献   

<正>Wang,the driver of our school bus,is the most animated speaker I have ever seen—in any language. He is generally so excitable on the drive to and from school that he entertains all the teachers.He maintains a constant flow of  相似文献   

Hand in Hand     
China unveils a partner assistance program to propel Xinjiang toward economic prosperity and social stability While China’s coastal provinces basked in the glow of an economic boom  相似文献   

Giving Back     
<正>New tax rebate scheme on purchases by foreignvisitors will boost tourist spendingOn the morning of July 1,2015,the first thing Wang Qiang did was to put up a prominent sign at the entrance to his shop:"Tax free."The manager of Ruifuxiang,  相似文献   

Giving Globally     
China’s foreign aid during the past 60 years has achieved a great deal, helping boost beneficiary countries’ development, benefiting local people and cultivating managerial and technical personnel, all  相似文献   

<正>Detailed rules are in the pipeline to tackle surging risks in the unregulated P2P lending sector By Zhou XiaoyanWan Di,33,is a senior project manager at a Sino-foreign joint venture living in Beijing.With a deep pocket and a jampacked schedule,the biggest problem for Wan is investing his money without having to invest his time.  相似文献   

During the Third Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (China-CELAC Forum), held via video link on December 3, President Xi Jinping called for joint efforts to create a blueprint for cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries to promote people's wellbeing and human progress.  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an integral role in China’s economy.About 99 percent of Chinese enterprises are SMEs which provide nearly 80 percent of job opportunities in urban areas and contribute 60 percent of the country’s GDP.Access of funds has long been a problem for Chinese SMEs as they are often considered too risky and banks prefer to lend to big companies,particularly reputable stateowned enterprises.But banks can do more to support SMEs,said Som Subroto,global head of SME Banking at Standard Chartered Bank in an article for Beijing Review.Edited excerpts follow.  相似文献   

广梅汕铁路有限责任公司是由铁道部与广东省合资成立的铁路运输企业。几年来,广梅汕公司快速发展:效益增长,收入翻番,项目优质,安全确保,体制创新,观念变革。这种发展速度给铁路运输企业改革带来了重要启示。 广梅汕公司走的是一条再造(Reengineering)国企之路。所谓“再造”,不仅仅是从企业内部的角度出发,进行企业管理体制和经营机制的重构,而是根据企业面临的挑战和环境的快速变化,对于企业的战略发展、组织结构、营运流程以及支撑它们的文化系统进行彻底的、快速的重塑,以  相似文献   

保护古镇就是保护历史文脉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国的现代化进程以狂飚突进的态势,取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而,在这一过程的城市化浪潮中,全国许多古老的集镇被破坏,它们或消失、或毁坏、或变成假古董。我们对于这种破坏传统文化、割裂历史文脉的现象应该进行反思,并坚决遏制其蔓延之势。有鉴于此,在枫红谷黄的金秋时节,我刊与上海闵行区地方志办公室联合在江南名镇七宝,举办"现代化进程中的历史文脉和集镇保护问题"学术研讨会。我们特选几位专家学者的发言予以发表,以期引起更多的共鸣。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的现代化进程以狂飚突进的态势,取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而,在这一过程的城市化浪潮中,全国许多古老的集镇被破坏,它们或消失、或毁坏、或变成假古董。我们对于这种破坏传统文化、割裂历史文脉的现象应该进行反思,并坚决遏制其蔓延之势。有鉴于此,在枫红谷黄的金秋时节,我刊与上海闵行区地方志办公室联合在江南名镇七宝,举办"现代化进程中的历史文脉和集镇保护问题"学术研讨会。我们特选几位专家学者的发言予以发表,以期引起更多的共鸣。  相似文献   

在辛亥革命百年纪念之际,回顾清王朝1906至1911年仿行宪政的真实状况,检视非革命者对王朝立宪动机及种种倒行逆施的批判,即不难理解中国君主立宪的必然失败,并非革命打断了立宪进程.审视文明革命论对辛亥革命的影响和表现,分析南京临时政府的建政措施及革命者发展实业的理想,足以得出当时革命者激烈、革命行动激进、重破坏而轻建设的观点并不能成立.  相似文献   

恽来 《北京观察》2007,(7):44-44
《中共中央关于加强人民政协工作的意见》指出“,要支持政协围绕团结和民主两大主题履行职能,把加强团结和发扬民主贯穿于政协工作的各  相似文献   

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