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Economy Focused     
正Key points from the Two Sessions and what they mean for China and the world At a time when the United States seems to be retreating from the principles of free trade and globalization,Brexit inches toward reality,the rumblings of trade wars begin to rock the stability of the international order and leadership in technology is seen as a path to prosperity,China is  相似文献   

All Eyes Focused     
BTrial of former political heavyweight Bo Xilai grabs attention at home and abroad Bo Xilai,former Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC),went on trial on August 22-26,after an 18-month absence from public appearances since March 2012.Bo,64,has been charged with bribery,embezzlement and abuse of power.He was expelled from the CPC  相似文献   

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has set China's course for the next fi ve years and beyond. China's focus on stability is welcome at a time when much of the world is unsettled due, for example to North Korea's nuclear ambitions, Brexit, continuing problems in the Middle East, and a lot more.  相似文献   

People First     
As of May 14,there were 82,929 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)in China,with 4,633 deaths.In contrast,at that time,there were more than 1.39 million confirmed cases in the United States and over 84,000 deaths,the highest in the world on both counts.  相似文献   

Reel People     
IN 2007 Peter Sallade decided what happened in Beijing for the next few years was going to make it a very .important time and a very important place. The creative visionary Who started the Beijing Intemational Movie Festival (BIMF) that very year is jubilant that the annual event has just gained legitimacy.  相似文献   

The civil service is still popular but not as much as it once was chinese people in recent years have shown an increased interest in finding a red-collar job, a widespread Internet term nowadays meaning a public service job.  相似文献   

正Editor’s Note:Deputies to the National People’s Congress(NPC)—the highest organ of state power—are tasked with putting forward motions and suggestions based on surveys and research.NPC deputies are elected every five years and currently there are more than 2,900.During this year’s NPC session,held in Beijing from March 5 to 16,Beijing Review reporter Ma Li,China Today reporter Jiao Feng and China Report reporter Dong Yan interviewed several deputies to share their stories.  相似文献   

Serve the People     
正In late 2020,the Chinese Government announced that its goal to eliminate extreme poverty had been met. At the start of the targeted poverty alleviation program back in 2013, under 100 million people were identified as living below the poverty line;seven years later,that number dropped to zero.  相似文献   

Piracy, armed robbery, political turmoil and terrorism. These are some of the unprecedentedrisks threatening Chinese citizens abroad. Protecting their safety has become one of the prioritieson  相似文献   

<正>On July 1,2011,the Communist Party of China(CPC)celebrated its 90th birthday.Hu Jintao,President of China and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC,delivered a speech at a grand gathering mark-  相似文献   

正The First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress concluded on March 20.Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the closing meeting.Edited excerpts of a Xinhua News Agency report on the speech follow:  相似文献   

满文军 5月20日.满文军夫妇因涉嫌吸毒被北京警方拘留。满文军被警方治安拘留14天.其妻因涉嫌提供毒品被警方刑事拘留。  相似文献   

正A forestry professor dedicated his life to poverty reliefThe story of Li Baoguo,a late member of the Communist Party of China(CPC), has recently gained widespread attention.Li,a university professor in north China’s Hebei Province,moved many people through his relentless efforts to help farmers escape poverty by using his professional  相似文献   

Iwas in Thailand during the Lunar New Year holiday when the news of the spread of the novel coronavirus in China really started heating up.I still had another week of travel before heading home to Beiing on February 1,and the rising number of text messages and calls from family and friends was really starting to make me nervous.  相似文献   

王晋堂 《北京观察》2007,(12):21-23
提案是参政议政的务实途径——这是我回首做第九届、第十届市政协委员的一点体会。政协有大会小会,也有与社会接触的场合。委员有一定  相似文献   

出自历史典故的成语意义深远、言简意赅。出自春秋战国时代的成语典故有300多条,而来自楚国、楚人的成语占了几近1/3。作为历史故事一部分的成语典故也是当时政治文化的折射。来自楚国、楚人的成语反映出当时征伐频仍,楚人率性自为,楚风淳朴的特点。  相似文献   

People in a Case     
<正>China sees an increasing number of people with social anxiety disorder If a teacher called on me, I’d panic. My heart would beat so hard and I felt like I could barely breathe.  相似文献   

A human resource drive is powering the city as a super-class flagship of the country’s industrial and technological progress.HUMAN resources are the core of a modern economy. One enterprising mind can create a business, but a pool of them  相似文献   

CHINA's individual agricultural economy based on private ownership was transformed into cooperative economy based on public ownership between 1949 and ' 1956. During this time span the "communistic commune;" the "col ective farm"and the "people's commune" successively appeared in rural areas. In 1958, shortly after Chairman Mao Zedong said, "It is good to establish people's communes," the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established people's communes throughout the country. Documents at that time stated: "The realization of communism in our country is not a thing of remote future. We must actively establish people's communes and explore a concrete way to communism." By the end of October 1958, more than 26,000 people,s communes housing 120 million rural households -- 99 percent of all rural households in China - had been set up.  相似文献   

Beijing Review:Why do you think violence has persisted in Syria? Is there a civil war in Syria?Imad Moustapha:I absolutely reject the term civil war. A civil war indicates that two factions of the people are fighting against each other.It is not our Syrian people who are fighting against other Syrians.The current situation is the national army and security forces in Syria are fighting against armed terrorist groups that are armed and financed by foreign powers.  相似文献   

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