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Turning the Tide     
<正>Builder of new mega dam prioritizes people and the environment.It came as a bolt from the blue for Liao Chao’an when he was told he would have to relocate with his family since his plot of land was required to build a hydropower station.It was the Baihetan Power Station,part of a  相似文献   

Turning the Tide     
Coordinated strategy brings epidemic under control at its epicenter and farther The Wuchang Hospital,which was converted from a stadium in Wuhan in Hubei Province,was closed down on March 10 after seeing off its last 49 patients.It is the last of the 16 temporary hospitals in the city to close.  相似文献   

A Youthful Tide     
<正>History of China’s youth league inspires succeeding young generations Since March,Zhou Jiyuan has been volunteering in Haizhu District of Guangzhou,capital of Guangdong Province,to assistresidents taking COVID-19 nucleic acid tests.  相似文献   

Putting minuscule flakes of paint back on a painting more than 1,000 years ago.Inspecting a cave that has been around for a millennium for fungal and other infections.Restoring tiny fragments on a stone wall dating back to the Tang Dynasty(618-907).  相似文献   

民进党新潮流系的政治影响力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民进党新潮流系在台湾政治中有相当的影响力。本文运用“政治影响力”的概念加以分析,认为:在选举方面,新潮流系向来具有较大的影响力,但现在已经有人提出质疑;在决策方面,新潮流系对党内路线、决策、人事安排、夺取政权等都有相当大的影响,但在某些重大问题上无法对陈水扁产生牵制作用,影响力正在下降,而且目前正在受到其他派系的围攻,处于相当孤立的境地;在政治动员方面,由于脱离了劳工群众,影响力有相当大的衰退。总之,新潮流对当前台湾当局和台湾社会具有一定的政治影响力,但也受到很大的限制,不宜估计过高。“台独”理念是制约新潮流系政治影响力发展的“瓶颈”。  相似文献   

青春文学是本世纪初新兴的文化思潮.本文试图通过对青春文学三大特异性分析,阐释社会主义核心价值观对于青春文学生成发展的特殊功能意义.探讨用社会主义核心价值观引领青春文学潮的方法途径.  相似文献   

正Flying the flag of America First, the United States, the largest beneficiary of economic globalization, seems bent on sailing against the trend of the times toward its imagined destination of "making America great again."As it stirs up trade disputes, withdraws from international organizations and treaties, and rebuffs interdependence, the sole superpower in the world has become a lone wolf with unilateralism and protectionism as its credo.That has put the global village on edge, particularly as the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century with raging conflicts, unbal-  相似文献   

金秋10月,举世瞩目的中共十七大在北京胜利召开。这次盛会贯穿着一个主题--高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗。在这一激动人心的时刻,我们回首波澜壮阔的中国革命,无数志士仁人为中华之崛起上下求索,力挽狂澜,在艰难、曲折、奋进的历史长河中,终于寻到了一条改革开放、融入世界先进潮流的现代化航程,那就是开辟了中国特色社会主义道路,形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系,这是历史的选择。恩格斯曾云,一个政党的正式纲领,就是公开树立起来的旗帜。胡锦涛同志在十七大报告中向全世界宣告了我们的伟大旗帜,展示了中华民族光辉灿烂的前景。这面旗帜犹如光芒四射的一轮红日,千舟竞发的广阔大海,令众多青年学者激情澎湃,意气风发,对建设伟大祖国的壮丽明天充满信心。本期,我们特选择7位青年学者的笔谈,从不同的角度来诠释中国特色社会主义道路的历史意义。  相似文献   

张君浩  兰海燕 《前沿》2011,(7):125-128
在变革的时代,媒介环境发生着日新月异的变化,以数字化、全息化和交互性为特征的高新技术,对传媒组织的经营管理提出了更高的要求。传媒只有尝试着把握变革的艺术,对媒介的组织结构、盈利模式等进行相应的调整,才能在新的技术环境下更好地生存和发展。  相似文献   

Chan Ka-ying, or Nicole, lives with her cat in Shenzhen, a booming tech city in the south of Guangdong Province. Born in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), she is currently working in a stateowned enterprise after graduation from Peking University.I work as a policy analyst for the business in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), Chan told Beijing Review. I plan to work here for a few years and then return to Hong Kong, where my family lives.  相似文献   

由"知识"所带来的一系列不公平对普通老百姓来说,其打击尤甚于来自政策与制度上的不公平所带来的打击."新读书无用论"的出现,是民间对当代知识与权力状况的解读与应激,其危害是巨大的.为此,教育公平应成为任何有权介入知识过程者的最高原则与最基本的底线.  相似文献   

国家主权是一个历史范畴,随着全球化浪潮的涌起,发展中国家应把握其发展规律,积极参与国际事务,创新体制和规制,加强监督审查,重视科技、文化、教育事业,为更好地巩固和捍卫国家主权奠定有效性和合法性基础。  相似文献   

Fruits of Change     
正In sharp contrast to the thinly vegetated towering peaks in the background, the slope on which Long Tingheng's orchard sprawls is densely covered with assorted fruit trees.Locals nickname the slope Mountains of Flowers and Fruits. Long, a farmer in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province in southwest China, has seen his life transformed by the orchard of about 0.67 hectares.His family planted cherry, plum and apple trees, which fetched more than 200,000 yuan($28,620) in 2019, he said. Ten years ago, Long and other farmers in Jiashan Village  相似文献   

Seeds of Change     
正New plan lays down targets for modernizing agriculture and upgrading rural industries As a child, Qin Jing used to watch his father and other family elders grow mushrooms to make a living in the 1990 s. Now 37 years old, he is the general manager of a mushroom processing and sales company in Suixian, a county under the city of Suizhou in Hubei Province, central China.Suizhou is one of the leading mushroom-growing regions. Qin has witnessed  相似文献   

随着社会的加速发展,人才的国际化已成为势不可挡的浪潮。一个正在蓬勃发展的国家,一个不断革新、走向世界的城市,人才的寻觅、吸纳和合理利用是必不可少的。本期的这组笔谈,是有关的专家、学者对这一重大课题深入研究的一掬奉献,希望借此,与广大读者进行更为广泛的交流与切磋。———主持人:一凡  相似文献   

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