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Women’s rights NGOs and lawyers call for gender equality in college enrollment By Li LiSitting the once-a-year National College Entrance Exam and getting a high score are believed to be the only path to attend prestigious universities in China.However,a recent study shows that being male increases the chances due to discriminatory enrollment  相似文献   

No longer capital starved as it was in its emerging early years, China revokes tax privileges for foreign investors, confident that fair competition and a mature market is appealing enough.  相似文献   

China furthers anti-monopoly regulation for sound competition The State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR) has recently imposed administrative penalties on 12 companies conducting 10 deals, signaling strengthening of anti-monopoly regulation on domestic firms, especially Internet-based platforms. The penalties were announced on March 12, the day after the close of China’s annual legislative session, during which proposals to amend the AntiMonopoly Law were contemplated.  相似文献   

Playing the Role     
The G20 London summit made history. While applauding the summit's productive communique, Ni Xiaoling, senior financial observer with Xinhua News Agency, warns of the gap between the greater responsibilities the International Monetary Fund shoulders and its limited capabilities to play the role of coordinator in economic globalization.  相似文献   

正The United States accuses China of breaching international rules without a good reason As the sole superpower, the United States is the biggest beneficiary of current international rules. Taking advantage of its dominant status in the international system, Washington has recently adopted a  相似文献   

A possible China-U.S. trade and currency war will be harmful to both countries and even the world economy  相似文献   

Playing Together     
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of the worldrenowned Polish composer Frederic Chopin.Throughout the world,a range of activities will be held to commemorate the great maestro.Tadeusz Chomicki,Polish Ambassador to China,talked to Beijing Review reporter Yu Yan about China's celebration of the anniversary,as well as cultural exchanges between Poland and China.  相似文献   

Playing Catch-Up     
Will China overtake the United States in 2014 ? China is a major power in the world.That’s undebatable.But a report from the World Bank suggests the country’s economic size may be bigger than previously thought,maybe even to the point of soon surpassing the United States.The latter has been the world’s largest economy since 1872,when it overtook the United Kingdom,and has held the crown for more than 140 years.  相似文献   

Playing Catch Up     
<正>China’s fledgling e-reader industry faces serious headwinds After Amazon’s Kindle e-reader became a market hit in 2008 in the United States,a string of Chinese companies have jumped on the  相似文献   

正Government tightens grip on supervision and management of vaccinesAfter a half-month investigation,firstphase reports on a vaccine scandal were submitted to an executive meeting of the State Council,China’s cabinet,on April 13.The matter was revealed in February when police in east China’s Shandong Province arrested two persons for selling substandard vaccines worth more than 570  相似文献   

China fulfills its responsibility as a major country in the global fightagainst COVID-19 When the novel coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19) emerged in the city of Wuhan,China took the unprecedented measure of locking it down.The efficiency of policies is demonstrated by results.  相似文献   

<正>U.S.author explores the ideology behind the United States’ need to maintain its dominant global position Facing off against U.S.political and military players may not bode well for one’s future,but criticizing and writing about powerful forces sometimes does.Andrew J.Bacevich,a professor  相似文献   

正China expresses concerns over North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test Pyongyang once again shocked the world with its earthquake-triggering nuclear test.China’s earthquake-monitoring agency reported that the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK)on January 6 even shook some places in northeast China which border the DPRK.  相似文献   

大学生逃课现象研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用自编的“大学生逃课现象调查问卷”,对随机分层抽取的西北师范大学、兰州师专4个专业的156名大学生进行了测查。发现超过半数的大学生有过逃课经历;隐性逃课正在成为一种新动向;大学生逃课行为随年级增高呈上升趋势;大学生逃课的主要原因是“学习没有目标和动力”,和“对任课教师不满意”。  相似文献   

文章着重论述了英语教学中的角色扮演对提高学生口语水准的重要作用,同时具体介绍了进行角色扮演教学的方法和技巧。  相似文献   

实施“节庆稳定工程”是当前和今后一个时期的工作重点。国内安全保卫部门要从讲政治的高度,增强政治责任感和使命感,增强搞好节庆稳定工作的自觉性。要改变过去国内安全保卫工作只局限于搞对敌斗争、解决敌我矛盾的传统观念,主动承担起维护本地区社会政治稳定的职责;改变过去以侦察破案为中心的功能定位,突出公安机关情报信息的预警功能;改变过去以打击处理为主的业务指导思想,从防止危害的基本要求出发,主动工作,防止危害。  相似文献   

作为一种新兴网络沟通技术手段,微博的出现改变着互联网的舆论格局,并对中国社会产生深刻的影响。微博时代已悄然来临,但作为参政党的各民主党派,在微博时代中的角色定位却仍不够清晰,并不能完全适应当前网络民主发展的需要。如何通过微博拓展民主党派政治参与的渠道,提升参政议政的能力,使之明确在微博时代中的角色定位,需要更多的思考。  相似文献   

人民对美好生活的需要指向需求理论的不断完善。凯恩斯主义的宏观经济研究是从需求侧管理的角度,以国家宏观调控需求总量为目标解决经济发展中的问题。相较于凯恩斯主义侧重于需求一侧的理论研究,我国的供给侧结构性改革的推进过程,侧重于供给一侧的制度创新,着眼于供给结构和总量的调整过程。但供给侧结构性改革并不单纯依赖于供给一侧的作用手段,在改革实践过程中,必须要配合需求一侧的理论创新,从而更好推动供给一侧的改革创新。  相似文献   

Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty (1368 1644), named Zhu Houzhao, was a clever ruler and led several successful battles against Mongolian troops. He was the second monarch after Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty to personally participate in the war on the frontier.  相似文献   

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