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A Greener Decade     
<正>The China National Botanical Garden was officially inaugurated in Beijing on April 18.With a planned area of600 hectares,the garden features more than30,000 kinds of plants and 5 million plant specimens from five continents.The botanical garden,which contributes to biodiversity and harmony between humans and nature,  相似文献   

Consistent strengthening of stock market regulation and order is making Chinese investment behavior less speculative and more rational.By October 2007,the stock market index had skyrocketed to 19,000 points from its early 1996 low of 924.33 points.China's sustained 9 percent or more annual economic growth is an acknowledged factor in this huge rise.  相似文献   

China’s interior undergoes a transformation spurred by the government’s Western Development Strategy  相似文献   

正In 95 years of self-improvement and reform,the Communist Party of China has accumulated ample experience in governance and social constructionThis July marks the 95th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC).For almost a century,the CPC has brought about dramatic changes to the world’s most populous country. Founded in July 1921,the CPC has rightly  相似文献   

CAI YI 《人权》2007,6(5):13-15
Talking about changes in the Muslim-inhabited Niu Jie Street of Beijing,every mem- ber of the community would be all smiles."Everything has changed;the mosque,the streetscape and the people,too"they would say. Niu Jie or Ox Street is situated in the Xuanwu District in the southern part of Beijing.The 1.44 square kilometer area is inhabited by 54,000 people,mostly of Muslims.  相似文献   

TEN years are like a blink of an eye in China’s 5,000-year-long history. But in the past 10 years huge and unprecedented changes have taken place in China that have impressed the entire world and will determine the country’s future.  相似文献   

Sweden Pavilion delivers the messages of innovation, sustainability and playfulness New children visiting the Sweden Pavilion at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai would want to miss the fun of ri  相似文献   

For many Chinese, Buddhism is their philosophy of life, or it has tinted their philosophy of life, advertently and inadvertently. This fact, perhaps, renders Buddhism the most successful case of localization of a foreign religion in China.  相似文献   

绑架犯罪是严重危害人身安全的暴力犯罪,历来是我国司法机关重点控制、打击的对象。进入新世纪后,在2002年到2003年前后,绑架案件的数量激增,造成了严重的社会影响。关于如何认识绑架案件、如何进行处置以及如何进行侦查等问题,学者们开展了大量研究工作。尤其在刑法修正案(七)对关于绑架犯罪部分进行修改后,又为绑架案件侦查带来了新的研究内容。  相似文献   

Editor: Among China's massive 1.3 billion population, 800million are farmers. Back in 1978, when China had just adopted the reform and opening-up policy, 250 million farmers lived in abject poverty. The Chinese government has since worked consistently towards alleviating their plight, andconsiderable progress has been made. The Yimeng Mountainous Area in southern Shandong Province was formerly one of China's most impoverished areas. Ten years ago China Today reporters Li Xia and Yu Xiangjun visited Li Pisheng and his family in Nanbaode Village of the area (see"Down at the Farm in Shandong," June issue, 1994). Recently staff reporters Qiu Jianghong and Dong Ning revisited the Li family and take readers to see their life today.  相似文献   

<正>The Ninth BRICS Summit was held in southeast China’s coastal city Xiamen from September 3 to 5,laying a foundation for furthering partnership among member countries and working together to usher in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation.Over the past 10 years,which began  相似文献   

WE have higher incomes, better public security and more job opportunities; our government is also more attentive to public opinion and has increased subsidies for public undertakings. But there are too many casinos around, and housing prices are too high. This is how Zheng Bingkun, a 59-yearold bus driver, sums up life in Macao since it returned to the PRC.  相似文献   

中国妇女参政十年回顾与评估   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
该文对于1995年至2005年的中国妇女参政进行回顾评估,从四个方面展开:第一,将十年妇女参政置于解放后的历史背景下,描述加强制定性别保障政策的意义和实践。第二,发现女性民主参与对我国公共政策推进的价值。第三,与国际社会妇女参政进行比较,与我国民主党派进行比较,分析这十年妇女参政停滞不前的状况和原因。第四,分析参政女性在权力结构中的边缘地位,认为导致女性政治参与更多表现出的是非权力的外围参与,对公共政策的影响效果有限。  相似文献   

<正>The world’s deepest underground high-speed railway station is under construction beneath the Great Wall About one century ago,pioneering railroad engineer Jeme Tien Yow built the first railway in China connecting Beijing to Zhangjiakou in Hebei Province,which crossed the Great Wall.Today,a super construction project is underway  相似文献   

After working and studying overseas, a businessman finds his niche at home After earning his MBA degree at the University of Cambridge in 2004,Hou Guoqiang chose to return to China from Britain.Hou said he never thought about staying abroad to work and knew China was right for him.  相似文献   

<正>TheleadersofthefiveBRICSnations-Brazil,Russia,India,ChinaandSouthAfrica-reached a new consensus and achieved tangible results at their latest summit, which concluded last week in the South African city of Durban.According to a joint statement, the five major emerging economies  相似文献   

When bidding farewell after their annual summit in Beijing in early June,the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) had reason to feel proud of what they had achieved.By any measure,the summit was a remarkable success.It will go down in history as a milestone event for the organization,which groups China,Russia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.  相似文献   

Premier Wen Jiabao has played a major part inkeeping relations steady between China and the EU This year will see two meetings of the China-EU Summit. The first meeting, originally scheduled to be held in Beijing last October  相似文献   

李平贵 《理论月刊》2007,1(11):183-185
本文从政治教育的科学内涵、地位和作用、价值形态、心理基础、方法和特点以及政治教育与思想教育、道德教育、政治社会化的关系等方面对近十年来政治教育的研究状况做了梳理,在指出其取得成果的基础上,分析了存在的不足,并展望了未来研究的方向和重点。  相似文献   

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