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The interaction of medical technology and advancements in human life and biological tissue offers many possibilities and issues, for example the area of assisted conception and the identification and treatment of disease. However, hand-in-hand with these, ethical dilemmas arise. The overarching ethical issue surrounding cryo-preserved embryos is: Should an embryo be accorded the status of 'life' or should it be labeled nothing more than 'property'? This question is the interaction between frozen embryos and divorce, adoption, research and terminal incidents; it is a legal and ethical quagmire that cannot be readily resolved. This issue is of particular moral importance when one contemplates the fact that the scientific definition of life is dealt with on a continuum ranging from the metabolic view to the emergence of self-consciousness. The question must become property versus life or, in essence, sale or destruction of property versus sale or destruction of life. As this paper will show, the underlying attitudes of the progenitors involved in cryogenics can be driven by the darker side of our species; that side being the possible exploitation of those individuals or those capable of becoming individuals for personal and community gain while denying or rationalizing that point of view to society as a whole.  相似文献   

Policy on officer‐involved shootings is critically reviewed and errors in applying scientific knowledge identified. Identifying and evaluating the most relevant science to a field‐based problem is challenging. Law enforcement administrators with a clear understanding of valid science and application are in a better position to utilize scientific knowledge for the benefit of their organizations and officers. A recommended framework is proposed for considering the validity of science and its application. Valid science emerges via hypothesis testing, replication, extension and marked by peer review, known error rates, and general acceptance in its field of origin. Valid application of behavioral science requires an understanding of the methodology employed, measures used, and participants recruited to determine whether the science is ready for application. Fostering a science–practitioner partnership and an organizational culture that embraces quality, empirically based policy, and practices improves science‐to‐practice translation.  相似文献   

中医人工智能的伦理风险初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工智能是时代进步发展的成果,作为一种先进科学技术在给人类带来方便快捷的同时,随之而来的潜在风险也日渐凸显,尤其是对人类道德伦理的挑战。探讨机器本身的特性,分析其具有的问题和产生原因;探讨如何治理防控是对公众安全的保护也是对人工智能发展方向的人文指导,强化其人文意识确立人类主导地位,坚定医生主体地位显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Ethical Fading: The Role of Self-Deception in Unethical Behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the root of unethical dicisions by identifying the psychological forces that promote self-deception. Self-deception allows one to behave self-interestedly while, at the same time, falsely believing that one's moral principles were upheld. The end result of this internal con game is that the ethical aspects of the decision fade into the background, the moral implications obscured. In this paper we identify four enablers of self-deception, including language euphemisms, the slippery slope of decision-making, errors in perceptual causation, and constraints induced by representations of the self. We argue that current solutions to unethical behaviors in organizations, such as ethics training, do not consider the important role of these enablers and hence will be constrained in their potential, producing only limited effectiveness. Amendments to these solutions, which do consider the powerful role of self-deception in unethical decisions, are offered.  相似文献   

郭云忠 《法学研究》2010,(6):161-182
在刑事法律实证研究中,由于被研究者多为极易受到研究伤害的弱势群体,研究过程及结果又往往涉及司法改革和司法公正等重大问题,因而研究伦理亟需规范。实证研究本质上是一种生产知识的方法,对刑事法律实证研究的伦理规范主要是对研究权力的规范,目的是防止知识、权力与资本的“共谋”。应当遵循自律、纪律和法律的总体思路,设立伦理审查委员会,依据尊重、保护、公正、全面的原则,规范我国的刑事法律实证研究。在规范的同时还要建立相应的保障机制,以解决实践中法律实证研究难以开展的不利局面。  相似文献   

干部教育培训的投入是最具经济和社会效益的投入。干部教育培训既是干部人才资源开发系统中的一个基础环节,又是一个重要环节。为此,应以现代成人教育培训规律为指导,提高干部教育培训质量,提升干部教育培训科学化水平。  相似文献   

Ethical challenges in child and adolescent forensic psychiatry arise, on the one hand, from the dilemmas commonly faced in forensic psychiatry with adult patients, such as the dual role of the forensic psychiatrist, questions of criminal responsibility, autonomy and competence and involuntary treatment, and, on the other, from the immaturity and dependent position of the minor. Child and adolescent forensic psychiatry deals with minors involved in crime, not only as offenders, but also as victims. In this review, we attempt to describe ethical challenges in child and adolescent psychiatry using as a frame of reference the principles of biomedical ethics according to Beauchamp and Childress.  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济进一步深化,社会伦理道德必将随之产生变化。作为市场经济中的主体,经济组织或企业必须重新审视自身在整个社会秩序中的位置,遵循社会准则和经济原则。  相似文献   

In response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the bus and train bombings in England and Spain that followed, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) developed the ‘Container Inspection Program’ which ‘focuses on backpacks and containers large enough to hold explosives, [and to] ideally discourage subway riders from carrying backpacks and large bags in the subway system’. This paper analyzes the NYPD Container Inspection Program.  相似文献   

法官责任制度的三种模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着司法制度的不断发展和完善,我国的法官责任制度逐渐形成了三种模式.其中,结果责任模式发端于错案责任追究制,后被纳入违法审判责任制,如今则被视为防范冤假错案的重要制度保证.程序责任模式滥觞于违法审判责任制,如今则成为法院进行案件质量评查、对法官确定奖惩措施的主要依据.随着新一轮司法改革的推进,法学界发出了尊重司法规律、重构法官责任制度的呼声,一种主要针对法官违背职业伦理行为来构建法官责任的新模式——职业伦理责任模式,逐渐出现在各种司法改革的方案之中.上述三种模式都是司法体制改革的产物,都有各自得以存在的制度空间,也都有相应的局限性和实施障碍.通过总结我国法官责任制度的发展经验,可以为未来法官责任制度模式的选择确立一些基本准则.  相似文献   

Recent challenges have brought the discipline of firearms and tool mark identification to the forefront in recent court cases. This article reviews those challenges and offers substantial support for the scientific foundations of the firearms and tool mark identification discipline. A careful review of the available literature has revealed that firearms and tool mark identification is rooted in firm scientific foundations, critically studied according to the precepts of the scientific method culminating in the Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners' Theory of Identification. Firearms and tool mark identification has been validated in a manner appropriate for evidence of the kind to be expected in firearms and tool mark examinations. Proficiency tests and error rates have been studied and can provide consumers of the disciple with a useful guide as to the frequency with which misidentifications are reported in the community using appropriate methodologies and controls. As a result, the primary issues in recent challenges do not invalidate the firearms and tool mark discipline as a science nor should it detract it from its admissibility in a court of law.  相似文献   

进入信息社会以后,人们的生活方式、行为方式和价值观念较之以往,都发生了很大变化。网络成为了民众首选的、便捷的沟通渠道,网络舆论开始备受关注,网络舆论监督也已经成为舆论监督的重要组成部分,并对警民关系产生了前所未有的深刻影响。要想构建和谐警民关系,就要鼓励民众正确进行网络舆论监督,行使民主权利;同时,公安机关要积极应对网络舆论监督,树立警队威望。  相似文献   

“亲亲相隐”曾被当作封建消极的东西受到摒弃 ,但这种以亲情伦理为纽带的法律制度在当今社会中仍有其存在的必要性与合理性。本文从“亲亲相隐”在中国传统社会的历史沿革出发 ,分析了其发展的历史向度 ,考察了国外对其的相关规定 ,并分析了其普适存在的相对合理性 ,从而反思中国当前的法治建设并提出了引入该种法律思想和制度的构想。  相似文献   

刑法伦理解释论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张武举 《现代法学》2006,28(1):52-59
刑法解释问题的关键是依照什么价值原则和指导思想来理解和适用刑法条文,对此,迄今为止的各种刑法解释理论都没有给人们以正确、简单的指导。本文提出的“伦理解释论”认为,最好的刑法解释应当在刑法文本用语的最大含义范围内选择、适用最符合公众善恶观念的含义。“入罪解释论”和当下流行的“出罪解释论”都是荒谬和错误的。与“合乎伦理地解释刑法”相比,由谁来解释刑法、用什么方法来解释刑法并不重要。  相似文献   

法学教育中的法律伦理教育问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喻玫  王小萍 《河北法学》2006,24(12):196-200
从法律的内在价值要求、我国法治建设中存在的问题,提出法律伦理教育是我国法学教育不可或缺的重要组成部分.法律伦理包括蕴含在法律制度中的制度伦理与法律职业者在职业活动中的法律行为伦理即职业道德两部分.法律伦理教育的目标就是要把学生培养成为具有健全的法律伦理人格,有助于法律终极目标实现的"社会医生".这一目标的实现有赖于法学教育理念的重构和法学教学方法的转变.目前,开展法律伦理教育面临的障碍主要有思想认识上的偏颇,社会"道德滑坡"的大环境以及法律国家主义的影响等.  相似文献   

政治制度能够为物质文明的发展提供制度保障,为精神文明的创建奠定制度框架,为调节相互冲突的政治利益关系设置制度安排。政治制度对于社会进步的重要意义由此得以凸显。  相似文献   

法医学鉴定的对象是人及与人相关材料,因此在法医学检案实践中需要考虑伦理问题。基于法医学鉴定中的公平正义、尊重、真相告知三大基本原则,进一步衍生出法医学检案实践活动的具体伦理要求,即法医学鉴定的称职性、对鉴定涉及案件及其当事人伦理考虑、如何处理案件检材。然而当前法医学鉴定却存在部分法医鉴定人不称职、重技术轻程序、鉴定机构选择出现争议、利益输送与利益冲突等问题。笔者针对以上问题提出相应对策,并重点讨论三大矛盾,保证法医学鉴定称职性。  相似文献   

The article discusses the proposal for a “Charter of Digital Fundamental Rights of the European Union,” whose central element is a binding effect of its fundamental rights not only to state authorities, but also to powerful private internet companies, which have a potential similar to that of the state to infringe on fundamental rights in the digital era. The article outlines the traditional German approach to fundamental rights and its underlying distinction between state and society, which makes it difficult for German scholars to handle a so-called horizontal effect of fundamental rights. Finally, the article discusses the main objections to such a horizontal effect and shows some practical problems it has the potential to cause in German and European constitutional law.  相似文献   

蒋先福  陈媛 《时代法学》2008,6(6):50-54
判词是古代司法官员审理案件的具结文书。中国古代判词融情、理、法于一体,运用情感和道德的说理艺术,具有明显的伦理化色彩,但其注重寻求个案的实质正义和宣教意义,不失为中国传统法律文化中的一份值得珍惜的遗产。重新认识和评价古代判词的内在精神实质及其效用,有利于革除我国现行司法判决文书刻板化、程式化的弊端,推动司法文化的改革和进步。  相似文献   

The use of law enforcement officers in American schools has rapidly expanded since its inception in the 1950s. This growth can in part be attributed to the Safe Schools Act of 1994, the establishment of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office, and tragic events that have occurred in our nation's schools. Law enforcement officers in the school environment traditionally have primary roles of protection and enforcement, although many have ancillary roles of educating and mentoring students. However, the use of police in schools has also been associated with the formalization of student discipline and the criminalization of minor misconduct. Specifically, an increase in the number of officers in schools has mirrored an increase in the number of arrests and citations for relatively minor offenses. We argue that officers' socialization and training create role conflict in that the duty to enforce the law competes with other duties to mentor and nurture students. We present several hypothetical dilemmas and then illustrate how the “right thing to do” is determined by the perceived duties of the school safety officer. We conclude by presenting some modest suggestions on how to address the potential role conflict experienced by law enforcement officers working in schools.  相似文献   

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