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论警察权运行的终极目的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范辉清 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):78-81
人权保障不仅是设立警察权初衷,也是矫正运行状态的标尺,更是警察权运行终极目的。警察立法环节人权保障缺位、警察职权行使过程中权力属性的异化及警务保障中的缺失,导致人权保障目的的丧失。完善警察立法体系,在警察权运行过程中树立“权利本位”、“程序优位”理念且倡导以人为本的警务战略是校正警察权运行和目的之关键。  相似文献   

《联合国海洋法公约》作为国际上唯一的"地球宪法",其生效实施使约1/3面积的世界海洋依法划归沿海国专属或者管辖,在海洋的利用和管理上赋予沿海国主权权利和管辖权。沿海国在行使这种主权权利和管辖权的时候,可以依法行使紧追权、登临权,还可以采取检查、扣押、扣留、逮捕的措施,这些权力和措施非常类似于平常所说的警察权。在海洋上,这些权力和措施属于什么性质,应由哪些主体来行使,中国的现状如何,国际上的发展趋势如何,这些都是值得关注和研究的重要课题。从警察的概念入手,提出实质意义上的警察和形式意义上的警察(实证法上的警察)的分类,探讨警察权与海洋警察权的涵义,并分述每一种海洋警察的职责、任务以及各机关之间的关系。  相似文献   

严琦华 《政法学刊》2006,23(2):94-99
警察权的运行,是通过警察执法的权利化和公权化,以实现警察权的要素化和运行化的过程,与此伴随的还有警察权的权力异化过程。法律应当以警察权的权利与权力化、公权化、运行化、要素化和异化为着力点,对警察权进行规制与调整。  相似文献   

如何有效地制约警察权是各国警察理论与实践中重要而又难以解答的问题.本文从英国警察权制约的组织基础--警察负责制的历史发展和现行制度进行分析,概括出其三大特征:地方与中央控制相结合、权力分立以及警察独立.以期对我国警察权制约制度构架提供新的视角.  相似文献   

论我国警察权行使的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
警察是社会文明秩序的护卫,是社会发展进步的保证,警察权的状态是一个国家法治文明的标志。在现代国家中,警察权是与公民联系最密切的公共权力之一,它以限制公民的自由为主要特征。警察权力与公民权利在一定条件下成反比例关系,即警察权的扩大意味着公民权的缩小,警察权的滥用必将严重损害公民的权利。因此,权力的行使必须接受法律的规制。警察权的特殊性,决定了警察权的行使直接涉及公民的人身自由和财产,关系到人民群众的生命安危和切身利益。为了防止警察权被滥用,规范警察行政,必须加强对警察权的全方位法律规制。  相似文献   

杨金胜 《法制与社会》2010,(16):296-296
随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国在文化、教育、国防等方面取得了长远的进步。然而,在如此的大好形势下,袭警案件的频发以及警察整体形象的下降,不得不令人深思。是转变思想,与时俱进,真正的全心全意为人民服务,还是恃权自重,滥用权力,招惹众怒,成为摆在人民警察面前的一道现实课题。  相似文献   

随着一些行政违法案件日益组织化、智能化和复杂化,采用常规的检查手段已经难以满足打击和制裁违法行为的需要,于是"钓鱼式"行政执法便应运而生。"钓鱼式"行政执法是否具有合理性和合法性,可谓众说纷纭、莫衷一是。在现代国家中,警察权是与公民联系最密切的公共权力之一,它以限制人的自由为主要特征。警察权的特殊性,决定了警察权的行使直接涉及公民的人身自由和财产,关系到人民群众的生命安危和切身利益。所以,为了防止警察权被滥用,规范警察行政执法,必须加强对警察权的法律规制。  相似文献   

严琦华 《行政与法》2005,(10):85-86,89
警察权的运行,是通过警察执法的权利化和公权化,以实现警察权的运行化过程,与此伴随的还有警察权的权力异化过程。法律应当以警察权的权利与权力化、公权化、运行化和异化为着力点,对警察权进行规制与调整。  相似文献   

颜俊杰 《法制与社会》2014,(15):158-159
刑事警察权和公民权是公权力与私权利的一对典型代表,所以这就决定了这一对权力可能会存在矛盾和冲突,这主要是表现在理论层面和现实层面两个方面的。近些年来,因为刑事警察权对公民的正当权利造成侵犯的事件正在与日增多,所以因为这一系列的情况造成了各界对此事的广泛关注。因此也开始加大力度对刑事警察权进行制约和控制,但是过度的制约和控制又会对刑事警察权起到一个削弱的作用,导致刑事警察权的力量对于维护秩序显得有些力量不足。在刑事诉讼法在修改以后,关于刑事警察权和公民权的问题做出了进一步的处理,但是这仍然不能够很好的解决这一方面的问题,本文针对刑事诉讼法再修改后刑事警察权与公民权利平衡思考方面的问题做出简要的分析和探讨,希望所得结果能够引起大家的关注。  相似文献   

胡和平  罗维 《政法学刊》2012,(2):110-114
当前价值多元化的社会环境对警察素质和道德提出严峻考验。面对此形式,有必要重新审视自身传统文化资源和国外警察文化资源,古为今用,洋为中用,批判地继承和吸收,以促进当代公安文化的建设,增强公安文化软实力。传统文化中的"忠"、"仁"、"勇"、"公廉"这四种传统文化精神完全可以对接当代公安文化的建设。  相似文献   

This article points to a frequent feature in debates about the control of the police. Aside from cultural and political characteristics in the last decades, policing has changed and at present it is going through a stage of rapid change. The author defines the historical roots of police in democracies. He places the police within the framework of the sovereign state, the administration, the judiciary and the citizens. The state's control of police powers is described in its interdependency with new demands on the part of citizens regarding micro (domestic sphere/neighbourhood/community) and macro (urban sphere/state/European) levels. On a European scale, the article provides an oversight over the existing network consisting of internal, administrative, parliamentarian, judiciary, and civil (non-government/social movements) control agencies and mechanisms. In its conclusions the concept of ethical standards is introduced as a means of effective high-quality police management.  相似文献   

In order to reform and improve the relationship between the police and the procurator, it has been asserted for many years that the system of integrating the police and the procurator, under which the procuratorate leads the police, should be established in China. However, it still has not been resolved. For ages it has been ignored that integrating the police and procurator in foreign countries is essentially based on the separation of powers and the litigious idea on doctrine of function and power. This system is not conformed with the primary purpose of the criminal justice system reform in China, which will result in misunderstanding the idea and ignoring the specialty of the political and law systems. Therefore, if the abuse is discovered only in the system of integrating the police and procurator, the outlet will never be found. The point is that, the reform should depend upon the change and the discrimination of the ideology. By only cloning the system of other countries, the inner relations won’t be seen.  相似文献   

Police legitimacy is crucial to the maintenance of law and order in any society. In communities marred by high instances of societal manifestations of dysfunction, tenuous legislative frameworks, poradic implementation, and dismantling of crime fighting strategies, there is greater emphasis placed on quick-fix crime fighting solutions and policing initiatives. The focus is placed primarily on what police officers are mandated to do as opposed to practical applications underscored by systematic hindrances to professional practice. Examining interview data from a pilot study on police fear of crime in Trinidad and Tobago, this study is intended to explore connections between police perceptions about personal powerlessness and the exercise of state power. Here we examine the discourses of N = 12 senior police officers with an average of 22.83 years of service to attain a preliminary understanding of instances presenting a conflict between professional practice and perceptions of self-preservation. The findings suggest a need for officers’ constant consideration of the repercussions of professional competence and the need for continued navigation of blurred constructions of police legitimacy and subjective determinants of criminality against a backdrop of acknowledged personal powerlessness.  相似文献   

Police supervisors play a critical role in preventing unreasonable use of force. Despite their importance, only a few studies have examined the influences of supervisors on their subordinates’ daily practices, especially on their uses of police force. To bridge this gap, the current study explored the relationship between supervisors’ education level and use of force training and subordinate officers’ use of force practices. Using police use of force reports from 2004 to 2007 in a single urban police department, the current study examined how supervisor education and training impact on police use-of-force and found both highly educated and trained supervisors moderate their subordinate officers’ uses of higher levels of force.  相似文献   

潘志锋 《政法学刊》2012,(3):102-105
在中国社会从农业国家向工业国家转型的过程中,社会结构分化复杂,利益冲突和社会矛盾日益激化,社会治安形势异常严峻,警察站在解决冲突的"风头浪尖"上,时常被携裹进激烈的冲突中,执法权和人身权等权益受到了各方面的侵害。保护警察权益的核心在于塑造人民警察"恪守法律、秉公执法、超然于利益"的"中立形象",这就需要公安机关在处理热点案件时应遵循"及时、公开、透明"的原则,充分利用网络平台,掌握社会舆论中澄清案件事实的主动权,在与网民的平等互动中,有效维护警察的各项权益。  相似文献   

在我国药品、食品公共卫生事件处理过程中,行政执法和刑事侦察衔接不畅通,刑事制裁真空,是该类事件频发的主要原因。新形势下,进一步明确和落实行刑联动机制是提高政府公共危机管理能力,严惩犯罪分子,防范类似公共卫生事件再次发生的体制保证。本文对行刑联动机制进行制度分析和实践分析,剖析其现存的问题,并借鉴美国的相关制度提出解决方案,进一步完善食品药品行刑联动机制。  相似文献   

The legitimacy of police authority has often been questioned due to a relatively low level of public confidence in the police in South Korea. Instrumental and expressive perspectives provide competing explanations of the determinants of public confidence in the police. Empirical studies comparing these competing perspectives are thus far limited to British and US studies. To fill this void, this study used a structural equation modeling approach to examine expressive and instrumental models of confidence in the police among South Koreans. Analyses of data from the Korean National Crime Victimization Survey revealed that both models were empirically supported. However, the expressive perspective (i.e., perceptions of local disorder, informal social control, and social cohesion) was more important than the instrumental perspective (i.e., worries about crime) in explaining confidence in the police among Koreans. The implications for research and policy are discussed based on the findings.  相似文献   

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