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This paper emphasizes the foster children's right to family life and investigates whether change of custody and guardianship to foster parents is a successful option to achieve this right. Using CRC as the base for my definition of the right to family I will include the right to continuity, well-being and a family environment in the understanding of the term "right to family" in this article. These rights may, primarily, be fulfilled by the child's parents, and, if necessary for the best interest of the child, be complemented or substituted by foster or adoption parents. The analysis of different solutions concerning state interventions will base on Swedish law. In Sweden, a child in need of help or assistance as a result of abuse, neglect, or other inappropriate behavior in the home setting may be helped by the Social Welfare Committee-voluntarily or by a court order-in the child's home or a foster home. Other alternatives contain judicial involvement by changing custody and guardianship or making a decision for adoption. Since many years ago, the most commonly used alternative for children needing long term placements outside their homes in Sweden has become foster care. This development of many long-term placements has been criticized for not fulfilling the needs of the children, especially their needs for family continuity, stability and well-being. As a consequence, an amendment to the Social Services Act 200l was enacted in 2003 which states that the Social Services Committee shall consider the "permanence" of foster care by changing custody and guardianship to the foster parents three years later since a child starts in foster care, and every six months thereafter, as long as the child remains in the foster parents' care. Assuming that the foster parents are fit and willing to become custodians and guardians, and the child views the foster home as his or her home, the District Court can decide to change the custody and the guardianship to the foster parents. The assessment is to be based solely on the best interest of the child, and not on the fitness or wishes of the original custodian. However, can changing the custody and guardianship assist foster children's right to family? This paper elaborates on this question by describing a legal reform in Sweden.  相似文献   

On November 24, 2013, Egypt's signed into law - the Public Protest interim President Adly Mansour Law after it was proposed by the interim government, and soon it became the main concern in Egypt due to claim that after the ousting of President Mohamed Morsi and of the Muslim Brotherhood, the country is currently ruled by a military-backed government that seeks to restrict freedom and rights in order to introduce a new authoritarian-military rule. The government promoted the law by arguing that it aims to maintain stability and security in Egypt's streets and that it only targets factional protest movements and saboteurs. Nevertheless, the law has been widely criticized by human rights groups as well as rights and political activists who say it restricts freedom of speech and that it is an attempt to completely ban the right to protest, not to regulate it as the government claims.  相似文献   

There has been a shifting meaning of the right to self-determination, since World War Ⅱ, from territorial decolonisation into other meanings such as the right for indigenous people, minorities, ethnics groups and women's rights in the territories of independent states. Furthermore, the new phenomenon signifies that it is also used implicitly in the world trading system by states in maintaining their sovereignty from trade liberalization. This has been a dilemma in understanding the right to self-determination within international law. This paper, however, critically evaluates the potential applicability of the right to self-determination in the world trading architecture. It begins by examining the origins, evolution and current struggle to the right to self-determination in the world trading system. It then addresses in General Exceptions, Safeguard Measures and Special and Preferential Treatment as existing and applied principles in the World Trade Organization. It is highlighted that the real world still needs the right to self-determination as a means of struggling for economic justice. The right to self-determination has shifted from the right to transfer territory politically into the right to the transfer of welfare economically and in particular, the right to self-determination of people into the fight to self-determination of states.  相似文献   

Violations of human rights and genocide in Burundi are among the most contentious issues which continue to attract the attention of academic discourse. This paper is concerned with the question of human rights violations in Burundi from a historical and comparative perspective. It seeks to trace the root causes of Burundi's sullied human rights record over 52 years since independence from Belgium in 1962, the role of the military in human rights violations, including mass killings of civilians and extra-judicial executions of political opponents and the fact that the post- conflict constitutional architecture has not succeeded in establishing accountability and responsibility for these violations; in providing truth, justice and reparations to the victims and in putting an end to the culture of impunity which seems to be entrenched in Burundian society. Moreover, by analyzing critically the results from interviewing 113 Burundians and 16 non-Burundians, this paper argues that there will be no political stability enduring peace without addressing these issues in a comprehensive manner.  相似文献   

Various conventions and national constitutions are differently worded and the interpretation of national constitutions, in particular, reflects different approaches to the concepts of equality and non-discrimination. Different approaches adopted in the different national jurisdictions arise not only from different textual provisions and from different historical circumstances, but also from different jurisprudential and philosophical understanding of equality. The jurisprudence of courts makes clear that the proper reach of the equality right must be determined by reference to the society's history and the underlying values of the Constitution. It has been observed that a major constitutional object is the creation of a non-racial and non-sexist egalitarian society underpinned by human dignity, the rule of law, a democratic ethos and human rights. From there emerges a concept of equality that goes beyond mere formal equality and mere non-discrimination which requires identical treatment, whatever the starting point or impact. The question is, how does the state, in limiting religious freedom, conform to the standards of an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom? The hope is that the conclusion of this paper will then be able to be extended to more controversial cases, in particular, involving limits on the right to freedom of expression, culture and belief.  相似文献   

The right to a free and fair trial is one of the most basic human fights afforded to mankind. In South Africa, prior to 1994, this right was afforded to accused persons by common law only. The criminal justice system in South Africa however has been changing radically since 1994 due to the inception of first the Interim Constitution and later the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. South Africa has a history of human rights abuses-also with regard to criminal trials. The right to a fair trial is now constitutionally enshrined and protected by the Bill of Rights. As a result thereof the application of this right by the South African courts has also changed and what would have passed muster in this regard prior to 1994 would not necessarily do so now. This paper seeks to explain what the right to a fair criminal trial in a democratic South Africa entails with reference to South Africa's international obligations in this regard as well as the provisions of the South African Constitution and case law.  相似文献   

China's latest Marriage Law amendment illustrates how tradition contributes to China's modernity. Traditionally, a house was a necessity for a marriage in China. This is because in ancient China, marriage secured the continuation of the family line and provision for ancestors. In modern China, the one child policy and soaring housing prices collectively force the "three families" to buy a house for the new couple. However, what happens when the couple divorces? Shall the house then be considered community property? The 2011 Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People "s Court of Several Issues on the Application of the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, provides that where real estate is purchased by the parents of one party, and after the party's marriage is registered under the party's name, such real estate shall be deemed as a gift given by the parents to the party and the party's personal property. This interpretation represents a compromise between tradition and modernity.
The article will firstly introduce the marriage system in ancient China, illustrating that under the doctrine ofli, the real purpose of marriage was to be a bond of love between two (families of differenO surnames. Retrospectively, this secured observance of ancestral rituals in the ancestral temple, and prospectively, continuation of the family line. The house was a necessity for marriage because one of the six ceremonies required for marriage under li was the procession, and then welcome of the bride at the groom "s home. (Other ceremonies involved a matchmaker securing a proposal, matching auspicious birthdates, exchanging gifts between the bride's and groom's families, setting an auspicious wedding date, honoring ancestors and deities, and having an elaborate banquet).
The article will then analyze the marriage law in the of Republic of China, in which even the post-dynasty marriage law adopted the western marriage system, the strong resistance of the old tradition forced the law-  相似文献   

Indonesia had been colonized by Dutch Government for more than 300 years. Posterior to Indonesia independent proclamation on August 17, 1945 there was a number of State's legal problems found and one of them is the control and tenure arrangement of private property that left by Dutch citizens in the country of Indonesia. Specific purpose of the paper is to criticize the existence of Act Number 3 PRP Year 1960 regarding the Tenure Arrangements Fixed Objects Dutch Citizens Private Property that has reflected a sense of unjust, uncertainty and inexpedience for the greatest number of Indonesian people. It is because the Act of 1960 defines inconsistency between Article 4, paragraph (2) with general explanations Article 1 Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 223 of 1961. It also set the terms of priorities to obtain fixed objects belonging to individual citizens Dutch not in accordance with the principle of equality before the law. Legal implications arising from control and tenure arrangements of objects and equipment owned by a Dutch individual are a problem that occurs in the received ground objects P3MB. To implement the control arrangements of objects and equipment owned by a Dutch individual that reflects a sense of fairness, certainty and benefit to society by applying the concept of 3 in 1 in the Land Acquisition: Acquisition of land objects P3MB for laws subject.  相似文献   

Casualisation is a new form of work arrangement occasioned by globalisation and trade liberalisation. This development was facilitated by the technological improvements in communication and information technology. Scholars have attributed the shift from standard work arrangements to nonstandard work arrangements to the fact that employers use it to avoid the mandates and costs associated with labour laws which are designed to protect permanent employees. Casualisation became a feature of Nigerian labour market in the late 1980's and is traceable to the adoption of the Structural Adjustment Programme in line with the neoliberal policies prescribed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. One of the effects of this policy was the retrenchment of workers in the public sector which created large scale unemployment. However, the private sector which was to be strengthened by government policies to absorb these workers could not absorb all the retrenched workers from the public sector. Therefore, many of them were employed as casual and contract workers with low remuneration, limited benefits and lack of right to organise. This development led to a 'race to the bottom' of labour standards. This paper seeks to examine the adequacy of labour laws governing trade unionism in Nigeria in ensuring the right of nonstandard workers to freedom of association, as well as their conformity to international labour standards. It is argued that Nigerian labour laws are inadequate and need to be reformed in order to give protection to casual and contract workers in many sectors of the economy and to guarantee their right to unionise in order to enable them improve their rights at works.  相似文献   

By referring to 400 WTO cases, this paper reviews the results of WTO dispute settlement proceedings and the systemic causes in order to find out whether the WTO dispute settlement system "s results reflect a clear tendency of favoring complainants, and if so, whether the internal asymmetry of the system leads to such results. Based on these findings, and by considering a number of factors, this paper analyses the influence on national interests brought about by such asymmetry, so as to find whether there is a two-way adjustment effect and relative deprivation effect for developing countries. Then, according to the current economic situations of the WTO's Asian countries, this paper suggests that the Asian members should reform their policies to overcome the disadvantages of the WTO asymmetric proceedings. In this part, this paper comprehensively evaluates the measure of actively using the WTO dispute settlement system that favors the complainants, in order to develop overseas markets and realize potential benefits of treaty negotiations.  相似文献   

While eulogising former President Apollo Milton Obote, President Museveni argued that the time had come to look for ways to bring genuine reconciliation in the country. Since then, in the context of ending the conflict in northern Uganda, calls have been made for the government to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to heal not only the wounds occasioned by that conflict, but also those that have been inflicted in the whole country since independence. In this regard, specific recommendations have been made on the need to establish a TRC once and for all to deal with Uganda's past. However, the talk of reconciliation has been heard before. Former dictator Idi Amin instituted a commission in 1974 to look into the disappearance of people in the early years of his rule in 1974, but its recommendations were never implemented. When he took over in 1986, MusevenL in order to show that his government was different from those before, established a commission to look into violations of human rights from independence up to the day he took over. Very few recommendations of this commission were ever implemented. This paper argues that there is momentum to establish a TRC in Uganda, which should deal with the conflict not only in northern Uganda but rather should be national in outlook. This is because there are events that have occurred since independence in the country that need closure. Also, it is the contention of this paper that in order to be successful, any future TRC must learn from the experiences of past commissions.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that a right in rein to movables is to be governed by the law where the movable is located, while party autonomy is confined to the choice of law in contractual matters. Recently there have been calls to extend party autonomy to right in the choice of law in rights in rein to movables. The 2010 Act of the People's Republic of China on the Law Applicable to Civil Relations with a Foreign Element (the Act) is a legislative move. The question, however, remains whether it is reasonable for mandatory property law to be left to the choice of parties, in particular in an age when transborder movement of movables is frequent. This paper analyzes the issues of party autonomy and applicable law to rights in rein to movables.  相似文献   

The legislation of choice-of-law rules for torts has a long history in China. General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China of 1986 (GPCL), Maritime Act of the People's Republic of China of 1992 (Maritime Act) and Act of the People's Republic of China on Civil Aviation of 1995 (Civil Aviation Act)provide respectively the choice-of-law rules for general tort, maritime tort and limitation of liability for maritime claims as well as tort arising out of civil aircraft. The Act of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Laws in Foreign-Related Civil Relations of 2010 (PIL-Act) not only brings developments and changes to conflict rules for tort in general, but also provide choice-of-law rules for product liability, infringement of the right of personality via the internet and liability arising from an infringement of intellectual property rights, which marks that Chinese conflicts law has entered into a new developmental stage and taken on several new trends: (1) Chinese conflicts law system for torts has been basically set up; (2) Chinese choice-of-law rules for torts are becoming more and more diversified," (3) the prineiple of party autonomy has been fully introduced to tort liability; and (4) judicial interpretations issued or to be issued by the Supreme People's Court will still play an important role in judicial practice.  相似文献   

One has freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. This claim is common, but it rests on a misunderstanding of what real freedom of religion entails. The most important thing to remember is that freedom of religion, if it is going to apply to everyone, also requires freedom from religion. Why is that? One does not truly have the freedom to practice one's religious belief if one is not also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religious. Freedom from religion does not mean, as some mistakenly seem to claim, being free from seeing religion in society. No one has the right not to see churches, religious expression, and other examples of religious belief in the nation, and those who advocate freedom of religion do not claim otherwise. What freedom from religion does mean, however, is the freedom from rules and dogmas of other people's religious beliefs so that people can be free to follow the demands of their own conscience, whether they take a religious form or not. Thus they have both freedom of religion and freedom from religion because they are two sides of the same coin.  相似文献   

The Procedural School of Sao Paulo originated itself from the lessons of Enrico TuUio Liebman, Italian scholar, during his stay in Brazil at the time of the Second World War, and consisted of the gathering of local studious participants who had a methodological unity and a scientific point of view of the procedure. The School spread for all the country. The master died in 1986, but his influence is still alive among us. Everywhere and in every Brazilian author's writings, one may recognize the master's method as well as his most important ideas.  相似文献   

The constitution is a living document, which being the case, there is a need to increase the understanding of the constitution through systematic research and teaching at various levels. This paper aims to be a catalyst that inspires creative action to claim and advance certain new constitutional rights encapsulated in various world's constitutions. It seeks to raise awareness of new constitutional rights. World's most constitutions have incorporated constitutional provisions that ensure the entrenched new fundamental human rights. The latest constitutions, including South African constitution of 1996 are advanced and have included significant number of rights which were left out in the old constitutions. The courts are given the widest possible powers to develop and forge new remedies for protection of constitutional rights and the enforcement of constitutional duties.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the issue of race as a variable in research ethics and the extent to which it is morally appropriate to regard the race of research subjects as a relevant factor for research outcomes. The author analyses the challenges posed to deliberation in Institutional Review Boards (IRB 's) on this matter. The first part of the paper consists of a conceptual analysis of the notion of deliberation, drawing on the work of Elster, Habermas, Rawls, Gambetta and others. Special attention is paid to the dialogical structure of deliberation and the complexities attached to the notion of race, as a social construct. Arguments in favour and against the proposal that race is a valid variable in biomedical research are systematically distinguished. The author comes to the conclusion, based on an extensive literature review, that race sometimes has to be taken into consideration, subject to clearly stated qualifications. In conclusion it is argued that deliberation, especially about such a controversial notion such as race should not be expected to yield definitive truths. The most we can expect is a series of (hopefully) progressive settlements that represent provisional beacons of insight on which we can draw in future conversations. Race represents a field of tension and contestation that will inevitably continue to permeate interpersonal contact and social relations for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Dromologic research of "man's status in the world" shows that manhis perception, his language as well as his thinking is substantially changed by the speed of information translation. This paper critically analyses the theory of French cultural critic, city planner and philosopher Paul Virilio. Virilio's texts which deal with the impact of speed on the contemporary world. The development of means of transport used by people for the purpose of movement-from horse carts, railways and cars to planes, culminated by the arrival of digitalized audio-visual hypertext, the last "vehicle'" that replaces its drivers "physical movement by total inertia. How does that historical succession starting with metabolic vehicles such as a horse, ships, railways, cars planes to the latest ways of tele-transfer, tele- presence and audio-visual vehicles, influence our present-day concept of the world? What are the social cultural political and economic consequences resulting from continuous acceleration of social processes, from inertia of absolute speed? Can increasing the speed of our technologies lead up to the irreversible immobilization of social players? Does our effort to represent the reality depend on the kind of media and on speed? The study analyses Virilio 's texts and it presents the interpretation of the main propositions of his dromology.  相似文献   

A Zero Physical Punishmentpolicy had been adopted and enacted into law in 2006. Articles 8 and 15 of Educational Fundamental Act have made Taiwan become the 109th country which implements a Zero Physical Punishment policy. In the past years, people in Taiwan used to take physical punishment as a part of teachers' legitimate disciplinary power. However, physical punishment has profound impacts on students' personalities and is in contravention with educational fundamental right which centers upon students'freedom of personality development and students'right of being free from physical harms. For that matter, after the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 382, students are not a part of Special Power Relationship anymore. Therefore, students, as the core of educational fundamental right, have the right to reject physical punishment or the right to seek for judicial remedies after being physically punished. Also, when teachers perform their disciplinary power, they must obey the core of educational fundamental right--students'freedom of personality development. Besides, since the Zero Physical Punishment policy is the edueational prineiple in our country, the state, teachers, and parents must work together to carry it out and make schools become the appropriate places for students 'freedom of personality development.  相似文献   

On 25 April 2014, the second Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW), also the inaugural Renmin-Duke Law Workshop, was held in the Renmin Law School. Professor Zhang Taisu from Duke Law School delivered a talk based on his latest work "Kinship, Property, and Agricultural Capitalism in Pre-Industrial China and England." By comparing the two types of land transactions, the dian in China and the mortgage in England, Zhang analyzed the cultural norms leading to the differences of the above property rights and its influence on China's macroeconomic decline (referred to "decline"). Scholar participants spoke highly of Zhang's work and raised several questions on it. Gao Yangguang emphasized on the distinguished differences between the psychological needs of social groups behind the above property rights and therefore doubted their comparability in this regard. Guo Rui, the host of this workshop, commented on Zhang's work from company law perspective. Jiang Dong discussed the definition of "capitalism" and its role in the causation to decline. Xiong Bingwan put forward another prospective sub-connections between cultural norms and economic outcomes. You Chenjun suggested evaluation the decline from social functions of the property transactions beyond the economic level by giving the example of tan qi, a unique kind of contract in Ming and Qing China. Pan Weijiang, from Beihang University Law School, compared the concept culture in Zhang's work to "social structure" and suggested more explanation for the impact of the Confucian on it.  相似文献   

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