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In Australia and other industrialised countries, governments contract with the non‐government sector for the provision of primary health care to indigenous peoples. Australian governments have developed policies and funding programs to support this health sector, but the current arrangements are unduly complex and fragmented. The results of our study show that the complex contractual environment for Aboriginal Community‐Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) and their funders is an unintended but inevitable result of a quasi‐classical approach to contracts applied by multiple funders. The analysis in this article highlights potential policy and program changes that could improve the effectiveness of funding and accountability arrangements, based on the use of an alliance contracting model, better performance indicators and greater clarity in the relative roles of national and jurisdictional governments.  相似文献   

In our paper, we focus on how local self-governments perform in the delivery of local public services to citizen. The paper is based on concrete data, collected from 200l to 2008 by our research team, including following services--waste collection and disposal, street maintenance, public green, public lighting, cemeteries. Local self-governments are responsible for a large number of public services and their share in total public expenditures is almost 7%. However, our concrete data for evaluated services clearly show that large decentralization did not deliver immediate results and much remains to be done to improve the processes of local service delivery. The problems are not so much connected with existing legislation, but the core issue is the quality and effectiveness of functioning of all involved institutions. Outsourcing decisions are not well ex-ante reviewed, neither ex-post comprehensively evaluated for their outcomes and results. In many cases, competitive tendering is not used to get the best bid. The main purposes for such situation are lack of accountability and compliance control, the most important corrective measures are proposed in the last part of the paper.  相似文献   

In 2005–06 the Australian government announced the establishment of 65 Family Relationship Centres (FRCs) – a ‘gateway’ service assisting separating couples to reach agreement about child custodial arrangements without recourse to courts. The use of a multi‐round competitive contracting regime for the purpose of selecting service providers gave rise to a number of tensions amongst not‐for‐profit organisations (NFPOs) which, to a degree, compromised the full realisation of stated public policy aims. Reporting on fieldwork conducted with a sample of FRC operators, industry representatives and key government officials this article evaluates the extent to which the case of FRCs conforms to critiques commonly aired in the social policy literature that attribute various forms of policy failure and/or social capital depletion to the competitive contracting of human services within quasi‐markets. Although the competitive selection process imposed significant costs on the NFPOs involved, the program also exhibited substantial collaborative and collegial behaviours between government and NFPOs, thus diverging from the critique usually portrayed in the literature.  相似文献   

The number of policies promoting collaborative processes in national forest management has increased considerably over the past decade but do mandates alone increase the levels of collaboration in national forest management? Collaborative governance literature identifies the importance of the situational context for the emergence and performance of collaboration but does not identify the role of specific attributes and processes. This article presents a comparative case‐study analysis of factors influencing levels of collaboration in USDA Forest Service stewardship contracting processes. Incorporating concepts from the collaborative governance literature and Institutional Analysis and Development framework we found policy and administrative guidance alone will not increase the use of collaborative processes associated with stewardship contracts. A combination of existing agency‐community planning efforts, leadership, and agency support were essential for collaboration to materialize. Top‐down policy direction meant to increase the use of collaboration to achieve natural resource management objectives must incorporate opportunities to establish these conditions.  相似文献   

Contracts and performance management, along with the concept of consumerism, have become the fundamental metaphors for New Public Management (NPM) and key changes in the public service. ‘Doing well while doing good’ and finding generally acceptable accountability measures for social services have become the perennial aspirations of planners, service providers and funders. This article examines the contingent factors and rationales behind the quality movement and recontracting exercise in reforming the delivery of personal social service programs in Hong Kong within the framework of New Public Management (NPM). It explains the use of long‐term relational contracts rather than the standard business contracts between the government as funder and non‐profit organisations as service providers. It also deals with the complex relationships among quality issues, quality standards, consumerism, accountability, performance indicators, and performance management.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of Australian government contracting for the provision of Job Network services on not‐for‐profit organisations 1 . The term not‐for‐profit is used to categorise organisations which are variously described as non‐government, non‐profit, community and third sector organisations ( Lyons 2001 ).  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate to what extent small‐firm foreign patents differ from those of their larger counterparts. The research setting consists of the population of U.S.‐owned small and large businesses with patent applications at the World International Patent Organization during 1996–2006 in the emerging field of nanotechnology. Findings reveal a significant and growing contribution of small firms to the globalization of patents. The analysis also suggests that small‐firm patents tend to be more novel and embedded in domestic innovation networks than large‐firm patents. Policy implications are multiple, including putting international patenting on the policy agenda and helping highly innovative small companies to explore foreign commercial opportunities in new markets of capital and technology.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that public procurement of innovation (PPI) has become an increasingly popular policy tool, there has been a lack of holistic approaches to assessing policies promoting PPI. This article attempts to address this gap by proposing a framework which links the multiple levels and aspects related to the design and implementation of PPI policies. By adopting a systemic understanding of “public procurement” as well as “innovation policies,” this article positions PPI as a cross‐domain policy which is inherently a mix of procurement and innovation‐related interventions. The article develops an assessment framework using “vertical coherence” and “horizontal coherence” as criteria. It then illustrates the use of the framework by applying it to PPI policies in China. The framework can aid the conduct of ex ante as well as ex post assessment of PPI policies, which can further inform policy design, implementation, and learning.  相似文献   

汪小芳 《学理论》2012,(12):224-225
项目化教学是一种以工作任务为中心,选择、组织课程内容,并以完成工作任务为主要学习方式的课程模式,它是当前中国职教课程改革的主要方向。文章以《机械制图》为例,系统介绍了该课程的"项目化"方法,包括课程结构的设计、项目选择和设计、教学方法的设计等。  相似文献   

The Mythology of Privatization in Contracting for Social Services   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
States and municipalities have privatized services in an effort to improve their cost‐effectiveness and quality. Competition provides the logical foundation for an expectation of cost savings and quality improvements, but competition does not exist in many local marketplaces—especially in the social services, where governments contract primarily with nonprofit organizations. As government increases its use of contracting, it simultaneously reduces its own public‐management capacity, imperiling its ability to be a smart buyer of contracted goods and services. This article examines two questions about the privatization of social services based on interviews conducted with public and nonprofit managers in New York state: Does social services contracting exist in a competitive environment? And do county governments have enough public‐management capacity to contract effectively for social services? The findings suggest an absence of competition and public‐management capacity, raising the question of why governments contract when these conditions are not met.  相似文献   

预防工程建设领域腐败是当前高校反腐倡廉建设的重要任务之一。从制度设计考量,高校工程建设领域的廉政风险主要表现在招投标环节、施工环节和资金结算环节。从高校工程建设领域廉政风险的成因来看,既有高校内部主体性因素的作用,也有来自外部因素的影响。为了有效防范高校工程建设领域存在的廉政风险,我们要进一步加强对高校工程建设管理人员的廉政风险教育,创新完善工程建设领域管理制度体系,建立健全高校工程建设领域的内外部监督机制,确保工程建设规范、高效、廉洁运行。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,越来越多的组织意识到,要想在竞争中取胜,实现快速成长和高效率运作,应将持续的人力资源培训与开发投资作为重要的手段。而如何通过提高培训与开发项目的效果,改善个体以及组织的绩效是当前所面临的挑战。本从培训与开发项目效果评估的角度,为组织提高培训与开发项目的效果,改善组织绩效提出建设性方案。  相似文献   

北京防治非典型肺炎应急预案的行政学评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现对传染性非典型肺炎的可持续控制,防止今冬明春疫情反复,北京市制定了应急预案.本文从行政学的视角对该预案进行案例性质的评析,以求对其他地区、部门或系统制定和完善类似的危机管理预案,提供学理上的启发和参考.  相似文献   

Ringa Raudla 《管理》2013,26(4):605-629
The goal of this article is to analyze the challenges involved in contracting for policy advice with the example of performance budgeting reform in Estonia in 2009–2011. The Estonian Ministry of Finance has sought to prepare a major change in the budgeting system by outsourcing the analytical preparation of different aspects of the reform to various private sector organizations. The case study seeks to identify the challenges and pitfalls involved in contracting for policy and management advice in the area of a major public sector reform. The Estonian experience shows that such a reform strategy can run into serious problems, including fragmented and inconsistent reform plan, limited learning, and high transaction costs. The contractualization of reform preparation has constrained deliberations on the planned changes to the strategic planning and budgeting system among the stakeholders and undermined the democratic legitimacy of the reform.  相似文献   

Following its transition to democracy from an authoritarianmilitary rule marked by gross violations of human rights, Nigeriaestablished the Human Rights Violations Investigations Commission(HRVIC) in 1999. This paper critically examines the contributionsof the HRVIC, popularly known as the ‘Oputa Panel,’to the field of transitional justice and the rule of law. Itsets out the process of establishing the Commission, its mandateand how this mandate was interpreted during the course of theCommission's work. The challenges faced by the Oputa Panel,particularly those that relate to its legal status and relationshipwith the judiciary, are analyzed in an attempt to draw usefulguidelines from these challenges for other truth commissions.Recourse by powerful individuals to the judicial process ina bid to shield themselves from the HRVIC merits particularreview as it raises questions regarding the transformation ofthe judiciary and the rule of law in the wake of an authoritarianregime.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to find out people's perception of motorcycle insurance while comparing the perceptions of insurance companies' staff with that of their customers (the motorcyclists), and also find out the major causes of motorcycle accidents in Nigeria. A total of 140 respondents were sampled using the questionnaire. The kolmogorov smirnov test was used to test the hypothesis. Findings show a general negative perception of insurance services by the motorcyclist and a large disparity in the responses of the motorcyclists and the insurance companies' staff. The major causes of motorcycle accidents are also found to be over speeding, carelessness and poor driving skills.  相似文献   

Government contracting, especially for information technology products and services, has accelerated in recent years in the United States. Drawing on the insights of privatization studies, the authors examine the economic and political rationales underpinning government decisions to contract out e-government services. This article tests the extent to which economic and political rationality influence governments' contracting decisions using data from multiple sources: a survey conducted by National Association of State Chief Information Officers, a survey by the National Association of State Procurement Officers, the Council of State Legislatures, and macro-level state data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Important factors affecting the state-level contracting decision are population size, market size, the competitiveness of the bidding process, the professional management of contracts, the partisan composition of legislatures, and political competition. Political rationales appear to play a major role in state contracting decisions. Some arguments associated with markets and economic rationality are clearly politically motivated.  相似文献   

民营科技企业是推动我国社会经济发展的重要力量。由于民营科技企业主要从事的是高新技术产业.具有“高投入、高风险、高收益”的特征,在进行研发和将科技成果产业化等过程中需要投入大量资金。目前,融资困难成为制约民营科技企业快速发展的主要因素之一。本文基于调查访问和数据分析,论证了民营科技企业的融资困境.以及影响企业融资的内在因素和外在因素,进而提出大力发展担保业、尽快完善风险投资机制等对策建议。  相似文献   

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