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The institution of pristavstvo was introduced in the Kazakh Steppe in the first decade of the nineteenth century. This institution had different meanings and functions, from an individually held position (e.g., a pristav to the khān of the Junior Horde in 1820; the pristavs who accompanied the Kazakh delegation to Saint Petersburg in the first half of the nineteenth century) to an administrative-territorial structure (e.g., the pristavstvo of the Senior Horde; the Mangyshlak and Zaisan pristavstvos). Though the political structure of the Russian empire had included institutions analogous to the pristavstvo, it was not a conventional component of the Russian administrative system. Studying the features of the pristavstvo institution in the territory of Kazakhstan and analysing the transformation of the pristav's function provide new insights on how the multi-ethnic Russian empire was managed. They will also help scholars to better understand the forms and methods the Russian authorities employed to manage their nomadic populations.  相似文献   

随着中印俄等新兴经济体的兴起,亚太地区在世界格局中的地位不断上升,世界地缘中心正在由大西洋向太平洋转移.同时,太平洋两岸的美中日印俄澳等主要力量越来越关注地区秩序、体系等问题,并试图确立本国在上升的亚太地区及将形成的地区体系中的地位,建立有利于本国的地区体系框架,融合、制约和平衡其他地区力量.因此,亚太地区正在酝酿、出现和形成某种以地区主要力量为若干中心和框架的地区体系和秩序.在此情况下,本文倡导容纳亚太地区主要力量的"太平洋主义"结构、体系和秩序,以全面反映21世纪亚太力量格局的发展变化,融合亚太地区大国问的共同利益和共识,确定地区经济政治的制度安排,确保亚太地区长期和平与发展.  相似文献   

Dr Hans van de Ven is Reader in Modern Chinese History at Cambridge University. His most recent publication is War and Nationalism in China, 1925–45 (Routledge, London, 2003; this will be reviewed in the next issue of Asian Affairs). Other publications include Warfare in Chinese History (Leiden, Brill, 2000) and From Friend To Comrade: The Founding of the Chinese Communist Party (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991). This article is based on the talk which Dr Hans van de Ven gave to the Society on 11 March 2003.  相似文献   

2009年,旅游业继续成为菲律宾经济发展的引擎之一.旅游业的发展与菲律宾政府的一系列旅游产业扶持政策、旅游产品推陈出新、旅游推广等措施是分不开的.  相似文献   

Colin Long 《亚洲研究》2013,45(4):535-558
This article discusses the way the past is being reexamined in modern-day Vietnam, particularly through the medium of heritage. Hue, the old royal capital of Vietnam, provides the case study, as this city reflects the great themes and events of Vietnamese history over the last two hundred years, from the establishment of a unified nation under the Nguyen, through the imposition of colonial control, the devastation of war, reunification, and the establishment of communism, to the consolidation of an independent postcolonial nation. The importance of Hue's heritage is recognized in its status as a “world heritage” site. The author argues that Hue's heritage is, nevertheless, problematic for Vietnam's ruling communists, because to them it largely represents a regime—the Nguyen Dynasty—that was “reactionary” and that had sold out the country to the French. The apparent contradiction between the standard communist view of the Nguyen past and the value accorded to Nguyen heritage in Hue is resolved, the author contends, by recourse to the depoliticized practices of heritage preservation and tourist promotion.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of some of the most important works on the persistence of the economic elite in Mexico during the first half of the twentieth century. The study seeks to answer the following question: How did the formation and character of the Mexican economic elites change during this period? It examines the effect of events such as the Mexican Revolution (1910–1920) and the agrarian reform programmes, as well as political instability and institutional uncertainty, on the persistence or weakening of the landowning and industrial elite who had consolidated their power during the Porfiriato period (1876–1911).  相似文献   

This article explores how a group of relatives of fallen soldiers of the Malvinas War inhabited death from the immediate aftermath of the conflict to the identification of the bodies in 2017. From a perspective borrowed from the anthropology of death and the body, it discusses how the status of these bodies shaped their relatives' representations of these deaths, understood as holy, heroic and sacrificial and inhabited through the performance of various mourning rituals. Finally, it demonstrates how the prospect of exhumation provoked resistance and fear, due to the unpredictable agency of the ‘corporeality of the dead’ in social life.  相似文献   

各种因素使得困扰菲律宾多时的族群冲突迟迟得不到彻底的解决,这严重影响了菲律宾政治、经济与社会的发展.市民社会健康、和谐的发展不仅可以减少发生族群冲突的可能性,也会在缓和已有冲突并最终建立持久和平方面有所贡献.菲律宾的非政府组织在这方面做了许多尝试.  相似文献   

马来西亚华人的语言在当地多语社会和现代化环境下备受冲击,而作为社会基本单位的家庭所使用的语言也受其影响而发生变化.本文根据在马来西亚进行的实地调查所得到的数据和实例,从夫妻、兄弟姐妹、父子以及祖孙用语四大角度来考察华人家庭语言的现状以及变化,研究对象包括福建、广东、客家、潮州和海南五大华人方言群体.研究证实,马来西亚华人的家庭语言正处于从华人方言逐渐转向华语和英语的历史性过渡中.  相似文献   

1947年3月,美国总统杜鲁门在国会的演说拉开了“冷战”的帷幕。杜鲁门主义成为当时世界舆论的焦点。本文意在把时空往前移至1947年的历史现场,利用亲历、亲见、亲闻的时人评论,探讨当时中国各界人士是如何看待杜鲁门主义、如何看待战争与和平,又如何看待美国的对华政策,使我们后人进一步走近历史,了解这一历史事件在中国所引起的反响,了解当时中国民众心里之所想,舆论之所在。  相似文献   


通过对戊戌变法运动的亲身考察,一方面,伊藤反对清朝改革急切冒进,主张进行合乎秩序、循序渐进之改革,希望清朝最终建立立宪政治;另一方面,伊藤认识到清朝多年之积弊难以在短时间内消除,且处于列强环俟之中,面临列强瓜分之危机,改革之良机已错过,仅依靠腐朽的清政府进行自上而下的政治改革,很难取得成功。伊藤对清政府建立立宪政治的前途抱持怀疑态度。清末新政之际,随着伊藤对清朝宪政运动的深入了解,他进一步认识到清朝建立立宪政治的困难性,深感清朝立宪政治的建立并非易事,受各种因素制约,成功可能性极小。甚至相反还会由此引起国内动乱或革命,导致政权倾覆。连日本亦受其波及,发生不可预测的变动。  相似文献   

根据对海外华文媒体高层领导的访谈,笔者认为华文媒体在国际舆论中起着独特的作用。它们帮助华人融入当地文化,互相沟通;积极传播大中华文化;与中国媒体相互配合,扩大有利于中国的正面国际舆论。但是华文媒体也存在受众面窄、规模小、观点偏激、缺乏高度和影响力等问题。在未来的发展中,华文媒体首先要掌握对媒体的主导权,另外要加强华文媒体之间的联合、与当地主流媒体的合作以及与中国各方面的联系。  相似文献   

二战后国家内部武装冲突频发,并且绝大多数发生在发展中国家;尤其是冷战后,发展中国家国内武装冲突更为频繁.本文首先分析了发展中国家国内武装冲突频发的原因,而后从理论上提出终止冲突的途径,最后,本文选取印度尼西亚政府与亚齐冲突的解决作为案例来验证本文的观点.  相似文献   

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