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《Labor History》2012,53(1):89-92
A Behavioral Approach to Historical Analysis. By Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr. New York: The Free Press. 1969. 321 pp. $7.95.

The Cross of Culture: A Social Analysis of Midwestern Politics, 1850–1900. By Paul Kleppner. New York: The Free Press. 1970. 375 pp.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):105-106
Bisbee ‘17: a novel. By Robert Houston. New York: Pantheon Books, 1979. 287 pp. $10.00.

Minnesota Farmer‐Laborism: The Third‐Party Alternative. By Millard L. Gieske. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1979. ix, 389 pp. $15.00.

The Dust Bowl: Men, Dirt, and Depression. By Paul Bonnifield. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1979. xii, 232 pp. $12.50

The Landrum‐Grijjin Act: Twenty Years of Federal Protection of Union Members’ Rights. By Janice R. Bellace and Alan D. Berkowitz. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School Industrial Research Unit, 1979. xiv, 363 pp. $15.00.

Political Control of the Economy. By Edward R. Tufte. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978. xi, 168 pp. $10.00.

Auto Work and Its Discontents. Edited by B.J. Widick. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976. 112 pp. $8.00.

Corporate Power and Urban Crisis in Detroit. By Lynda A. Ewen. Princeton University Press, 1978. xii, 312 pp. $17.50.

The Impact of the AT&;T‐EEO Consent Decree. By Herbert R. Northrup, and John A. Larson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School Industrial Research Unit, 1979. xvi, 234 pp. $11.50.

Women in the Labor Market. Edited by Cynthia B. Lloyd, Emily S. Andrews and Curtis L. Gilroy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. xxi, 377 pp. $25.00.

Mary Lyon and Mount Holyoke. By Elizabeth Alden Green. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1979. 406 pp. $17.50.

The Making of a Feminist: Early Journals and Letters of M. Carey Thomas. Edited by Marjorie Housepian Dobkin with a foreword by Millicent Carey McIntosh. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1979. 314 pp. $15.00.

The Kaleidoscopic Lens: How Hollywood Views Ethnic Groups. Edited by Randal M. Miller. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Jerome S. Ozer, 1980. xiii, 222 pp. $12.95.

Consciousness and Class Experience in Nineteenth‐Century Europe. Edited by John M. Merriman. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1979. vii, 261 pp. $24.50.

Women, Work, and Family. By Louise A. Tilly and Joan W. Scott. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. xiv, 274 pp. $6.95 paperback.

The Friends of Liberty: The English Democratic Movement in the Age of the French Revolution. By Albert Goodwin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979. 594 pp. $20.00.

Independent Collier: The Coalminer as Archetypal Proletarian Reconsidered. Edited by Royden Harrison. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. 276 pp. $20.00.

British Socialists: The Journey from Fantasy to Politics. By Stanley Pier‐son. Cambridge: MA Harvard University Press, 1979.403 pp. $25.00.

Cunningham Graham: A Critical Biography. By Cedric Watts and Laurence Davies. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1980. xiii, 333 pp. $27.50.

G. D. H. Cole and Socialist Democracy. By A. W. Wright. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. 301 pp. $36.00.

Paths To Authority: The Middle Class and the Industrial Labor Force in France, 1820–48. By Peter N. Stearns. Urbana, Chicago, London: University of Illinois Press, 1978. 222 pp. $20.00.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):107-114
American Labor: from Conspiracy to Collective Bargaining. Created by Leon Stein and Philip Taft. New York: Arno Press. 1969.60 volumes. $744.50.1

Women in Industry: A Study in American Economic History. By Edith Abbott. New York and London: D. Appleton. 1910. 408 pp. $14.50.

The Working‐Class Movement in America. By Edward and Eleanor Marx Aveling. Second edition. London: Swan Sonnenschein &; Co. 1891. 239 pp. $9.00.

The American Labor Movement: A Short History. By Mary Ritter Beard. New York: Macmillan. 1931. 206 pp. $7.50.

The Strike for Union. By Heber Blankenhorn. New York: H. W. Wilson. 1924. 259 pp. $9.50.

Labor Economics. By Solomon Blum. New York: Henry Holt. 1925. 579 pp. $20.00.

Women in Industry. By Louis D. Brandéis and Josephine Goldmark. New York: National Consumers' League. 1907.121 pp. $5.00.

American Syndicalism: The I.W.W. By John Graham Brooks. New York: Macmillan. 1913. 264 pp. $9.50.

Women and the Trades. Pittsburgh, 1907–1908. By Elizabeth Beardsley Butler. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1909.440 pp. $15.50.

Homestead: The Households of a Mill Town. By Margaret F. Byington. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1910. 307 pp. $11.00.

Labor and Politics: The Attitude of the American Federation of Labor toward Legislation and Politics. By Mollie Ray Carroll. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1923. 206 pp. $7.50.

The Molly Maguire Riots: Industrial Conflict in The Pennsylvania Coal Region. By J. Walter Coleman. Richmond: Garrett and Massie. 1936. 189 pp. $7.00.

Men and Coal. By McAlister Coleman. New York: Farrar &; Rinehart. 1943. 350 pp. $12.50.

Industrial Goodwill. By John R. Commons. New York: McGraw‐Hill. 1919. 213 pp. $8.00.

Industrial Government. By John R. Commons and others. New York: Macmillan. 1921. 425 pp. $15.00.

Annals of the Great Strikes in the United States. By Joseph A. Dacus. Chicago: L. T. Palmer. 1877. 480 pp. $17.00.

The Laborer: A Remedy for His Wrongs. By William Dealtry. Cincinnati: William Dealtry. 1869. 420 pp. $14.50.

The Worker in Modern Economic Society. By Paul H. Douglas, Curtice N. Hitchcock, and Willard E. Atkins. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1923. 929 pp. $32.00.

Work‐Accidents and the Law. By Crystal Eastman. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1910. 361 pp. $13.00.

The Labor Movement in America. By Richard T. Ely. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. 1886. 399 PP. $14.00.

Problems in Labor Relations. By Herman Feldman. New York: Macmillan. 1937. 353 pp. $12.50.

The Steel Workers. By John A. Fitch. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1911. 393 pp. $14.00.

Labor Problems: A Book of Materials for Their Study. By Edgar S. Furniss and Lawrence R. Guild. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Riverside Press. 1925. 621 pp. $22.00.

Working People and Their Employers. By Washington Gladden. Boston: Lockwood, Brooks. 1876. 241 pp. $9.00.

Labor and the Common Welfare. By Samuel Gompers. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1919. 306 pp. $11.00.

American Labor Dynamics, in the Light of Post‐War Developments. J. B. S. Hardman, editor. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1928. 432 pp. $15.00.

Voluntarism in Organized Labor in the United States, 1930–1940. By George Gilmary Higgins. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. 1944. 182 pp. $7.00.

The Strike: A Study in Collective Action. By Ernest T. Hiller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1928. 304 pp. $11.00.

Studies in American Trade Unionism. By Jacob H. Hollander and George E. Barnett. New York: Henry Holt. 1906. 380 pp. $13.50.

The Voice of Labor. By Symmes M. Jelley. Philadelphia: H. J. Smith. 1888. 401 pp. $14.50.

Autobiography of Mother Jones. By Mary Jones. Edited by Mary Field Parton. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr. 1925. 242 pp. $9.00.

Some Ethical Gains Through Legislation. By Florence Kelley. New York: Macmillan. 1905. 341 pp. $12.00.

The Making of America: Labor. Robert M. LaFollette, editor. Chicago: John D. Morris. 1905. 433 pp. $15.00.

Civil War in West Virginia. By Winthrop D. Lane. New York: B. W. Huebsch. 1921. 128 pp. $5.00.

Conditions of Labor in American Industries. By W. Jett Lauck and Edgar Sydenstricker. New York and London: Funk &; Wagnalls. 1917. 404 pp. $14.50.

Adjusting Immigrant and Industry. By William M. Leiserson. New York and London: Harper &; Brothers. 1924. 356 pp. $12.50.

The Knights of St. Crispin, 1867–1874. By Don D. Lescohier. Madison, Wisconsin: Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, No. 355. 1910. 101 pp. $4.50.

I Break Strikes! The Technique of Pearl L. Bergoff. By Edward Levinson. New York: Robert M. McBride. 1935. 314 pp. $11.50.

Men, the Workers. By Henry Demarest Lloyd. New York: Doubleday, Page. 1909. 280 pp $10.50.

The Women's Garment Workers: A History of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. By Louis Lorwin (Louis Levine). New York: B. W. Huebsch. 1924. 608 pp. $21.50.

Children in Bondage. By Edwin Markham, Benjamin B. Lindsey, and George Creel. New York: Hearst's International Library. 1914. 411 pp. $14.50.

American Labor Unions. By Helen Marot. New York: Henry Holt. 1914. 275 pp. $10.00.

Organized Labor and the Law, with Special Reference to the Sherman and Clayton Acts By Alpheus T. Mason. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1925. 265 pp. $10.00

A Plain Man's Talk on the Labor Question. By Simon Newcomb. New York: Harper &; Brothers. 1886. 195 pp. $7.50.

The Modern Factory: Safety, Sanitation and Welfare. By George M. Price. New York: John Wiley &; Sons. 1914. 574 pp. $20.00.

The Problem of Group Responsibility to Society. By John Herman Randall. New York: Columbia University. 1922. 296 pp. $10.00.

Social Insurance, with Special Reference to American Conditions. By I. M. Rubinow. New York: Henry Holt. 1913. 525 pp. $18.50.

Readings in Trade Unionism. By David M. Saposs. New York: George H. Doran. 1926 451 pp. $15.50.

Union Policies and Industrial Management. By Sumner H. Slichter. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institute. 1941. 611 pp. $21.50.

The Accused and the Accusers, The Famous Speeches of the Eight Chicago Anarchists in Court. Socialistic Publishing Society. Chicago: Socialistic Publishing Society, n.d. 188 pp. $7.00.

The Pullman Strike. Leon Stein, editor. New York: Arno Press. 1969. 254 pp. $9.50.

Religion, Reform, and Revolution: Labor Panaceas in the Nineteenth Century. Leon Stein and Philip Taft, editors. New York: Arno Press. 1969. 581 pp. $21.00.

Wages, Hours, and Strikes: Labor Panaceas in the Twentieth Century. Leon Stein and Philip Taft, editors. New York: Arno Press. 1969. 528 pp. $18.50.

A Momentous Question. The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital. By John Swinton. Philadelphia and Chicago: Keller. 1895. 498 pp. $17.50.

The Labor Movement: Its Conservative Functions and Social Consequences. By Frank Tannenbaum. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1921. 259 pp. $9.50.

Instincts in Industry: A Study of Working‐Class Psychology. By Ordway Tead. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1918. 222 pp. $8.00.

Labor's New Millions. By Mary Heaton Vorse. New York: Modern Age Books. 1938. 312 pp. $11.50.

The Government in Labor Disputes. By Edwin E. Witte. New York and London: McGraw‐Hill. 1932. 352 pp. $12.50.

The Working Girls of Boston. By Carroll D. Wright. Boston: Wright &; Potter. 1889. 133 pp. $5.50.

The Wage Policies of Labor Organizations in a Period of Industrial Depression. By Vertrees J. Wyckoff. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1926. 119 pp. $5.00.

American Labor Struggles. By Samuel Yellen. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1936. 398 pp. $14.00.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(4):436-458
The early provisions protecting freedom of association in Australian federal industrial relations law supported trade union security. The interests of individuals were seen as adequately protected by collective groups. This principle dominated the industrial relations laws from 1904 to the mid-1970s. However, from the late 1970s, the laws were incrementally altered to promote freedom of choice and the rights of individuals not to be part of trade unions. The reframing of the laws also reflected changes in the wider Australian community, manifested particularly in the decline of union density rates. These changes were also part of an international trend, favouring the ideology of neoliberalism which contributed to an unsympathetic environment for trade unions. The current Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has signalled a return to collectivism, although freedom of choice is at the heart of the laws rather than the promotion of collective groups. In the absence of legislative support promoting the viability of collective groups, this freedom to choose is threatened, leaving many workers with little choice but to disassociate.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of two research projects that are concerned with investigating the histories, social organisation and impacts of women's movements. It introduces FEMCIT (Gendered Citizenship in Multicultural Europe: the impact of contemporary women's movements), a transdisciplinary, cross-national European research project, and Sisterhood and After, a UK-based oral history project, outlining their specific research questions, foci and research designs. The article raises a number of key issues that arise in researching women's movements that are then taken up in the eight paired papers that follow: method and research design; difference and diversity; place, space and nation; and understanding impact.  相似文献   

In the first part of this review (see Volume 7, Number 3 of this journal), a comprehensive survey of empirical research on ego identity was presented. Special emphasis was given to the large number of studies employing James Marcia's identity status paradigm. Research within this paradigm is recapitulated here by presenting empirical results which typify each of the four identity statuses (i.e., achievement, moratorium, foreclosure, and diffusion). A detailed evaluation of the identity status paradigm itself follows. Among the topics considered are (1) the construct and external validity of the approach as a whole, (2) the rationale and discriminant validity of the identity statuses, and (3) the reliability of the Identity Status Interview. Part II concludes by considering a number of problems for future research. Several persisting methodological and substantive issues within the identity status paradigm are noted. Finally, it is suggested that investigators turn their attention to the processes mediating identity formation. Contemporary psychoanalytic conceptions of adolescent development are viewed as providing one possible theoretical framework for investigating such processes.Support for this study comes from Research Training Grant No. 5T32MH14668-02 awarded to Dr. D. Offer by the National Institute of Mental Health.Postdoctoral Fellow in the Clinical Research Training Program in Adolescence jointly sponsored by the Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training of Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center and the Committee on Human Development of the University of Chicago. Research interests are adolescent ego development and epistemological/methodological issues in personality theory and measurement.  相似文献   

The state of research on ego identity: A review and appraisal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considerable research on ego identity has appeared over the past 15 years, indicating the need for an overall review. Part I commences by considering the complexity of Erikson's concept and suggesting several different theoretical contexts in which it has been used. The validity of investigators' attempts to operationalize the concept ego identity is assumed to depend in part upon their interpretations of its meaning. The subsequent review of empirical literature is organized according to different procedures which have been used to measure ego identity. A first section summarizes and evaluates research utilizing Q-sort and self-report questionnaire measures, while a second considers the large number of investigations that have employed James Marcia's Identity Status Interview. The latter group of studies are ordered according to the type of dependent variable (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, personality, developmental) examined in relation to ego identity status (i.e., achievement, moratorium, foreclosure, diffusion). Part II of the review, to appear in the next issue of this journal, will recapitulate the identity status literature, present an overall evaluation of the identity status paradigm, and suggest a number of issues for future research.Support for this study comes from research training grant No. 5-T32MH14668-02 awarded to Dr. D. Offer by the National Institute of Mental Health.Postdoctoral Fellow in the Clinical Research Training Program in Adolescence jointly sponsored by the Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training of Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center and the Committee on Human Development of the University of Chicago. Present research interests include adolescent ego development and epistemological/methodological issues in personality theory and measurement.  相似文献   

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