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《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):79-103
Both early twentieth-century eugenics and late-century genetics authorize,anchor and certify diagnostic regimes Each discourse is positioned around a historical trajectory that moves from a 'curative ' promise of rehabilitation to an increasingly 'custodial ' proposition involving the pathologization and oversight of groups viewed as non-normative.Snyder and Mitchell interpret eugenics in the United States as an expansive testing regime that produced disabled people as a species of defective intelligence and aberrant physiology.What resulted was a frenzy of medical assessment that produced - for a time - a 'subnormal ' nation out of the classification of 'defective ' biologies..The newly professional scientific disciplines flocked to participate in the identification,care and training of those labelled 'feeble-minded '.Proliferating scientific representations of those deemed to inhabit 'subnormal ' bodies ultimately provided the justification for institutionalizing,sterilizing and destroying the liberty of those classified as inferior.The authors understand the repercussions of this methodology not as 'flawed ' science,,but as the basis for contemporary definitions of disability as degrees of deviation from profoundly subjective aesthetic and functional criteria.A study of the eugenics movement in the United States demonstrates that what we refer to today as physical and cognitive disability provides two paradoxical outcomes:first,those labelled as recipients of curative interventions tend to suffer the residual taint of their pathological identifications,while failing to benefit from the initial promises of 'cure ' so zealously espoused by diagnostic regimes; second, those who occupy medically based classifications of deviance serve as models for a more general comprehension of human biology even as the research subjects themselves are marginalized from social participation.  相似文献   

This article analyses factors that present employers with a disability employment dilemma. Research on labour market discrimination among disabled jobseekers is abundant. However, very little is known about the reasons why employers cannot hire these people. It was noted that (i) the government passed disability laws and related regulations without sufficient study; (ii) universal design in society is not well placed; and (iii) the family always overprotects disabled members. These three major factors have demotivated disabled people. Despite strong intentions, employers fail to hire people with disabilities, while, at the same time, they are forced to pay into the Fund for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper argues that luck egalitarianism, especially in the guise of equality of opportunity for welfare, is in tension with the ideal of fair equality of opportunity in three ways. First, equal opportunity for welfare is compatible with a caste system in employment that is inconsistent with open competition for positions. Second, luck egalitarianism does not support hiring on the basis of qualifications. Third, amending luck egalitarianism to repair this problem requires abandoning fair access to qualifications. Insofar as luck egalitarianism cannot support fair equality of opportunity, it cannot do justice to the claims of the disabled. Indeed, in the absence of fair equality of opportunity, disabled people are likely to be marginalized.  相似文献   


This article looks at the Chinese debate on economic security during the period between 1997 and 2004. The contemporary concept of economic security (jingji anquan, 经济安全) was first raised in the Chinese academic literature in 1997, partly as a reaction to the Asian financial crisis and partly due to the increasing role China began to play in globalization, the effects of which it increasingly felt as its economy became more integrated with that of the world. This article examines the emergence of the discourse on economic security within Chinese academic circles, and identifies the development of this concept in China between 1997 and 2004 prior to the ascendancy of the ‘fourth-generation’ leadership.  相似文献   

This paper explores a new political consensus promoting ‘active’ as opposed to ‘passive’ conceptions of citizenship, emerging from the late 1970s onwards, and marking the post-settlement/post-Marshellesque era of the welfare state. Reflecting this consensus, the disability rights movement critiques ‘passive’ conceptions, which are, it is claimed, supported by the medical model of disability and so-called objective accounts of ‘special needs’ and well-being – that is, accounts provided by non-disabled professionals and carers who frequently diminish the rights of disabled people to live autonomously. In contrast, ‘active’ conceptions cohere with the social model of disability supporting the values of agency and self-determination – derived, in part, from equalizing opportunities for disabled people’s social participation compared with non-disabled people; but also by promoting subjective accounts of well-being which are often incomparable or incommensurable, both between persons and across one person’s life.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to tease out the historical and deeply rooted ethical standards, spirituality, and social values that have long supported the social service system in Kyrgyzstan, which, today, faces pressure to align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The data are based on an intervention conducted as part of the European Union-Social Protection Systems programme in Kyrgyzstan between 2017 and 2018 where 30 university lecturers were part of. Interviews both to the Kyrgyz trainers with disabilities and to the trainees of the university lecturers as well as follow-up survey conducted in 2019 form important part of data for this paper. We first investigate the conventional ethical standards, spiritual explanations, and social values related to disabilities within the Kyrgyz social protection system and social services. We elaborate on the Kyrgyz context of the societal ethics, spirituality, and values around disability in the Kyrgyz university education for social workers. Second, we analyse the transformation of the perception of disability among the university lecturers. We conclude this paper with a discussion on the negotiation between a charity-based approach that reinforces the stigmatization of disability and a human rights-based approach that promotes paradigm change, to contribute to global discourse of social change towards disability inclusion.  相似文献   

叶微波 《学理论》2009,(31):249-249,274
从20世纪20年代我国电化教育开始兴起,有关电化教育的实践活动在社会各界轰轰烈烈地开展,随之相伴的有关电化教育的理论探讨也在不断地前进完善。文章对近代我国电化教育有关书刊进行评述,希望从另一个视角研究近代我国电化教育发展状况。  相似文献   

边贸是一个国家对外贸易的重要内容,广西有“祖国南大门”之称,是中国与东盟陆上最便捷的通道.圩市是农村商品流通的载体,边疆圩市是促进毗邻国家边贸的重要平台。发展边疆圩市有利于边民之间的交流与合作、友谊与团结,有利于边疆地区民族团结与稳定。流通现代化是促进圩市发展、边贸市场升级和转型以及解决边疆“三农”问题的有效途径。  相似文献   


The many words in ‘-ism’ in Western languages, from ‘anarchism’ to ‘Zenonism,’ are the linguistic manifestation of a significant European conceptual innovation in scholarly and ideological discourse. Briefly put, there is an intense reductionism in these concepts that underlies their effective rhetorical deployment in various forms of ideological and expository discourse. While isms originated in Europe, they were eventually appropriated by speakers of other languages and became a significant factor and indicator of change in modern society on a global scale. Concepts such as ‘feminism,’ ‘socialism’ and ‘nationalism’ were instrumental in transforming history in the Far East, and so this article explores the appropriation of isms as zhǔyì 主義 in Chinese. The article focuses on how ‘ismatic reasoning’ came to dominate Chinese intellectual and political discourse in the 20th century, zooming in on the case of political ideals for China in the modern world. The historical contingency and change of particular isms, as well as local conceptual innovations, are highlighted in the article.  相似文献   

传统中国并没有真正意义上的"国家"观念,占据主流意识的一直是君主专制制度下的"天下观"。正如李鸿章所说的"三千年未有之大变局",近代中国的发展是天朝上国旧梦破碎、国家被迫走上近代的过程。近代中国的国家观是形成于民族危机迫在眉睫的时刻,是近代先进的中国人在面对亡国灭种的危机时所形成的。辛亥革命成功推翻清王朝,使得孙中山的国家观脱颖而出,力压其他变革思潮,取代了传统的国家观。但是在经历袁世凯复辟后,共和走向灭亡。先进的中国人又开始求索新的国家观念与国家体制,在经历思想启蒙之后,中国开始用马克思主义理论指导革命,并且最终取得革命的胜利,选择了马克思主义国家观。  相似文献   

近代中国政治意识中的合法性理念是近代中国内忧外患形势下的产物。它的产生,极大地影响了近代中国的政治格局与社会发展,从而加速了中国现代化的进程。但由于传统社会的浸淫,近代中国政治意识合法性理念仍不可避免地夹杂着传统的烙印,这又在一定程度上延缓了中国现代化的进程。  相似文献   

Over the past few years, perceptions about disability – at least at the theoretical level – have been shifted toward a more progressive approach, which stresses the social aspects of the construction of disability (social model) rather than personal limitations, as supported by the traditional disability approach (medical–individual model). Drawing upon the sociosemiotic approach as developed by Kress and van Leeuwen, the present study examines from a comparative perspective the representations about disability and people with disabilities, as emerging from the drawings produced by 4th grade Greek primary school children. The sample consists of two groups of children. Group A does not share the same school environment with schoolchildren with special education needs, while group B shares the same school surroundings with students attending a special education needs School. The comparative analysis of their drawings indicates that children of both groups reproduce the dominant meanings they receive from their direct social environment.  相似文献   

当前我国区域经济正面临着无序竞争、产业同构、重复投资等一系列问题 ,在WTO的背景下 ,这些问题显得尤为迫切。经验表明 ,单纯的市场机制已经不能妥善地解决这些问题 ,因此需要借助政府的力量来进行区域间的协调。为此 ,本文引入了区域行政的概念 ,并通过建立区域发展委员会的设想 ,对我国区域行政构设提出了可供选择的政策建议。  相似文献   

Based upon a county level analysis, this article explores the complex processes of poverty mis-targeting in China and supplements the pre-existing literature with a bottom-up analysis. It argues that the rational calculations of key county leaders, shaped by a combination of formal and informal institutions, determine whether a county, irrespective of poverty level, competes for the title of “state-designated poorest county (SDPC).” This article also demonstrates that the interaction between formal and informal institutions is dynamic and subject to change. For future relevant research, this article suggests to analyze the practice of poverty reduction in a disaggregated manner by examining the interplay within and among different levels of government. Juan Wang, a Ph.D candidate in political science at Johns Hopkins University, is the author of “Going beyond Township and Village Enterprises,” Journal of Contemporary China, Issue 14, Volume 42, (February 2005), pp.171–181. The author is particularly grateful to Kellee Tsai for her valuable suggestions and support throughout this project. I am indebted to William Rowe, Mark Blyth, Wang Sangui and anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments. The Institute of Global Studies (IGS) of Johns Hopkins University receives my gratitude for its financial support of this project.  相似文献   

This article specifically attempts to answer two interrelated research questions: firstly, how do democratic consultation assemblies (DCAs) heighten public accountability in the current institutional setting of China's sub-provincial localities?; and secondly, what can be learned, from the Chinese case, in relation to achieving public accountability elsewhere? To address the first question, this article will explore two particular variations of the DCAs, and will focus on the interplay between the managerial and democratic accountability orientations to address the second question.  相似文献   

传统中国社会呈一种皇帝、国戚、勋贵居于上、农工商及贱民等级处于下,士人阶层联结其间的“工”字型的社会结构。政治权力支配社会、 宗法伦理维系社会及高度的社会流动性是这一社会结构的主要特征。由于皇权专制和宗法伦理统治社会,高度的社会流动性所带来的传统中国社会的生机与活力必然被窒息,这是传统中国社会的“现代”因素难以成长、壮大并最终实现社会转型的根本原因。  相似文献   

闫小磊 《学理论》2010,(7):164-167,173
超越现代性的我国思想政治教育在现代性原理驱动下的有中国特色的现代化运动过程中产生困窘实则必然,直面动态、变幻的现代性态势,注重研究马克思对现代性的洞察与关注现代性批判的存在论基础——对历史的、现实的人及其感性活动的考察——和硕果——马克思主义对我国思想政治教育的指导,在解读美国《公民读本》基础上,为我国思想政治教育的现代性困境的超越指明路径——形而下地深入考察当今人的真实生活现实,关注个体的幸福实现,由此出发相应地调整和完善思想政治教育的内容和方法。  相似文献   

试论当代中国的宪政文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有宪法未必有宪政,作为西方泊来品的宪政文化是宪政得以实现的深层次原因。文章在探讨西方宪政文化的主要内容及回顾百年中国立宪教训的基础上,对当代中国的宪政文化建设提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

科学发展观是当代中国的政治发展观,也是中国政治发展的根本指导思想.要构建当代中国的发展政治学,必须把以人为本作为中国政治发展的出发点和归宿,坚持全面、协调、可持续发展,坚持统筹兼顾,认真研究中国政治发展的目标体系,分析经济、社会结构的变化对中国政治发展的影响,思考中国政治发展的力量结构变动,探索中国民主政治的发展路径与实现机制,探讨发展政治学的研究方法.  相似文献   

浅谈当代中国政策过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政策过程是政府过程的核心环节,它主要包括政策的制定和执行.本文从结构和功能方面来探讨当代中国的政策过程的实际运行,阐明政策过程中决策过程与执行过程的一体性和互动性,同时探讨中国政策过程制度化层面上存在的问题.  相似文献   

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