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《Labor History》2012,53(3):256-270
This article analyzes the role played by trade unions within Italian territorial pacts (TPs). Trade unions have always played a part in the negotiations that establish TPs, but their role has been rather underplayed in the wider literature. Based on comparative empirical research into the eight territorial pacts signed in the Province of Turin, in the north-west of Italy, it was found that union participation in the TPs was shaped by the type of TP, the size of union organizations, and the personal commitment of individual union representatives. It was found that the patterns of union participation in TPs reflected the long-standing Italian tradition of micro-concertation, but the outcomes did not.  相似文献   

随着国企改革的不断深入 ,国有控股企业的发展 ,形成了我国市场经济建设中的一种新的特有的经济形式。这种经济形式的产生使工会组织面临的形势发生了变化 ,工会工作由此也面临着严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

南部的崛起是战后美国经济与社会发展史上最重大的变迁之一。工会化程度低是南部各州吸引投资和促进经济增长的主打招牌,而经济增长未能促进工会在南部的发展。文化传统、种族关系、产业结构和工会自身的错误是构成工会在南部发展水平低的历史和社会原因。南部地方政府和商界的合谋则成为阻碍工会在南部发展的现实政治原因。低水平的工会化阻碍了南部工人工资和相关福利的提高,但同时也促进了南部服务业和投资的增长。  相似文献   

加拿大工会概况及其稳定劳动关系的做法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大工会的各层级之间包括全国总会、地方总会和基层工会有着比较明确的责任分工。加拿大在促进劳动关系稳定方面,核心抓了工会的认定、签订集体合约及劳动争议的处理工作。加拿大魁北克省沃尔玛已建立工会组织。  相似文献   

城镇职工基本医疗保险参保与工会参与是农民工实现与城镇本地职工同等权利的重要内容,关系到农民工市民化进程的推进。基于2017年CMDS数据,研究探讨了工会参与对农民工城镇职工基本医疗保险参保率的影响。研究发现:农民工参与工会活动会显著提高其城镇职工基本医疗保险的参保率,在经过倾向得分匹配等稳健性检验后结论依旧成立;工会参与对参加城镇职工基本医疗保险的促进作用在农民工的代际之间均有显著作用,但对老一代农民工的影响更大。研究建议,为更好地加强农民工劳动权益保护,应当重视工会建设,以推动城镇职工基本医疗保险对农民工更广的覆盖。  相似文献   

论非公企业建会工作的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《工会法》最大限度地赋予职工组织或参加工会的权利,非公企业职工需要工会,职工组织或参加工会的条件只与职工自身条件有关,因此在非公企业建会工作中,地方工会组织应该眼睛向下,切实把非公企业的工人作为自己的服务对象和工作对象,与非公企业职工群众建立血肉联系,了解非公企业职工的疾苦,反思工会能够为解除工人的疾苦做些什么,对职工群众进行思想启蒙,发现并培训工人骨干,通过工人骨干发动群众,并以维权的实际成绩促进非公企业的建会工作。  相似文献   

对1946-1948年间扎赉诺尔煤矿工会筹建、改组、合并,最终化入地方政权体制的过程进行考察,在国家与社会互动的分析框架下,发现该工会在这一特殊时期具有典型的法团主义结构特征。工会组织及其活动在地方政权与基层社会以及政府与工人之间具有中介、协调作用,使以煤矿工人及家属为主体成员的基层社会达到了社会治理、社会保障、社会动员的效果,对地方政权过渡、社会转型和地方经济发展影响深远。  相似文献   

本文对近年来工会经费税务代收的做法进行了较深入的剖析,通过实际调查分析了一些地方具体实行后出现的各种问题.笔者建议,应借鉴国外一些好的做法,使收缴的经费真正用于维护职工群众的合法权益,避免出现工会经费仅仅成为工会机关和干部的福利保障.  相似文献   

In the 1980s, to address financial difficulties, the CFDT (a French reformist union) proposed an original solution – the union voucher – aimed at broadening its membership base and generating new resources. It affords unions with funding from a company, which annually distributes vouchers to employees, who can remit the voucher (or not) to unions of their choice. This mechanism is based both on company financing and the individual choices of employees. In the early 1990s, the insurance company AXA experimented with and then adopted this solution. This article traces the history of the union voucher and assesses the union’s experience.  相似文献   

俄罗斯工会在苏联解体之后经历了由计划经济到市场经济的转变,最终形成了社会统合主义的 模式。本研究在梳理俄罗斯工会改革历史的基础上,根据统合主义理论分析了俄罗斯工会在与政府的关系、对 工人利益的代表性和自身行动能力 3 个方面的现实情况。研究认为,俄罗斯工会在改革初期复杂、动荡的政治 经济背景下所追求的自由主义模式受历史因素影响并不成功。改革的转机出现在统一俄罗斯党成立之后,俄罗 斯工会与政府关系迅速改善,并在执政党的同情和支持下提升了自身对工人利益的代表性和行动能力,特别是 运用法律武器的能力。但俄罗斯工会也面临着新就业形式和移民劳工增长的挑战,还需要进一步的改革以适应 劳动力市场的复杂变化。  相似文献   

随着"一带一路"战略不断推进,越来越多的中国企业走出国门,为我国经济发展做出贡献,也推动了东道国的经济发展。同时,"走出去"的境外中资企业由于受东道国法律限制,无法按照中国模式组建工会,多数当地员工参加了当地工会组织,产生许多问题。为实现工会工作对境外企业的有效覆盖,调动中外双方员工的积极性,中国有色矿业集团有限公司工会在民主管理、劳动竞赛、安全生产、维护员工权益以及建立沟通对话机制等方面进行了积极的探索,提供了可资借鉴的成功经验。  相似文献   

当前我国地方性集体合同立法呈现出对企业参与集体合同的强制力逐渐加大,法律刚性不断增强,对协商谈判代表保护逐步完善等特点,未来地方性立法应当注意以下问题:一是要突出协商重点,注重分类指导;二是在运用法律手段的同时要善于借助行政的力量;三是要积极探索符合我国国情的集体争议解决办法;四是要加强对工会集体协商中法律责任问题的研究.  相似文献   

信阳外出务工人员工会联合会组织模式的特点和实践意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南信阳外出务工人员工会联合会,是集外出务工人员输出地和输入地工会工作于一体的新型工会组织模式,其主要特点是工会组织实行跨地区双向管理、双向维权,突破了传统的、以当地企业或其他经济组织为依托发展会员的工会建会模式,是创新工会组织形式的有益探索。对于分散在城市、流动性强、以亲缘地缘为主要生活和交往方式的进城务工人员来说,信阳模式不失为一种行之有效的新形式,有利于最大限度地将进城务工人员组织起来,对刚刚起步的进城务工人员工会的组建,具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

1922年7月23日,武汉工团联合会宣告成立。武汉是中国第二大工业城市,工人阶级人数集中;党在武汉工人运动中具有绝对的领导地位;以及汉阳钢铁厂工人大罢工中"罢工援助"的运用等,都为中国共产党领导的第一个地方性总工会在武汉首创提供了有利的条件。武汉工团联合会成立后,迅速发展为湖北全省工团联合会,成为当时全国规模最大地方总工会,并且在党领导的第一次全国工运高潮中,居于城市罢工潮的中心,具有重要的历史影响。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):95-110
The 1987–88 strike at International Paper's Androscoggin Mill in Jay, Maine severed a longstanding ‘social contract’ where workers and community residents tolerated the mill's air and water pollution in return for good-paying jobs and a robust local economy. This article traces the development of environmental consciousness among union workers and community residents during the strike and their efforts to protect the environment from the pollution of the mill. The union publicized environmental problems at the mill and the state's failures to regulate pollution when the strike began. After a series of environmental accidents during the strike, including a massive chlorine dioxide gas leak that threatened the safety of the town, Jay residents formed a community environmental organization and pressured the company and the state to close the mill. The environment remained an important issue after the strike, as labor and environmental activists joined forces to uphold a municipal ordinance that allowed the town to enforce state and federal environmental laws. This article studies how labor and environmental politics converged on a local level and also explores the broader themes of the conflict between job prosperity and environmental protection in industrial communities, labor and environmental movement alliances, and the current issues surrounding the ‘green economy’.  相似文献   

This article describes the author's experience of commisioned reseach, outlining its main findings and the response of the funding body to the final report. The research examined the effects of shiftwork on women. It was found that the sexual division of labour within the family in Britain makes it difficult for women to work certain hours, including the ‘normal’ full-time day hours, and so hours of work can discriminate against women with responsibility for young children. Protective legislation is not the cause of inequality in wages and affords some protection to women from certain hours of work in industries that are covered by these laws. Trade union attitudes and practices towards women at local level help to reinforce rather than transform the sexual divisions of labour within the workforce and within the family.The final report contained three pages specifically on trade unions and their attitude towards women and shiftwork. The trade union group at the evaluation colloquium demanded their exclusion from the final report, virtually accusing the researchers of fabrication.  相似文献   

Race and Class     
《Labor History》2012,53(4):486-494
This article examines the rise of the Independent Workers Union (IWU) in Ireland, North and South, in relation to the bifurcation of trade unionism on the Island, from 1900 until the demise of the so-called Celtic tiger in the early years of the twenty-first century. It is argued that two competing ideological and political trajectories defined the major divisions in the Irish labour movement and where given added impetus with the formation of two separate states after 1920. One tradition was committed to an idea of a progressive British empire, while the other was born of a movement linking together trade union, class and national autonomy. A trade union with a long history and recent past, the IWU represents a labour movement formation whose tradition extends the latter: it is committed to developing forms of opposition to state and capital. If more subdued since the partition of the island, this tradition was reignited with the implosion of Social Partnership in the South and the rise of the new sectarianism in the North. Neoliberalism, with its consequent assault upon labour and its various institutions more broadly, provided additional impetus to the creation of the IWU in 2004. The article also assesses its various alternative union and community organising strategies.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):88-95
Corporate restructuring is a central feature neoliberal globalization. Despite the adverse social and psychological consequences of this market driven change, unions have, for the most part, viewed restructuring as an inevitable characteristic of the contemporary economy. This article argues that such market accommodation is the result of a political failure to critically engage the free market model and its social impacts. Analysis of this failure and the possible construction of a justice alternative is grounded in an analysis of union developments in Australia, South Africa and Brazil. In each country, unions were empowered and won critical struggles when they assumed a social movement form shaped by justice-orientated human liberation politics. This choice at a national level needs to be synchronized by a new labour internationalism if this challenge against market logic is to have any prospect of sustaining change.  相似文献   

在"中非合作论坛"、"一带一路"倡议的推动下,越来越多的中资企业进入非洲。随着企业在非洲的经营活动的日趋活跃,企业面临的劳资问题也不断增加。然而大多数在非的企业管理者在处理劳资矛盾时,并没有正确评估当地工会的角色与作用,也没有积极处理场域内的劳资矛盾,这不但给企业带来经济损失,也对国家形象造成了影响。本文以坦桑尼亚为例,通过调研分析,认为造成在非中资企业处理工会问题不力的根源是中非工会的差异,包括两国工会的本质、制度安排、日常活动差异等。面对中方管理者的工会经验缺失,一些立足于长远发展的企业已经开始尝试与当地工会合作,并以其在中国的工会经验为切入点,通过表彰先进、节日慰问等形式来培养员工中对中国友好的代表,通过他们的带动作用团结凝聚工人,尽管这些做法起到了一定的团结作用,但因这些措施具有临时性、随机性等特征,并不能持续发挥作用。  相似文献   

跨国企业正在成为我国对外直接投资的重要主体,其海外雇佣关系与工会实践逐渐引起国内外 学者的关注。在解释我国跨国企业的具体雇佣关系实践时,学界普遍存在基于路径依赖观点与“中国例外论” 得到的中资企业“原罪论”观点,认为资本原产地决定了中国跨国企业在海外的固定管理模式与工会实践。基 于利益相关者的产业关系系统视角,本研究对德国大众集团和中国福耀集团在美国的工厂组建工会的案例进行 了比较研究,揭示了强调资本原产地的“原罪论”存在的局限性。研究认为,东道国地方制度情境因素和多个 利益相关者的复杂博弈与互动过程对跨国企业的海外工会实践具有重要影响。  相似文献   

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