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全市各级工会组织将职工思想政治工作融入工会的各项工作中 ,做了大量富有成效的工作 ,但也存在针对性不强等问题 ,应找到继承传统与开拓创新的结合点 ,建立健全科学的职工思想政治工作理论体系。  相似文献   

国际社会对贸易自由化与国际劳工标准的辩论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪 90年代以来 ,随着全球化和贸易自由化的迅猛发展 ,引发了国际社会关于贸易自由化与国际劳工标准挂钩的辩论 ,各种相关的国际组织和工会对此问题展开了激烈的争论 ,虽然最终并没有争出胜负 ,但也在某些方面达成了共识。  相似文献   

工会作为工人阶级自愿结合的群众组织,作为党和政府密切联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,其工作重点就是做人的思想工作。工会组织的群众性又决定了工会思想政治工作,必须以人为本,寻求人们能够接受的思想政治工作的方式、方法。  相似文献   

广东的青年统战工作有着独特的地缘背景,改革开放的成就也赋予其许多新的工作内涵。应在广东 青年统战工作中落实“新、特、实”的工作方针,使其更好地服务于改革开放和经济建设,服务于青年的成长成才。  相似文献   

Because of the traditional separation between male and female domains in Middle Eastern society, the study of gender role is critical in defining personhood. This case study of Turkish Jewish culture focuses on the dialectic between ideal person and real, everyday behavior. The contrast between behavior is encoded in proverbs and is manifest in the manipulation of gossip and reputation.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):720-745

On 4 August 2017, workers at Nissan’s plant in Canton, Mississippi, voted 2244 to 1307 against being represented by the United Automobile Workers of America (UAW). The organizing campaign in Canton – which began shortly after the plant opened in 2003 – was one of the most important in recent labor history, and it attracted national and international media coverage. It also mobilized some high-profile supporters, including actor Danny Glover, musician Common, Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez, and presidential contender Bernie Sanders. This article uses interviews with Nissan workers and UAW staffers, together with the records of the long organizing drive, to provide the first detailed examination of this landmark campaign, revealing problems that press accounts did not cover. While the UAW and its supporters blamed Nissan’s fierce opposition for the outcome, this article reveals that the reasons for the loss were more complex. Apart from corporate opposition, community hostility, the increasing number of temporary workers – who were unable to vote in the election – and racial divisions were all important factors. Most of the UAW’s supporters were African-American, and they were mobilized by a campaign that declared that, ‘Labor Rights are Civil Rights.’ This slogan alienated many whites, however, weakening the union. While the UAW pledged to fight on, the defeat was another blow to its long campaign to organize foreign-owned automakers in the U.S., an increasingly important sector.  相似文献   

生产任务要完成,管理要上水平,企业工会必须扎扎实实做好思想政治工作,特别是在改革不断深化,新问题不断出现的情况下,解疑释惑,理顺情绪,才能做好职工的思想政治工作,使职工队伍的凝聚力和向心力得到加强。  相似文献   

建立社区工会完善工会基层组织   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着市场经济体制的建立和国有企业改革的深化,企业精干主体,剥离辅体,大量由原先单位包揽的社会职能逐步向社区回归、转移,逐步使社区服务业社会化、产业化,出现了一批特殊的劳动者群体.这为如何适应城市建设发展,维护这些劳动者群体的合法权益,实现全总提出的"哪里有职工,哪里就必须建立工会组织"的目标要求,提出了新的课题.社区工会的诞生是市场经济条件下工人运动和工会工作蓬勃发展的产物,是我国城市社会转型过程中应运而生的新生事物.  相似文献   

十九大报告指出要增强群众工作本领,创新群众工作体制机制和方式方法,而基层工会正是广大群众凝聚力、战斗力的源泉,以夯实基础和创新机制为抓手来增强基层工会活力就显得尤为重要。而管理学是系统研究社会管理活动的基本规律和一般方法的科学,如果运用管理学的原理和方法分析和解决工会如何创新的问题,将会产生事半功倍的效果。因此,本文着重研究如何应用管理学的三大定律,以群众工作体制机制和方式方法创新为突破口,切实提高基层工会活力,从而团结动员广大职工群众为实现党的十九大提出的宏伟目标不懈奋斗。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of some personal and labor market factors on changes in internal-external control among young male workers. Utilizing 960 respondents from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience's national sample for young men, multiple regression analysis, and an abbreviated version of the Rotter Internal-External Control Scale, this study found that labor market success, race, and employment in the private sector enhance feelings of internal control during the transition between school and work.This paper is a revision of several parts of the author's doctoral dissertation at Washington State University. Financial assistance was provided by the Richard D. Irwin Foundation and the Center for Public Economics at San Diego State University.Received Ph.D. in economics from Washington State University. Major interests are development of human resources and the effects of attitudes on decision making and economic behavior.  相似文献   

王兆国主席关于工会工作者,尤其是工会高层领导干部要成为政治家、社会活动家和协调劳动关系专家的观点,是对工会干部队伍建设指导思想的一个重要发展,是时代变化对工会干部素质提出的客观要求。工会干部培训应以培养“三家”为方向,对培训的对象、内容、方式、体制和机制等进行改革。要调整培训对象,加强高层培训;调整培训内容,突出能力训练;改革培训方式,加强针对性。建设一支优秀的、能够胜任培训“三家”人才的专兼职师资队伍很有必要。  相似文献   

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