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经营城市的本义是筹划与管理城市,艺术构思城市,但一些城市经营出现政府再造(城市公共管理改革)悖论;城市公共权力运用悖论;城市公共资源开发悖论。克服经营城市悖论在于政企分离;官商分离;社会职能与经济建设职能分离。在全面建设小康社会中,创造一个少花钱、多办事、办好事、快办事的服务型政府。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本.我国正处于经济体制转型和工业化高速发展时期,就业领域存在众多问题和难题,运用新公共管理理论,借鉴国外解决就业问题的实践经验,改革我国的就业体制,是政府解决就业问题的重要途径.  相似文献   

深化厂务公开工作,要健全制度,规范公开内容.在职代会闭会期间,要实施职工代表政务质询制度,畅通民主管理渠道.同时,还要做好厂务公开的考核工作,健全和完善民主监督机制.  相似文献   

公共关系理论存在的问题是研究对象不明 ,核心理论不清。对公共关系理论性质的界定 ,是形成核心体系的关键。公共关系应属于管理学范畴 ,它对管理理论的重要贡献是 ,它不仅研究内部公众的管理艺术 ,而且研究如何通过一系列的主动行为对外部公共行为这一不可控制的因素施加影响 ,以达到某种程度的控制 ,以便使组织能够在更加理想的社会环境中生存发展  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):716-733

Statistical information is critical for both government and the general public for monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of employment policies and programmes. This paper revisits the labour market trends between 2012 and 2016 and discusses the importance of job search methods for labour market entry in Ghana. We explored job search methods (Formal and Informal Methods) used by 235 participants from seven regions of Ghana. Results revealed that many of the participants highly relied on informal job search methods to secure jobs across all demographic variables. This has been the case in Ghana when unemployment continues to increase leading to a difficult labour market entry. Our findings, therefore, suggest that in such a restricted labour market, employment success is likely to be determined by ‘whom you know’. The results offer practical recommendations for private and public employment consultancies, as well as policymakers to institute impactful intervention programmes for job seekers on the efficient ways of developing and sustaining meaningful social capital/networks to enhance their chances of finding employment.  相似文献   

户籍制度关系到公民个人的基本权利以及劳动力资源的有效配置.中国城乡分隔的户籍制度是农村剩余劳动力不能及时转移到城镇从而造成农业劳动生产率低下的重要原因.自改革开放以来,中国一直在进行户籍制度改革,但进展并不顺利,这与人们的一些认识误区有关.为此,本研究对户籍制度改革进行经济学分析,进而对改革路径进行探索.研究认为:城镇...  相似文献   

公共服务的多元化供给是实现区域经济高质量发展的战略支撑.为了补齐京津冀公共服务供给短板、增强公共服务供给弱项、提升公共服务供给质量,满足京津冀城乡居民对美好生活的向往,深化三地公共服务供给侧改革,建立以京津冀协同发展需求为中心的多元化公共服务供给协同机制尤为必要.基于对京津冀公共服务供给的分析,本研究提出新时期应通过深...  相似文献   

我国劳动关系公共服务是与劳动关系市场化进程相伴而行的。劳动关系公共服务的目标空间是促进劳动关系规范的建立、有序运行、合理调整和矛盾化解。为了更好地提供劳动关系公共服务,在内容设计方面,应做好公共服务的内涵界定、服务主体转换、服务边界设定、服务项目设计、服务项目确定等工作;在供给机制方面,应采用政府主导下的间接供给方式,即由政府委托或与市场及社会组织合作,提供公共服务;在评估机制方面,应将数量、实施效果、公平性等因素进行综合考量,加强过程监管与评估验收,以确保公共服务供给绩效。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展在公共行政管理模式的变革、提高行政决策的合理性和民主性、引发公共行政方法的创新和促进公共行政人员素质的提高四个方面给公共行政带来影响。应提高和强化对信息技术的认识 ,搞高行政人员的科技素质和加强信息技术的安全性处理 ,从而提高公共行政的效率 ,推动公共行政的进程  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(2):144-159

Fordism is a central concept in American labour history. This essay, the first survey of the range of historiographical and sociological approaches deployed to understand Fordism, suggests that Fordism and Americanism are inseparably intertwined. Previous scholarship has emphasised that the technological and managerial efficiency of Fordist practice were a hallmark of twentieth-century Americanism. Historians of labour have demonstrated that these aspects manifested as a relentless system of control in the workplace that paradoxically helped to unify worker resistance. Historians of capitalism have tended to used Fordism to refer to an ethos underpinning mid-twentieth-century capitalist development marked by a balance between mass production and mass consumption. They identify increased social provisions and class compromise between labour and management as features that made Fordism attractive to states rebuilding their economies following the Second World War. New transnational histories of Fordism have begun to bridge the gap between these two main interpretations to show how Fordist practice and ethos were exported together internationally as part of an ideological project to modernise nations in America’s image. This essay concludes by assessing the usefulness of Fordism to historians and suggesting avenues for future research.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展和改革的不断深化,事业单位体制改革也在全面展开。改革引发出如何调整好各种法律关系、利益关系等一系列问题,尤其是涉及职工切身利益的问题,如何通过建立职工代表大会制度为基本形式的职工民主管理,实现职工民主参与、民主决策和民主监督,成为加强基层事业单位民主政治建设的一个重大课题。  相似文献   

服务型工会是与社会主义市场经济相适应的一种全新工会工作模式。建设服务型工会是党中央对工会组织发展的战略定位,是工会本质属性的必然要求。基于中国工会改革与西方政府改革运动的某种契合,新公共管理对我国服务型工会建设具有一定的借鉴意义。当前,我国服务型工会建设还面临诸多问题,其深刻根源潜藏于工会自身体制机制层面。基于新公共管理视角和宁波市海曙区工会工作的创新实践,服务型工会建设应该坚持职工主体地位,强化工会服务意识;坚持社会化运作,提高工会公共服务效能;坚持改革创新,健全工会服务体系;坚持专业化方向,提高工会干部服务能力和水平。  相似文献   

建立公务员失业保险制度的必要性及对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着政府机构的改革和国家公务员制度的推行,《公务员法》即将实施,国家公务员失业的情况难以避免。建立我国公务员失业保险制度迫在眉睫,应尽早将其提上我国社会保障制度改革的议事日程。  相似文献   

ISO9000标准是当今世界的先进管理模式之一, 把 ISO9000 标准的相关原则应用于厂务公开工作之中, 能够使厂务公开成为企业法定的管理程序。通过借鉴惯标, 推进厂务公开工作朝着规范化、制度化、程序化的方向不断发展, 使厂务公开民主管理工作在企事业单位的改革发展中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

强化厂务公开民主管理创建劳动关系和谐企业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市怀柔区把厂务公开民主管理不仅作为工会的一项重要工作,而且上升到全区重点工作之一。以在全区范围内建立"民主日"活动制度,作为开展厂务公开民主管理工作的重要载体;以厂务公开栏为主,开展日常厂务公开活动,统一公开的内容、更换的时间,形成了定期公开有载体,日常公开有保证的厂务公开民主管理工作格局。同时,注重完善制度,落实职权;抓住主体,拓宽领域;考核评比,确保效果。总结出一套厂务公开民主管理的经验。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(3):251-269
As a consequence of the global economic crises of the 1970s, in Australia, micro-economic reform of the economy, and in particular the labour market, was seen as a key catalyst in providing a more competitive industrial base for the country. Underpinning this was a fundamental change in the conflictual industrial relations structure that had framed work patterns and practices since Federation. The Williamstown Naval Dockyard in Melbourne was the Australian Federal Government's premier dockyard. It had a long-standing reputation for poor productivity, inefficient work practices and industrial unrest and had been described as Australia's worst worksite. After several failed attempts to reform the dockyard, the Federal Government privatised this utility as a catalyst to reform the work culture. On 1 January 1988, the dockyard was transferred to the highly competitive private shipbuilding sector. As the first public utility sold by an Australian Federal Government and the first workplace to adopt micro-economic labour reforms, including enterprise bargaining, the dockyard provides an opportunity to examine the nature of workplace restructuring in the most radical time of change for labour and trade unions in Australia's history. The dockyard was seen at the time as at the vanguard of this change. This paper explores the reforms undertaken in the dockyard.  相似文献   

在集体合同地方立法过程中,对于集体合同的定义、法规的适用范围和政府在集体合同制度中的作用有不同的规定.<北京市集体合同条例(草案)>对于集体合同的定义只是一个层面的,即基层一级集体合同,没有包括区域性、行业性集体合同,反映出立法者对于集体合同主体的不同认识.关于适用范围的规定也过窄,不能满足事业单位实行全面改革的协调劳动人事关系的需要.至于政府在集体合同制度中的角色也应重新定位,政府劳动保障部门应从审查批准者向促进、服务和协调者转变.  相似文献   

车间和班组是企业民主管理的最基层单位,也是推行厂务公开的重要阵地.在车间和班组推行厂务公开,必须做到强化公开意识、规范公开运行机制、坚持公开内容的真实性和公开结果的实效性.  相似文献   

企业职工下岗现象同政府宏观调控、国家产业结构调整及企业自身经营状况有关 ,而同是否加入世界贸易组织无必然联系。解决职工下岗问题 ,需要进一步深化改革。  相似文献   

Seasonal offshore labour from Mexico and the Caribbean is a vital element in the horticulture industry of Ontario, Canada. The offshore programme run by the government regulates the recruitment of foreign workers into a seemingly feudal labour regime. It is argued here that media discourse about foreign workers plays an important role in generating public consent for this regime. An analysis of the daily newsprint media reveals several co-existing narratives, which constitute a wider public discourse about offshore labour. By portraying foreign workers as crucial for the economy, a liability to rural communities and a form of aid to the global south, this discourse legitimates existing labour practices, cultural exclusion and workers' temporary status in Canada.  相似文献   

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