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(see Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. VI, No. 3: October 1970, pp. 345–349).

Rasskazy Izrail'skikh pisateley (Stories of Israeli writers), Moscow, Progress Press, 1965; 320 pp.;

Iskatel'dzemchuga: novelly Izrail’ skikh pisateley (The pearl‐diver: stories of Israeli writers), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1966; 144 pp.

K. Ivanov and Z. Sheynis, was Gosudarstvo Israil’, ego polodzeniye i politika (The State of Israel: its situation and politics), Moscow, The State Publishing House for Political Literature, 1958; 148 pp.

G. S. Nikitina's Gosudarstvo Izrail‘ (osobennosti ekonomicheskogo i politicheskog orazvitii) (The State of Israel: the characteristics of its economic and political development), Moscow, The Institute of the Peoples of Asia in the Soviet Academy of Sciences—Nauka Press, 1968; 414 pp.

P. Demchenko's Arabskiy Vostok v chas ispitaniy (The Arab East in the hour of trial), Moscow, the Publishing House for Political Literature, 1967; 80 pp.

I. P. Blishchenko and V. D. Kudryavtsev's Agressiya Izrailya i medzdunarodnoe pravo (The Israeli aggression and international law), Moscow, International Relations Press, 1970; 80 pp.

S. A. Andreyev visited Israel and reported on his visit in his Izrail’, zametki dzurnalista (Israel: travel‐notes of a journalist), Moscow, Oriental Literature Press, 1962; 120 pp.

Ye. Yevseyev's Fashizm pod goluboy zvyozdoy (Fascism under the blue Star of David), Moscow Molodaya Gvardiya Press, 1971; 170 pp.,

Tadeusz Walichnowsky (which first appeared in Polish, and from whose third, 1968 edition, this Russian translation was prepared), called Izrail’ i FRG (Israel and Federal Germany), Moscow, Progress Press, 1971; 168 pp.  相似文献   

New Soviet books     
Arabs and the Sea, by T. A. Shumovskiy, Moscow, 1964,  相似文献   

Edited by A. X. Rafikov, it is named Istoricheskaya literature na turetskom yazike xranyashchayasya v bibliotekax Leningrada {Historical literature in Turkish, preserved in the Leningrad libraries), Leningrad, Soviet Academy of Sciences: 1968; 267 pp.

Sh. V. Megrelidze's Voprosi Zakavkazya v istorii Russo‐Turetskoy voyni 1877–1878 {The problems of Transcaucasia in the Russo‐Turkish war of 1877–1878), Tiflis, Gruzinian Academy of Sciences, Metsniyeryeba Press: 1969; 144 pp.

Noveyshaya istoriya Turtsii {The recent history of Turkey), Moscow, Nauka Press: 1968; 396 pp.

U. N. Rozaliyev's Klassi I klassovaya borba v Turtsii: burzhuaziya i proletariyat (Classes and the class‐struggle in Turkey: bourgeoisie and proletariat), Moscow, Nauka: 1966; 168 pp.

R. P. Korniyenko's Rabocheye dvizheniye v Turtsii 1918–1963 {The workers’ movement in Turkey, 1918–1963), Moscow, Nauka Press: 1965; 176 pp.

V. I. Danilov's Sredniye sloi v politicheskoy zhizni sovremennoy Turtsii {The middle classes in the political life of contemporary Turkey), Moscow, Nauka: 1968; 152 pp.  相似文献   

New Soviet books     
By R. T. Akhramovich. Nauka Press. USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1966. Index. Pp. 191.

The other is The Arabs, Islam and the Arab Caliphate, by Ye. A. Belyayev, which is, alas, posthumously published.  相似文献   

James Aldridge's Cairo: biography of a city (Moscow, 1970)

‘A. al‐RafiTs The development of the Egyptian national movement, 1882–1956 (translated from the Arabic, Moscow, 1961).

B. G. Seyranyan, Egipet v bor'be za nezavMmosf 1945–1952 (Egypt's struggle for independence: 1945–1952), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970.

Sh. N. Kurdgelashvili, it is entitled Revolutsiya 1952 g. i krakh Britanskogo gospodstva v Egipte (The 1952 Revolution and the breakdown of the British Occupation in Egypt), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1966.

Suetskiy Kanal (faxti i dokumenti) (The Suez Canal: facts and documents), Moscow, Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1959.

A. S. Protopopov's Sovyetskiy Soyuz i Suetskiy krizis 1956 goda (The U.S.S.R. and the Suez crisis of 1956), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1969.

Adolf Hoffmeister (published in Moscow, 1961)

Polish of Zofia Jezewska (published in Moscow, 1962).  相似文献   

New Soviet books     
Yu. A. Boyev's The Near East in the Foreign Policy of France, 1898–1914, Kiev, 1964.

Saudi Arabia. An Historical and Economic Outline, by N. I. Proshin, a paperback published towards the end of 1964.  相似文献   

New Soviet books     
Islam by L. I. Klimovich, Moscow, 1965,

Islam in Iran in the 7th–15th centuries by I. P. Petrushevskiy, Leningrad, 1966.  相似文献   

The History of Education in Turkey by A. D. Zheltyakov and Yu. A. Petrosyan. USSR. Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1965

Turkey in 1960–1963 by M. A. Gasratyan, Moscow, 1965.

A MysV Publication by P. P. Moiseyev and M. A. Gasratyan, (Moscow, 1965).  相似文献   

A detailed discussion of this book appeared in Central Asian Review. Vol. IV, N°. 3, 1956.  相似文献   


The Yemen     

The following paper was discovered by Laurence Evans, Professor of History at the State University of New York at Binghamton, during the course of research in the files of the Department of State (to which Department the paper had been made available in 1918 for use as background information by the American Delegation at the Peace Conference), and Professor Evans has kindly communicated it to the Society. Its contents are not included in the book on Mecca which Snouk published in German, and it is not among the scattered articles in Verspreide Geschriften (1923–27). That collection does, however, include another essay about Ahmad Dahlan, in Dutch, entitled “Een rector der Mekkaansche universiteit”, originally contributed to a learned journal and reprinted in vol. 111, pp. 65–122. [We are printing this paper in good faith believing it to be previously unpublished. Ed.]  相似文献   



Being founded in the wake of the First World War, both Turkey and the Soviet Union followed revolutionary modernizing pathways. At the outset, one could trace many similar patterns in their radical modernization paradigms; however, their development models as well as political and social orders were radically distinct, which became more obvious with the passage of time. The paper discusses the external interpretations of Kemalism by observing the Soviet perspectives on the inception and evolution of Kemalism. Paying more attention to diplomatic, geopolitical and economic complexities of the Turkish-Soviet relations, scholars have rarely problematized the Soviet Union perceptions of Turkish ideological transformations. In reality, since the early 1920s, different state institutions, intellectual schools of thought and research in the Soviet Union closely observed the domestic transformations in Turkey by providing valuable insights on the perspective and the implications of the Kemalist transformation. The article also looks at the question of how the incorporation of Soviet perspectives can enrich the historiography and our understanding of Kemalism.  相似文献   

Afrikanskiy Sbornik: istoriya (African Collection: History), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1963, 303 pp.

G. A. Nyersyesov on the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881 (pp. 170–230),

B. M. Dantsig et al., entitled Politika Frantsii v Azii i Afriki (French Policy in Asia and Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1965, 408 pp.

S. R. Smirnov et al., Novyeyshaya istoriya Afriki (The Recent History of Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1964, 500 pp.

Ye. A. Lyebyedyev et al. and entitled Arabskiy Vostok i Magrib: sbornik statyey (The Arab East and the Maghrib: A Collection of Articles), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977, 232 pp.

N. A. Ivanov's Sovryemyenniy Tunis (Contemporary Tunisia), Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1959, 132 pp.

B. Ye. Kosolapov's Tunis: gyeografichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: A Geographical Essay), Moscow, Government Press for Geographical Literature, 1958, 46 pp.

V. P. Smirnov's Tunis: ekonomichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: An Economic Essay), Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1962, 72 pp.,

V. Gusarov's Tunis (Tunisia), Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1974, 128 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has written a second work on another aspect of Tunisia, entitled Gosudarstvyenniy stroy Tunisa (Governmental Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Government Press for Juridical Literature, 1962, 64 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has also written a historical study, entitled Krizis Frantsuzkogo protyektorata v Tunisye, 1918–1939 gg. (The Crisis of the French Protectorate in Tunisia, 1918–1939), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1971, 400 pp.

Novoye litso: novyelli pisatyelyey Tunisa (A New Face: Stories by writers of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Governmental University of Leningrad, 1974, 78 pp.,

M. F. Vidyasova's Rabochiy klass v sotsiyal'noy strukturye Tunisa (The Working Class in the Social Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and for the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow Governmental University, 1975, 232 pp.

Shabayev's Rabochiy klass stran Magriba (Moscow, 1968)

Werner Plum's Gewerkschaften im Maghreb (Hanover, 1962),

L. P. Zudina entitled Agrarniye otnoshyeniya v Tunisye, 1956–1971 (Agrarian Relations in Tunisia, 1956–1971), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 183 pp.  相似文献   

A.F. Miller's Turtsiya: Aktual'niye problyemi novoy i novyeyshyey istorii, Turkey: Topical Problems of Modern and Contemporary History (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 278 pp.)

I.I. Ivanova's Turyetsko‐Arabskiye otnoshyeniya iikh myesto v systyemye myedzhdunarodnikh svyazyey na Blidzhnyem Vostkokye (1945–1983), Turkish‐Arab Relations and Their Place in the International System of the Middle East, 1945–83 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1985; 150 pp.)

Ilhan Arsel's Arab milliyetçili?i ve Türkler Arab Nationalism and the Turks (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, 1973).

A.G. Aksyenyenko's Bor'ba politichyeskikh partii Turtsii za vliyaniye na molodyodzh 1920–1980. The Struggle of Turkey's Political Parties for Influence on Youth, 1920–80 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 199 pp.)

Zarubyedzhnaya Tyurkologiva, vol.1 (Moscow: Nauka, 1986; 384 pp.)

Turtsiya: Istoriya i sovryemyennost’. Sbornik statyey, Turkey: History and the Contemporary Era. A Collection of Articles (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1988; 264 pp.)

A.Sh. Rasizade discusses Turkey's entry into NATO (pp. 143–51)

G.Z. Aliyev and S.R. Myedzhidova deal with Turkey's rapprochement with the Arab States since the 1960s (pp. 158–64).

Nazim Hikmet. N. Farfutdinov studies the socio‐political ideals of the periodical Kadro in the 1930s (pp. 183–8)

A.Kh Mustafayev's Natsional'niye otnoshyeniya v SSSR v turdakh Turyetskikh avtorov, National Relations in the Soviet Union in Works of Turkish Writers (Baku: Elm Pres, 1990; 212 pp.).  相似文献   

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