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一、身体政治:从麦奎因的《饥饿》说起 人是政治动物,亚里士多德的这句名言虽谈不上家喻户晓,却是广为人知。尽管,关于“政治是什么?”历来见仁见智,莫衷一是。精确定义虽然难求,但就“物竞天择,适者生存”或“人类为了生存利益的相互竞争”这些基本含义,说政治无处不在,相信不会有多少异议。  相似文献   

在认知语言学隐喻观指导下,对法律文本中颜色词的隐喻认知研究进行概述的基础上,结合法律文本中常见的颜色隐喻对其进行认知分析,并以红色为例指出翻译法律文本中的颜色隐喻时应灵活运用多种翻译技巧与方法。  相似文献   

社会科学研究是否需要人文底蕴,这本来不应该是个问题。然而近来似乎又成为了一个问题。比如就有人发出了“社会科学研究需要人文底蕴吗”这样的疑问,不免令人感到讶异。我的看法是,社会科学研究不仅需要人文底蕴,而且不能没有人文底蕴。中国的国际关系学同样如此。什么是人文底蕴?大体上我们可以把人文底蕴的基本涵义表述为,熟悉人类(世界的和中国的)历史脉络,掌握中外哲学经典的基本内涵,理解人类基本的价值观念等。它对社会科学(包括政治学、国际关系学)又意味着什么呢?在社会科学中轻视人文而产生的弊害,人们已经有过教训了。在当代西方…  相似文献   

目前我国监狱系统正在有组织的进行监狱体制的改革致力于完善监狱民警的激励机制。改革的主要内容是全额监狱日常运行、监狱和企业实行、监狱收入与支出财务分开确保监狱正常规范运行。本文中主要从体制改革之前,监狱民警激励机制所出现的问题进行探究分析,从中分析出监狱进行体制改革对监狱民警激励机制的重要性。最后结合当下我国监狱内部实际情况,提出完善目前监狱民警激励机制的措施和建议。  相似文献   

为了给男友买一辆保时捷跑车,19岁女孩张笑诈骗320万元,被判处有期徒刑10年。张笑入监后,男友离她而去,这对于痴情的张笑来说,无异是雪上加霜,一度失去了生活的勇气。  相似文献   

为了促进服刑人员改造质量的提高。新疆兵团农三师皮恰克松地监狱四监区于2004年开通了首部“亲情电话”。后来又陆续设置了三部电话。这些电话开通以来,服刑人员共拨、接电话1000余人次。与服刑人员通话的有其亲朋好友、革命军人、社会人士等等。这一切汇成一片爱的海洋,在呼唤着走过歧路的浪子们早日回归。这些电话架起了服刑人员与社会沟通的一座座“连心桥”。被称之为“沟通心灵的‘空中桥梁’”。  相似文献   

本文较为详细地介绍了司法部大型科研项目“监狱服刑人员未成年子女基本情况调查”的立项背景、实施情况及研究成果。首次披露了课题背后许多鲜为人知的资料。  相似文献   

在现实社会的演绎中,三本作为一种符号与其他因素勾连在一起,逐步隐喻化,不再单纯指称学历和学位,而是征显出一种道德评判。这种道德评判激发学生产生上正真意义大学的群体性幻象,并诉诸于行动,学校若不能准确解读这种诉求,极可能引发群体性的抗争。  相似文献   

软实力是一种思想的影响力,虽然这一概念与约瑟夫.奈的名字相联,但人类对软实力的实践和认识可谓源远流长,追溯软实力实践及其思想的历史发展,可以让我们更深刻地把握软实力以及约瑟夫.奈的理论实质。  相似文献   

Opportunities for gambling in mainstream North American society have increased greatly over the past two decades. Despite the popularity of legalized gambling and attention it is receiving among social science researchers and economists, gambling within jails and prisons has been overlooked. This study utilized a semistructured interviewing procedure (Smith, 1995) to gain information about prison gambling from 11 sexual offenders on parole—all had spent significant time incarcerated. Qualitative analyses of responses suggest that offenders may gamble in various forms and for a variety of reasons, including a means of alleviating boredom, providing excitement and risk, and an opportunity to socialize. Prison gambling appears to be a complex phenomenon. A substantial amount of prison gambling seems to be associated with certain psychosocial benefits, while for a minority of cases there may be severe violence and victimization.  相似文献   

近日,受美国加利福尼亚州法律事务所的邀请,我参观了位于洛杉矶县的美国加利福尼亚州立监狱,对于仅仅在电影和电视节目中多次观赏过,却从来没有踏进过牢房的我来讲,能够一睹美国加利福尼亚州立监狱现状,真可谓印象深刻,大开眼界.  相似文献   


Many states faced fiscal pressures on their corrections budgets as the country entered a deep recession in 2008. A 2011 survey by the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA) asked corrections officials in all 50 states about changes in correctional facilities, focusing on closures, new facilities, and altering existing facilities as a response to budget pressures. States employed a combination of these strategies. Between fiscal year (FY) 2007–2008 and FY 2011–2012, 148 facilities were closed, 29 new facilities were opened, and 23 states added 22,740 beds to existing facilities, resulting in about a 19,000 net bed reduction overall. Closures did not necessarily appear to be related to fiscal pressures or always related to reductions in the prison population. Despite the Great Recession, correctional funding is still a large part of state expenses and many states’ correctional populations continue to grow.  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2014,47(1):49-58
This study concentrates on the changing nature of the prison officer profession in Poland as the country developed from a Stalinist satellite to a liberal democracy and member of the European Union. Drawing on a range of archival materials, the study also aims to demonstrate how a social institution is shaped by political forces. The analysis supports two theses. Firstly, because for two generations the prison system was deployed ‘against the people’, it is unsurprising that Polish citizens view prison officers in a negative light. Secondly, if prison staff wants to be recognised as professionals devoted to a decent and worthy task, they are likely need to deploy imaginative public relations.  相似文献   

福柯《规训与惩罚》解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在后现代主义的诸子百家中,福柯对于社会、知识、话语和权力的分析无疑是独树一帜的。他旗帜鲜明地反对启蒙运动的合法性及其与理性、进步和解放的意义勾连,指出,所谓现代性实际上不外是一种新的控制和统治形式,而理性的主体和客观的知识等等都是现代性的产物,是在特定社会历史  相似文献   

In order to distinguish prison myth from reality, the authors examine both official and unofficial estimates of the violence and disorder in prison, as well the dual issues of whether drug abuse and gang activity in prison can be directly linked to the level of violence and disorder in correctional institutions. Based on this review, current responses to prison violence and disorder are examined; the authors argue that the key to reducing the current level of prison violence and disorder is to determine the appropriate tipping point between formal and informal social control mechanisms. The authors conclude by highlighting three distinct strategies for reducing violent incidents in prisons: (1) demand transparency, (2) require evidence-based practice, and (3) implement innovative measures of prison performance and quality.  相似文献   

Two very serious prison escapes in 1994–5 prompted the Home Secretary, Michael Howard, to dismiss the Prison Service head, Derek Lewis (a contracted businessman) who successfully sued for full compensation and costs. This sacking and law suit were unprecedented events which highlighted familiar tensions about the 'policy' and 'administrative' ('operational') distinction and what passes for the theory of individual ministerial responsibility to Parliament. This article reviews four serious prison security failures in England and Northern Ireland since 1983 and the standard ministerial posture blaming operational error rather than their own policy framework. Drawing on interviews with relevant senior figures, the exceptionally politically sensitive case of executive agency status for the Prison Service of England and Wales is considered. The 'Lewis vs. Howard' affair is placed in its context of the increasingly managerial ambitions of both 'incomer' and career civil servants which conflict with traditionally comprehensive, but symbolic, ministerial responsibility.  相似文献   


The movement for restorative justice (RJ) has struggled with marginalization on the soft end of the criminal justice system where the threat of net widening and iatrogenesis looms large. To realize the full potential of RJ as an alternative philosophy of justice, restorative practices need to expand beyond the world of adolescent and small-level offenses into the deeper end of the justice system. Disciplinary hearings inside of adult prisons may be a strategic space to advance this expansion. This article presents findings from a study of prison discipline in four U.K. prisons. The findings strongly suggest that in their current form such disciplinary proceedings are viewed by prisoners as lacking in legitimacy. Although modeled after the adversarial system of the criminal court, the adjudications were instead universally derided as “kangaroo courts” lacking the basic elements of procedural justice. Based on these findings, we argue that RJ interventions may offer a viable redress to these problems of legitimacy which, if successful, would have ramifications that extend well beyond the prison walls.  相似文献   

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