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This paper outlines measures to strengthen the sustainment of peace processes through the ‘valued’ utilization of external financial assistance, in line with the proposed ‘right-financing’ framework (see Middlebrook, P (2006), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-financing). While the right-financing concept has relevance across the entire public and private investment spectrum, its application to the peacekeeping and post conflict reconstruction agenda is equally relevant given concerns regarding rising costs; US$5.03 billion in 2006 alone, and more than US$36 billion since 1948. When additional costs for peace enforcement and post conflict reconstruction exercises are factored in, to be measured in untold billions of US dollars (Middlebrook and Miller, Lessons in post conflict reconstruction from the new Afghanistan compact, 2006), the cost represents an increasingly heavy drain on the tax payers whose demands for increased services at home may 1 day see the ‘end of aid’ as the world currently knows it, unless its effectiveness is substantially increased. In so doing, this paper proposes corrective measures to strengthen financing arrangements to enhance the effectiveness and efficient utilization of scarce international resources.
Peter J. MiddlebrookEmail:

Peter J. Middlebrook   formally an economist with the World Bank, is the Managing Director of Middlebrook & Miller, a leading consultancy and think tank working with the EU, DFID, ADB and OECD among others towards strengthening development finance, economic growth and state restructuring. He was the coordinator of the US$27 billion Securing Afghanistan’s Future post conflict needs assessment and led the first ever World Bank review of security expenditures. He is a peer reviewer on the OECD DAC Implementation Framework towards Security System Reform and has assisted in the drafting of National Security Policies in Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal -  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代开始,东南亚新娘逐渐成为中国台湾省社会的一个特殊人群。本文主要对东南亚新娘嫁入台湾的原因、东南亚新娘在台湾的生活情况、台湾当局对东南亚新娘的管理和扶助措施进行介绍和分析。  相似文献   

东南亚历史上的客家人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客家人在东南亚的人数比闽南人、广府人和潮州人都较少,但在经济、社会、文化与政治领域所起的作用和影响力远超过他们的人数。在东南亚历史上,有不少著名的华族人物都是客家人。本文从早期客家人移民的聚落模式与经济追求、早期客家人的社会组织、战后客家社团的功能与变革和客籍企业家与海外华人的企业精神等方面来探讨东南亚历史上的客家人以及客家人对东南亚历史发展所作出突出贡献。  相似文献   

目前,在中国大陆,除了通俗性、商业性、传媒报道及文宣性质的文论外,主要有两类关于东南亚的著述。一类是学术性研究的论文和著作,包括译著在内,涵盖人文社会科学各个层面,基本上由各大学和社会科学院等专业研究机构完成,多以公开发表和出版的形式公之于众。第二类是有关背景性、对策性的研究报告,主要集中在政治、经济、外交和安全等方面,大多由政府各部门及企业附设的专业机构完成,也有一部分借助招投标或合作研究等形式资助大学及社会科学院的相关学术机构从事研究,其中不少成果也以各种形式公开发表出版。目前从影响面而论,除了少数由政…  相似文献   

This article contributes to a bidirectional Asia–Europe comparative analysis of peace processes by exploring what experiences, both failures and successes, can the Basque peace process learn from the many interesting peace initiatives that Southeast Asia has seen in recent years, above all in Mindanao, Aceh, Southern Thailand and Burma. Although there are substantial differences between the Basque conflict and the Asian cases, it might be useful for the Basque case to look beyond the cases with which it traditionally has been compared to, such as Quebec, Northern Ireland or South Africa.  相似文献   

The awarding of the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize to former President Martti Ahtisaari, Finland, cites his involvement in the settlement of the Aceh conflict. This at the same time highlights the lack of such efforts in the regions of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. While internal conflicts throughout the world often tend to be resilient to conflict management initiatives, conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region have proven to be particularly difficult to resolve. Internal conflicts in Southeast Asia and the Pacific often concern territorial issue, for instance, East Timor and ethnically based conflicts in Myanmar. This is also true for conflicts in the South Pacific, notably in Bougainville (Papua New Guinea) and New Caledonia (France). Territorial conflicts last longer, are more difficult to manage, and generally produce more adverse consequences than those over other issues such as ideology, government, and national power. Further, conflicts in this region appear to be of low priority for third parties, with comparatively few interventions from third parties. The strong central governments seem to be a factor in preventing mediation-based solution to such conflicts. Nevertheless, there are reasons to be optimistic. Third party mediation, democratization, and the recent success in Aceh provide promise for the future, and the recent Nobel Prize confirms this.  相似文献   

金融危机后的东南亚经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述与分析东南亚金融危机发生的带根本性的原因、东南亚各国经济所受金融危机影响的程度、特点不同的原因、它们所采取的应对政策、它们走向经济复苏的力度与特点不同的原因,最后对它们的经济前景作一些展望。  相似文献   

While cities are considered to be inherently unsustainable, these urban human settlements will be where a majority of the population will be living in the next two to three decades. Among the ten largest cities in the world in terms of population sizes, three are in Southeast Asia alone and more than one in two people will be living in cities in 2025. These primate cities—Metro-Manila in the Philippines, Jakarta in Indonesia and Bangkok in Thailand—are seeing not only rapid rates of in-migration but also rapid expansion and urban sprawl. Such rapid rates of change pose growing challenges to Southeast Asian cities including smaller capital cities like Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City and Singapore. The strongest challenge concern infrastructural provision and particularly that provided for urban transport and mobility. Urban traffic congestion is an issue that is common to most Southeast Asian cities including Singapore which has introduced relatively draconian policy measures to both contain the level of car ownership and the use of the car. A comparison with several European cities highlight where Southeast Asian cities can review their own urban transport policies. This paper focuses on the lessons that can be learnt from a comparative study of the infrastructural provision and public policies that are in place in Southeast Asian and European cities.  相似文献   

本文分析东南亚国家文化资源的特色与优势,探讨东南亚国家文化资源产业开发路径相关问题。  相似文献   

2002年东南亚地区军事形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年 ,东南亚地区形势总体趋向稳定 ,但局部地区仍动荡不安。5月20日 ,东帝汶终于在历经曲折后赢得独立 ,并于9月27日正式加入联合国成为第192个会员国 ,成为新世纪诞生的第一个新国家。反恐成了今年东南亚地区安全问题的热点。这一年 ,东南亚国家特别是菲律宾和印度尼西亚频遭恐怖袭击 ,给这些国家造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失 ,极大地破坏了东南亚地区的社会稳定和经济发展。同时 ,东南亚一些国家为了适应安全形势的需要 ,开始不断加大军备发展力度 ,竞相采购高技术武器装备 ,军事安全合作不断加强 ,与美国的双边或多边…  相似文献   

日本国立京都大学东南亚研究所(Center for Southeast Asian Studies,Kyoto University)位于日本历史名城和旅游胜地京都市的中心地带,由北向南贯穿整个京都市的鸭川河就从东南亚研究所旁边流过。该所是日本从事东南亚学术研究历史最悠久、力量最雄厚的专业性研究机构,拥有一座2层楼的图书馆,详细地址为京都市左京区吉田下阿达町46号。  相似文献   

东南亚旅华市场:九十年代回顾与未来对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国海外旅游客源市场中,外国游客的比重和地位都在不断提高,而进入九十年代后一体化进程不断深入的东南亚旅华客源市场在外国旅华客源市场中一直处于第一层次的重要地位。东南亚旅华客源市场还存在着巨大的潜力,应该给予足够的重视。然而对这一市场的研究开发等还存在着许多问题。我们建议,加强东南亚旅华市场调查和研究,进一步开发和完善旅游产品与相关设施,提高促销的效果,组建针对性的市场因应机制,努力形成中国与东南亚旅游的双向良性互动。  相似文献   

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