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足迹是犯罪现场最常见的痕迹物证之一,它不仅能反映出案犯在犯罪现场活动的轨迹,亦或多或少的隐含有犯罪分子的个体信息。现场勘查中,由于案犯的伪装、破坏、技术人员的勘查技能或现场客观条件等因素的制约,现场实际勘验中对足迹的发现、提取和利用往往不尽人意,利用传统的足迹发现和提取方法效果不太理想笔者在实践中发现有几种简单易行的方法,现列述如下:1灰尘减层足迹的提取对承痕体上灰尘层面厚、灰尘细腻且粘附性较强,足迹反映清晰,各种特征反映明显、稳定的,可以直接拍照或利用静电吸附器吸附后再拍照提取。对承痕体上灰尘层面薄,但承…  相似文献   

本文对水底足迹的提取方法进行了探讨,提出了提取水底足迹的CS法,新颖实用,可操作性强,效果良好.  相似文献   

随着人民群众生活水平的不断提高,牛奶作为一种常用饮品开始走进千家万户。在现场勘查中偶尔碰到犯罪嫌疑人在作案过程中将牛奶碰翻后,脚踏在牛奶上,在作案过程中形成奶渍足迹,而奶渍足迹多数为潜在足迹,笔者在实践中摸索出几种提取奶渍足迹的方法,介绍如下。  相似文献   

通过甄别后确定是犯罪嫌疑人所留的足迹,要根据其反映形式、形成条件以及承受客体的性质,采用不同的方法提取,现实当中最常用的为照相法.通过提取足迹后,可以进行进一步的足迹分析和鉴定,进而确定案件性质,划定和缩小侦查范围,提供侦查线索,确定犯罪,为诉讼提供有效证据.  相似文献   

血痕、泥水足迹与软质客体上加层灰尘足迹的提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,笔者在勘查现场时,常遇到光滑地面上已干涸的血足迹、泥水足迹,以及软质座垫上灰尘加层足迹,有时对其拍照后将其提取下来,时间短的血足迹和泥水足迹由于未完全干涸较容易提取下来,如果气温高、时间长,足迹会牢固地与地面结合在一起,很难用胶带粘下来,而软质客体上灰尘足迹采用常规方法提取的足迹又易变形,影响检验效果。笔者在实践中摸索到两种简便易行的提取方法,介绍如下:1血痕、泥水足迹的提取准备一条毛巾和一盆热水,将毛巾在水中浸温,稍拧一下,把温热毛巾打开平铺在足迹上,过几分钟后将毛巾移开,使干涸的血迹、泥土潮湿,稍干燥…  相似文献   

通过对足迹形成时的习惯动作特征的研究,提出了同一人穿不同种类鞋同一认定的检验程序和方法.  相似文献   

目前,室内地面装饰多以大理石、铀面砖及木地板为主,其特性为表面平整、光滑,对遗留在这类客体上的灰尘加减层足迹的提取,常规提取方法是打侧光直接照相或用静电吸附仪提取.但因客体表面颜色较浅或色彩不单一时,采用照相提取时效果较差;如用静电吸附仪提取,所用电压的高低,地面灰尘的多少,对所提取的足迹的效果影响较大,一些比较细小的特征在吸附后会变模糊或消失,而且静电吸附仪对木地板、塑料地板不起作用.笔者在工作中经多次实验,发现对这类足迹采用透明胶带粘取后拍照提取比较理想.  相似文献   

现场足迹对侦查破案、确定犯罪嫌疑人具有十分重要的作用,本文结合多年的工作实践,从实际工作出发阐述现场足迹的提取、分析和运用。归纳出一些现场足迹提取、现场足迹的分析,现场足迹的运用。  相似文献   

从足迹分析的角度,对犯罪现场上发现、提取的形象足迹和变形足迹在认定方面进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

随着人们生活质量的提高,居住环境中灰尘量的减少,显现提取微量灰尘足迹已成为一个难题。因灰尘具有较强的静电吸附和液体吸附性,用常规的静电吸附法提取木地板、瓷砖以及纸张、纺织品等表面上微量灰尘足迹的提取率低,提取的灰尘足迹有轻度扩散,花纹反映不全等现象;油质表面、潮湿表面和水渍足迹,静电吸附法提取效果较差;受灰尘晶体对光的散射和折射的影响,常规照相方法会出现不同程度的变形,特征反映不清晰。笔者通过研究发现利用即时贴贴取灰尘足迹,喷涂JB染色液,可有效提高微量灰尘足迹的提取显现效果。该方法快速、简便,特别适用于基层…  相似文献   

目的建立一种用藻酸盐齿科材料转印显现纺织物上血足迹的方法。方法依据藻酸盐能和纺织物上血足迹中的血结合,从而使足迹被转印到藻酸盐模上,并通过染色增强反差。结果藻酸盐印模材料转印法能够在不破坏织物客体的情况下清楚的反映出血足迹细节特征。结论藻酸盐类齿科材料能够转印、提取显现织物上血足迹,尤其是潜在血足迹,并反映出其细节特征。  相似文献   

利用足迹特征分析身高时应注意的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用足迹进行遗留足迹人的身高分析是一项经常使用的足迹检验技术,本文针对不同的身高分析方法,探讨在这些方法的使用过程中应注意的一些问题,以期提高利用足迹进行身高分析的准确率,充分发挥这一检验技术在侦查工作中的作用。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):649-656
A two-dimensional linear measurement approach for footprints, herein referred to as the “Reel Method,” has been shown to be valid and reliable when used on bare footprints, however, few measurement approaches have been examined on sock-clad footprints. The present investigation examines the validity and reliability of the Reel Method as a two-dimensional linear measurement approach for use on sock-clad footprints.A walking, mid-gait footprint was collected from 30 volunteer participants using the Identicator Inkless Shoe Print Model LE 25P system. The width of the ball of the foot, calcaneal width, and distance from the most posterior aspect of the heel to the most distal aspect of the first toe were each measured and compared between and within three raters. The statistical analysis demonstrated high reliability of the Reel Method among these three raters. The data were found to be normally distributed, and measurements were consistent between and within raters. 95% Intraclass Correlation coefficients, 95% Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement and 95% Standard Error of Measurement determined high statistical agreement between and within raters, demonstrating that the Reel Method is reliable and thus valid for the linear measurement of sock-clad footprints.  相似文献   

论法医学领域的标准化方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对法医学领域标准化工作存在问题的分析,结合标准化方法的演变历程,运用标准体系和综合标准化的理论和方法,指出法医学领域标准化方法应以需求导向为主,通过构建标准体系指导标准化工作的开展,填补标准缺项,完善现有标准,同时积极适应多专业协同鉴定的发展需求,推进标准综合体的建立,并不断提升制标参与度,加大宣贯,促进标准的应用。  相似文献   

The limitations of the examination of indented writing impressions using electrostatic detection are often paper related. Paper types such as glossy paper, paper of high basis weight, and lithography or gravure-printed papers often give rise to problems resulting in a decrease in sensitivity or a lack of detection altogether. In this paper, a novel technique for the examination of indented writing is presented, which is in a sense complimentary to the technique of electrostatic detection as it is especially suitable for glossy-coated and printed paper types and can in some instances also deal with paper types of higher basis weight. Indented writing grooves will normally contain more particles than the surrounding nonindented areas due to damage of the surface layer resulting in a build-up of filler powder. The method presented uses black gelatine lifter slabs to lift the paper dust image off the surface of the paper. This image can quite easily be photographed using near-to-coaxial lighting. The gelatine lifting method outperforms oblique lighting for the detection of indented writing and is almost as sensitive as electrostatic detection if compared on the types of paper where both perform well. The main advantage of this new technique is, however, that it is especially suitable for those types of paper where electrostatic detection fails and is therefore a welcome addition to the range of methods available to a forensic document examiner for the examination of indented writing.  相似文献   

Zhang M  Fan LH  Xia Q  Chen F 《法医学杂志》2011,27(2):98-101
目的 比较我国<道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定>(简称<道标>)与美国<永久残损评定指南>(简称GEPI)对肘关节活动功能障碍致上肢功能丧失程度的评价结果.方法 对70例肘关节活动功能障碍者分别用上述两种方法评价上肢功能丧失程度,并对两种方法评价结果进行分析比较.结果 两种方法评价结果的差异具有统计学意义.当肘关节屈伸活...  相似文献   

医疗事故技术鉴定结论是处理医疗事故纠纷的重要依据,根据国务院《医疗事故处理条例》规定,对鉴定结论有异议,可要求重新鉴定和申请再次鉴定,但这两种情况存在较大的法律意义差别,同时在实践中也存在一些问题。本文从一起医疗事故鉴定引发的行政复议案出发,剖析了我国现行医疗事故鉴定制度存在的一些亟待解决的问题,并就鉴定评审制度及法律责任提出了相应的法律适用建议。  相似文献   

Suicide is one of the most common public health problems in the world. Information on 392 completed suicides aged 15-34 years were consecutively collected from 16 counties in three provinces of China. Information on each suicide was obtained from two informants. The results showed ingesting pesticides or other poisons (73.5%) and hanging (10.5%) were the two most common methods of suicide. Suicides happened more in autumn (30.10%) or summer (27.29%), nighttime (68.3%), and at home (73.6%). However, suicides with violent methods were more common in winter and spring and outside of home. Season (autumn or summer), place (at home), and pesticide stored in home were negatively while depression was positively associated with violent methods of suicide. Characteristics of the suicides by violent methods are different from those by nonviolent methods. Investigations into the methods of rural young suicides are necessary for suicide prevention in China.  相似文献   

Lu GZ  Wang JH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):137-139
目的提出对硫酸二甲酯中毒案件损伤程度的评定方法。方法案例中44名中毒者根据GB/Z40-2002《职业性急性硫酸二甲酯中毒诊断标准》进行中毒程度评定,再依据重、轻伤标准作出损伤程度的评定。结果44名硫酸二甲酯中毒案件中重伤4人、轻伤4人;未达到中毒程度,不构成重、轻伤的36人。结论在涉及中毒的案件中,损伤程度的鉴定主要依照国家制定的有关职业性急性化学药品、毒剧药品中毒的诊断及分级标准,结合人体轻、重伤鉴定标准进行。  相似文献   

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