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通过对定量分别为80克、60克双面书写纸和60克、40克单面有光书写纸上墨水字迹硫酸盐扩散的实验测定,考查了不同光泽度、不同克重的纸张以及纸张纤维的不同排列方向对墨水字迹硫酸盐扩散程度的影响,同时分析了产生这些影响的原因。  相似文献   

化学灾害事故中的有毒气体泄漏事故严重危害公共安全.泄漏事故发生后,有毒气体在单位时间内的扩散范围受多种因素的影响.利用ALOHA软件可以模拟内外因对液氯泄漏事故泄漏范围的影响,内因主要包括泄漏孔径、罐内液体质量、泄漏位置.外因主要有风速、空气温度、空气湿度.模拟的主要思路是,控制其中一个变量的变化以观察其对泄漏范围的影响,通过比较各因素变化对威胁区域大小的影响趋势,为液氯泄漏事故的警戒范围的快速划分和事故应急处置提供参考.  相似文献   

邢爱芬 《河北法学》2007,25(3):60-64
近年来,日军遗华化学武器致人伤亡事件不断发生,从1996年起中国受害者就开始在日本法院提起民间索赔诉讼,但迄今无一最终胜诉.民间赔偿不同于战争赔偿,中国受害者的民间索赔诉讼属日本未尽的战后责任问题,这不仅涉及受害者利益,而且关乎中日关系.2006年4月3日中国民间对日索赔联合会在北京成立,开启了中国民间对日索赔的国内诉讼程序.另一方面,中国政府也应从各方面给受害者的索赔诉讼提供支持,包括尝试国际求偿.但这一问题的解决最终还有赖于日本正确看待其侵略历史,彻底履行战争责任.  相似文献   

防止茚三酮溶液扩散纸张字迹的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭剑 《刑事技术》2002,(1):20-21
目的 解决茚三酮溶液在显现手印同时对纸张上字迹产生扩散作的问题;方法 分别采用茚三酮丙酮溶液,茚三酮氟利昂溶液,茚三酮石油谜溶液,茚三酮庚烷溶液作比较。结果 钢笔字迹用4种溶液均不易扩散;纸张上其它成份字迹用后两种方法显现手印时可有效保存纸张上文字原貌。  相似文献   

城市基础设施和公共服务的质量对于地方经济发展至关重要。公私合作模式被广泛认为是能够解决城市基础建设资金短缺、管理效率低下的有效措施。论文运用1992—2008年中国地级市基础设施项目数据对公私合作政策在中国城市间的扩散机制进行了探讨。研究对比了内生因素模型、制度因素模型和竞争模型对地方政府采取公私合作模式几率的影响;同时还进一步讨论了不同因素的作用效果在不同扩散阶段的相对作用,以及政府间财政关系和政治联系对不同模型效果的调节作用。论文的结论对深入理解中国情境下政策扩散的独特机制有一定的贡献。  相似文献   

企业年金参保和缴费的扩散研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于扩散理论,实证检验其他企业对单个企业的企业年金参保和缴费决策的影响。在企业年金决策过程中,单个企业为降低决策的不确定性或优化竞争地位,会受到其他企业决策的影响。以2008—2014年沪深两市全部上市公司(A股)为样本,构建企业年金参保和缴费数据库,控制基本养老保险缴费、所有制、税收、人力资源以及企业经营等内部因素后,实证结果表明:(1)企业年金参保和缴费中存在显著的行业扩散和区域扩散。(2)参保决策中,单个企业的参保概率与行业和地区参保比例显著正相关,区域扩散影响更大。(3)缴费决策中,单个企业的缴费率与行业和地区平均缴费率显著正相关,两者影响力基本一致。建议建立区域、行业企业年金信息交流机制,促进企业沟通,推动企业年金发展。  相似文献   

论我国农村科技信息传播——从创新扩散理论角度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1962年,美国新墨西哥大学埃弗雷特·罗杰斯教授提出了著名的创新扩散S-曲线理论。本文利用创新扩散理论对我国农村科技信息的传播过程进行了分析,进而提出了相关加速农村科技信息传播的措施。  相似文献   

越来越多的中国城市引入公共自行车计划,但是对其背后的影响因素却鲜有研究。论文从政府创新和政策扩散的理论视角,提出公共自行车计划的扩散受到城市自身公众压力、公共交通需求、政府意愿与能力、外部利益相关者等四组因素的影响。基于中国地级市的实证分析,研究发现上述四组变量都不同程度地影响公共自行车计划在城市之间的扩散。无论是城市自身的特征和属性(如旅游城市、公共交通系统、人均道路面积、行政级别等),还是城市外部利益相关者的诉求和压力(如府际学习与竞争、下级政府促动和舆论宣传等),都对城市采用公共自行车计划产生了重要影响。论文还探讨了该研究的理论价值与政策启示,并指出了未来值得研究的议题。  相似文献   

为什么有些地方政府更倾向于政策创新?为什么不同的地方政府会采纳相同的政策?论文从内部决定和外部影响两个方面分析了科技创新资源、换届选举、面临问题的严峻性以及外部影响机制对专利资助政策扩散的影响。基于中国省级政府的实证分析发现,除了以换届为标志的政治周期对专利资助政策的扩散影响不显著外,无论是科技创新资源拥有量还是面临问题的严重性都不同程度地影响专利资助政策在省份之间的扩散。在外部影响因素中,国家层面的重大战略决策事件(加入WTO和颁布《专利法》)会对专利资助政策的扩散产生冲击,而邻近效应和全国扩散模式表现并不明显。上述研究发现对理解我国地方政府的创新扩散现象具有重要的现实意义,对丰富和拓展西方经典政策创新与扩散理论也有重要理论启示。  相似文献   

基于扩散理论,实证检验其他企业对单个企业的企业年金参保和缴费决策的影响。在企业年金决策过程中,单个企业为降低决策的不确定性或优化竞争地位,会受到其他企业决策的影响。以2008—2014年沪深两市全部上市公司(A股)为样本,构建企业年金参保和缴费数据库,控制基本养老保险缴费、所有制、税收、人力资源以及企业经营等内部因素后,实证结果表明:(1)企业年金参保和缴费中存在显著的行业扩散和区域扩散。(2)参保决策中,单个企业的参保概率与行业和地区参保比例显著正相关,区域扩散影响更大。(3)缴费决策中,单个企业的缴费率与行业和地区平均缴费率显著正相关,两者影响力基本一致。建议建立区域、行业企业年金信息交流机制,促进企业沟通,推动企业年金发展。  相似文献   

This article is the text of a speech originally presented at the Second World Conference on Medical Ethics at Gijon, Spain, on 2 October 2002 under the title "Medical Experimentation Concerning Chemical and Biological Weapons for Mass Destruction: Clinical Design for New Smallpox Vaccines: Ethical and Legal Aspects." Experimentation on vaccines such as smallpox is subject to the usual ethical rules such as the need for informed consent. However, the participants will not often be at risk of catching the disease but expose themselves by taking part in the experimentation. Professor Deutsch explores the implications of this, including the position of vulnerable groups such as children, those with mental handicaps, and those acting under orders such as the miliary, the policy and fire officers.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(123):33308-33312
On July 27, 1994, CDC published in the Federal Register, 59 FR 38191, "CDC Recommendations for Civilian Communities Near Chemical Weapons Depots: Guidelines for Medical Preparedness" and requested public comment. Seven people sent comments; many were responding on behalf of governments or other institutions in affected communities. These comments are available upon request. These recommendations incorporate changes made in response to the comments received and constitutes CDC's final recommendations for minimum standards for prehospital and hospital emergency medical services' readiness in communities near the eight locations where the U.S. stockpile of lethal chemical weapons is stored. The eight locations are: Umatilla Army Depot Activity, Oregon; Tooele Army Depot, Utah; Pueblo Army Depot Activity, Colorado; Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas; Newport Army Ammunition Plant, Indiana; Anniston Army Depot, Alabama; Lexington Bluegrass Depot Activity, Kentucky; and Edgewood Area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. These recommendations were prepared to assist emergency planners in determining emergency medical services' readiness in communities near the 8 locations where the U.S. stockpile of lethal chemical weapons is stored. These guidelines should not be used for any purpose other than planning for the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program.  相似文献   

The results of 12 expert examinations of trauma instruments with a cauterizing surface were analyzed. Application traces were examined by using the biological, cytological and histological methods. Despite the destructive cell changes caused by a high temperature, such approach to the mentioned biological material ensured results, that can be a foundation for reliable expert conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the potential for robust global control of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS). The paper seeks to uncover the predominant views and trends in global decision-making about such weapons systems by way of observing the positions and preferences of States inhabiting the international system as a realistic modality of a more probable normative outcome. Through a thorough examination of publicly available positions of United Nations (UN) Member States, it establishes a typology of varying positions maintained by States and reveals the argumentative rationale for the major positions advanced. This typology results to be far from unified and is composed of the following categories: (1) States that support the prohibition of LAWS; (2) States that support the prohibition of LAWS, but do not support calls for an international ban treaty; (3) States that do not support (or oppose) the prohibition of LAWS; (4) States with “flexible” positions over the LAWS: oppose use or use under certain circumstances, but not the development and production; (5) States that expressed support for multilateral talks, but have not expressed a position on the prohibition or not of LAWS; and (6) States that have called for a legally binding instrument (or legal regulation) on LAWS (inclusive of both prohibitions and regulations). Regulation and human control emerge as factors that have significant value in the equation.  相似文献   

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