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在英国人没有组织起有计划的大规模的西伯利亚殖民活动之前,俄国凭地利之便和哥萨克之勇,抢先占领了西伯利亚。近代以来,直到1917年俄国十月革命之前,英国人在西伯利亚地区的活动可大致划分为两个阶段。第一阶段是从1555年“俄罗斯公司”在伦敦成立到19世纪三四十年代俄国发生工业革命,在这一阶段,英国人活动规模小,赴西伯利亚动因之一是为了商业利益,二是受沙皇政府聘用出访或途经西伯利亚,三是出于传教或慈善事业的目的。第二阶段从俄国工业革命到1917年十月革命,英国实业家和资本家伴随大规模的对俄商品输出和资本输出来到了西伯利亚,从事各种经营活动。  相似文献   

1917年3月俄国爆发二月革命,同年11月布尔什维克又领导发动了十月革命.远东地区作为俄国的一部分,自然也经历了革命的阵痛与洗礼.但是远东地区独特的地理位置以及日美等帝国主义的干涉,使革命引起的震荡在远东要比在俄国其他地区持续的时间更长.从十月革命后苏维埃政权初步建立,到国内战争爆发后各方势力的斗争,直至1922年日本干涉军撤离符拉迪沃斯托克,革命冲击波在远东持续了六年之久.1917年革命、国内战争、外国武装干涉等三大事件,在时间、地域和因果关系上存在密切联系,难以把它们分开来研究.  相似文献   

日俄战争后,朝鲜人民反日运动高涨,俄远东的朝鲜移民也投入斗争中,成立大韩国民会、劝业会等朝鲜民族组织,积极从事政治活动,有力地支援了朝鲜国内的革命运动,同时也为俄国革命做出了一定的贡献。十月革命前朝鲜人在远东的政治活动构成了19世纪末20纪初亚非拉人民反侵略斗争的一个组成部分。  相似文献   

1905-1914年是俄国合作化运动的高速发展期,其增长速度在当时国际合作化运动中绝无仅有.局势好转、商品货币关系深入发展、相关法令的颁布以及斯托雷平农业改革的推行是促进该时期合作社大量组建的重要因素.随着合作化运动的深入,合作社联盟开始建立,它在资金流通、商品供应与调节等方面完善了合作社的发展.合作社的活动还波及文化领域,组建了图书馆、博物馆、职员培训学校,出版了合作社期刊和大众读物,上述活动提升了合作社成员的独立自主意识和责任感.  相似文献   

1991年的苏联剧变使苏联共产党失去了政权,丧失了1917年十月革命的胜利果实.十月革命是列宁领导的、建立在坚实理论基础之上的伟大革命,其根本问题是政权问题.二月革命之后,列宁根据俄国不断变化的实际情况调整策略,由和平夺取政权发展为武装夺取政权.十月革命胜利后,列宁坚持原则,始终捍卫布尔什维克党的领导和执政地位,同时根据革命实践提出了多党合作原则.十月革命前后列宁在政权问题上进行的一系列实践和探索,为我们留下了宝贵的经验和财富.  相似文献   

十月革命在20世纪俄国历史中发挥了重大作用.1917年俄国君主制的崩溃和临时政府的垮台是俄国历史的转折点之一,这一事件甚至影响了世界历史发展的进程,资本主义在苏联的威胁面前发生了很大改变,许多落后国家以俄为师,走上了非资本主义和苏联式社会主义之路.  相似文献   

19世纪末至20世纪初,俄国出现了数百个政党和组织,政党体制初步形成。俄国政党体制受当时社会、经济和文化发展特点的影响,具有自身的特色。从各党派的意识形态、力量对比、政治立场、政治观点、政治地位、组织情况、成立的时间和顺序等方面可以认识俄国政党体制的特点。俄国政党体制的特点是决定俄国1917年现代化进程中断的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

19世纪末至20世纪初,俄国出现了数百个政党和组织,政党体制初步形成。俄国政党体制受当时社会、经济和文化发展特点的影响,具有自身的特色。从各党派的意识形态、力量对比、政治立场、政治观点、政治地位、组织情况、成立的时间和顺序等方面可以认识俄国政党体制的特点。俄国政党体制的特点是决定俄国1917年现代化进程中断的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

十月革命前,俄国各类社会团体在西伯利亚地区都有所发展。在革命爆发时,这些社团成为各派势力竞相拉拢的对象。它们的活动不仅对西伯利亚社会生活产生影响,同时一部分社团也为布尔什维克党人在西伯利亚确立统治地位作出了贡献,保护了革命成果。  相似文献   

19世纪初俄国的国民教育改革是亚历山大一世系列重要自由主义改革成果之一。在国民教育改革过程中,俄国于1802年建立了国民教育部,制定的教育分级制度直到1917年革命前都没有发生变化。此外,亚历山大一世颁布了《国民教育初步规章》和1804年大学章程等系列改革政策,发挥了极其特殊的作用。瑞士人Ф.Ц.拉阿尔普、沙皇的"青年朋友"以及M.M.斯佩兰斯基伯爵对亚历山大一世教育改革思想的形成起到了不可估量的作用,他们直接并积极地参加了国民教育改革方案的制定,协助亚历山大一世制定了一系列重要的改革方针。俄国国内外对19世纪初的俄国教育改革评价褒贬不一,但总的来说,教育改革对俄国教育管理的制度化起到了十分重要的奠基作用,推动了俄国教育的发展。  相似文献   

Consolidation of the “Common European Market” is a key feature of the European Union, which is made possible by the freedom in movement of goods, capital, services, and people. The freedom of movement for businesses manifests itself as the right of establishment. The aim of this paper is to examine various issues surrounding the right of establishment and to analyze the position of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in each case. The analysis of cases illustrates a consistent opinion of the ECJ: The right of establishment is highly protected, but it must be exercised in the context of national legislation. Government regulation in market access, on the other hand, must meet the imperative requirement doctrine: it must be non-discriminatory, there must be general public interest at stake, the regulation must be an effective means of promoting public interest, and the regulation must be necessary and proportional to the general interest at stake. In sum, the ECJ upholds the right of establishment but nonetheless respects the states’ specific regulatory authority as long as they conform to the imperative requirement doctrine.  相似文献   

江瑞平 《和平与发展》2012,(1):51-55,70
中国一东盟建立对话关系20年来,双方经贸迅猛增长,双向投资快速扩大,合作机制逐步建立,合作领域不断拓宽。这些成就对促进中国经济长期平稳较快增长、对东盟经济发展与稳定以及对提升地区的国际经济地位,都具有极其重要的意义。未来,为增强应对区域和全球经济形势变化的能力,中国一东盟经贸关系还应在健全配套合作机制、均衡发展投资关系、积极推进货币金融合作、夯实重点合作项目方面取得进一步发展。  相似文献   

日本终身雇佣和年功工资惯例的形成与日本的经济、历史和文化有关;该惯例有利于劳使双方进行人力资本投资;有利于建立监督和激励机制;在工人之间和劳使间形成相互信赖的关系网络.终身雇佣相似于重复博弈,容易诱发合作关系;随着日本经济的变化,对解雇实施规制有损于社会福利;制度的互补性迟延了该惯例的演化;未来的日本雇佣工资制度将是终身雇佣惯例和流动性劳动力市场体制的有机结合.  相似文献   

This article examines the current state of the global jihad movement and offers reflections on its likely trajectory in the foreseeable future. It concludes that while the global jihad temporarily has been set back by the relative decline of the Islamic State, the movement overall benefits from al-Qaeda's regeneration; its ongoing ideological appeal; and its structural decentralization. In the next years, the movement likely will continue to evolve from its current bipolar structure toward an increasingly multipolar entity. Furthermore, it argues that the future jihadi movement will contain a large number of jihadi actors whose relationships will span cooperative, competitive, or mixed engagements, with implications for the movement as a whole. The article highlights several challenges for counterterrorism, including dealing with a complex movement structure; radicalization; socio-political disenfranchisement; the counter-response of societies targeted by jihadist violence; and technological changes. The article concludes with an assessment that in the next two to five years, the global jihad will remain a potent, although not an existential, threat.This article is part of a special project conducted by the Foreign Policy Research Institute, titled: “After the Caliphate: Reassessing the Jihadi Threat and Stabilizing the Fertile Crescent,” which includes a book, a thematic issue of Orbis: FPRI's Journal of World Affairs (Summer 2018), and a series of podcasts. Each element of the project can be found here: https://www.fpri.org/research/after-the-caliphate-project/.  相似文献   

2007年是东盟成立40周年,在这不惑之年,东盟一面总结成立以来的成就、经验和教训,一面出台更为宏伟的计划,对内提速一体化,强化东盟意识,合作步入制度化阶段,对外不断扩大与盟外国家或地区的合作,以构建稳定、繁荣、和谐的东盟共同体。  相似文献   


The idea that there is one cohesive Islamist movement with a clearly defined plan to conquer power in Libya is a deeply flawed argument. It is one that, among other causes, is at the basis of the current divisions in the country and its civil strife. The Islamist movement in Libya, on the contrary, is a highly heterogeneous reality. Understanding this divisiveness is fundamental to the elaboration of a strategy for reunification and the establishment of law and order. Such a strategy should be based on the principle of incorporating those Islamists who accept the democratic process and isolating the more extremist ones.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that certain events that occur during a negotiation can alter its course. Referred to as "turning points," these events are precipitated by actions taken either outside or inside the talks that have consequences for outcomes. In this article, we report the results of two experiments designed to examine the impacts of two types of precipitating actions, external and internal. In the first experiment, which focused on external actions, we found that crises — as opposed to breakthroughs — produced more movement in negotiations in which parties viewed the social climate positively (high trust, low power). We found that parties achieved less movement in negative social climates (low trust, high power).
In the second experiment, which focused on internal actions, we found that cooperative precipitants (factors inducing change) were more likely to occur when parties negotiated in the context of positive social climates. Negotiation outcomes were also influenced by the climate: we found better individual outcomes for negotiations that occurred in positive climates (high trust, cooperative orientations). Inboth experiments, the social climate of the negotiation moderated the effects of precipitating factors on negotiation outcomes. Perceptions of trust and power filter the way negotiators interpret actions that occur outside or are taken inside a negotiation, which can lead to agreements or impasses.  相似文献   

推进东北亚区域旅游合作的若干思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东北亚区域旅游市场潜力巨大,近年来,东北亚地区旅游业发展迅猛,然而一直未能形成全方位的区域合作,更多地表现在单纯利益驱使下的双边层面上。形成这种局面的原因既有政治缺信、体制差异、历史纠葛等多种特殊不易逾越的沟壑;也存在区域内缺乏有效的合作机构,协调能力并不突出的问题;加之许多地区旅游基础设施不健全,接待能力差,旅游产品单一,旅游服务没有标准化,质低价高,缺乏竞争力等因素制约了东北亚区域旅游业的快速发展。目前,东北亚区域内互为市场、互为目的地的趋势越来越明显,地域优势越来越突出。因此,应当采取建立协调机制,制定旅游开发战略;减少障碍,使旅游活动更加便捷;完善软硬件设施,制订统一的服务标准;开发跨国旅游项目,推广特色旅游等项措施,全力推进东北亚区域旅游合作。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the evolving nature of the foreign policy of the European Union (EU) towards Brazil, which gained momentum and became more dynamic and denser after the establishment of a formal strategic partnership (SP) in 2007. It provides a historical overview of the institutional relations between Brussels and Brasília, before proceeding with an analysis of the main drivers behind this novel development. The study goes on to offer a critical examination of the implementation of the EU–Brazil SP by casting light on both its major achievements and the challenges it has faced. It concludes that the establishment of a formal strategic partnership with Brazil has contributed to the strengthening of the EU’s globally oriented partnership policy and ultimately to the incremental empowerment of the EU necessary to the assertion of its values, objectives and interests on the international stage.  相似文献   

19世纪下半叶在俄国穆斯林中间出现了主张在语言、思想和行动上进行统一的社会文化运动。20世纪初,俄国泛突厥主义由社会文化运动转变为一场社会政治运动,其标志是1905年的全俄穆斯林大会和穆斯林联盟的成立。  相似文献   

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