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Known as “sea-turtles“ for their foreign experience, overseas Chinese students now find their career arena at home.  相似文献   

SINCE its emergence in Guangdong Province in 1978, the processing trade in China has developed rapidly. The processing trade refers to the process by which raw and auxiliary materials, parts and components, accessories and packaging materials are imported from abroad and used to produce a finished product which are then re-exported. In 1996, the processing trade became the principal form of international  相似文献   

TECHNICALLY, they should be called friends of backpackers, but pronounced in Chinese, the name of this popular group of outdoor enthusiasts means "friends of donkeys."No one knows the exact origins of the backpacker phenomenon, yet tens of thousands of people have joined in this eco-centric activity. Escaping concrete and steel-heavy city vistas, these adventurers  相似文献   

THE year 2006 in China is dedicated to Russia, and 2007 will be Russia's Year of China. Both countries are to host a wide range of cultural activities aimed at promoting mutual understanding between the Chinese and Russian peoples. Gap in Cultural Communications Li Qiang, a 22-year-old English ma-  相似文献   

THE first program of the "Cultural Gateway to China" opened to the public in the Beijing Capital Intemational Airport last April, with the "Brilliance of Hebei", an exhibition and performance staged at the Beijing Capital International Airport, turning out to be more than just a nice distraction for travellers, The full-scale production was an unqualified hit. a real draw for admiring passengers who turned the airport lounge into a kind of temporary club.  相似文献   

THERE is nothing shy about China's new generation of Olympic sportsmen. Born almost exclusively in the 1980s, the athletically gifted young men and women who will represent China at the 2008 Games are far more willing to open up to the public than their predecessors, and like 20-somethings everywhere, they are at home on the Internet, managing their own fan blogs and communicating with their peers online.Their uninhibited self-expression has attracted the attention of commercial advertisers, and occasionally some less welcome interest, and they are celebrated as China's "new generation" in sports circles, ready to take center stage in August before a world audience.  相似文献   

IN face of the West’s "Great Stagnation," developing economies will foster greater integration with China, thus lifting China’s overall influence in the world. As G20 leaders met in Cannes, they faced an economic situation in the developed economies best summed up by Goldman Sachs, the company that coined the term "BRIC," as the "Great Stagnation." Until recently developments following  相似文献   

ZHAO HAIQI 《人权》2011,(2):26-27
The Human Rights magazine organized a workshop on December 23-24,2010 to discuss the Theoretical System and Development Model of Human Rights in socialism with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

Good grooming has replaced the macho look, to the delight of cosmetic manufacturers and salon owners.CHOCK full of lotions, cosmetics and perfumes, the bathroom shelves are traditionally the domain of the ladies of the Chinese household.  相似文献   

January 27 marks the 120th birthday of Soong Ching Ling, one of China’s greatest philanthropists. Her legacy lives on in various grassroots charitable organizations that continue to help the underprivileged.  相似文献   

杨金海 《传承》2012,(1):80-81
随着全球经济的推进,中国的发展模式以及民主制度受到更多的关注与赞誉。由此,关于“西化”与“中化”的问题再次成为当前的两股重要思潮。近一百多年来,人们围绕这个问题一直争论不休,有“中体西用”论,有“西体中用”论,有“综合创新”论,最近有“中国模式”论,这其中蕴含着中国人对待外来文化之概念和思维方式的深刻变化。  相似文献   

“十二五”.堪称改革开放30多年来最关键的一个转折点。这5年.中国市场将发生翻天覆地的变化。  相似文献   

IN a 2005 New York Tunes report titled: "China Is Bright Spot in Dark Report on the World's Diminishing Forests," Ms. Mette L. Wilkie, forest officer of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), was quoted as saying: "Asia lost about 3,000 square miles of forest a year in the 90s, but gained nearly 4,000 annually since 2000. Almost all of that change has occurred because of China's new forest policy." The article concluded that widespread tree planting in China has slowed the rate at which the earth's forested land is dwindling. So what's been happening on the ground?  相似文献   

Masterpieces of world literature, classical or contemporary, have been available in Chinese translation since the beginning of the 20th century. They outweigh by far the translations of Chinese literary works. Overseas literature has had perceptible influence on Chinese modern literature and performance arts. The following ten writers and playwrights are considered leading foreign literary masters by Chinese lovers of non-Chinese literature.  相似文献   

IF the sheer number of deals the American National Basketball Association (NBA) has with Chinese television stations around the country is anything to go by, basketball is big business in China these days. In addition to arrangements with 51 local and regional broadcasters in China, the NBA has concluded marketing contracts with 20 major Chinese companies. Millions of Chinese watch NBA games, and 30 percent of the traffic to NBA.com originates in China.  相似文献   

我们告别了“十一五”,迈进了“十二五”门槛。梳理“十一五”的点点滴滴,我们既承受着民生之多艰的冲击,也体味着政府和社会各界的努力。它为已经到来的“十二五”乃至今后更长时期的经济社会发展,留下了一笔宝贵的物质和精神财富。  相似文献   

XIONG QIUHONG 《人权》2010,(1):26-28
I. A Review of China's Judicial Protection for Human Rights
To effectively protect human rights, a country needs to specify in its laws a complete series of basic rights its citizens shall enjoy. Meanwhile, the legal rights for an individual citizen would be meaningless even though such rights are prescribed in laws if, when the person's rights are infringed upon, he or she has no access to judicial relief. Administration of justice is the last resort, in fact the most effective, means.  相似文献   

1982年9月,英国首相撒切尔夫人访问中国,就香港前途问题与中国领导人进行会谈。邓小平以一个伟大爱国者的情怀,严正驳斥了撤切尔夫人的“三个条约有效论”,宣布中国领导人决不当李鸿章,表明了中国政府收回香港、维护中国主权与统一的坚定立场。以后,邓小平又驳回了英方“以主权换治权”的要求,使中英关于香港问题的谈判朝着1997年顺利回归、“一国两制”的方向稳步发展……  相似文献   

李松  王培良 《春秋》2012,(5):63-64
五莲县因秀美的五莲山而得名.境内大小山头三千三。就是在这样一个山区小县.有一群质监人在他们局长的带领下,不甘落后、顽强奋起,用汗水书写了传奇,以“有为”赢得了“有位”。这个局长,就是五莲县政协委员、五莲县“五一”劳动奖章获得者、县质监局局长盛呈柳。  相似文献   

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