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Many feminist sociologists would agree that most breastfeeding research to date has been primarily undertaken from the perspective of medical and public health discourses. While there is evidence of a shift in research on breastfeeding to qualitative studies that focus on the lived experiences of breastfeeding women, this article addresses a number of concerns remaining in the literature surrounding breastfeeding. First, it questions the absence of breastfeeding as a legitimate philosophical topic, and, as a corollary, the invisibility of breastfeeding women as moral or ethical subjects. Second, by drawing on Michel Foucault's account of ethics and Judith Butler's notion of performativity, it is suggested that breastfeeding is best conceptualized as a gendered and embodied ethical practice rather than an aspect of one's being. Finally, this materialist approach to theorizing breastfeeding is discussed in relation to the Lucy Lawless poster that was released in Aotearoa New Zealand to launch World Breastfeeding Week in August 2002.  相似文献   

This paper explores the changing feminine subject of feminism by investigating women’s sexual daydreams. Described by Rosi Braidotti following Luce Irigaray as the ‘virtual feminine’, and by Teresa de Lauretis as the ‘space-off’, the feminist subject is a mutating configuration embodying that which is not colonised from phallogocentric representations. Following Frigga Haug’s work on daydreams, the paper is informed by a study that draws on responses from nineteen women in a university setting to an anonymous online survey that asked them to write a daydream about how they would like to express their sexualities in an ideal world. The data reveal that these women of the new millennium imagine spaces of gender/sexual equity, characterised by a spirit of sexual adventure and ethical and emotionally intimate sex. I argue that these sexual imaginings are more progressive than earlier ones, filling in some of the details omitted from contemporary hegemonic representations of feminine sexuality. Arguably providing a snapshot of the feminist subject in its ongoing historical metamorphosis, the paper considers the meaning of these transformations.  相似文献   

“会计信息系统”课程是会计电算化专业中一门实践性很强的必修课。在该课程的教学实践中,应根据会计工作的发展,适时调整教学内容,培养实用型人才;根据高等职业教育的特点,不断改进教学方式,提高教学质量;根据素质教育的要求,改革传统的考核方式,全面衡量学生的实际水平。  相似文献   

目前我国公司法对公司清算责任主体的相关法律规定还不完善。把公司董事作为公司清算的责任主体,这种设计具有坚实的法理基础和实证基础,也符合成本效益分析的制度设计。  相似文献   

高校青年:冲突的主体与志愿者行动的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高校青年志愿者行动的主体———大学生自身存在的冲突、矛盾对高校青年志愿者行动产生了双重影响 ,既促进了高校青年志愿者行动的蓬勃发展 ,也制约着高校青年志愿者行动的发展。当前 ,必须采取措施从观念上、项目建设上、队伍建设上克服冲突中的主体给高校青年志愿者行动带来的负面影响 ,使其获得长期有效的发展  相似文献   


Three letter-writing nineteenth-century heroines lay out domestic worlds to their fictional readers in which moral sentiment and norms of citizenship versus individual desire are at stake. In an era of nascent capitalism and nation building, these are aspects of significance. But what role does writing letters play? And what impact do epistolary novels have on citizenship and gender at the time? With Michel Foucault and Étienne Balibar as theoretical framework, this article discusses three epistolary novels—The Illusions (1836) by Sophie von Knorring in connection to Grannarne (1837) by Fredrika Bremer and Araminta May (1838) by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist—in order to discern how female writing produces the gendered citizen.  相似文献   

党的十九大确立的培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人战略任务,为新时代中国特色社会主义人才培养工作指明了方向,也为统筹推进新时代大中小学劳动教育一体化建设提供了指导.研究认为,大中小学劳动教育一体化建设具有可行性、必然性、实然性,新时代又面临最新的育人目标、全面的教育体系、更新的教材内容、先进的实施方法等现实要求,因此,各学...  相似文献   

高校课程综合化的哲学基础是系统整体论 ,其直接原因则是学科的分化。学科的分化 ,深化了人类对自然界具体领域的认识 ,但同时它反映到高等学校的课程里 ,导致了科目增多 ,课程与社会要求的分离和课程与学习者的分离。这种弊端呼唤新的课程理念的建立 ,而课程综合化则应运而生  相似文献   

从劳动派遣三方关系看雇主的责任分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动派遣制度自在我国出现以后迅速发展,与此相对应的是法律理论和立法的空白,随着《劳动合同法》和《侵权责任法》的出台,使劳动派遣在我国有法可依,但由于发展时间短,许多地方有待完善。只要理清劳动派遣中用人单位、用工单位和劳动者三方关系,相关的责任分配则一目了然。  相似文献   

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