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美国“凤凰”号火星探测器项目科学家7月31日说,“凤凰”号的机械臂7月30日把一份土壤样本递送到“热量和释出气体分析仪”中。在样本加热过程中,分析仪鉴别出其中有水蒸气产生.从而确认火星上有水。这是“凤凰”号第一次“触摸和品尝”到火星上的水。  相似文献   

THE reform andopening policy of1978 wrought dramatic and beneficialchanges on theChinese economy.Of private entrepreneurs who havecontributed to China's ongoing economic boom,many are from poorrural backgrounds that precludedgoing to college.Those that succeeded got ahead by making intelligent decisions and grasping opportunities.  相似文献   

秋凌  瑞语 《今日广西》2014,(7):60-60
浙江大学唐睿康教授团队研制出一种制造“万能血”的方法,通过聚多巴胺作用于红细胞表面,让红细胞的血型免于被血液中的抗体“觉察”,这种红细胞就能注入AB0血型系统的任一血型。  相似文献   

众所周知,吴越钱氏家族众星辉耀:在北京有最著名的科学家“三钱”—钱学森、钱伟长、钱三强。“三钱”是周恩来亲自命名的,为的是赞美这三位钱氏族人同为新中国科学泰斗。  相似文献   

ON October 12, 2005, almost exactly two years after Shenzhou V launched China's first man into space, Shenzhou VI blasted off with two more.since the Mao Zedong era. After China's first successful satellite, Dongfanghong I, was launched in 1970, a detailed model aircraft kit - Shuguang I, similar to the American GeminiMacs II series - came on the market. Thirty years later Tang Lanxiang, former member of the Shuguang I design team, recalls that it resembled an hourglass. In 1972, Chi…  相似文献   

病毒总是跟疾病或死亡连在一起,但如果现在告诉你病毒也能用来发电,你是不是会觉得不可思议呢?没错,科学家最近首次成功研制出了“病毒电池”,有望在不久的将来正式投入市场。  相似文献   

刘畅 《台声》2009,(1):60-60
如今的她,71岁,是一位旅居日本畅玉县寂静小镇的中国老太太。而20多年前,她40来岁,是个在”大人物”面前也直话直说的女科学家、女人大代表。  相似文献   

"为什么我们的学校总是培养不出杰出人才?"这是已过世的著名科学家钱学森先生在病榻上留给我们的"钱学森之问"。要解答这一问题,其重要前提之一就是必须弄清楚何谓"杰出人才",其应该具备哪些基本条件或标准?即需要对其做出界定。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,在“90后”青少年生活中出现了火星文字这样一种特殊语言符号,且在青少年中间得到越来越广泛的运用。通过对该文化新现象进行的调查分析,应理性对待并以社会主义核心价值体系来引领和指导,以利于社会主义文化的和谐构建。  相似文献   

被誉为"中国杂交水稻之父"的优秀科学家袁隆平,研究的杂交水稻获得高产成功,解决了中国人民吃饭的大事。然而,"直到1995年在经历了湖南省第四次推荐后,才艰难当选为中国工程院院士。至今他仍然不能被中国科学院所接纳,  相似文献   

IF you love her,send her to New York,for there it is heaven;if you hate her,send her to New York,for there it is hell. This telling quote from A Beijinger in New York,a famous television soap opera in the 1990s,sums up the mixed feelings that Chinese immigrants have toward the U.S. Since China opened to the world in the late 1970s,increasing numbers of Chinese people have been choosing to immigrate abroad either to study or to pursue a better life.  相似文献   

正Manufacturers and retailers of interior decor dip their toes in American markets Xie Yuerong,General Manager of China’s Arrow Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co.Ltd.,surveyed the U.S.states of Georgia and Florida in late 2015 and saw business opportunities sprouting everywhere.  相似文献   

AS executive director of UCLA’s Confucius Institute,Dr.Susan Pertel Jain is proficient in Mandarin and has studied Chinese drama for many years.Through the Confucius Institute,she has devoted herself to researching and spreading Chinese culture.The Confucius Institute at UCLA spreads Chinese culture through education and academic activities in Chinese language,drama,and cuisine,as  相似文献   

Since bouncing of rock bottom last year, the U.S. housing market has attracted growing numbers of cashed-up Chinese to invest in residential and commercial properties across the country.  相似文献   

When comparing U.S. and Chinese schools, one finds a number of stark differences and unexpected similarities.Differences existLet's begin with the most overwhelming difference. While the Chinese education system has many different objectives, its dominant feature is the gaokao system. Gaokao refers to the national exam that high school students take to determine admission to colleges and universities. The main part of the exam is taken by most students during their senior year, although some special subject exams can be completed the year before.  相似文献   

正The United States violated World Trade Organization(WTO)rules and pulled the trigger on a 25-percent tariff on$34 billion worth of Chinese imports on July 6,launching the largest trade war in economic history.In a bid to uphold its core national interests and the interests of its people,China had to take necessary countermeasures by imposing tariffs on selected U.S.imports.  相似文献   

At the invitation of National League of Cities (NLC),the CPAFFC delegation headed by Guo Dawei,vice chairman of the Stand-ing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress attendedthe 76th annual conference of National League of Cities in Bostonfrom December 6 to 9, 2000.After the conference,the delegationpaid a special visit to Lynwood of Los Angeles.  相似文献   

正During the first seven months of this year,Chinese companies'investment in the United States continued its rapid growth by increasing 210 percent year on year,according to China's Ministry of Commerce,The growth rate not only exceeded the average rate of global investment by Chinese companies,  相似文献   

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