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行政应急性原则在20世纪80年代末被一些学者明确提出,而从20世纪90年代中后期以来,一直处于被遗忘的角落。“非典”又让人们重新讨论起这个话题。但无论是“非典”时期的应急实践,还是现代公共应急制度和法治的发展趋势,抑或行政法基本原则本身的特征和功能,都说明行政应急性原则不应是我国行政法的基本原则。我们应完善突发事件和紧急状态处置法,用合法性去整合现实正当性,用现代法治精神和原则来指导和规范行政紧急权力。  相似文献   

道路交通事故现场勘验是进行道路交通事故司法鉴定的基础,高质量的现场勘验材料是此类司法鉴定顺利进行的重要保证目前,现场勘验的手段主要有文字记录、拍照、录像、测量、绘制现场图以及物证的发现与提取等有时由于现场勘验人员技术、意识等方面的欠缺,往往会造成现场勘验材料不能全面、直观、准确地反映现场信息现场勘验材料的这些问题往往会影响司法鉴定工作的正常开展,甚至会导致出具错误的鉴定意见,为了保证道路交通事故司法坚定工作的顺利开展和准确、科学、客观地出具坚定意见,坚定人员必须对相关的现场勘验材料进行全面审查,必要时还妥对交通事故现场进行复勘,  相似文献   

We report about the X‐ray powder diffraction characterization of crystalline materials used to produce genuine and counterfeit banknotes, performed with a single‐crystal diffractometer that permits fast and nondestructive measurements in different 0.5‐mm sized areas; 20‐euro denomination genuine banknotes were analyzed, and results were compared with counterfeit banknotes. The analysis shows that the papers used to print real banknotes are composed, as expected, of cotton‐based cellulose and titanium dioxide as crystalline additive, but different polymorphs of TiO2 for different emission countries are evidenced. The counterfeit banknotes are composed of cellulose based on wood pulp; moreover, an unexpected significant quantity of TiO2 was found to be mixed with calcite, indicating that the paper employed by forgers is not simply a common low‐cost type. The crystalline index and intensity ratios between the peaks attributable to cellulose and fillers can provide additional information to trace back paper suppliers for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this study, we have analyzed the temporal and spatial trends in actor unknown political murders in Turkey. A total of 1852 cases, defined as actor unknown political murders, occurred in Turkey between 1975 and 2006, with the peak years being 1980 and 1994. Three different time frames could be defined: 1975–1993, 1994–1999, and 2000–2006. During the first period, cases were common all over Turkey, but during the second and third periods, they were more frequent in metropolitan areas and in the southeast. Incidents occurring during the first period could be attributed to the struggle between right- and left-wing supporters, while most murders occurring during the second and third periods seem to have been related to Kurdish separatism. Although the most crucial factor in preventing actor unknown political murders is a politically stable atmosphere, forensics can also play an important role. Turkey needs to improve its forensic services to bring them in line with international standards, namely the Minnesota Protocol.  相似文献   

庞忠云 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):57-58
当前巨额财产来源不明罪在我国被公认为是反腐败的有力武器,然而在司法实践中该罪名适用所面临的一些尴尬也日益凸现出来,例如举证责任、有罪推定、法律规避以及惩罚犯罪的效果等一些问题.  相似文献   

The aim of three experiments was to examine the idea that when judging the fairness of allocations people are influenced both by differences in relative payoffs and the number of comparisons among payoffs. The hypothesis tested was that judged fairness would be inversely related to the average difference between payoffs; average difference was defined as the sum of absolute differences between outcomes to groups divided by the number of pairwise comparisons between the groups. In Experiment 1, 24 undergraduates rated fairness and goodness (desirability) of allocations to one privileged and one underprivileged group consisting of fellow students. The participants were not themselves members of the groups and their ratings did not depend on evaluations by the groups members. Results showed, as expected, that differences in payoff determined judgments of fairness but also that larger sums were to some extent rated as more fair than smaller sums. However, as the sum increased, the effect of difference was shown to decrease. Fairness ratings partially mediated ratings of goodness. In Experiment 2, 72 undergraduates rated fairness and goodness of combinations of payoffs to two or four groups consisting of fellow students. Results confirmed that rated fairness was inversely related to the average difference between payoffs. The total sum of the groups payoffs was again found to somewhat increase rated fairness, whereas the number of members in the groups did not have any clear effect. In Experiment 3, 24 undergraduates rated the goodness of allocations to two, three, and four groups. The results showed similar effects as in the preceding experiments.  相似文献   

张海波 《检察风云》2013,(12):55-57
2013年4月15日,美国当地时间下午2点51分,在波士顿国际马拉松比赛的终点站、肯尼迪图书馆先后发生两起爆炸,一起位于费尔蒙科普利广场酒店终点线观礼台附近观众区,另一起位于一家体育用品店,造成三人死亡,183人受伤。这是2001年9·11恐怖袭击事件之后在美国本土发生的第一起恐怖袭击,不仅在美国国内引发了一定程度的紧张,也引发了其  相似文献   

环境污染严重吞噬改革开放的成果并且日益影响人民群众生活质量的提高.在环境责任追究凸显急迫的背景下,虽然行政和刑事追责逐步严格,但囿于观念的困惑和立法的失范,对工业排污侵权中侵权者不明的民事责任追究问题成为一大瓶颈.加大不明排污者的责任和风险成为必然选择.要变受害者担责为可能排污者担责,要转环境风险为排污者的法律风险.基于对法学理论、司法实践的探究分析,提出方圆法则,即:当发生工业排污侵权,且无法证明或经技术手段难以确定排污者时,由方圆范围内的可能企业或其他组织按份承担补偿责任,能够证明没有实施侵权行为的除外;并细化分析具体适用,为民事侵权法律和环境法律的完善提供借鉴.  相似文献   

应急预案在本质上是各种应急法律规范的具体执行方案,但分析发现,目前的国家和省级预案却创制、补充了大量的法律规范用于弥补立法缺陷,事实上已使预案本身异化为应急法律体系的一部分。对于预案中暂时替代法律发挥作用的这些内容,为了保证其合法性,有必要在形式上将一定级别的预案上升为行政法规和规章,从而需要对预案的编制程序和内在结构进行必要的调整。  相似文献   

钱谦益《列朝诗集》中的明代诗歌史观,除了鲜明直白的评论表达外,还深植于各种精致的选材策略与叙事技法中,这可从诗歌选源与传记史源两个维度予以考察。在叙事层面上,基于作家文学思想的复杂性,钱氏对史料拼接后文本缝隙及语意随语境转换法则的利用,有效地取舍、编排甚至曲解原始材料,在不表达倾向性意见的前提下,制造出为己所需的叙事效果,是为一种隐性的文学批评模式。这种叙事技法的存在,应引起我们对传统诗话、笔记中史料客观性的反思与再认识。  相似文献   

在与教学辅导材料相关的著作权案件中,汇编作品的保护范围与侵权认定是一个关键问题。此类案件中,应区分作为汇编作品的教材本身、作为单独作品的教材局部内容或教材结构,这不仅对侵权认定具有基础指示作用,而且这两类作品的保护范围也不同。就汇编作品受保护的独创性表达而言,区分汇编的方法与被汇编的内容没有实质意义,这种表达要么是针对特定内容的具体选择和/或编排方法,要么是抽象选择和/或编排方法应用于特定内容的具体结果。与此相对应,侵犯汇编作品的行为只能是著作权法意义上的作品使用行为,而且必须是对汇编结果的使用。  相似文献   

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