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隋平  莫智源 《河北法学》2004,22(2):126-129
我国目前正处于转型期,社会信用短缺。在此情境下,若法定资本制缺位,则由于其具有使投资者以有限责任公司为交易欺诈工具的诱因,故极可能导致有限公司整体信用趋劣。倘如此,则其潜在交易者的交易热情会因其对前者所产生的预期利益减少而下挫,这无疑将制约前者的发展;而若法定资本制严格施行,则能使上述情形得到相当改观。这凸显出当前我国有限公司的发展对法定资本制的依赖。因此,宜对其加以完善而不是以授权资本制或折衷资本制取而代之。  相似文献   

我国侵权责任法知情同意条款评析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国《侵权责任法》知情同意条款存在许多可资称道之处,比如,它明确了违反告知义务将导致侵权损害赔偿责任,坚持了“信息告知”与“诊断治疗”两种情境的区分,就医务人员的告知义务和例外做出了原则规定,没有赋予“法律、行政法规、规章以及其他有关诊疗规范的规定”以终局性。但是,它也有许多值得进一步完善之处,它需要进一步凸显知情同意规则的特质、明确信息披露的标准、启用“实质性信息”概念、紧缩“医疗特权”的适用范围。  相似文献   

PETER RIJPKEMA 《Ratio juris》2011,24(4):413-434
According to contemporary legal positivism, law claims to create obligations. In order for law to be able to create obligations, it must be capable of having authority. Legal positivism claims that for law to be capable of having authority, it only has to meet non‐moral or non‐normative conditions of authority. In this paper it is argued that law can only be capable of having authority if it also meets certain normative conditions. But if something must meet certain normative conditions in order to be capable of having authority and if it must be capable of having authority in order to be law, then it is only law if it is conceivable that it meets these normative conditions and this can only be ascertained by means of an evaluation. Therefore, legal positivism's claim that determining what the law is does not necessarily, or conceptually, depend on moral or other evaluative considerations (the separation thesis) is incompatible with its claim that law must be able to create obligations. Further, an analysis of Hart's concept of law shows that it is not only possible that the identification of the law depends on moral evaluation, as Hart claims, but that it is conceptually necessary that it does.  相似文献   

首先回顾英国{2007年企业过失致人死亡罪法》的出台过程与背景,分析该法的政策意义,并指出有效控制与处罚企业违法行为的政策目的是这一法案得以通过的重要原因。之后,在上述论断的基础上,介绍了英美国家企业刑事责任论近年的发展情况,并分析其中从个人到组织、从主观到客观的发展趋势。最后,提出在企业犯罪频发的现阶段,为了更好地发挥刑罚的预防功能,我国也需要对目前的单位刑事责任论进行反思。  相似文献   

周诗岳 《行政与法》2004,(9):126-128
香港、澳门回归祖国后,中国将成为多法域的国家。在中国大陆涉港、涉澳的民事、商事关系中,必然会发生法律冲突,需要解决法律适用问题。为此,就应当制定中国区际私法。从中国实际出发,研究制定中国区际私法的迫切性、中国区际私法立法应遵循的原则、中国区际私法应包含的基本内容等问题,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

MP3 has become the first major buzzword of the 21st Century. Love it or hate it, MP3 is here to stay, but will it lead to the death of the popular music as we know it, or will it revitalise an industry that many believed was already in a state of decline. The early evidence suggests that it is unlikely that MP3 will cause the demise of either the record industry or of copyright law, but it is certainly the case that MP3 and its associated technologies will have a transformative effect upon both. This article explores the debates that MP3 has given rise to and evaluates the role that law is playing in shaping the future of contemporary popular music.  相似文献   

Conclusion Though this essay has been concerned with the possibility of value-neutral inquiry in criminology, its central purpose has been much broader. It has been argued, controversially, that not only is it impossible to sustain the fact/value distinction in social science, but that such a finding does not commit us to a science that is merely ideologically contingent relativism. In this view, it is possible (and necessary) to conceive of a social scientific enterprise that can apprehend an objective material reality that exists independent of our consciousness of it without succumbing to the pretense of value-neutrality. Because the argument that has been made here is a quite unusual one, it cannot hope to claim finality for its findings. However, if it begins the process of provoking debate and discussion on these issues, it will have accomplished its purpose.I wish to acknowledge the helpful comments of two anonymous reviewers. Though I did not follow their advice in every instance, to the extent that this essay is a better product, it is due largely to them.  相似文献   

董邦俊 《河北法学》2004,22(4):67-69
贪污罪的概念是关系到贪污罪的认定的重大问题。然而刑法界对贪污罪的概念的表述各不相同,对贪污罪概念的重构已成为当务之急。结合实践,通过比较研究,对贪污罪作出了新的界定。  相似文献   

不动产财产权的自由与限制——以台湾地区的法制为中心   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
谢哲胜 《中国法学》2006,27(3):139-151
不动产财产权自由尽管有不完美之处,但其仍然是一项原则,对其的限制应视为例外。简单地说,只有在不动产财产权自由无法达到福祉最大时,才会思考对其限制与否。不动产财产权自由的不完美并不当然意味着对其应予以限制,只有认定限制所带来的福祉高于限制的成本时,才有限制的必要。对不动产财产权的限制必须符合正当法律程序,才符合宪法保障财产权的精神,并求得不动产财产权自由与限制的平衡。  相似文献   

Evasion in private international law differs from fraud of law in domestic law, which has been generally agreed upon in academic and judicial circles. However, in China’s private international law, the theories on “evasion,” are very confusing and quite a few Chinese academicians appear more declined to accept it as natural phenomenon in conflict of laws. Similarly, both Chinese judges and legislators take a conservative approach towards it. By comparative and historical methods, the definition of evasion is to be clarified in this paper. Also, it is to argue that evasion differs from fraud of law in the context of domestic law and it is necessary to elucidate it.  相似文献   

邱宁 《法学杂志》2012,33(4):143-146
未经许可创作的演绎作品因其特殊性而游走于合法与非法之间。相对于原作品而言,未发表的未经许可创作的演绎作品是合法作品,公开使用的未经许可创作的演绎作品却是侵权作品。而相对于侵犯演绎作品的第三人而言,无论未发表还是公开使用的未经许可创作的演绎作品均因其凝聚了演绎人的智力劳动而具有合法性,应受到我国《著作权法》的保护。  相似文献   

政府特许经营合同法律性质新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政府特许经营合同是政府与私人投资者间就市政公用行业或基础设施领域中某个项目的建设、经营、移交而签订的协议。它的法律性质在学界是一个争议颇多的问题,主要有行政合同与民事合同之争。由于政府特许经营合同兼具行政合同与民事合同的特征,不能将其归类为单纯的行政合同或民事合同。它体现的法律关系更符合经济法的调整对象,因此是经济法意义上的合同。  相似文献   

具有担保功能的权利,并非都是担保物权。如果一项权利既不符合担保物权的特征,亦有违物权法的基本原则,就不属于担保物权。对比浮动抵押与担保物权的特征可以发现,浮动抵押有担保功能但并非担保物权。在民法典编纂背景下,宜将浮动抵押从担保物权体系剔除。考察比较法资料,结合“charge”的词源语义,遵循语言翻译的忠实严谨原则,宜将“floating charge”译为“浮动担保”而非“浮动抵押”。至于浮动担保何去何从,相对合理的方案是将其嵌入合同法域,规定于我国民法典合同编之“合同的担保”章节,以此彰显民法典的体系性与逻辑性。  相似文献   

骗取婚姻证现象与立法缺失的困惑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹茂国 《行政与法》2007,(9):109-111
实践中存在骗取婚姻证现象,但我国现行婚姻立法中并无该问题的具体处理规定,从而在实践中造成诸多困惑问题。因此,有必要从完善我国婚姻立法入手,对该现象做出明确而具体的处理规定。  相似文献   

Intention is at the heart of criminal law. If it is not the mens rea requirement found most often in offences, it is still the standard against which other grades of fault tend relatively to be judged. It has generated much controversy, as the crucial question, “Did the defendant intend X?” is resistant to clear answers. This paper argues that intention‐questions are difficult because intention is not the thing law takes it to be: Importantly, contrary to law's assumptions, it is neither a state of mind nor is it connected in an exclusive manner to the reasons for which we act.  相似文献   

让与担保所起的主要作用是将抵押权的标的物范围扩大到动产之上 ,从而实现动产担保的非移转占有化以兼顾债权之确保的需求和担保提供人对担保物用益之需求。对于这一功能我国已经通过动产抵押制度得以实现 ,已经没有必要再进行重复的制度设计。让与担保的第二个功能是简化担保物权实现的程序降低交易成本 ,但是这一功能违反了担保法的基本精神———寻求债权人与债务人之间的利益平衡 ,从而违反正义观念 ,因为其实际上规避了流质禁止条款而对债务人形成压迫。让与担保的其他功能 ,则完全可以通过对现行担保方式进行一定程度之完善而得以实现 ,而物权法没有必要创设在我国根本没有根基的让与担保制度 ,否则只能是徒增麻烦而已  相似文献   

信用卡犯罪若干疑难问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢望原  史全领 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):104-112
本文针对信用卡犯罪理论上和实践中存在的诸多疑难问题进行了深入研究。笔者认为:盗窃信用卡并使用的定性应具体问题具体分析,不宜笼统地以盗窃罪论处;对捡拾信用卡及其后续行为的认定应分而论之;盗划信用卡应当以信用卡诈骗罪论处;与信用卡有关的勾结犯罪、持有犯罪、恶意透支等问题也应区别对待。此外,笔者还对信用卡犯罪在立法上存在的空缺及司法上存在的错误倾向提出了建设性完善意见。  相似文献   

真实世界中的权利冲突   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
熊静波 《时代法学》2004,2(3):45-50
为了研究权利冲突这种法律现象 ,有对其进行科学的界定之必要。以合法性和正当性作为标准做出界定是不科学的 ,其结果将会导致对道德权利等其他权利的不尊重或把问题引向相对主义。从权利形态角度来看权利冲突 ,权利冲突包括法定权利之间的冲突 ,也包括其他各种形态权利之间的冲突。权利冲突是由权利主体在权利实现和救济过程中引发的一种状态。  相似文献   

依法行政是实现全面小康社会的动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依法行政,是我党执政为民,维护和实现最广大人民群众根本利益的集中体现;依法行政,是加快发展,实现经济建设目标,发展社会主义物质文明的重要保证;依法行政是发展社会主义民主政治,实现依法治国的战略,建设社会主义政治文明的本质要求;依法行政对精神文明建设具有重要的保护、配合和引导作用;依法行政,是落实党中央改革、发展、稳定战略方针,加强政府自身建设,巩固和发展安定团结局面的需要。  相似文献   

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