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夏正林 《南风窗》2012,(20):36-37
地方官员政绩考核一直是我国政府官员管理的重要手段,目前更有强化的趋势。许多地方和高校都在忙着研究和建立健全所谓新的政绩考核指标体系,比如有一项重大的国家社科基金项目是专门研究政绩考核指标体系的,主持该课题的教授也有一定的影响力,各地方政府官员登门拜访络绎不绝,其原因无非是想该教授在设计政绩考核指标时对自己有利些。虽然关于政绩考核中存在的问题也经常见诸报端,然而,笔者认为,仅仅看到政绩考核过程中存在的问题  相似文献   

江一韦 《南风窗》2011,(18):20-22
从南京的制度设计思路看,自上而下的考核制仍为官员考绩的程序主体,着重改革的是考核指标,抛弃了GDP指数,突出了各项民生指数的重要性,同时明确了奖惩措施。这是告别GDP崇拜重要的一步。  相似文献   

科学地考核和评价领导干部的政绩,是选拔、任用、监督和管理干部的基础与前提。对干部政绩的考核和评价是一根"指挥棒",直接影响着干部的政绩观和创造政绩的行为方式。在政绩量化考核中,要理性地对待量化考核可能带来的科学理性与社会理性的断裂、公众信任与政绩合法性的双重危机的风险,充分发挥政绩量化考核的内在价值和外在价值在干部考核评价中的作用,从而为制定经得起"实践、人民、历史"检验的政绩考评体系奠定基础。  相似文献   

佐勒卡尔·阿里·布托(Zulfikar Ali Bhntto,1928—1979),巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国第一任总理,巴人民党创始人,是六、七十年代叱咤风云式的人物,誉满世界。对阿·布托其人及其思想,巴基斯坦内外有种种评价,褒贬不一,有的甚至截然对立。他的政敌说他是"专制魔王","巴基斯坦的波拿巴"、"穆斯林的叛徒"、"骗子"、"侩子手"等等。而巴基斯坦人民党则视他为神明,歌功颂德,并力图重振其业绩,继承并发扬其思想——布托主义。本文也试图对布托的政绩及布托主义作一初浅探讨,提出一些不成熟的看法。  相似文献   

根据北京市政府办公厅通知精神和关于对区、县政府与工会建立联席会议制度情况进行检查的工作方案要求,为进一步推动政府与工会联席会议制度的贯彻落实,迎接北京市政府  相似文献   

日前,建工集团总承包二部召开职工代表会议,从“德能勤绩廉”五个方面对8名企业领导  相似文献   

公元1994年至2004年,这跨越世纪的10年,对于中国东部沿海的一个默默无名的小镇来说是风云际会、铸造辉煌的10年。在旧建制消亡、新建制诞生的空白处,历史长河悄悄选准了浙江台州的路桥镇作为突破口。10年间,依靠民营经济,路桥小镇的国内生产总值从26亿元猛增到130亿元,财政收入从1.82亿元猛增到12.77 亿元。这个过去的农村集镇一跃成为一个经济强市的主城区,成为民资的天堂。  相似文献   

日前,北京市百货大楼工会推出了“喜迎金猴贺新春,两节销售开门红”为主题的劳动竞赛,并结出硕果:此次竞赛共评出最佳效益奖、单品营销奖、销售组织奖、团购销售  相似文献   

北京地铁职工技术协会是工会领导下的职工自愿结合开展群众性科技活动的社会团体。它兴于地铁事业,扎根于地铁事业,服务于地铁事业。  相似文献   

2005年,北京市各级工会以提高平等协商集体合同工作实效性为重点,积极推动规范工资集体协商和区域性行业性集体协商试点,在推动集体合同立法、提高集体合同文本质量、建立工资指导员队伍等方面实现了新的突破。《北京市集体合同条例》的颁布实施,为新形势下工会依法维护职工各项合法权益提供的保障,创造了新的机遇,也成为了2005年工会工作的主要特色之  相似文献   

The world is urbanizing rapidly, yet Western military forces have yet to come to terms with the peculiar demands of urban warfare. The harsh urban environment, particularly in the developing world, is an ideal arena for “asymmetrical” adversaries seeking to neutralize the technological, logistical, and organizational advantages currently enjoyed by modern military forces.

After examining some of the security implications of urbanization, this article explores three recent representative examples of urban warfare: Beirut (1982), Mogadishu (1993), and Grozny (1994–1995). In each case study, the organization, equipment, and training of the forces involved are examined, and conclusions are drawn about what types of military systems, munitions, and force structure were effective, and why.

The final section of the article draws together lessons from these case studies and from other accounts of urban battles in an effort to understand what is needed to improve military performance in this environment. The author concludes that greater effectiveness will require changes in organization and equipment; more important, it will also require a change in a military organizational culture that has largely ignored the challenge of fighting an asymmetrical adversary on urban terrain.  相似文献   

The development of modern information and communication technology (ICT) fundamentally impacts the way citizens and governments interact with each other. In this context, mobile ICT is an essential driver for governments around the world to provide public services to citizens and organizations. Against this background, mobile government has significantly increased in importance for practitioners and has become a fruitful field of scientific research. Given the lack of empirical research on the attractiveness of mobile government, this study examines the key determinants of mobile government attractiveness.  相似文献   

The direct relationship between government effectiveness and the population's well-being has generated a growing interest about the explanatory factors of governance quality. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine the determinants of government effectiveness, in relation to the organizational environment and political and internal characteristics of public administrations. For this, we used a sample composed by 202 countries observed between 2002 and 2008. A World Bank governance indicator represents the government effectiveness. We estimated a panel data dependence model by the Generalized Method of Moments estimator to avoid heterogeneity and endogeneity problems. Furthermore, a CHAID algorithm provides a classification of governance quality according to the predicted determinants.

The results show that government effectiveness is initially explained by the organizational environment, related to economic development and educational status. Later, and according to countries’ income distribution, political constrains and some organizational characteristics, such as gender diversity and government size, may improve governance quality.  相似文献   

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