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指纹可以通过它的形态和特征进行人类的个体识别,但对模糊、残缺、重叠、变形的指纹要给予同一认定是相当困难的,笔者应用红细胞粘连试验对指纹的ABO血型进行检验,收到了较好的效果,现报告如下,供同行参考。  相似文献   

恒河猴ABO血型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用A型、B型、AB型血清,及抗-A与抗-B单克隆抗体对113只猕猴的ABO血型进行了测试。结果表明:在恒河猴(Macacamulatta)红细胞表面及血清中均未证明有类人凝集原和凝集素存在。但可根据其唾液中类人ABH型物质存在的情况判定该动物的类人血型。本实验检出的血型表型频率分别为:A型17.70%;B型52.21%;AB型20.36%;O型9.73%。该结果与国外报道的血型分布频率有差异。  相似文献   

苏保军 《法医学杂志》2001,17(1):35-35,37
探讨热解离法在不同条件下的实验效果。对已知血型的血痕用改进的氨水涂膜热解离法进行 ABH血型物质测定 ,结果显示检材在 4℃冰箱中吸收 15min左右、 56℃恒温箱中解离 10min后再加入指示红细胞继续解离 5min观察效果最好。此法简单易行,适用于基层单位。  相似文献   

人体组织中ABH物质分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本研究采用特异性红细胞粘附试验(SRCA 试验)方法,系统地研究了11例已知 ABO 血型及分泌状态尸体的38种组织器官 ABH 物质的定位与分布,发现粘膜、粘液腺及前列腺中均含有丰富的 ABH 物质,并受分泌状态控制。血管内皮细胞、复层上皮细胞、胰腺腺泡上皮及汗腺中也含有较多的 ABH 物质,但不受分泌状态的影响。新发现肺泡上皮、肝小胆管粘膜上皮亦含有 ABH 物质。其它组织器官除自身的血管内皮及红细胞含有 ABH 物质外,均未测出 ABH 物质。采用 SRCA 试验,室温放置13天的皮肤组织亦能正确地测出其 ABO 血型。  相似文献   

在一些刑事案件中,由于受到案发现场与当时环境所限,有时还缺乏对血痕规范化提取的认识和把握,从而致使现场提取的血痕所用载体种类各异,不仅给检验过程带来了诸多不必要的麻烦,而且对检验结果的判定也会造成不同程度的影响。本文就检案过程中经常遇到的检材载体作一初步对比分析。1 检 材随机抽取既往办案过程中保留存放下来的检材138份:其中医用纱布为载体的检材77份;化纤类为载体的检材2 7份;脱脂棉为载体的检材16份;卫生纸为载体的检材18份。2 试剂及方法血清采用公安部物证鉴定中心制备的标准抗A、抗B、抗H血清。指示红细胞采用新…  相似文献   

本文用TNE缓冲液浸泡提取混合斑中的精子和阴道上皮细胞,用高效价单克隆抗A、抗B血清进行吸附,加入含2.5%鸡白蛋白的红细胞指示悬液进行红细胞粘连试验。结果,精子和阴道上皮细胞能与相应的红细胞粘连,可同时判定混合斑中精子和阴道上皮细胞的血型。  相似文献   

周月琴  刘志萍 《法医学杂志》1997,13(3):151-151,153
本文应用96孔Ⅴ型微量酶标板,采用双向吸收-抑制试验对人指甲内ABH血型物质的测定进行了初步探索,对8例A型、8例B型、6例AB型和5例O型人的指甲进行了检测,其结果与已知血型完全相符。实验表明,用96孔Ⅴ型微量酶标板进行双向吸收一抑制试验,检测人指甲内ABH血型物质是可行的。  相似文献   

本文对毛发ABO血型的冰箱内静置吸收法及减压吸收法进行了一些改进,采用离心吸收法检验毛发ABO血型,此法具有快速、准确、操作简单等优点,便于基层使用。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种一次检测微量血痕的种属来源、ABO 型、红细胞酶 EsD、PGM_1表型的方法。用盲法共测151份已知血痕种属来源 ABO 血型、EsD 与 PGM_1表型的血痕纤维,均能正确判型、吻合率为100%。  相似文献   

用本文报道的方法检测了123份混合斑检材(新鲜混合斑60份,陈旧混合斑63份),对保存在一年内的混合斑中精液成份中的血型物质检出率可达100%。  相似文献   

The presence of A, B and H group specific substances in vitreous humor taken from 105 human corpses was determined. Good agreement was obtained between these group substances and the ABO blood group. The relationship with the secretor type is discussed.  相似文献   

Illicit fentanyl has flooded the United States' drug market, increasing the risk of overdose and poisonings throughout the general population and accidental exposure among law enforcement officers confiscating the increasing number of seizures. Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are used to obtain presumptive information about the presence of fentanyl in a suspected sample. However, their adoption by law enforcement personnel and seized-drug analysts has been limited because most products are advertised for urine testing, not for assays using water solutions. This study presents an evaluation of four commercial FTS: Rapid Response from BTNX, Inc.; T-Dip Fentanyl (FTY) Urine Dip Cards obtained from Amazon.com ; Premier BioDip FYL10 from Premier Biotech Inc.; and MobileDetect Fentanyl strips from DetectaChem, Inc. Performance characteristics curves were used to compare the products' sensitivity, showing that all can reliably detect fentanyl in aqueous solutions at concentrations below 1 μg/mL, with some of the tests able to reliably detect the drug at 200 ng/mL. A stability study demonstrates the performance of all four FTS brands was only slightly affected after 30 days of storage at two extreme environmental conditions. Fentanyl-related substances are also evaluated using the Rapid Response FTS, which showed high cross-reactivity with para-fluorofentanyl and acetylfentanyl, but lower with ortho-chlorofentanyl, carfentanil, and 4-ANPP. Users should be aware that FTS may give false-negative results even when potentially dangerous levels of carfentanil are present. When testing other common drugs, adulterants, and diluents frequently encountered in seized tablets, concentration-dependent results were obtained and multiple instances of false positives were recorded.  相似文献   

A high selective screening test (Ad-Tip method) for methamphetamine in human urine has been devised. The method involves a brief extraction from a urine sample with an Ad-Tip (ODS-silica minicolumn), washing, eluting with modified Simon's reagent, and coloration with carbonate buffer. Detection limit of methamphetamine in urine is 1 microgram/ml and the test takes within 3 min/sample. The results of the Ad-Tip method were almost identical to those of laboratory analyses.  相似文献   

单个细胞DNA样本的制备及其在灵敏度分析中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的建立一种用于高精确灵敏度分析的微量DNA样本制备方法。方法用显微捕获技术制备以细胞为单位的DNA样本,并用于ProfilerPlus试剂盒及ABI310遗传分析仪的灵敏度测试。结果建立了单细胞捕获操作方案,成功制备了依次含1~11个细胞的一组DNA分析样本,并可准确用于ProfilerPlus誖试剂盒及ABI310遗传分析仪的灵敏度研究。结论基于显微操作技术的高精确微量DNA分析样本制备方法可准确用于分析技术方法的灵敏度研究  相似文献   

Semenogelin (Sg), a protein originating in the seminal vesicles and a substrate for prostate specific antigen (PSA or p30), is a useful marker for the identification of semen. And detection of Sg has been available commercially in a membrane test recently. PSA is commonly used to detect semen in forensic significant samples taken from sexual assault cases. The strip PSA test has been available commercially from various manufacturers for many years. In this study, we evaluated two immunochromatographic membrane tests, one for Sg and the other for PSA by analyzing human semen, other human bodily fluids/materials including urine, blood, saliva, sweat, breast milk, vaginal secretion and fecal materials, semen from various animals and forensic casework samples. The data demonstrate that both Sg and PSA strip tests provide rapid and sensitive method for identification of seminal plasma. These results show that the immunochromatographic method for Sg detection is useful for the identification of seminal plasma in forensic samples, an alternative to the method for PSA detection.  相似文献   

卡方检验和精确检验在HWE检验中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了几种不同数据处理方法卡方检验和精确检验在法医人类遗传标记群体遗传学研究Hardy-Wein鄄berg平衡检验中的应用。强调了精确检验在多等位基因标记系统,尤其是以VNTR、STR为代表的法医DNA分析研究中的重要性。  相似文献   

人精浆中A型血型物质的分离纯化及理化性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用凝胶过滤、阴离子高速液相色谱及免疫亲合层析方法成功地从A型分泌型人精浆中分离、纯化了具有A型活性的精浆血型物质(SPBGS-A)。理化分析结果表明:SPBGS-A为表现单一A型活性、分子量不均一的糖蛋白。其分子量约为100KD;等电点在pH2.7~3.5之间;糖含量占72.5%;蛋白质含量占24.2%。共检出了16种氨基酸成分,其中苏氨酸、丝氨酸及脯氨酸的含量约占50%。经与其它水溶性血型物质在化学组成上进行比较,提示其可能具有一定的器官特异性。  相似文献   

In contrast to blood serology, which usually fails in specimens more than a few days old, immunohistochemistry (PAP technique) provided reliable information on the blood group (ABO) and, in most cases, also the secretor character of 23 kidney specimens stored for months at room temperature. Better results were obtained with monoclonal antibodies than with human sera. In the late stages of decomposition, blood group diagnosis is based on the more decomposition-resistant antigens of the collecting tubular epithelium (in secretors) and the endothelia of the arteriolae medullares rectae and not on the identification of erythrocytic antigens. In addition, a decomposition-resistant epithelial antigen in the distal convoluted tubules (Tc II) is unmasked by autolysis or heterolysis. "Blood group" antigens were frequently detected in bacteria and fungi. These antigens, however, were clearly distinguishable from blood group characters of the tissue. A transient, weak, false-positive reaction with monoclonal anti-B appeared in decomposed Tc II epithelia.  相似文献   

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