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Gyantse was once Tibet's third most important city lying astride the main trade routes from India, Bhutan and Nepal to Lhasa. For many centuries yak caravans carried bags of sheep and yak wool from the north of Tibet to Gyantse from where it was exported to the southern countries.  相似文献   

EconomicDevelopmentontheRoofoftheWorldBystaffrepoterPENGJIANQUNMoreinformationfromtheChinesepointofviewaboutoneoftheworld'sla...  相似文献   

ack home in Scotland I was a 'weekend mountaineer' -most weekends were spent climbing mountains and experiencing the great outdoors. Compared to China Scotland's mountains are small (mostly under 1000 metres high). Many times I thought I would love to see the highest in the World - the Himalayas. Recently that dream came true when I flew south from Beijing to Lhasa.  相似文献   

刘志强 《人权》2007,6(6):34-36
自"人权"入宪以来,人权法作为新型、交叉学科,在全国高校法学院或人权研究机构倍受重视,大有成为法学教育十四门核心课程之外的"第十五门"课程之势。如何在高校法学院开展人权法教学?目前法学界并没有达成共同的认识。  相似文献   

QIKOU is a small town about 6 hours' bus ride from Tai-yuan, capital of Shanxi Province. From the 17th cen-tury to the 1940s, it was the wealthiest town on the Yellow River. Qikou harbor is halfway along the Yellow River. and oil giant Mobil once had its China branch office there. Former Chinese financial tycoon Kung Hsiang-hsi also had a business in Qikou. It began to  相似文献   

Mappingthe"RoofoftheWorld"¥(Afterseveralunsuccessfulattemptsatacomprehensivesurveyofthehighestmountainintheworld,ateamofChine...  相似文献   

HE "Tibet Issue" was conceived at a time when Western imperialists were determined to invade and carve up China. They wooed and promoted separatist forces in Tibet from among the serf-owning class, which likewise wished to split Tibet from China with the support of imperialists. Between them, the two sides colluded and fabricated the "Tibet Issue."  相似文献   

IN 2004. the Chinese government set itself the goal of building ar-harmonious society, and still more emphasis has been put on this goal in 2005. Building an harmonious society means not only encouraging growth of GDP, but also achieving harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature, and coordinated development of various social aspects. Putting into practice this-concept has revitalized Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in southwestern China's Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

THE clock had just struck 5pm when I arrived in Jin'an, the center of Songpan, an ancient county town under the jurisdiction of Sichuan's Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. I quickly checked into a hotel before setting off on my quest to unlock Songpan's ancient mysteries.  相似文献   

<正>They once owned nothing but their shadows and footprints.As"walking and talking tools,"the lives of serfs in Tibet 60 years ago were worse than those of their peers in Medieval Europe.Their misery finally came to an end in 1951 when the Central Government in Beijing and Tibet’s local government signed the agreement that brought about the region’s peaceful liberation.This year  相似文献   

It was in March 2003. I had the honor to meet a Tibetan young man coming from the snow-capped plateau. Slim and tall, he looked delicate and easy in manners. Wearing a pair of glasses, his eyes were bright and shining. Born in a pasture in the Qamdo area of Tibet, he speaks fluent Han language, revealing that he received higher education in the Han-inhabited area. He is Tudeng Kezhu, now serving as the deputy dean and associate professor of the Economics Department of Tibet University in Lhasa and came to Beijing for the first session of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).  相似文献   

Early one January morning I sat in a modern Daewoo coach of Yunnan Express as it pulled out of Kunming‘s Long Distance Bus Station. I was heading to the warmth of southern Yunnan, to Gejiu, capital of Honghe Prefecture.  相似文献   

Yunnan is one of China's most beautiful and fascinating provinces. Home to many colourful ethnic groups it is an ideal tourist destination. However many of its finest locations are isolated because of physical geography. To overcome this problem considerable investment has been put into building airports. Recently one opened at Zhongdian, a possible Shangri-La high on the remote Deqin Plateau close to Tibet. This has created exciting travel opportunities with a new air route being developed from Chengdu and  相似文献   

How did a traditional folk game of an ethnic minority group in China evolve into a modern sports event adopted at the national-level games? The story of the "stilt horse" will give you an answer.  相似文献   

Americans are well educated, and there is a China Town in every major American city, but when we talked to local residents they showed interest in Chinese food, kungfu and asked nothing about any other aspect of China. We soon noticed a prevailing arrogance towards non-native English speakers.  相似文献   

China and its 1.3 billion people have created enormous wealth for the world. It has the world’s second largest GDP, which is fueled by strong domestic demand, an asset that protected the country from the impact of the global financial crisis and elevated its  相似文献   

TECHNICALLY, they should be called friends of backpackers, but pronounced in Chinese, the name of this popular group of outdoor enthusiasts means "friends of donkeys."No one knows the exact origins of the backpacker phenomenon, yet tens of thousands of people have joined in this eco-centric activity. Escaping concrete and steel-heavy city vistas, these adventurers  相似文献   

哎/月亮出来亮汪汪,亮汪汪,想起我的阿哥在深山,哥像月亮天上走天上走/哥啊,哥啊,山下小河淌水清悠悠。哎/月亮出来照半坡,照半坡,望见月亮想起我尼郎,一阵清风吹上坡吹上坡/哥啊,哥啊,你可听见阿妹叫阿哥。说起优美动听的云南民歌《小河淌水》可能无人不知,无人不晓。可是说到  相似文献   

FOR centuries, Southwest China's Yunnan Province has been known as home of black tea. It was in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) that caravans began to transport bricks of tea from Xi shuangbanna and Simao to India, passing through Yunnan's Dali and Lijiang and Tibet. The route became known as the Ancient Tea-Horse Trail. By the time it had reached India, the tea fermented and turned black. It was then bought by merchants that took it to Europe and other parts of the world.At the southern end of the Chinese  相似文献   

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