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This article intends to cast new light on the history of the Italian left-wing armed struggle using the research perspectives offered by Critical Terrorism Studies (CTS). The object of the analysis is Prima Linea (Front Line, PL), which in less than 5 years (1976–1981) became the second most important left-wing clandestine organisation of the Italian 1970s. On the one hand, the historical development of the organisation is divided into two distinct phases. On the other hand, three dimensions of the armed activity of PL will be considered, namely, its ideological approaches, its organisational repertoires and the choice of the targets, in order to investigate the origins, meanings and outcomes of certain framing processes related to the concept of political violence. Taking into consideration direct sources of the organisation and the debates within the social movements, this contribution contextualises these conceptualisation processes of political violence by relating them to the surrounding social context and focusing on the role played both by the structural dynamics from above, and by the theories and practices developed within the revolutionary Left. The aim is to de-exceptionalise and historicise the left-wing armed struggle in Italy and to propose a critical explanation of such phenomenon.  相似文献   

Through an analysis of how Bangladeshi NGOs have become institutionalised, the author examines patterns of bureaucratisation and professionalisation to argue that NGOs are part of a process of incorporation that mediates opposition to gender and other structural inequalities. Two important tendencies--the growing partnership between NGOs, the state, and donor agencies, and the discursive shift from social welfare and redistribution to individualism, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance--exemplify these processes. The paper shows how institutionalisation, accompanied by the conflation of civil society and NGOs, masks the loss of member-citizens' voices, channelling opposition through NGOs in ways that often compromise their interests.  相似文献   

As part of a human rights education campaign, the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee fixed 700,000 posters throughout Bangladesh. This met with opposition from the religious organizations. This paper investigates the nature and cause of the backlash and sets out strategies for how development organizations can achieve their objectives in the face of opposition. The opposition was found to be in response to interpretations of the posters based on the Holy Koran and Islamic practices, and a perceived intrusion into the professional territory of religious organizations, which affected the socioeconomic interests of these organizations' representatives. It was therefore concluded that development organizations should pre-empt such opposition by spelling out their objectives to potential critics, and formulating programs that do not provide scope for opponents to undermine their development activities.  相似文献   

This paper describes the research methodology followed in the ‘Livelihoods of the Extreme Poor Project’, a collaborative research project in Bangladesh between PROSHIKA (a large national NGO) and DFID (the UK government department for international development). The dual purpose of this project was to learn about poor people's livelihoods and train the PROSHIKA research team in the use of qualitative research methods. The research findings were to be fed directly into policy formulation and the planning of new development interventions for the poorest people in Bangladesh. The paper provides an assessment of what the approach used achieved both in terms of building staff capacity and in policy influence, concluding that it has been largely successful in achieving its purpose.  相似文献   

Remittances from migrant workers play a significant role in keeping the economy of Bangladesh vibrant, adding around six per cent to the country's GDP and helping to maintain the balance of payments. This article examines remittance flows from Hong Kong and Malaysia to Bangladesh; the dynamics of remittance practices; and the impact on the well-being of migrant families. Data were collected from 126 labour migrants (56 in Hong Kong and 70 in Malaysia) between November 2004 and October 2006. The article presents empirical data showing that while remittances are significant component of the Bangladeshi economy, a considerable amount goes to ‘unproductive’ schemes. Hence remittances at the micro level that do not significantly contribute to increasing household capacities fail to bring about the anticipated sustainable development at the macro level.

La dynamique des pratiques d'envoi de fonds et le développement : migrants bangladais à l'étranger

Les envois de fonds par les travailleurs migrants jouent un rôle considérable dans le maintien du dynamisme de l'économie du Bangladesh, car ils comptent pour environ six pour cent du PIB du pays et contribuent à maintenir la balance des paiements. Cet article examine les transferts d'argent de Hong Kong et de Malaisie vers le Bangladesh, la dynamique des pratiques d'envois de fonds et l'impact sur le bien-être des familles migrantes. Des données ont été recueillies parmi 126 ouvriers (56 à Hong Kong et 70 en Malaisie) entre novembre 2004 et octobre 2006. Cet article présente des données empiriques qui montrent que, si les envois de fonds constituent effectivement un élément considérable de l'économie bangladaise, une quantité importante va vers des programmes « non productifs ». Ainsi, les envois de fonds au niveau micro qui n'apportent pas une contribution importante à l'accroissement des capacités des ménages ne donnent pas lieu au développement durable prévu au niveau macro.

Dinâmicas de práticas de remessa e desenvolvimento: imigrantes bengaleses

As remessas feitas por trabalhadores imigrantes desempenham um papel significativo em manter a economia de Bangladesh vibrante, adicionando cerca de seis por cento do PIB do país e ajudando a manter o balanço de pagamentos. Este artigo examina os fluxos de remessa de Hong Kong e Malásia para Bangladesh, as dinâmicas das práticas de remessa e o impacto sobre o bem-estar das famílias de imigrantes. Os dados foram coletados de 126 trabalhadores imigrantes (56 em Hong Kong e 70 na Malásia) entre novembro de 2004 e outubro de 2006. O artigo apresenta dados empíricos mostrando que embora as remessas sejam um componente significativo da economia de Bangladesh, um montante considerável vai para esquemas “improdutivos”. Assim, as remessas no nível micro que não contribuem significativamente para melhorar as condições da família, não conseguem promover o desenvolvimento sustentável previsto no nível macro.

La dinámica de las remesas y el desarrollo: los migrantes de Bangladesh en el extranjero

Las remesas de los trabajadores migrantes constituyen una parte importante de la economía de Bangladesh ya que representan el seis por ciento del PIB del país y contribuyen a mantener el equilibrio de la balanza de pagos. Este ensayo analiza los flujos de remesas de Hong Kong y Malasia hacia Bangladesh, la dinámica de cómo se utilizan las remesas y su impacto en el bienestar de las familias de los migrantes. Se recopilaron estadísticas de 126 trabajadores migrantes (56 en Hong Kong y 70 en Malasia) entre noviembre de 2004 y octubre de 2006. Los datos empíricos que presenta el ensayo demuestran que, si bien las remesas son un componente significativo de la economía de Bangladesh, una parte considerable se destina a actividades “improductivas”. Por lo tanto, las remesas a nivel micro que no contribuyen de manera significativa a mejorar las condiciones de los hogares no aportan al desarrollo sustentable a nivel macro que sería deseable.  相似文献   

正On June 9th,2014,Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina,Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh,delivered a speech entitledSocioeconomic Achievements of Bangladesh in Recent Years and Partnership with Chinaat the  相似文献   

This article sets Italy in the context of three primary approaches to promoting mediation use in Europe: cultural, pragmatic, and legalistic. Despite the fact that Italy could be considered a "front-runner" in the latter category, the actual number of cases going to mediation to date has remained low. Drawing on both data from a recent CPR European Committee survey and aspects of the broader Italian legal and social context, this article explores reasons for this apparent contradiction and concludes by suggesting general principles that can be extrapolated from the Italian experience.  相似文献   

Recent interest in migrant remittances as a development resource calls attention to a deeper issue: the relationship between migration and development. Remittances may be a significant source of economic inflows to poor countries and regions, but their actual development impact (positive or negative) is tied to the migration processes that generate them. Attention to migration in turn creates an opportunity to think about the broader context of development policy and practice, and to re-think the boundaries that we put around our work.  相似文献   

Much recent international press coverage of Spain's difficulties portrays a country rapidly approaching political, economic and social meltdown. Its economy is contracting, its unemployment rate is at unprecedented levels and its sovereign risk premium hovers at apparently unsustainable levels. Spain will undoubtedly require external financial help from its European partners, as well as more time and flexibility to achieve its fiscal targets. But it also has a number of strengths that are too often overlooked. Spending cuts and structural reforms are proceeding at a lively pace, unit labour costs are falling significantly, and exports and productivity are on the rise. In short, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  相似文献   

今年4月15日,意大利前总理贝卢斯科尼领导的中右联盟在意大利战后第十六届议会选举中以绝对优势战胜其主要竞争对手——前罗马市长维尔特罗尼领导的政党联盟,他本人如愿以偿地第三次当选为意大利总理。这位近年来在意大利政坛上传奇般的三起三落,并一向以“多嘴”而著称的“千面总理”,再次成为世人关注的焦点人物。  相似文献   


Democratic theory has recently been marked by a renewed interest in political representation that is manifest in, and proceeds from, a series of theoretical works that radically open up the concept of representation. This introductory article briefly presents some of the key theoretical propositions that are brought forward by this body of literature, but also by anthropological works on South Asia, namely (i) the intrinsic plurality of the meanings and forms of political representation; (ii) the centrality and pervasiveness of representation processes in political life; and (iii) the constructivist dimension of political representation. As I introduce the four papers in this Special Issue, which collectively demonstrate the heuristic value of an engagement with such debates to understand contemporary Indian politics, I insist that what is at stake is not so much a “crisis” of political representation as a series of events and evolutions that question received knowledge about political representation in India.  相似文献   

Why has the humanitarian world already forgotten the people of Rwanda? And why do the survivors of the Rwandan genocide continue to be sidelined, particularly those women who were raped and deliberately infected with HIV/AIDS in a campaign of systematic sexual violence? The focus of humanitarian organisations shifted from Rwanda after 1994, and these women – most of whom have to maintain their households alone – are needlessly dying because they have no access to treatment. Humanitarian and development efforts will not achieve lasting benefits without better coordination and the ability to act on lessons learned.  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal - The formal conclusion of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI) has drawn much criticism. Criticisms for member states did not always recognise the same critical...  相似文献   

Listening to communities is valued by UK’s Department of International Development (DFID) for contributing to “beneficiary” empowerment and programme efficiency. This article is based on interviews with elite DFID officials to explore their understandings on how they expect NGOs to engage with local languages and the role of language intermediaries. It uncovers their perceptions of the ways that languages and cultural knowledge shape NGO relationships with communities. It finds that the officials assume that listening is unproblematic for NGOs, and ask few questions about translation and interpretation. The article concludes by reflecting on policy implications and directions for further research.  相似文献   

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