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在有关国际法与宪法的效力关系的国内法制度中,有规定宪法的效力优于国际法的,也有规定国际法的效力优于宪法的.根据有关国际法与宪法效力关系的国际法,国际法的效力优于各国宪法,每个国家都有义务依据宪法或法律采取履行国际义务的措施、不得以宪法及其他国内法为理由不履行国际义务,但各国可以利用条约保留机制处理国际条约与宪法或法律的冲突.在国际关系中,违背国际法的宪法或法律规定不具有法律效力,削定或实施违背国际法的宪法或法律规定构成国际不法行为,产生国际责任.关于违背国际法的宪法或法律规定在其本国国内的效力,应当具体情况具体分析,违背一般国际法强制性规范、违背对整个国际社会的义务或违背<公民权利和政治权利国际公约>中的缔约国在紧急情况下也不得克减保障义务的强制性条款的宪法或法律规定,应当是自始无效的.  相似文献   

This Article examines three questions: What is public health? What is public health law? What roles can lawyers play in public health? It first describes the breadth of public health, highlighting six trends shaping its future: social determinants of health; synergy between medicine and public health; shifts in focus from external (e.g., environmental and social) to internal (behavioral) risks to health; federalization of public health law; globalization of health risks and responses; and bioterrorism. Because the domains of law that apply to public health are equally broad, the Article next offers a conceptual framework for identifying the types of laws most suitable to different public health problems. Finally, the role of lawyers in the applied field of public health law is examined, first to encourage attention to law's effect on health, even laws having little apparent relationship to health; and second, to recognize that laws intended to achieve specific health outcomes may affect broader legal principles. Lawyers have a unique role to play in ensuring that the legal principles used to promote health also preserve justice.  相似文献   

杜焕芳 《中国法学》2014,(2):235-256
国际条约的文本制订及其为当事国接受仅实现了条约的形式统一,而条约的实质统一则需要通过一致解释和适用来达致。国际公法条约解释更多针对的是国家的权利和义务,而国际私法条约解释更多关涉的是私人的权利和义务,且没有相应的管辖国际私法条约的国际争议解决机构,故存在当事国解释的多样性风险。国际私法条约解释在路径上依赖条约解释的习惯法规则的同时,必须坚持自洽性和统一性解释要求。当事国在司法实践中对国际私法条约的解释,倾向于采用约文解释和目的解释方法,要求法官学会自我克制和比较借鉴,使用补充资料作为辅助手段,同时处理好多种约文文本和公共政策条款的解释问题。  相似文献   

赖长鸿 《现代法学》2002,24(5):154-158
我国现行劳动法律体系存在着形式上和内容上的缺陷。因此 ,应在探析其价值内核的基础上 ,建立和完善新型的劳动法律体系。该体系应包括 :劳动力市场主体法、劳动力市场秩序维护法、劳动宏观调控法、劳动监督检查法、社会保险法和劳动争议处理法。  相似文献   

互联网法律规制的若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张平 《知识产权》2012,(8):3-16,2
互联网应用极大地改变了人们的生活方式,互联网领域的法律问题也改变着法律的世袭领地,创造出了法律的"混血儿"。调整因互联网应用而产生的各类社会关系的法律规范即互联网法,其调整手段涉及公法和私法领域,是一个正在成长中的兼具特异性范畴和共同性范畴的综合性法律部门。互联网立法既要针对互联网发展的特点,制定互联网领域的单行法,又要在现有的民法、刑法、知识产权法等部门法中增加针对互联网领域的专门条款,以达互联网法律规制的目的。  相似文献   

This paper contains an economic review of the law regulating the liberalisation process now under way in the Italian electricity sector. The legal framework is presented focusing first on Community rules, in particular Directive 96/92, which provides for common rules for the internal electricity market, and then on the recent Italian implementation decree no. 79 of 1999. The part concerning the law is then connected with a part where the issue of liberalisation of the electricity sector is tackled in economic terms, with special focus on transition from the public monopoly that has characterised the Italian experience for some time, and also on the new interpretation of the traditional theory of natural monopoly. On the base of the legal framework and the economic theories, the features of each components of the electricity sector is finally analysed in terms of competitiveness: in particular, the future market configuration is considered for generation, for transmission, for distribution, and, for the whole market.  相似文献   

李蕊 《法学杂志》2020,(4):22-31
作为一种公共干预,管制通常是对经济事件或市场失灵的特殊回应。重大突发公共卫生事件中防疫用品市场管制基础在于防疫用品的公共性和外部性。管制必须于法有据,这就需要以相应的管制立法为前提。为有效化解法律稳定性与重大突发公共卫生事件应对所要求的及时性、灵活性的矛盾,政府需要着眼于供给和需求两端,立足防疫用品生产、销售、消费三个环节,依据相关立法遵循法定程序,出台相应的管制政策。  相似文献   

公私法的划分与法的内在结构   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
公私法的划分是法理学的基本问题之一 ,也是建设中国特色社会主义法律体系必须解决的一个基本问题。本文回顾了公私法划分的历史 ,评析了学者们关于公私法划分的根据 ,对公私法的含义进行了新的阐释 ,认为公私法的划分是法的内在结构问题 ,划分公私法的直接根据是法律调整的不同方法 ,而法律调整的方法 ,基本上或主要地决定于法律调整的对象。明确这一问题 ,有利于澄清长期困扰法理学界的一些重要问题 ,以便根据法律调整对象的不同和实际生活的需要 ,选择最佳的法律调整方法 ,这对建设中国特色社会主义法律体系具有重大的指导意义  相似文献   

海洋生态损害是人类活动对海洋生态系统功能等造成了难以恢复或不可逆转的损害。在实体法上,中国环境保护法律制度对生态利益实体权利规定不足;在程序法上,公益诉讼相关规定有所缺失。法律上的缺陷使得传统环境侵权法很难解决海洋生态损害问题。海洋生态损害索赔的权利来源有两种设定:一是物权路径,即私法想象,国家作为民事主体;二是管理权路径,即公共管理想象,国家机器作为公共管理的主体,代表社会公众或道德意义上的人类社会利益。  相似文献   

彭岳 《北方法学》2016,(6):150-157
《企业所得税法》第58条试图全面解决税收协定在国内适用的三个问题,即条约的国内法效力、适用方式和法律位阶。对于如何理解第58条中的"不同规定"与"办理",存在"绝对主权说"和"国际条约说"之争。虽然两种学说的理论依据和具体主张有所不同,但它们均以维护法律体系的纯粹性为最高目标。这两种学说并不符合中国的混合一元条约适用体制。当前,中国应采取更具实质主义导向的方法适用税收协定。  相似文献   

This article addresses legal problems posed by Security CouncilResolution 1757 of 30 May 2007, establishing the Special Tribunalfor Lebanon (‘STL’). After describing the historicalbackground of the resolution (section 1) and the plan to establishthe STL as a treaty-based institution (section 2), the paperturns to an analysis of Resolution 1757 (section 3). The authorquestions whether the Council intended to bring the Lebanon-UNagreement into force as an international treaty, and holds thatthe UN Charter does not give the Council a power to unilaterallyimpose on a member state an obligation in the form of a treaty.The author argues that in Resolution 1757 the Council did notsubstitute a Chapter VII decision for the missing ratificationof the agreement by Lebanon, but instead established the STLby making the provisions of the agreement negotiated with Lebanonan integral part of a Chapter VII resolution. Section 4 thenquestions whether the Council was entitled to procure Lebanon'sconsent to be bound by a treaty by threatening unilaterallyto put those provisions into effect through a Chapter VII resolution.After discussing certain rules of the law of treaties concerningthe coercion of a state, the author concludes that it is notthat law but the UN Charter itself that prohibits the Councilfrom exerting pressure on a member state in order to make thatstate ratify a treaty.  相似文献   

赵德铸 《行政与法》2005,(7):114-116
我国加入WTO后,国内法中著作权法规定将面临与国际法相协调的问题。其中,我国著作权法与TRIPS协议在邻接权、合理使用,出租权、权利限制、执法措施等方面均有不同程度的差距。因此,我国著作权法首先应该从法规的完善上入手,逐步缩小与TRIPS协议的差距,扩大和国外的交流与合作,吸收、借鉴国外的先进经验和法律技术,并在此基础上不断加强我国著作权的司法保护力度,完善著作权的法律保护机制。  相似文献   

Despite the maturity of the software industry, empirical research demonstrates that average software quality, when measured through the presence of software defects, is low. Such defects cause a wide array of issues, not least in the form of vulnerabilities, which support a multi-billion pound a year industry of fraud in cyber crime. This paper suggests that this is the result of market failure stemming from two factors: the first is that information asymmetry prevents the establishment of software quality prior to purchase; whilst the second is that the legal provisions available under private law are unable in their current form to adequately address software liability issues. On that basis this paper proposes the use of standardisation as a tool to address both of these shortcomings by providing an industry benchmark against which software quality can be ascertained, as well as forming a legal tool for determining causation for the purposes of establishing legal liability.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical analysis of the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention Committee's Guidance Note of Production Orders, published on 1 March 2017. The article looks at the legal controversies surrounding production orders with a cross-border element. It explains the Guidance Note's background and origins, the basic provisions in the Cybercrime Convention allowing the law enforcement authorities to order and obtain certain information and discusses the requirements that follow from the relevant provisions of the Convention. This analysis is complemented by four critical remarks on the way the Guidance Note pushes the boundaries of acceptable treaty interpretation on the necessity of the Guidance Note, its position in regard to extraterritorial enforcement jurisdiction and sovereignty, its reticence towards fundamental rights and its refusal to define or clarify the important notion of “subscriber information”. The article argues that unilateralism is not a solution. Instead of soft law plumbing, what is needed is an agreement between sovereign states checked by their constituencies.  相似文献   

条约用语的意义模糊并非一个独立问题.通过对WTO案例的实证研究可知,“shall”与“should”在权威的公共英语词典和法律英语词典中都有多义性特征,由此导致成员方和争端解决机构对WTO诸协定中“shall”与“should”具有强制性抑或劝告性意义产生分歧,影响了WTO相关规则的法律确定性和可预见性.产生这种分歧的原因较为复杂,主要包括国际法本身的局限性、条约用语的含义可能会随上下文而变化、成员依据其利益对国际法规则作不断变化和不一致的解读、语言模糊性等.采用规范分析方法、语义分析方法、实证研究、系统分析等方法,可以根据《维也纳条约法公约》第31、32条规定的习惯法解释规则合理、准确地选择“shall”与“should”的恰当含义.二者既具有强制性含义又具有劝告性含义,如何在具体语境下确定其具体含义,尚未被不充分的条约实践和条约法规则所证实.  相似文献   

Though China’s present multi-level legal rules have provided necessary guidelines to assumption of losses from unauthorized transactions in e-banking business, such problems as lack of cohesion among legal documents, unified processing of clients, lack of clear principles of imputation, and disconnection between legal provisions and practices have in fact constrained the in-depth development of e-banking business. Thus, correct philosophies shall be adhered to and carried out on the basis of dialectic criticism and meanwhile, the specific institutional designs shall be further improved. Li Siqi, Ph.D, is a professor of Law at Hunan University. Prof. Li, specializing in financial law, has released 60 research articles or so. He is of the view that the practicability of law has made it certain that study on law should stick to the society-to-society rule, though scholars relatively emphasize rule-styled legal research and holds that financial law is composed of public law and private law. Moreover, the financial sustainable economic development means that the tenet of financial law centers on safety, but not absolutely on profit; and the relation of financial and legal innovation should not be considered only in the framework of financial law. The propensity of interest pursuit of capital will not only unduly affect assessor’s judgment, but it should be under the legal freedom. Only being coupled with abstract theory of freedom doctrine, China’s financial legal innovation may be clear. Thus, the legal research should not only stick to conventional legal value, but extend to the financial safety.  相似文献   

It seemed well-settled that Chinese law provided owners of search engines with safe harbor against unreasonable interference from copyright holders. But the judgment of IFPI v. Yahoo! shook this belief. This controversial judgment is related to the rather convoluted applicable legal rules, with joint infringement rules interweaved with the safe harbor provisions. To fully expose the scope of search engine provider's liability and the legal issues of the Yahoo! China ruling in particular, this paper examines the Chinese provisions for joint infringement and liability for search engines, discusses all the Chinese “safe harbor” provisions, those in the Regulation RCIN, the Judiciary Interpretation for Digital Copyright and the Administrative Measures for Digital Copyright. Following this discussion, suggested errors in legal application in the Yahoo! China case are analyzed and a suggested right approach is argued.  相似文献   

The article analyses the impact of post-2001 counterterrorism policies on the autonomy of law, focussing on American and British measures and adopting social systems theory as a theoretical framework. Contemporary societies are conceptualised as social systems in which law operates as an autonomous subsystem. Its autonomy primarily is based on constant reference by decisions to the binary coding “legal/illegal” associated with the application of specific legal principles and procedures. Following the terrorist attacks of 2001, the structure of societal differentiation has been under attack from a twofold risk. A political risk is posed by armed organisations such as Al-Qaeda because of their threats to states sovereignty. An additional risk in relation to law depends on extraordinary powers, such as those established by certain recent antiterrorism legislation and several executive provisions. States attempt to subordinate decisions related to the new counterterrorism policies to the test of their “efficiency/inefficiency” in guaranteeing security, at the expense of questions about their “legal/illegal” nature and legal constraints. An analysis of the special detention at Guantanamo Bay provides evidence of a complex set of decisions endangering the autonomy of law.  相似文献   

Ever since the Court's judgment in Walrave, there has been a concerted effort in caselaw and doctrine to limit the horizontal direct effect of free movement provisions to exceptional circumstances. This article suggests that this effort has always been incoherent, and is simply untenable after Viking and Laval. The implications are far reaching, especially in the sphere of the free movement of capital and corporate governance where the Court is well on its way of imposing a model of shareholder primacy on European company law. Full direct horizontal effect will also have important repercussions for private law and its ability to resolve conflicts between economic freedoms and fundamental rights. Given the nature of the free movement provisions, their horizontal effect will sometimes lead to a constitutionalised market and sometimes to a marketised constitution, without there being any principled way of distinguishing between the two. In that light, horizontal direct effect is very unlikely to enhance the effectiveness of internal market law—whichever model of the social market economy it is thought to embody—and is best abandoned.  相似文献   

王勇 《现代法学》2011,33(3):142-150
长期以来,中美两国对于中美三个联合公报的法律性质存在着极大的争议:中国认为中美三个联合公报是有拘束力的条约,美国却否认这一点。这种争议的结果既严重损害了中美三个联合公报的权威性,更严重阻碍了中美关系的正常发展。根据国际条约法的基本原则和基本理论,特别是从条约的基本特征、美国国内法关于条约的定性、三个联合公报的履约情况等方面进行的深入分析表明,中美三个联合公报确定无疑是有拘束力的条约。基于此,中国政府应该积极寻求维护中美三个联合公报权威性及其条约性质的法律对策。  相似文献   

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