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内塔尼亚胡的优势此次选举原定2013年10月举行,内塔尼亚胡之所以提前大选,他认为他们的第一个优势是过去几年内,以色列执政联盟在经济上保证了以色列在全球经济不景气的背景下仍保持强劲增长。2011年以色列经济增长达4.7%,是经合成员国(OECD)的两倍;2012年经济增幅下降,也仍达3.3%。而据以《哈雷兹报》1月18日所做的选前最后一次民调显示,47%的受访者认为社会和经济问题才是最紧迫的问题。这说明内  相似文献   

Public administration in Britain is expected to operate according to the principles of good administration. However, in a climate of efficiency and value‐for‐money, agreement as to what these principles require can no longer be assumed. In particular, there may be differences between the principles supported by those engaged in the administrative process and the requirements that an increasingly interventionist judiciary see as appropriate. These differences would seem best resolved by a Code of Good Administration, the drawing up of which could be undertaken by the Select Committee on Public Administration and represent parliament's response to judicial/executive tension. Such a code would prevent the erosion of the principles of good administration, act as an authoritative document for the courts and provide select committees with a further mechanism by which to hold government to account.  相似文献   

李义松  冯露 《行政与法》2014,(8):107-111
排污权交易制度的实质是具有排放资格的单位之间就排放容量进行自由交易的制度。基于排污权交易的特殊性。则需借鉴物权理论的公示制度,构建由“公法主导”转向“公私监管”的公示制度。物权的公信力来源于公示方式的科学性和合理性。现今因为环境污染的日益严重性。排污权交易制度也需被赋予公信力。物权变动的公示和公信力涉及物权的多样性和交易的安全性。即使排污权交易不存在上述问题,但就其交易对象的数量限定性和第三人的环境利益相关性.引入物权公示制度的同时也需要增强公信力。因此本文认为,应将政府采取的“批准”方式与公示生效主义相结合来构建新型的排污权交易公示制度。这一制度的建立,既能增加交易的自由度,也能增加这一方式的公信力.  相似文献   

For decades, scholars have increasingly been concerned with media representations of crime. Content analyses have chronicled pervasive distortions in media representations of crime. Many have argued these issues are particularly troubling in the news, as it supposedly provides an invaluable democratic service, spurring many theories of crime news production. Classic works often conceptualized crime news as either a product of dominant ideologies and top–down power, or journalistic routines and values, coupled with reflexive agency by journalists. More recently scholars have argued for hybrid perspectives. However, such hybridized approaches often brusquely treat the role of ideology in crime news. This article rethinks the role of ideology in crime news production, particularly the ways in which various ideologies interact and mutually strengthen each other.  相似文献   

基于重庆市1990~2009年的数据,运用VAR模型和脉冲响应函数,实证分析了金融发展、居民金融资产与收入分配的关系。重庆市金融发展与收入分配之间非同阶单整变量,并不存在长期均衡关系。但在一阶差分VAR模型基础上所做的脉冲响应函数分析表明,金融规模扩大导致收入差距呈现由缩小到扩大再到缩小的过程;金融效率的提高则使收入差距先扩大后缩小。城乡人均储蓄比和城乡房产比都扩大了收入差距,而农村居民非农就业水平的提高则有助于缩小收入差距。  相似文献   

美国公开权研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在美国,公开权是于20世纪中叶从隐私权演变而来的一项财产权利。根据这项权利,一个人(主要是知名人物)可以控制对其形象的商业开发并从中获益。目前公开权无论是在理论上,还是在立法与司法实践上,均充满争议。司法界与学术界尚没有为公开权寻找到一种科学的理论基础,因此公开权仍是一种“尚没有得到证明”的权利。赋予知名人物以公开权,会削弱社会大众根据联邦宪法第一修正案所享有的言论自由,因此应将公开权的适用范围限制在尽可能小的程度。  相似文献   

High-risk Mexican American males were assessed for levels of psychopathy. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version was compared in a random sample of gang members with a matched community sample of violent non-gang members and samples of forensic and psychiatric patients and undergraduate students. Analysis involved t-test, chi-square, and Cronbach's alpha statistics. More than half of the gang sample were categorized as low, 44% as moderate, and only 4% as high on psychopathy. The gang members had higher scores on the total, affective, and behavioral scores than the non-gang members. High scores on adolescent antisocial behavior, poor behavioral controls, and lack of remorse were found in both samples. Gang members scored twice as high as non-gang members on lack of empathy. Both samples were lower on psychopathy than the forensics and higher than psychiatric patients and undergraduates. The results provide grounds for early intervention efforts for this high-risk population.  相似文献   

论报纸、广播、电视、网络新闻语言的语境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段业辉  杨娟 《金陵法律评论》2006,(5):142-145,160
新闻语言在语境上与日常会话有明显区别:在言语链上表现为单向与循环的差异,在交际场景上表现为虚拟与具体的对立,在交际范围上则表现为开放与封闭的不同.新闻受众也因新闻传播媒介的不同而在信息的"真"、"新"、"快"、"易"、"近"等需求上表现出不同的侧重.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study on the persistent dollarization norm in the Israeli real estate market. For many years Israeli real estate contracts have been denominated in American dollars. This contracting norm has remained surprisingly stable despite tremendous changes in the structure of the Israeli foreign currency market that severed the connection between the dollar and local inflation and added significant risks to exchange rates. Using an array of theoretical tools, I explain this puzzling phenomenon and demonstrate the centrality of social norms to the design of high‐stakes contracts. Finally, I explore the interaction between social norms and the law and highlight the potential obstacles to regulating contracting norms.  相似文献   

法制新闻宣传是社会舆论的重要组成部分,特别是在“依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家”和社会主义和谐社会建设中负有重要的责任,应该成为法治社会建设与和谐社会建设的推动力量,发挥积极的作用。一、法制新闻宣传的任务究竟是什么?在法治社会建设与和谐社会建设中,法制新闻宣传  相似文献   

美国形象权法研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
一 引 言形象权是指人们对自己的身份进行商业性使用的权利。① 其中的身份 ,包括人的姓名、肖像等等。其中的使用 ,包括自己的商业性使用和许可他人的商业性使用 ,如许可他人在商品上或广告上使用自己的姓名和肖像等等。未经许可而商业性地使用他人的身份 ,就是对他人形象权的侵犯 ,属于不正当竞争行为。与此相应 ,保护形象权的法律也是反不正当竞争法的一个组成部分。形象权起源于隐私权。在美国 ,隐私权的起源可以追溯到 1 890年由沃伦和布兰蒂斯所写的论文“关于隐私的权利”。② 他们在文章中论证说 ,法律应当承认隐私权 ,禁止擅自公…  相似文献   

The current study describes the everyday life of Israeli prisoners and analyzes the actions they perform and the language they use as a reflection of their constraints, distresses, worldviews, beliefs, and attitudes. Data were subjected to a content analysis, and the salience of the values, norms and argot terms were assessed using two measures, attention and intensity. The inmates’ values and norms and the argot expressions were divided into categories with reference to different aspects of prison experience: prisoners’ adherence to the code, inmates’ interpersonal loyalty, sexual behavior in prison, drugs, violence and miscellaneous.
April WallEmail:


In this article, we assess the role and the strength of the legislative committee system of two legislatures: the Hungarian Országgy?lés and the Israeli Knesset, by looking at the fate of private member bills over the past four legislative cycles (1998–2014 in Hungary and 2006–2019 in Israel). We find that Israeli committees allow opposition PMBs to succeed at a significantly higher rate than Hungarian committees do, even though the formal properties of the two committee systems are very similar: during the examined period, more than one-fifth of the laws that were passed by the Knesset were initiated as opposition sponsored PMB, whereas the corresponding number in the Országgy?lés was only one per cent. The central reason for this unexpected divergence in the success rate of opposition sponsored PMBs, in spite of a favourable institutional setting shared by the committee systems of the two parliaments, may lie in the different degrees of party concentration in the two legislative party systems.  相似文献   

我想着重就进一步发挥《中国司法》杂志理论宣传和理论研究主阵地作用,进一步加强杂志社的自身建设,进一步开创编辑工作和通联工作的新局面,谈谈自己的几点看法。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the different methods used to control the Israeli Arab population during the military government (1948–1966). I have sought to expand the standard conceptual framework that serves most criminologists in Israel, and discuss the broader context in which the political control of the Arab population took place. It is vital to consider this context because a significant amount of criminality among the Arab population was an outcome of the political control imposed upon it. The principal goal of the analysis is to clarify the ways in which the political control influenced the criminal process, and to point out to the theoretical and empirical importance of the links between politics and crime, when discussing crime amongst the Arab minority in Israel.  相似文献   

The effect of pretrial publicity (PTP) on juror verdicts was examined through a meta-analysis of 44 empirical tests representing 5,755 subjects. In support of the hypothesis, subjects exposed to negative PTP were significantly more likely to judge the defendant guilty compared to subjects exposed to less or no negative PTP. Greater effect sizes were produced in studies which included a pretrial verdict assessment, use of the potential juror pool as subjects, multiple points of negative information included in the PTP, real PTP, crimes of murder, sexual abuse, or drugs, and greater length of time between PTP exposure and judgment. The effect was attenuated with student subjects, use of general rather than specific PTP information, certain types of PTP content, a post-trial predeliberation verdict, and specific types of crimes. Implications of these results are discussed, along with possible mechanisms that underlie the PTP effect.  相似文献   

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