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The Confucius Institute ushered in its second decade this year.Since the first Confucius Institute was established in Uzbekistan in 2004,472 such institutes and 730 Confucius Classrooms have been established in univer-sities,as well as elementary and secondary schools,in 123 countries and regions.Some 50,000 teachers and volunteers have been dispatched abroad,educating a combined total of approximately 850,000 students  相似文献   

It’s hard to imagine the world without translators, who connect people of different cultures. On December 24, 2012, Beijing Review reporters Liu Yunyun and Ji Jing interviewed Huang Youyi, Vice Chairman and Secretary  相似文献   

<正>How a renowned composer and three of his protégés have sought to build a musical bridge between China and the United StatesWhat value can be ascribed to a once-ina-lifetime opportunity?The opportunity of a teacher who fosters a talented student that touches the entire world with his gift of music.This is the story of Chinese American composer Chou Wen-Chung and the opportunity he gave to three young Chinese  相似文献   

Subscribetodaytothefollowingforeignlanguageperiodicals;BeijingReviewisaweeklymagazinepublishedinEnglish,French,Spanish,GermanandJapanese.Sinceitsfoundingin1958,BeliingReviewhasbeenareliablesourceforreportsonChina'sdevelopingeconomy,politicalstances,scienceandtechnologicaldevelopments,cultureandsports.BeliingReviewtranslatesandpublishesChinesegovernmentandPartydocuments,significantspeeches,andlawsandstatutesstipulatedbythegovernment,thusputtingreadersintouchwithChinaaedperspectiveontheworl…  相似文献   

SOME 3,000 years ago, certain settlements in present-day Xinjiang uygur Autonomous region were sites of prosperous transcontinental commerce, with merchants coming from as far as Greece, rome and Arabia. many passed through Xinjiang on their way to China’s central plains.  相似文献   

My friend Liz was getting married.To Dima,another friend.I got the news from the couple in person one day when they came for dinner at my apartment in east Beijing.Dima lives in Tianjin,a short train-ride from the capital.Liz,a Torontite,had flown over for a new-year visit They’d been doing long distance for a year. I heard all about the proposal.Dima had dragged Liz from a bar mere minutes before the 2012 New Year countdown got underway,promising to show her his ’magic trick’ He barreled her up  相似文献   

I am now yearning for my second home.China,you are very hard to get out of one’s system,and I will return in a couple of weeks!I have just spent three months back in Australia,where the cost of living is so high that it is almost impossible to live without a second source of income.Fortunately,in my case this comes from my writing.While in Australia I negotiated two contracts,one of which was  相似文献   

英美警察学者多年来采用参与者的直接观察、问卷调查、访谈、对数据和卷宗进行分析等社会科学研究方法,围绕警察职业特点,对警察在工作过程中形成的一些普遍的心理和行为方式、以及这些心理和行为方式所产生的原因加以分析,试图找出更为科学的警察培训及管理方法,其研究成果深化了人们对警察职业和警察文化的认识和了解,丰富了警察科学的内容,影响极为深远。  相似文献   

少数民族文化传承综论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晏鲤波 《思想战线》2007,33(3):42-47
文化传承与文化保护主义者所提倡的静态保护不同,它强调的是一个动态的过程。在这个动态的过程中,发展民族经济的同时也传承和发展民族文化。民族传统文化是少数民族村寨发挥比较优势、发展旅游经济、通向现代性的重要依托。  相似文献   

开展两岸文化交流,必须深入、准确地了解两岸文化的现状,才能有的放矢收到实效。目前大陆方面谈论两岸文化的共同性较多,谈论差异性较少,两岸文化是否存在本质的差异,还没有明确的结论。通过查阅学术界对两岸文化差异的各种说法,说明多数人认定两岸文化没有本质的差异。本文从两岸社会性质、社会制度的差异出发,运用文化社会学的"文化突变"概念,论证两岸文化存在本质差异并探讨其原因,进而从当前大陆社会主义主流文化的三个组成部分,分别说明两岸文化本质差异的具体表现。在这个基础上,提出开展两岸文化交流必须重视解决的三个问题:对两岸文化异同的评估、文化交流的目的、对两岸文化差异的态度,并针对一些不同的看法提出商榷意见。  相似文献   

程欣 《前沿》2011,(7):190-192
每一种文化都有其他文化所不能替代的优点,而这些优点可能恰恰是另外一种文化的弱势所在。文化交流是文化发展的原动力,东西方文化交流源远流长,研究英国语言文学中的中国文化,有助于我们更好地理解英国人的民族性格以及文化潜意识中的英国民族心理结构。  相似文献   

文化的本质在文化即人化,确立这个理念为理解文化论争中的一些问题及其与犯罪的关系提供了新的视角。犯罪的本质具有多层次性。从文化学的视角理解犯罪的本质,应该深入考察人的动物性,包括饮食、性、自私性。犯罪乃是人的文化性得到弱化,动物性得到强化,导致动物性在人性中占据统治地位的结果。从这个意义上可以说,犯罪在本质上是非人化,也即向兽性的复归。  相似文献   

<正>In today’s global arena of interwoven and interdependent politics and business, it appears many a Western company is caught in a Catch-22 situation: They have their eye on the Chinese market, but are held back by political stigmata, as China is considered a violator of human rights in the eyes of some.  相似文献   

美国南方一贯以其显著的地区特性在美国立足,湿润闷热的气候、闲适懒散的国民性、外来移民的缺乏、长期的农业社会传统以及美国唯一一块推行过黑奴制并为此导致南北战争的地区。随着南方工业化的进行和种族问题的全国化,南方的经济与政治特性日益消失。与此同时,南方的文化特性却更加突出。美国多元文化的土壤,培养了美国南方人强烈的地区认同感,而内战失败造成的独特的围困意识更加强了南方人对自己地区人格的追求。  相似文献   

董云虎 《人权》2012,(1):2-4
<正>Luo Haocai,president of China Society for Human Rights Studies,delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 4th Beijing Forum on Human Rights on Sept.21,2011.The full text of his speech follows:In September the clouds are thinand the sky is high in Beijing.in such a fine season  相似文献   

民族文化与生态环境的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态环境与民族文化有着密不可分的联系,这种联系主要表现为:文化的存在与发展总是与生态环境的发展变化相关。一方面,文化多元性是人们在生态多样性的环境下适应性反应的产物;另一方面,在趋同的生境状况下,由于生产力低下和外来文化影响等原因,多元的民族文化在某种程度上又呈现出同一性特征。乡土传统文化模式的重构推动着民族文化与生态环境良性互动发展。  相似文献   

随着社会的加速发展,人才的国际化已成为势不可挡的浪潮。一个正在蓬勃发展的国家,一个不断革新、走向世界的城市,人才的寻觅、吸纳和合理利用是必不可少的。本期的这组笔谈,是有关的专家、学者对这一重大课题深入研究的一掬奉献,希望借此,与广大读者进行更为广泛的交流与切磋。———主持人:一凡  相似文献   

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