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具有国际竞争力的世界级装备制造业基地要有世界级的产业,世界级的企业,世界级的产品,世界级的技术,世界级的品牌,国际一流的发展环境,产品在国际市场有较强的市场竞争力和较高的市场占有率。特别是区域产业总量和核心大企业集团单体经济总量在国际市场要具有举足轻重的地位,拥有若干个国际装备制造业市场上不可或缺并影响供需平衡的产业。对照这一标准,辽宁装备制造业的总体规模还比较小,年销售收入突破百亿,特别五百亿的企业少,在国内在国际上还不具有足以影响行业和产业发展的能力。  相似文献   

在经济日益全球化、国际分工不断深化的今天,有竞争力的产业(包括相关与辅助产业)大多倾向于向某些特定的区域群集,从而形成“产业集群”。我国东北是重工业基地,组成东北群块。俄东部地区实现经济增长的必然选择是发展创新经济,因此,中俄发展产业集群合作存在必然性。  相似文献   

基于产业内贸易视角的中国与东盟产业结构调整探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、文献综述 近年来,理论界对中国与东盟产业结构和贸易结构内在联系及其调整的研究有了不少进展,形成了许多有独到见解的研究成果。贾继锋、李晓青(1997)认为,中国和东盟互补性最初在初级产品中得以体现,随着双方产业结构中制造业产品的比重上升,产业内贸易的互补性日益成为主要的发展势头。产业调整中的互补性竞争导致新的产业分工,市场容量的双向扩展又增强了产业的互补。  相似文献   

以区域经济相关理论为基石,在中国振兴东北和俄罗斯东部大开发这一历史机遇下,探索在中俄两国联系最为紧密的中国东北地区和俄罗斯东部地区形成突破国界的地方国际化产业集群。在进一步挖掘产业集群理论的基础上,从空间地域视角,探索跨国界地方产业集群形成的有效途径。以技术贸易为先导,通过科技成果产业化、技术引进与输出、集群内产业配套等方式开展广泛的产业合作,在中国东北与俄罗斯东部地区这个大区域内形成统一、开放的市场环境,促使企业在资源、要素禀赋和经济发展互补性的内在利益驱动力下,产业关联程度和分工协作不断加深,围绕特色优势产业实现空间地理上的集聚形成区域产业群落,最终推进地方国际化产业集群的形成。  相似文献   

总部集群发展问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总部经济作为一种重要的经济形态,是产业集群发展的必然趋势.从产业集群的角度看,总部经济是企业总部在空间地理上由功能集群所形成的一种聚集经济.总部集群是产业集群的一种高端形态,对一个城市的经济状况、人才、金融、基础设施要求较高.因此,总部集群发展应有其特殊的路径选择:实施集群创导战略;将总部集群与区域创新体系建设紧密结合起来;培育促进总部集群的区域社会文化环境,提高总部经济的文化竞争力;开展集群营销,创建总部集群区域品牌;建立有效的总部集群"竞合"机制;推进总部集群融入全球价值链.  相似文献   

2008年4月14日,日本与东盟在京都签署了《日本一东盟全面经济伙伴关系协定》(AJCEP)。AJCEP的签署,这是2002年1月以来日本对东盟经济外交取得的最重大成果。作为一个典型的“南北”型协定,同时也是日本首个与区域经济组织签署的自由贸易协定,AJCEP的出现既是日本对自身经济结构问题、区域经济一体化潮流和东亚区域产业分工发展的一种回应,又必将对今后的东亚区域产业分工格局产生重大影响。  相似文献   

东北老工业基地区域产业协调的机制与对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东北老工业基地改造在于产业结构的调整和升级,同时,区域协调发展是东北老工业基地改造的关键,针对东北老工业基地区域产业协调发展的现状和问题,应以区域产业协调发展的模式选择、区域产业集聚与产业集群的形成、城市化发展的空间载体与支撑效应为东北老工业基地区域产业协调的主要机制和重要突破口,建立区域产业整体发展观及区域经济合作机制;强调区域资源禀赋与产业发展的有效组合;加速响应于产业结构演变的城市化进程;整合产业发展的空间经济地域;强化区域产业协调发展的支撑系统相结合,从而促进东北老工业基地区域产业的协调发展。  相似文献   

作为强化区域特色经济的一种催化剂,浙江“会展经济”在近两三年之内进入了迅猛发展的阶段。 仅以杭州“西湖博览会”为例,浙江省一些在国内具有产业优势的“中国模具之乡”、“中国皮革之乡”、“中国纺织之都”、“中国鞋都”等城市品牌都是通过会展活动的宣传而聚焦了无数中外眼球。  相似文献   

林丽钦 《东南亚》2011,(1):59-63
东南亚国家引进外资由来已久,许多国家产业集群都是靠跨国公司投资带动发展起来的。东南亚国家较具有竞争力的产业集群都有跨国公司的参与,而跨国公司的投资都是建立在一定的产业和空间基础上的。跨国公司与东南亚国家的产业集群两者呈现出相辅相成的关系。跨国公司在东南亚国家的产业集群具有产业集中度较高、地理空间集聚明显等特征,并因此形成了一系列的竞争优势。  相似文献   

黑龙江省对俄旅游合作的新思路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域旅游合作是在市场经济基础上的资源互融、客源互动、产品互补、产业联动和利益共享的综合性合作,是以实现区域旅游产业横向联合发展,提高地方旅游总体发展水平的必然选择。  相似文献   


Brands facilitating and sustaining healthy brand communities on social networks such as Twitter benefit from collaborative engagements where members are inspired to suggest innovative ideas, solve problems and enjoy a sense of commitment to their social membership co-creative space. We explored how brand innovation practices contribute to the collective value-creating practices within the social media-based brand community hosted by the official City of Johannesburg (CoJ) Twitter account. This purposive sample include 1,232 tweets during Youth Day, followed by one in-depth, semi-structured interview with the social media manager of the CoJ Twitter account to confirm and contextualise findings. Thematic analysis in a qualitative design found five of six brand innovation practices, namely animation, openness, linking, structuring and theorisation. The CoJ social media-based brand community was co-created innovatively owing to high levels of engagement, room for fun and effective communication on service delivery issues so that the brand community continuously increases its membership and commitment. Findings confirmed eight of twelve value-creating practices, namely welcoming, empathising, governing, evangelising, justifying, grooming, customising and commoditising. The healthier a brand community, the more extensive the variety of innovation practices for a brand.  相似文献   

Dh Tustin 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):140-153

Since the mid-1990s, the changing political, economic and social environment and globalisation have contributed to change business behaviour in South Africa. Nowadays, business strategies are built alongside sustainable business goals, with renewed emphasis on quality and brand reputation management. Business intelligence (BI) systems and research demand show clear emphasis on customer brand franchising and brand citizenship in particular. Brands are no longer used only as marketing communication tools. Nowadays, brand companies seem well aware of stakeholders’ concerns with non-financial business aspects and are responding through re-branding, improved customer relations and good corporate citizenship behaviour. Consequently, direct customer feedback via customer satisfaction and franchise-building research, as well as corporate citizenship image and perception surveys have emerged as key research tools that generate business intelligence used to build and protect company reputation. The way in which contemporary research designs are constructed to guide reputation building and protection, and how these inputs are used to guide business reputation strategies form the core of this article. The discussion reveals that corporate reputation and brand management functions are increasingly being synchronised in support of customer-based brand equity, customer franchise and reputation building. This suggests substantial communality between the management functions relating to corporate reputation and branding. Corporate branding and reputation are anticipated to evolve as a core business strategy aimed at building and protecting corporate identity and image. To meet this endeavour, companies will continue to brand their identity and image and create brand awareness and customer relations to enable stakeholders to differentiate company products, services and features from competitor offerings, but will simultaneously strive to enhance customer loyalty. Customer care and ethical behaviour will probably lead the thrust in creating positive corporate reputation. As long as corporate reputation building and branding are pursued, the demand for business intelligence information related to these topics will remain a priority and will guide future marketing and communication strategies in building and protecting corporate reputation.  相似文献   

Sonja Verwey 《Communicatio》2015,41(3):320-339

The evolution of the global economy has seen the emergence of a digital market space. The collaborative and expressive nature of interactive media and technology allows users to participate in the production and publication of branded content within digital communities of affinity. This presents increased possibilities for self-expression, as well as unlimited opportunities for participation in determining and influencing brand narratives. The digital brandscape has therefore become a collaborative space where surplus brand value is produced, but also where struggles in terms of power and counter power between brands and brand consumers evolve. Against this background, this conceptual article explores the brand challenges the notion of consumer brand self-expression poses in a collaborative open-source context where brand identity is constantly challenged, and brand narratives are continuously written and rewritten by multiple brand authors. The article concludes that it is important that brands do not navigate these risks by adopting defensive stances, but rather boldly seize the opportunities that these technologies offer for creating new market linkages and for developing customer insights that create innovative brand value and impact, by tapping into opportunities for creative self-expression.  相似文献   

中国-东盟博览会永久性落户南宁以及广西北部湾经济区发展规划的战略实施,为南宁酒店业的发展带来了更加广阔的空间。但从目前酒店业的经营状况来看,情况却不容乐观。在同类型星级酒店硬件设施同质化的情况下,酒店要想获得更高的出租率,提高其在市场中的竞争力,品牌建设势在必行。  相似文献   

自1997年锦江之星酒店成为国内最早的经济型酒店以来,我国经济型酒店逐渐迈向专业化、品牌化、连锁化,呈现蓬勃发展的态势.据中国商务部和中国酒店协会组织的一项最新调查显示,当前我国的经济型酒店以连续3年翻3番的速度增长.与此同时.  相似文献   

本文从竞合理论角度探讨泛北部湾区域旅游合作,提出了竞合理论构建泛北部湾区域旅游合作的依据,并对泛北部湾区域旅游竞合关系的现状进行了优势和劣势分析,进而进一步提出了构建良性竞合关系的"七共"运行机制,即"机构共设、规划共编、品牌共建、市场共推、信息共享、交通共联、争议共商"。  相似文献   

经过努力,东盟已连续多年成为广西最大的贸易伙伴。随着中国-东盟自由贸易区构建进程加快,中国-东盟博览会自2004年起每年都在广西南宁举行,这为广西企业拓展东盟市场提供了新的机遇。在这样的背景下,我们有必要分析广西企业在拓展东盟市场过程中面临的优势和遇到的困难,提出具有针对性的对策措施,才能进一步开拓东盟市场。  相似文献   

乐颖 《亚非纵横》2011,(2):46-50
发生于2011年初的埃及政变体现了现代化的政变模式,其在程序、成本甚至特点上都呈现出与以往政变所不同的全新特征。以埃及政变为代表的这类事件有其自身的形成机制,公民社会和社交网络在其中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   


For many customers and consumers, the brand ‘is the product’. Managers and marketing specialists therefore consider branding as a key strategic tool used to create awareness, reputation and build the organisation's image. The brand image results from contacts that stem from both the marketing and communications domains. To develop a synergistic brand identity all levels of consumer interaction or contact with the brand must be addressed and not only those delivered through planned marketing communications efforts. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the theory underlying the perceived nature and role of alternative brand communication contacts, within the context of the outside-in integrated brand contact approach in the South African marketing and communications industry. Certain propositions will be formulated to serve as stimuli that can be used to critically assess the inclusion of alternative brand communications techniques as an extra function of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Suggestions for future research will be offered.

Vir baie verbruikers en kliënte is die handelsmerk die ‘produk’. Bestuurders en spesialiste in bemarking beskou die handelsmerk dus as 'n kern strategiese wapen wat aangewend word om bewuswording en reputasie te bou en die organisasie se beeld te vestig. Die handelsmerkbeeld het sy oorsprong in kontak wat uit beide die bemarkings- en kommunikasiedomeine voortvloei. Die ontwikkeling van die handelsmerkidentiteit op 'n sinergistiese wyse vereis dat alle vlakke van kontak en interaksie met die handelsmerk aangespreek word. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om 'n oorsig te gee van die teorie wat die aard en rol van alternatiewe handelsmerk kommunikasie-kontakte, in die konteks van die uitwaartse-in, geïntegreerde handelsmerk kommunikasie in die Suid Afrikaanse bemarkings- en kommunikasie-industrie, onderlê.  相似文献   

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