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In human history there is no lack of malice, revenge, or savagery. The twentieth century has seen 33 million military deaths. Victimization deaths are estimated at six times that number, at 205 million people. The past decade has seen people enslaved, tortured, raped, and persecuted as members of political, racial, ethnic, or religious groups in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. Yet we have not seen meaningful prosecution of crimes that have occurred on a massive scale. Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights José Ayala Lasso has stated that a person stands a better chance of being tried and judged for killing one human being than for killing 100,000. This paper examines reconciliation in the aftermath of protracted, deadly, wide scale conflict characterized by impunity when crimes against individuals, groups, and humanity go unpunished. It describes the relevance of moral exclusion theory to conflicts in which dehumanization and violence are normalized, and it argues that impunity is an urgent matter for psychology and social justice research.  相似文献   

"实体正义"和"程序正义"的一种后现代主义视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘文忠 《河北法学》2005,23(5):86-91
如何坚持法律的正义准则、确定司法过程中的法律价值准则是司法改革的中心问题.法律的实体正义正被解构和反思,人们开始思考行动中的法律正义,关注程序正义.后现代主义的思想家试图从现象学或者语言学等不同的角度找到一条立足于程序正义的出路,但是由于程序本身的微观性、个体化,寻找程序正义本身的道路必然是漫长的.  相似文献   

Alcoholism and drug addiction affects the entire family. At least 22 million Americans have been raised in an alcoholic environment. Parental alcoholism and/or addiction can have profound emotional and psychological scars on the children. These homes are often characterized by emotional and or physical insecurity, loneliness, terror and inconsistency. The children from these homes often are extremely insecure have low self-esteem, and have a variety of emotional problems. Adolescents from addictive homes are over-represented in juvenile court as status offenders, delinquents and abuse and neglect cases. This article will discuss this issue and implications for the juvenile justice system and personnel working with these youth  相似文献   

This Essay considers the emerging research in the area of dual‐jurisdiction children, often referred to as “crossover kids”—those currently or previously involved in maltreatment proceedings who have also committed delinquent acts. Part I describes the development of the juvenile courts in the early twentieth century. Part II of this Essay questions the need to “track” children along one legal path or another and points to the pitfalls of providing services to some children through a criminal justice paradigm instead of treating all children through a social work paradigm. Finally, Part III advocates a redesign of the juvenile court—a return to its roots—to better enable a court to consider the needs of the whole child, in context with the needs of her/his family.  相似文献   

Even young children can provide accurate accounts of experienced events if adults question them skillfully. However, most justice system personnel receive little training in evidence‐based methods to question children non‐suggestively and with developmental sensitivity. This paper summarizes key research findings about child forensic interviewing. It concludes with recommendations for judges and other justice system personnel who must engage in age‐appropriate consultation with children and outlines steps judges can take to establish evidence‐based interviewing practices by court personnel in their jurisdictions.  相似文献   

城市环境趋向好转,农村环境不断恶化这种二元趋势的凸现,提出了我国的城乡环境不正义问题。城乡环境不正义问题的出现,不仅与我国城市中心主义环境法制有关,更与我国农民实质自由严重匮缺相联系。走向城乡环境正义,不仅要消解我国环境法制中的城市中心主义,更要实现城乡居民在政治、经济与社会权利上的平等,并对农民权利实现的保障机制作出制度安排。  相似文献   


New York Times Co. v. Sullivan is arguably the most important free speech case ever decided by the Supreme Court. This case, the Court's first substantive treatment of libel law, delineated a new approach toward the treatment of free speech. Because the Court attempts to present a unified front when it cuts broad swaths in the law, a unanimous or near‐unanimous opinion was very important in Times v. Sullivan.For a time in the deliberations, however, it appeared that Justice William Brennan would not win even a bare majority for his propositions. This article examines the deliberations in the case, providing not only a renewed understanding of the importance of Times v. Sullivan, but also giving a rare glimpse of how the Court operates and how process affects result.  相似文献   

彭中礼 《时代法学》2011,9(3):26-34
以社会公平正义等为研究核心的价值法学在我国取得了令人瞩目的成绩,俨然成为法学主流学术流派。但是,我国学者在研究价值法学的过程中,缺乏对实现价值的方法的探索。这样就出现了价值法学研究兴旺,但是个案公正却很难得到维护的矛盾现象。当代中国法治建设,不仅要关注以价值为基础的宏大叙事,更需要关注实现价值的方法。追寻实现法律价值的方法是开启价值之门的智慧之钥,也是实践价值意义的基本路径,更是反思价值之路的实用之道。要从政治的、经济的和法律的层面上寻找诸如社会公平正义之类价值实现的方法。  相似文献   

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