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第一次世界大战最具威力的武器是坦克; 第二次世界大战最具威力的武器是原子弹; 未来的战争最具威力的武器是信息技术。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展,科学家和军事专家们预言,不久将会出现一系列新型武器系统,其中包括大规模杀伤性武器.下面介绍几种未来的新型武器.  相似文献   

不久前,俄总统普京在首都莫斯科召开的年度新闻发布会上称,俄拥有可击穿任何防御体系的导弹,这种神秘的导弹就是普京总统2002年下令研制的"最新式武器".据称,2010年前俄军将研制成功并部署这些"新式武器".  相似文献   

走下神坛的OICW OICW(理想单兵战斗武器Objective In-dividual Combat Weapon)这个概念已经炒作了将近十年,美国在20世纪90年代初就在JSSAP(Joint Setvice Small Arms MasterPlan——三军轻武器总规划)框架内,考虑研制突击步枪和榴弹发射器合一的步兵武器。多年的炒作中,人们已经不由自主的将OICW视为步兵单兵武器的一次革命,但从美军为OICW系统做下的定义和未来装备计划等各方面情况来看,OICW远称不上是一次革命,至多只是一次不错的改良。首先,它的基本结构  相似文献   

美军热炒"电磁珍珠港事件" 不久前,美国某权威杂志对下一场世界战争进行了预测:下一次世界灾难降临之时,看不到蘑菇云,随着一声巨响和一道闪电闪过,各种计算机系统中的一切数据都将被抹去,所有电子控制设备、电力输送网、通信网都将陷入瘫痪,除柴油机外,所有电气化引擎都将无法发动,世界将倒退200年……文章指出,这并非耸人听闻,因为新一代电磁脉冲武器大规模使用后,世界就将变成这般模样.  相似文献   

大家的眼睛都盯着美国的总统竞选,竞选人在伊拉克战争问题上采取了非常不同的立场。这是看错了地方。我相信,巴拉克·奥巴马成为美国下届总统应当可以定论了。他对伊拉克战争的看法与其竞争对手约翰.麦凯恩几乎针锋相对。奥巴马从一开始就反对美国入侵伊拉克。他认为让战争继续  相似文献   

美英联军对伊拉克的军事行动数月前落下帷幕。美国之所以能够在短短的三周内取得胜利,除了美国军事实力的强大,不同于海湾战争时的战略,精密制导武器的运用,地面部队的灵活变幻以及情报信息系统的灵敏外,还有一个不容忽视的是美国媒体在战争中的作用。从20世纪90年代以来美国发动的几场战争可以看出,宣传媒体对战争的胜败起着重要作用。  相似文献   

战争是政治的继续,战争也是经济的继续;战争是流血的政治,政治还是流油的经济。通常在一般的民众眼里,战争带来的是地区经济的创伤和物质财富的集中毁灭。然而在西方的一些利益集团的决策人物看来,战争就是天赐般的发财良机。  相似文献   

传统社会主义运动在西欧长期不振,资本主义经济危机也没能使其复兴。探究其中的原因在于,随着时代的改变,传统工人阶级很难继续担当社会主义主力军的重任,而西欧新知识阶层却显露出接替这种担当的潜质和能力,这也使西欧未来的社会主义有了新的特点。  相似文献   

21世纪即将来临,那么哪些思潮将影响和主导21世纪人类社会的走向呢?不少专家和学者认为世界经济全球化、市场化、信息化、都市化将是主导21世纪的主要因素。与此同时,人们的环保重点由污染控制转向污染预防,社会道德规范重新得到重视,也是未来世界有别于当今社会的显著特征。  相似文献   

在世界新军事变革条件下,各国都在积极开展武器装备信息化建设,以把工业时代的机械化武器装备体系逐渐改造成信息时代的信息化武器装备体系.在研发过程中,军事技术将有力地加速武器装备体系的优化,推动武器装备的信息化进程,并不断物化出具备新的实战与威慑能力的装备,引发作战方式和战争形态的重大变革.先进的武器装备是新军事革命发展的物质基础和主要推动力,未来武器装备的发展将在作战需求牵引下超越传统思维定势,从而呈现出一系列新的亮点.  相似文献   

Despite the limited number of peace museums around the world, there exists an essential role for existing peace museums to promote a culture of peace and peace education. The purpose of this article was to introduce the origins, rationale, scope and work of the Tehran Peace Museum in Iran. The concept of the museum is to facilitate peace education and develop peaceful environments drawn from the personal experiences of war survivors. The museum encompasses exhibitions about the horrors of chemical and nuclear warfare and is balanced with awareness programmes, bridge-building dialogues, connections with other peace museums and a comprehensive peace education programme catering for younger and older members of society. It offers the space and opportunity for a community of learning within the museum and welcomes fresh ideas and initiatives from visitors and volunteers. The Tehran Peace Museum is unique in its body of volunteers, men and women who have been directly affected by chemical weapons. They are involved in the Veterans Voices of Peace Oral History Project and actively voice the need for creating peaceful societies in today’s world.  相似文献   

The European Union has been the main international actor trying to contain the Iranian nuclear programme. In 2003, for the first time ever, the EU-3 adopted a coercive diplomatic approach vis-à-vis Iran. The current article begins with an analysis of the concept of coercive diplomacy before applying it to the Iranian case. In so doing, the article aims to make an interim assessment of the European (EU-3) effort.  相似文献   

The World Energy Triangle: a strategy for cooperation. Thomas Hoffman and Brian Johnson, Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger. 1981. 217pp. $20.00

Energy Futures of Developing Countries. Edited by Harlan Cleveland, New York: Praeger. 1980. 96pp. £11.00

World Energy: issues and policies. Edited by R Mabro, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1980. 367pp. £15.00

Energy for Subsistence. Margaret Haswell, London: Macmillan. 1981. 100pp. £15.00

Third World Poverty: new strategies for measuring development progress. Edited by William Paul McGreevey Farnborough, England: Lexington. 1981.215pp. £11.50

Dialogue for a New Order. Edited by Khadija Haq Oxford: Pergamon. 1980. 312pp. £16.25

Development from Above or Below? The dialectics of regional planning in developing countries. Edited by Walter B Stohr and D R Fraser Taylor, Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1981. 488pp. £17.50

Managing Development: the political dimension. Marc Lindenberg and Benjamin Crosby, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA: Kumarian. 1981. 217pp. np.

Development Perspectives. Paul Streeten, London: Macmillan. 1981. 449pp. £25.00

Recent Issues in World Development: a collection of survey articles. Edited by Paul Streeten and Richard Jolly, Oxford: Pergamon. 1981.441pp. £20.00.

Urban Poverty and Economic Development. Bruce Herrick and Barclay Hudson, London: Macmillan. 1981.188pp. £15.00.

Community Development: comparative case studies in India, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Tanzania.. Edited by R Dore and Z Mars, London: Croom Helm. 1981.446pp. £14.95.

Tribe and State in Bahrain: the transformation of social and political authority in an Arabstate.. Fuad I Khuri, London: University of Chicago Press. 1980. 289pp. £9.60.

Imperialism: pioneer of capitalism. B Warren, London: New Left Books/Verso Editions. 1981. 296pp. £10.00. £3.95 pb

The Money Lenders: Bankers in a dangerous world. Anthony Sampson, London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1981. 336pp. £7.95.

Indian Banking: nature and problems. Vasant Desai, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House. 1979. 383pp. £6.00.

Rural Banking in India. S S M Desai, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House. 1979. 387pp. £6.00.

Policy‐Making in a New State: Papua New Guinea 1972–77. Edited by J A Ballard, St. Luci, Queensland: Queensland University Press. 1981. 331pp. np.

Change in the International System. Edited by O R Holsti, R M Siverson and A L George, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 1980. 301pp. £15.00.

When Europe Speaks With One. Voice Phillip Taylor, London: Aldwych. 1979. 235pp. £13.50.

Investment and Divestment Policies in Multinational Corporations in Europe. Edited by D Van Den Bulcke, J J Boddewyn, B Martens and P Klemmer, Farnborough, England: Saxon House (in association with ECSIM). 1979. 244pp. £13.50.

US Business in South Africa: the economic, political and moral issues. Desaix Myers III, with Kenneth Propp, David Hauck and David M Liff, London: Rex Collings. 1981. 375pp. £9.50.

Conflict and Compromise in South Africa. Edited by Robert I Rot berg and John Barratt, Farnborough, England: Gower. 1980. 212pp. £13.50

African Perspectives: the economic geography of nine African states. Edited by Harm de Blij and Esmond Martin, London: Methuen. 1981. 264pp. £12.95

Nigeria Since 1970: a political and economic outline. Anthony Kirk‐Greene and Douglas Rimmer, London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1981.161pp. £3.50 pb.

The History of Sierra Leone: a concise introduction. C Magbaily Fyle, London: Evans Brothers. 1981.150pp. £2.00 pb.

Deutsche‐arabische Beziehungen. Karl Kaiser and Udo Steinbach, Munich and Vienna: R Oldenburg Verlag. 1981. 364pp. np.

The Arabs. Maxime Rodinson (translated by Arthur Goldhammer), London: Groom Helm. 1981. 188pp. £9.95. £5.95pb.

The Struggle for Land:. a political economy of the pioneer frontier in Brazil from 1930 to the present day. Joe Foweraker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 260pp. £20.00.

Ecodevelopment: economics, ecology and development. Robert Riddell, Farnborough, England: Gower. 1981. 218pp. £12.50. £7.95pb.

The Natural Resources of Trinidad and Tobago. Edited by S T G C Cooper and P R Bacon London: Edward Arnold. 1981. 223pp. £18.00.

The Asiatic Mode of Production: science and politics. Edited by Anne M Bailey and Josep R Llobera, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1981. 363pp. £7.95 pb.

Développement Agricole Dépendant et Mouvements Paysans en Amérique Latine. Edited by Lawrence R Alschuler with the collaboration of J Gélinas, T Buarque de Hollanda and A Winberg, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. 1981.218pp. np.

Dependent Agricultural Development and Agrarian Reform in Latin America. Edited by Lawrence R Alschuler with the collaboration of J Gelinas, T Buarque de Hollanda and A Winberg, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. 1981. 186pp. np.

Islam and Power. Edited by Alexander S Cudsi and Ali E Hillal Dessouki, London: Croom Helm. 1981. 204pp. £11.95.

Arab Nationalism: a critical enquiry. Bassam Tibi (translated by Marion Farouk Sluglett and Peter Sluglett), London: Macmillan. 1981. 286pp. £20.00.

Political Power in Ecuador. Osvaldo Hurtado Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. 1981. 398pp. $29.95.

Class, State and Power in the Third World: with case studies on class conflict in Latin America. James F Petras with A Eugene Havens, Morris H Morley and Peter DeWitt, London: Zed Press. 1981. 285pp. £16.95.

Genocide: its political use in the twentieth century. Leo Kuper Harmondsworth, England: Penguin. 1981.255pp. £2.95.

Nigerian Constitutional Law Reports. Volume 2, 1981 Edited by Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Lagos: Nigerian Law Publications. 1981. 498pp. Naira 30.00  相似文献   

For more than a generation, the People' Republic of China has, essentially, been without a criminal code, a civil code, a comnercia1 code and the usually-expected rules of law. In 1979, new policies were adopted to re-institute the rule of law. For the same period, it has been a country where there were, essentially, no law yers. This article describes the new policies and examines in detail two of the new laws, the criminal code and the code of criminal procedure. The characteristics of each are described and analyzed against the background of legal history in China since 1949.  相似文献   

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